Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 369: Marry the princess!

Just two taels of wreckage?

Use that ball!

I'm afraid that if I add another two pounds of boiled water and squeeze twenty pounds of fat from Humann, I won't even be able to coat the top shell of the airship.

The Delos Empire has been deeply obsessed with the research of top combat power since it watched the priest Jig alone defeat thousands of troops in Cantwen.

The giant dragon, one of the most powerful creatures, is naturally an important research object. The Root family had no choice but to retreat deep into the volcano.

But now that the remains of the dragon have been used up, I never thought that the way to cross the heaven would be a dragon!

Leon sat alone in the high-stage palace, his breath calm but frowning secretly. He must find a way to obtain the scientific and technological information of the heaven.

Not to mention the powerful mechanical super technology, as the fortune teller Alice once mentioned, just certain transportation tools made him extremely concerned.

It’s the car!

Soldiers are expensive and fast. Although the empire also purchased and stored Magadha and Dornier, the price was too expensive after all, and the transportation capacity was extremely poor.

A surprise attack of 1,800 people is okay, but if an army of hundreds of thousands marches, it won't be enough to snatch all the Magadha from the dark elves.

Ye Lin and Celia's fight happened to be exactly this idea.

Selling motorcycles!

After all, Heavenly Realm and Arad Continent are on the same timeline, and are two countries heading towards different development directions. There is no need to forcefully pursue the integration and convergence of their civilization levels.

Let Arad learn technology and restore magic to heaven?

It is unnecessary. For the two worlds where civilization is deeply rooted, this behavior is very likely to be counterproductive.

But in addition to tourism, some convenient tools can open up trade appropriately.

For example, Tianjie's motorcycles are a huge money-making opportunity for Arad, who uses horses as his main tool.

Similarly, Arad's various potions with magical effects will also be in short supply in the heaven.

"Human, what can you do?" Leon asked lightly.

Although he seemed to be asking Humann, in fact, he already had a plan in mind. This question had a certain purpose.

"Your Majesty, I have three strategies!"

Human's fat cheeks were trembling. On a hot day, although the palace had the magical ability to keep cool, he still felt that his fat body exerted amazing heat energy. His forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, as if he was being held up. It is carefully grilled on the charcoal pile, and every drop of fat is crackling.

The sweat dripping from the tip of his nose splashed on the luxurious floor of the palace.

Emperor, this is testing him!

Not long ago, Lyon had just beaten the aristocracy, whether lightly or severely, and it was inevitable that they would bleed. Only a few people were spared, and his bastard Heumann happened to be one of them.


"Your Majesty, first, force the Bantu or Vanes to hand over the dragon's body through political diplomacy or the threat of force."

The ice dragon was blown to pieces on the top of the holy mountain, and the evil dragon, according to the spies, was broken into a pile of bones by Ye Lin and displayed in a glorious way in the central square of the Dark City. However, there were people from the Dark Elf Senate, always Stay tuned.

"Second, send strong men to the volcanic area to hunt a new dragon!"

Humann lowered his head, his back was soaked with sweat, and the heat was unbearable.

He didn't dare to say the third method.

"Ha..." Leon's sneer grew thicker, and he slowly raised his head and said, "The Bantu people hate this king so much. As for the oppression by force, with that group of idiot troops who have not yet been trained, if we pay a huge price for just a few dollars, What's the use of just sending the bones of 800 people up there?"

"As for hunting the giant dragon, it is even more impractical. There is not enough time. By the time we come back with the dragon's corpse, Ye Lin will have already established a foothold in the heaven."

Leon was really having a headache. This demonic swordsman didn't play according to the routine at all. He made all kinds of halo to Hutton Mar's imperial agent, and he didn't know how to treat him at all.

I heard that he took the princess and Cyrus on vacation somewhere, and often gave Isabella some useful props. It was said that the team did not feel any rejection towards Isabella.

In addition, he had some friendship with the eldest prince Fann in Northmar, so in the eyes of Queen Josephine, they were about to become "a family".

However, the spy also learned that Ye Lin had mysteriously disappeared for a month, and during that time, Isabella did not seem to accompany him.

Could it be that the other party doesn't fully trust Isabella?

