
Jurgen's eyes turned cold, and the originally unfolded folding fan closed instantly. The crisp sound of the paper fan made the lazy genius' heart skip a beat, and the corners of his mouth tightened slightly.

"I respect you as the genius of the Seven Gods Elytra, but I also hope you can understand clearly that this is a life-or-death moment for the Seventh Empire, and no one can stay out of it!"

"I also know that even if the city is defeated, Kallet will not hurt you even a hair, because your genius mind will be of great use to them, but..."

Jurgen didn't completely break up with his words, but under his extremely cold eyes, Melvin felt cold all over and shrank his neck.

The opponent is also a genius and a shrewd politician. Under the political skills, the Seven Gods' elytra are nothing more than a group of people with no power, a kind of chess piece to be manipulated at will.

The old and steady Meili once warned him that your genius status and abilities are sufficient in most areas of the heaven, but in front of Jurgen, please restrain your genius' arrogance.

That guy is so scheming, so scary.

After thinking for a while, Melvin slowly shook his head, but with a slightly more serious attitude, he said: "A small half of the Ghent forest was burned, and the incident happened too suddenly. I don't have a rain device. Give me half a day."

long time?

Zedin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He was truly the most talented scientist. He could create something from scratch and only need half a day to research it.

"Zeldin, form a commando team to capture Bentinck and eliminate the source of arson." Jurgen ordered.

Although he is a politician and should not interfere in military matters, at this moment of life and death in Ghent, he needs to control all known resources and allocate counterattacks according to his own ideas.

This is his habit!

"This..." Zedin gritted his teeth and said decisively: I will take the people there myself. "

The Ghent garrison was already fully focused on the defense of the city gate, and could only lead an elite team to the Hart Mountain. This was an extremely risky and helpless choice.

The Royal Courtyard does not fall under her jurisdiction, and the chief maid Ma Lin has recklessly entered the lower realm. This most elite force in the heaven has disappeared.

"Mayne, where is Colonel Nibel?" Zedin asked his subordinates.

Sergeant Mayne, a soldier from a lawless zone, once joined the "Peace Wings" guerrilla Kallet for a short time, and later acted as a mercenary after the Peace Wings disbanded, and finally joined the army.

"Colonel Nibel is on the front line, fighting Kallet with his team," Mayne replied.

"Covey and Feiyan? Inform Colonel Nibel and bring some people with us to capture Bentinck."

Zedin is a very responsible person, so he does things vigorously and resolutely without any sloppiness.

When Kallet first conquered Ghent, she always felt that she was responsible for not working hard enough, so these days, she has been working almost as hard as she can.

Because Apostle Anton cut off the power to Heaven, Ghent today can only use poor generators to maintain basic military supplies most of the time.

As for civilian electricity, it is only available for a limited time...

As if by chance, when Zedin walked to the door of the command post, he turned around and said strangely: "Do you think Ma Lin will come back? Bringing something called magic?"


Everyone in the command post was stunned. Magic was such a strange but familiar word.

Magic, which has been extinct in the heavens for thousands of years, is said to have the ability to control the wind and rain, and move mountains and seas. It must be easy to deal with this sudden fire.

"We can't put our hope in Marin." Jurgen said lightly.

No matter how terrifying the power of magic is, distant water cannot dissolve near fire, and all illusions are in vain.

"makes sense."

Zedin sighed, shook his head silently with complicated eyes, and led the people away.

"Haha, burn, burn it all for me. Let all the cities of gods be reduced to ashes."

With a fiery red duckbill hairstyle, Bentinck carried an arsonist on his back, grinned ferociously, and led a group of Kallet arsonists to cause chaos everywhere.

"Haha, unless it rains heavily, there is no way to stop this endless mountain fire."

A member of the Callet Intelligence Organization, "Stunner Gun" Jenna, wields a flexible, venom-stained whip to cooperate with Bentinck's actions.

"Raining? Hahahaha, stop joking. Do you want to laugh me to death and inherit my flamethrower? Looking at this cloudless sky, I would rather believe that someone in heaven can do magic than believe that it can rain today!"

Bentinck seemed to be amused by her. He laughed uproariously and exaggeratedly, and so did his subordinates.



A drop of water fell on the arsonist behind him. The sound was clear and crisp, but it hurt the eardrums.


The laughter stopped suddenly, and Bentinck looked up at the sky, and then he saw a ghost-like disbelief, and his eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

The sky, which had been cloudless and scorching just half a minute ago, was covered by thick black clouds and no sunlight could be seen in just half a minute.

After taking a rest, Jurgen, who had just walked out of the command post, also looked like he had seen a ghost. Of course he knew that the heavy rain was a timely and life-saving rain for Ghent, but where did this heavy rain come from?

Melvin had only been away for about half an hour, so he built a rainfall device so quickly?

About twenty minutes ago, Ye Lin decided to put out the fire. The smell of the burning forest was quite choking.

However, the area on fire was too large, and it was obviously too much for him to handle alone, so Xiaoyu could also help.

The witch has the ability to sense the "oracle" of the dragon, and the oracle can also be used to pray for rain. Xiaoyu said that she has never failed to pray for rain, and she is a living "rain god".

