Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 361: That Sword Master... is very handsome!



To be honest, Ye Lin himself doesn't think that adding a signature to a postcard or an item of clothing has such precious meaning.

Especially his font, which can’t be said to be ugly but definitely not chic, would be embarrassing to sign...

"He is easy to talk to. It's not a big deal if he just signs. However, he is an adventurer who travels around the mainland. It is probably difficult to say whether he will accept a disciple."

Ye Lin shook his head slightly, feeling helpless. If the person who just went upstairs was really the chief maid Ma Lin, it means that the time to go to heaven is very close.

Reni and Alicia are both his half-disciples and have had family crests for a long, long time.

He didn't have much time to teach in person, and usually it was Fei Lao Xiya who pointed out a few tricks.

Compared to Xu Ancestor's careless swordsman Xi Lan, he is the equal of each other...

Ye Lin has now recognized who the girl in Taoist robes is in front of him, not only because the other party just said that she likes to use swords and is righteous and proud.

The most powerful evidence is the black horse "Sanshun" wandering around in front of Kaili's store, and there are some pocket jars in the baskets hanging on both sides of Sanshun.

In the Arad continent, they went to dig pots from various ruins to sell them. Apart from the team of the Tutan brothers, there were only Yunmi, who liked to travel, and Gabriel, the traveling (black) businessman.

Is it difficult to accept a disciple?

Yun Mi was slightly startled when he heard this, and his eyes couldn't help but dim a bit: "Yeah, I forgot about this. He is an adventurer, and he also saved Northmar and the Snowy Land."

"Well, I need a signature first. I just want to solve the problem of the sword energy not having killing intent."

She is cheerful and optimistic, and has not become unhappy. She seems to have a happy personality that takes every step and does whatever comes to mind.

"By the way, since you know him, can you tell me what he looks like?"

Yun Mi patted his baby face and complained a little: "What a green face with fangs, ten feet tall, three heads and six arms, this sounds too scary."

Compared with fighting a cosmic demon, Ye Lin thinks that controlling rumors is easier.

The most incredible statement he had ever heard in his spare time: "Ye Lin was a hundred feet tall, with a dark green complexion. He was holding a giant stick that held up the sky, and he killed the flame demon Brands with one blow."

Why does that thing sound so much like a superalloy demon?

"Handsome, very handsome. Don't listen to rumors. He is a serious human being, a sword master."

Ye Lin immediately raised his head and chest, and began to explain the appearance of the "Devil Sword Master" to the unsuspecting Yun Mi in detail. He said that he was like a jade tree in the wind, and his appearance was like that of a celestial being. He was unique and unique in the world. Don't miss it if you pass by, etc... …

After a vigorous round of encouragement, the giant beast of the sky was about to float to the devil's world, but Yun Mi's eyes were already shining with starlight, and his eyes were filled with joy. His little hands grasped the Taoist robe at his knees, and he was so excited that he could not control himself.

Ye Lin lowered his head and looked at Yun Mi who was looking forward to it. His face turned red when he saw this, and he suddenly felt guilty for deceiving an innocent and cute person. He felt quite embarrassed, but of course it was also quite satisfying.

"Ahem, I suddenly remembered that there is something else. It's hot. Drink more water."

Handing her a glass of sparkling juice, Ye Lin touched his nose and twitched the corners of his mouth, purely out of shame.

"Thank you." Yun Mi held the juice in both hands and wanted to stand up to say thank you, but her body after the poisoning was still so weak that she couldn't allow it.

It wasn't until Ye Lin went upstairs and disappeared that she remembered that they had never introduced each other by name.

In the studio on the second floor, Kelly has basically confirmed that Ma Lin's identity as the chief submissive is true.

The other party had just described the forces, nobles, and organizations in heaven in great detail. There were many things that Kelly herself had never heard of.

This is a required course in the imperial court, especially the chief maid Ma Lin, who is equivalent to the secretary of the imperial daughter Alijie, and should know all kinds of secret information.