As everyone knows, the reason Ye Lin didn't take Isabella and Cyrus with him in the first place was because the training in the Tower of Despair was not beneficial to the devil's training.

The same is true for Feng Ying and Mavis. One has obsessive-compulsive disorder and the other is a believer of Usiel. The need for the Tower of Despair is not very urgent.

As for Isabella, it was entirely because the strongest Shenglong Martial God Oli was at the Hutton Mar Martial Arts Gym, so there was no need to take her to the Tower of Despair.

Besides, it was quite weird to spread the news that he secretly took the three princesses of the empire and disappeared for a month.

"Your Majesty, according to the news from Hutton Marr, the war in the world is causing trouble for the people, and the chief maid has personally gone down to the world. This is a perfect opportunity for us to send troops to support and open up connections!"

Humann seemed to have foreseen the glorious future of the empire. He set foot on the principality and went straight to the heaven. His face was red with excitement and his eyes almost narrowed into slits.


The veins on Leon's forehead twitched, and he wished he could go out and beat this fat guy in person to make him grow twice as big. Didn't I know that now was the perfect opportunity to go to heaven?

But what about dragons?

Why don't you find me a dragon to use?

Does it work to cover the airship with all your body fat?

Slowly calming down with the magnanimity of a monarch, Leon paced slowly in front of the throne.

"If Ye Lin doesn't refuse anyone who wants to go to the heaven, and just wants to control this business road, then it doesn't matter, but I'm afraid he has prejudices against the empire. After all, our reputation has not been very good in the past two months. …”

His face was as gloomy as a storm cloud. Although the Empire was not very afraid of Ye Lin, it generally did not want to break his face easily.

First of all, the other party has terrible connections and has good friends in Vanes, Bantu, and Belmare. However, these places have little dealing with the empire, and they can affect the whole body with one move.

It happens to be these connections that the empire values.

Secondly, the opponent's strength is really elusive. If you can win over him, you can't be your enemy!

Finally, there is the fortune teller Alice, the strongest fortune teller who lives directly in his home.

Leon was silent. He knew the horror of Alice. Decades ago, it was only with Alice's help that he could succeed in inheriting this extremely noble imperial throne even though he was not the first in line.

Divination, prophecy, the subordinates of the second apostle, he is more afraid of Alice than Ye Lin!

After walking around a few times in front of the throne, Leon paused, thinking about the advice given by Queen Josephine, and immediately waved his hand:

"I'm here to tell you that the third princess of the empire, Isabella, is of a very young age. During her travels, she made good friends with the sword master Ye Lin, and they fell in love with each other. I am very relieved and will be engaged and concluding a sacred marriage contract for them today. There is no need to change their names! "

After pondering for a while, he added fiercely: "No matter who the two of them are, if they dare to resist, it will be tantamount to challenging the king's power!"

Human, who knelt on the ground, immediately shook into chaff. The third method he thought of was precisely to grant a marriage.

Because of the emperor's favor, Isabella was allowed to have fun and play until now. Even if the emperor deliberately interfered with the "implied marriage" some time ago, Leon did not blame her too much.

Now Heaven's request for help finally made Leon unable to sit still and began to forcibly curb Isabella's little temper.

And provoking the power of the king, this is the most serious warning that Lyon has ever given since Huiman knew it, and the warning was to Ye Lin.

If you continue to give me nonsense excuses, it is tantamount to slapping the king in the face. After the empire's millions of troops are like a torrent of steel, swallowing Belmare, let's see how you get to the heaven.

"In addition, send a knighthood, just one-third of the Iron Wolf Knights, ask Baan for the person, and then send the news to me immediately using Magadha to Hedunmar, and then, the half of the knights From now on, the regiment will be the Third Princess’s personal private army, and the people inside it will be… understand?”

Human immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "I understand."

Even if the empire is currently unable to station its army in the heaven because there are no wreckage, it still needs to have a clear picture of the power situation in the heaven.

It's better to show the attitude of the empire first and pave the way!

So after handing over the engagement contract and soldiers to Isabella, how to operate the business next depends on the ability of the third princess.

Although Isabella is naughty by nature, she has a bright and intelligent mind. I believe that her daughter will not let him down.

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