The Skyhawks, including Schmitt and O'Connell, have all parachuted away.

Sky Eagle is still known as a "betrayer" and should not appear in Ghent, especially in front of the great nobleman Jurgen.

They will use their own way to help Tianjie tide over the difficulties.

"Oracle: Divine Dragon Thunderstorm Festival!"

Xiaoyu stood above the spaceship, her eyes closed tightly, her hands spread out to both sides, and a green dragon shadow appeared behind her. The scales were fine, the teeth and claws were agile, and the dragon's aura was like the vast power of heaven. She could not look directly at the true appearance of the dragon.

Along with the roar of thunder and lightning, the originally cloudless sky suddenly condensed into black clouds accumulating rain.

Ghent Forest, it’s raining…

Ye Lin put on a pair of special metal shoes and left the spaceship early in the morning. Using the fifth element's ability to manipulate metal, he could fly short distances with him.

In order to maintain balance, his chest and arms are also specially made with metal armor, as well as a metal mask to block the wind, making him look like an iron man.

He didn't have Xiaoyu's ability to control rainfall, so he simply used the magic power in his body to condense water balls of various sizes and throw them down to put out the fire.

Forest fires can be fueled by wind, but they are most afraid of heavy rain.

The thick smoke and flames that made the Ghent garrison command post anxious were like ice dropped into hot water, rapidly shrinking the area.

The arsonist Bentinck wiped his hair in a daze. His hair style, which was originally extremely cool, now turned into a drowned rat that stuck to his cheeks, making him extremely embarrassed.

Everyone in Kallet was stunned.

It's really a ghostly heavy rain...

Today the world of heaven is evil.

It was as if someone was pouring water on it with a basin. Not to mention the flames, the huge Ghent forest was now emitting a little white gas, not smoke, but water vapor.

Zedin, who was running at high speed in a car to capture Bentinck, brought Nibel, Covey, Feiyan and Mayne with him. Several people who originally wore gas masks and coats were also captured in the blink of an eye. It was soaked in water.

"What's going on, Dr. Melvin's rain bomb? Is this man faster than me?" Covey wiped his face and complained.

He is known as the "fastest man" and the "one-shot man" and is also famous in the army. (Referring to Gaibojia’s Fist)

"It shouldn't be." Nibel, who was driving, frowned and said, "The doctor said it would take half a day, but now it's less than an hour."

Zedin could no longer care about so much. The fire was extinguished by the heavy rain, which created an indispensable opportunity for their actions. Because Nibel drove too fast, he could only shout loudly: "Satellite shows that Bentinck is in front." .”

Just when they saw the arsonist Bentinck, Bentinck also understood that it was difficult to escape because of satellite positioning. He took out his gun and ordered his men to shoot, with a sneer on his lips.

No matter how brave and intelligent a person is, he will be injured and die when he is hit by a bullet!

Da da da da…

Dozens of Kallet members quickly poured out bullets from their weapons, and dozens of fiery snakes breathed out, intertwining into a death blockade.

Zedin's face suddenly turned pale. The heavy rain disrupted Kallet's plan, but because of his ecstasy, he actually made a fatal mistake!

They actually thought in the opposite direction. Instead of running away from the heavy rain, they wanted to catch themselves off guard?

Everyone bowed their heads quickly. As long as Nibel could complete the turn of the car, there was still a chance of survival.


There was an extremely violent sound, the earth trembled, the trees swayed, and a meteorite-like figure landed right in the middle of Kallet and Zeldin's car.

Nibel subconsciously yelled: "Where did it come from? Get away!"


Before he finished speaking, an unbelievable scene happened that shocked him.

The mysterious man stood up quickly from kneeling on one knee, and held the car with his left hand. The car, which was originally so fierce and difficult to turn, actually jumped into the air. Half a meter above the ground, the engine roared, the tires sped, and the body of the car flew up. They couldn't even move an inch.

He stretched his right hand flat, and Kallet's intertwined bullet blockade network, those metal bullets, inexplicably all hovered in front of the mysterious man, as if there was an invisible wall of air blocking them, preventing them from moving forward at all.

Until Kallet fired the bullet, the entire forest suddenly fell into an eerie silence, and the mysterious man was still safe and sound.

Zedin and Feiyan, who had the courage to quietly reveal half of their heads, were also shocked by this scene.

"Gaibo plus..."

Before Covey could finish his words, Sergeant Mayne, who was accompanying him, covered his mouth to prevent him from speaking. In this situation, do you still need to come?

"Tsk, tsk, what an unfriendly welcome ceremony."

Ye Lin shrugged, and then the bullets fell to the ground like raindrops, conspicuous in the muddy ground.

"Are you okay? Captain Zedin?"

Zeldin's right arm is a bronze hand cannon, so it is very recognizable. He saw it when he was in the sky.

"Who are you?" Nibel asked nervously first.

Why have I never seen or heard of this weird ability? Could it be...


Ye Lin spread his hands, then coughed dryly, shook off the metal on his body, and said seriously: "I am the reinforcement invited by Your Excellency Ma Lin. You can call me...Iron Man."

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