Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 3437 Yes, what are you waiting for?

The sinner who split the Eye of Mist, the leader of the evil organization Mist Veil, the senior executive of the secret organization Vanitas, and the culprit who spread the evil spirit--Lopez was severely injured by the dazzling pattern master Niwu, and then set up layers of seals.

The future will be handed over to the Eye of Mist who believes in the Mist God, waiting for judgment.

Although there are no laws and corresponding law enforcement agencies in the divine world, it is reasonable for the Eye of Mist to be handed over to them as the most direct victim.

All kinds of information about Lopez has begun to stir up in major cities, and many media organizations have begun to prepare pen and ink and publish reports.

There are currently three topics that stand out the most. First, can Lopez's abilities be reproduced? How can the power of imbalance be manipulated?

Secondly, can Ni Xingwen, who controls demonic energy, be used normally by people from the God Realm?

Why can Lopez remain sane while using the inverse star glyph?

Let’s also refer to the rumored demon guardian profession. Many people are fascinated by whether it can bring a new cultivation system to the divine world.

Third, how did Lopez come back to life on a cloudless night?

Could it be said that the concept of a place of trouble corresponds to the forest of awakening?


The God of Mist has a beautiful appearance but a cold temperament, without any expression of emotion.

A layer of white mist of varying thickness surrounded her pearl-white dress, which placed her at a distance from both Niwu and President Li Yun, giving people an inaccessible and cold feeling.

In terms of positioning, he and Niwu vaguely blocked President Li Yun's escape route.

Niwu turned to look at President Li Lun, who had wheat-colored skin and was strong, wearing a suit and ties, and said nothing. He had died and been reborn many times. Only a short time had passed since she unsealed the ancient war spear and severely injured Lopez. A short time.

President Li Yun was stared at by the God of Fog and had no chance to escape from the battlefield.

However, considering that Wu Shen does not have the high awareness to cooperate with others, whether she takes action depends on whether others will threaten her, so her state is very unstable.

So Niwu planned to take down President Li Yun quickly by himself, being careful not to explode his "trash can", and then try to capture him alive.

President Li Yun felt the cold gaze and already knew that he was next. He shook his head silently and said with regret: "Looking back at the past, I have reached this step, only to realize that I have done so many mistakes."

Everyone frowned, how can one speak kindly when a person is about to die? President Li Yun began to repent? !

Before Niwu could speak, he suddenly said to himself: "The branches and leaves of the Liyun Chamber of Commerce have expanded too widely. They are all walks of life and various fields. As the president, I don't know which industries do not have our people. our money."

As the number one chamber of commerce in the God Realm, Liyun has the largest number of employees among all the major forces.

"Relying on the trading market established by our ancestors, the reputation established, the huge wealth accumulated, and the monopoly resources, our Liyun Chamber of Commerce actually controls the God Realm in a sense."

President Liyun showed a look of reminiscence. As the president of Liyun Chamber of Commerce, he enjoyed all the glory and wealth that ordinary people could not touch in his life. His long-term pampering also gave him many thoughts that he shouldn't have, and He cares less and less about promises, peace, memory and other qualities valued by the God Realm.

"I think Li Yun is qualified to build an empire with law and order, and I also believe that I can bring a better future to the divine world."

"It's just a pity that the hermit rejected us. It was at that time that I suddenly understood that power is held with one's own hands, rather than relying on the promises of others to wear a false crown."

"Since then, I have been looking for ways to break through to a higher realm, including refining the five elements of blood from living people."

Niwu frowned, looked up at the dimming sun, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and asked: "What is so charming about the position of the emperor? Is it worth it for you to not even care about your own body and end up in a crazy situation?" ”

President Li Yun suddenly burst out laughing when he heard this. He laughed so hard that he couldn't hold it back even if he wanted to. After a while, he straightened up and said:

"Let me tell you a story. You also know that due to the excessive control of business and trade by the Liyun Chamber of Commerce and the greedy behavior of some managers, it is easy to have protests and demonstrations. Rockcharor often scolded us in the newspapers."

"Do you know how to deal with those marching teams? You only need to find their organizers and promise a certain position and remuneration in private, and they will in turn help Li Yun find reasons to solve the march."

"With human society, there will be levels of hierarchy, and stronger people will control resources and power. That is a yearning engraved in your bones. You don't care because you are already in a high position."

President Li Yunhui spread his hands, and suddenly his expression changed, he covered his forehead and cursed:

"Damn it, I will definitely report you to the hermit for extracting the blood of the God Realm and using the devil's mirror to cause a series of crimes."

After a few seconds, President Li Yun trembled, regained his regretful look, and continued to dwell on his past.

Niwu's heart moved. Was it the mixed soul of President Li Yun when he was refining the blood that briefly seized the initiative, causing the strange scene just now? He suddenly cursed himself.

Is there any chance that the soul fused by President Li Yun can be divided again?

She herself is not good at this, so she can ask the Little Witch and Mavis for their opinions. They are experts in this area.

In the next few minutes, President Li Yun had two more mixed souls fighting for dominance, shouting randomly, as if he was crazy.

After a brief sobriety, President Li Yun raised his hand to take out thick books and documents, and sighed: "These are my shares in the Li Yun Chamber of Commerce, power documents, and my research materials on the road to transcendence."

"I can proudly say that in the field of the Five Elements Bloodline, no one can surpass my research."

"But I have committed unforgivable sins, lost my way, and my body is close to collapse. Just take this as my final confession."

After saying that, President Li Yun tore all the information files and research results into pages of paper, summoned a gust of wind, and blew them to the sky and the earth, blowing them towards the direction of the Awakening Forest. For a while, the sky was full of messy flying papers.

"Go find it. All my assets and my secret of transcendence are all there!"

Just as everyone's attention was subconsciously looking at those papers, President Li Yun's expression suddenly became extremely sinister. A mirror flew out of his body. The scenery on the smooth mirror surface changed from blurry to clear, reflecting the figures of Ni Wu and the God of Mist, including the hidden review trio, and the team of demons who were quietly watching.

With the power of the artifact, he easily found all the hidden people.

"I'm waiting for the slow infection of original sin. What are you waiting for?" President Li Yun's palm cracked, bleeding, and then wiped it towards the mirror.

One of the magic mirror's own abilities, as long as it can reflect the enemy's figure, it can ignore the distance, ignore the barrier, and directly attack the target's spiritual light to curse the original sin level.

He is not the real owner of the mirror yet. Using the mirror's own abilities requires a certain amount of preparation time and a price.

The trio of commentators' faces changed, and a mixture of anger, greed, jealousy, arrogance... suddenly rushed to their brains, strongly distorting their rationality and making them want to attack wantonly. Then a ball of fire burned fiercely, burning their blood and souls. The pain made Ergon groan.


Ni Wu and the God of Mist also staggered and almost fell from the sky. A ball of red flames wrapped around their bodies, burning... Everyone has original sin in their hearts, which is the fire of burning sin.

"How stupid! As long as I show a little repentance, you will believe me and listen to my nagging, you good guy."

President Liyun shook his head, and then he didn't say any more nonsense, and directly raised the mirror and smashed it at the God of Mist.

"Guess what I'm waiting for." Ni Wu laughed and easily extinguished the fire of burning sin.

The next moment, the sun dimmed, replaced by dozens of bright and dazzling stars. Lines connected the stars, vaguely forming a nimble centaur holding a bow and arrow, flowing with the majestic power of the stars.


A transcendent arrow cut through the sky, like a lightning of heavenly punishment, extremely dazzling, coming from the universe, blasting President Liyun.

"Captain Navigator!"

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