And the facts are indeed as Ye Lin "predicted", the princess Loli was kidnapped by the Kallet organization and was required to be sacrificed in a blood sacrifice in a lawless zone.

"Speaking of which, are your Royal Capital Army and Ghent Guards so stupid?"

Kelly poured a glass of water and handed it to Ma Lin. She spoke frankly and expressed her disdain and contempt without mercy.

She was born in a lawless zone and grew up in a lawless zone. Like Paris, she is a person with little "cultivation" and cannot speak tactfully.

Ma Lin took the water glass and felt embarrassed for a while. The legendary Ardennes defense team was able to block two large-scale attacks by Kallet with just one small team.

But the "Ghent Guard", which was said to have the largest number of people, was beaten by Kallet and the princess was kidnapped. It was indeed a bit inappropriate.

"It's like this. Apostle Anton suddenly descended on the Eaton Industrial Zone and cut off the energy supply to Ghent... As the chief maid, this is my fault."

Ma Lin bowed deeply. She blamed herself all the time for failing to protect the princess, which resulted in the top leader of the heaven being captured by a group of barbaric organizations. This was a great shame.

"The captain and deputy captain of the Ghent garrison were all killed in the battle. The garrison is currently led by Zedine Schneider. She also lost an arm because of her hard fighting."

Ma Lin's voice was extremely sad. No one could have imagined that the "Eton Brothers" founded by just two men more than 20 years ago would now turn into a nightmare in the world.

"So that's it. I apologize for being abrupt." Kelly apologized in a low voice.

Since both captains died on the battlefield against the Kallet organization, she was embarrassed to accuse the other party of incompetence too much.

Then Ma Lin's eyes were burning, and she said eagerly: "Can you help me? When I see your monarch, I want to recruit reinforcements for the heaven! Drive away Kallet!"

"Pull reinforcements?"

Kelly repeated it silently, then shook her head decisively: "It's impossible. You can't get assistance from the army. What will you get as compensation?"

"I want to try! Please, I must meet the monarch." Ma Lin bowed again with standard etiquette, extremely sincere.

"You can't borrow soldiers."

Outside the studio door, Ye Lin's voice suddenly came, and he continued helplessly:

"Belmare has just returned to the country, and everything is waiting to be revitalized. The new king of Xuzu has taken office, and his power is still weak, so it is not suitable for war. Vanes is a dark elf country, and they are very wary of outsiders. The last one... Delos, national power The strongest, equally ambitious, wants to unify the continent, and has launched successive wars."

Ye Lin's tone was extremely playful. If it were Duke Jurgen, he would definitely choose the Delos Empire now.

But the consequence of temporarily resolving the urgent need is that it is easier to ask God than to send him away.

"Are you...?" Ma Lin was a little hesitant. Along the way, Yun Mi gave her a lot of information about the distribution of forces in this continent.

At present, the powerful Delos Empire is indeed the best choice.

But now that people are in the principality and unfamiliar with the place, it is difficult to contact the monarch of the most powerful empire.

"I'm Ye Lin, hello."

There is no need to play hide and seek with Ma Lin.

"What a familiar name..."

She frowned slightly, but because she was so impatient, she couldn't remember who the name was.

"If you want to meet the Queen of the Principality, Kelly should be able to help you." Ye Lin added.

The other party was in a hurry now, and he had no reason to force Ma Lin to give up asking for help from the principality and accept help from the team.

After all, the Seventh Empire of Heaven is now in a "national crisis". Can one or two teams save Heaven from fire and water?

Anyone else would think it was bragging.


There was a wisp of smoke and a gunshot. Kelly blew on the gun, with a calm and calm face, as if she had done nothing.

"Damn it, you want to write, right? And it's a complete word!"

He glared at Kelly with evil intentions, pinched the bullet suspended between his eyebrows as if it was blocked by something, and then pinched it into a small round cake.

"I'm back, you guys can talk."

Throwing away the bullet, he motioned for Kelly to explain his plan at night.

As for Ma Lin's choice, she will naturally make a decision after meeting Queen Skadi, and he has no right to interfere.

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