Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 380: The


Siatt rolled her eyes at him hard. Regardless of whether she was justified or not, considering this unscrupulous person, it was right to scold him anyway.


Yuena curled her lips slightly, and then added another word "animal"!

Mo Mei was swaying her long and beautiful twin tails, feeling a little helpless unconsciously. The boss seemed to like this thing very much and couldn't put it down.

No, no, you still have to warn him, otherwise your neck and scalp will feel a little uncomfortable when you pull.

Practice makes the curator perfect, and he was gentle and smiling. Gu Yu and Mailu were scratching the rice cakes just now and didn't even listen to what he said.

Only Meng Xin Feiyan looked at him in confusion, because Ye Lin was right, motorcycles were not that easy to drive, especially those heavy motorcycles with high horsepower.

If you don't accept training and your skills are not up to standard, you can easily get injured.

Just when Ye Lin got a look, scratched his head in frustration, and was about to lead someone to snatch the motorcycle, Isabella ran over from the next yard with Cyrus in a hurry.

Even because she was in a bit of a hurry, a white air flow faintly rose around her feet, and there was an unstoppable momentum as she walked. It was the Oyiwu Divine Step.

"I want to go too. What's the difference between putting me in the courtyard and the palace?"

Isabella was very unhappy. She came here for adventure and excitement, not to sit in the yard and be the obedient princess mascot.

Otherwise, the Delos Imperial Palace is much more luxurious and extravagant than here, so why would you want to downgrade yourself to seek punishment?

"Your Royal Highness."

Ma Lin's etiquette was very considerate, but she couldn't help but feel a little worried. Is it really okay for the princess to go to the front line of the battlefield in person?

If anything goes wrong, the current turbulent Tianjie cannot bear the responsibility. Then it can only focus on Ye Lin and hope that he will come up with an idea.

Seeing this, Ye Lin helplessly spread his hands. He also knew that the third princess did not have a peaceful temper, so he comforted her: "She can demolish your palace with one kick, so don't worry about her strength."

Isabella and Cyrus were placed in Feng Ying's team to make up for the lack of Luo Fei and Natalia.

Isabella wore a tight-fitting and capable light blue dress, which wrapped the body of the God of War that was very toned through hard training. There was a sense of power and beauty all over her body.

Although Isabella is "mediocre" in terms of justice, her beautiful legs are slender and strong, and her fat is quite plump due to the martial arts training.

Justice can be regarded as Isabella's resentment. She was born smart and well-loved. She knew that she was different at a very young age.

I have a father who has all the power in the world, a brother who is the eldest prince with whom I have a good relationship, and a best friend who I grew up with and have a good relationship with. The family is never short of money, and no matter how good the thing is, it is just a boring number. Nothing is unobtainable, and a perfect life is simply the pinnacle of the "back wave", the top of the wave!

However, as he grew older and became more knowledgeable, his good friend Cyrus's chest seemed to suddenly develop nice curves overnight, and they became more and more exaggerated.

And she herself is still mediocre until now, so she is probably hopeless...

Isabella wears the Qinglong Tenghai Arm Armor on her elbows. It was originally made of the dragon scales Ye Lin gave her. Although it is not as comfortable to use as the gloves, it is not bad in terms of power.

Cyrus still had that cool, disgusting expression, but Mavis and Feng Ying were used to it and didn't care.

Before leaving, Ye Lin secretly grabbed Mavis and told her that if she encountered any columnar, flammable or explosive objects, she must not let the Third Princess get close to her because this guy's feet were itchy.

"Then let's go, future heroes of heaven." Ye Lin joked.

The east gate of Ghent had a large hole opened by the Paradise Cannon during Kallet's last invasion, and the city wall also collapsed.

The gap is too big to be repaired in a short time.

The mobile team headed by Sured within the Kallet organization drove straight in, causing a lot of trouble to the Ghent garrison.

"Speight, quickly bring some people to lay mines for me. Those grandsons of the Royal Capital Army will definitely repair the city wall in the future."

The leader, Sured, was a tattooed man with a strong build and arms as thick as an average person's thighs. He wore sunglasses and bare arms. He leisurely lit a cigarette for himself with a sinister smile on his face.

His motorcycle was specially modified. Not only was it large and powerful, it was also equipped with quite a few firearms and weapons. It ran like a menacing chariot and was very fast.

In Alley Wars, it's the slaughtering machine!

"Hahahaha, have you ever thought about it before? Ghent, the famous city of God, now allows us to run rampant and run rampant. We are as free as Mospis. Don't you think so, Gordon?"

The man Sured called Gao Dun was a tall and thin man with an ugly face, but he forced a smile.

He used to be an ammunition expert in the Royal Capital Military Region. Due to various reasons, he betrayed Kallet. He had his own blood on his hands and there was no turning back.

"It's a pity that everyone in this area has been evacuated. Not to mention the women, there are not even a single figure."

After taking a long drag on the cigarette, Sured spit out the cigarette butt, tightened the gloves on his hands, and shouted loudly: "Let's get closer, I still have some pursuers here, maybe I can kill a few more Imperial Army troops. "

His eyes shone with intense pleasure, and his behavior was even more arrogant, domineering, and cruel.

Depressed, really suppressed for too long!

The lawless zone is regarded by the nobles as a maritime prison, where human life is only equal to a bullet, despicable, inferior, and worthless.

The Seventh Empire is high up in the sky, technology is developing rapidly, and it enjoys the convenience brought by technology. However, the lawless zone is like a wild land, with yellow sand in the sky, dead bones everywhere, and old crows eating away at it.


Desperate for revenge, the once sacred and majestic Ghent, under the attack of artillery fire, was like a trembling baby still sucking milk in its infancy, and could only cry out after being slapped hard.

"Captain, Ghent is riddled with holes, why don't we just go in?"

An extremely nervous Kallet soldier turned his neck around like an owl and looked left and right, fearing that an enemy would suddenly appear out of nowhere.

In the mobile unit, he was nicknamed "Timid Casper". He was as timid as a flea and would crouch down to defend himself at the slightest sign of trouble, but his marksmanship was surprisingly accurate.

Many Imperial Army soldiers thought he had surrendered when they saw his cowardly appearance, and relaxed their vigilance. Then they were shocked by the hidden muzzle of the gun.

"Bah, you know what a fool. Ghent's defensive wall is divided into two layers: an inner and an outer layer. We broke through the outer layer, but the inner wall has defensive weapons."

Sured's eyes were a little wary. After all, it was also the capital of the Seventh Empire, and the generator could barely drive some defensive equipment. It was quite tricky.

But as long as the Kallet organization headquarters brings over the GT-9600 siege machinery and cooperates with the Paradise Cannon tank formation, it will be much easier to smash the second layer of the city wall.

When Alizee was kidnapped, it was a feint attack with long-range bombing from the outside, and then a special team of Cyborgs was dispatched. After paying a huge price, Alizee was lucky enough to be captured from the palace.

Ghent has always relied too much on electricity and weapons activated by electricity, which gave them an opportunity.

"Captain, we destroyed the Seventh Empire, what next? Who will be the emperor?" A subordinate asked curiously.

Kallet, who has a brain, is wondering, what happens after capturing the palace? What should organizations do?

"Emperor?" Suredi sneered and shook his head: "That depends on what Boss Anzu wants, but maybe we will be the Imperial Army in the future? How about getting an official position? Hahahaha."

There are too many people who want to take a piece of the protracted rebellion in Kallet, including the House of Nobles, the leader of Kallet, Anzu Cypher, the mysterious Lantilus...

After the princess was blood sacrificed in the Ardennes Highlands, it was time to divide the oil and water.

Those sanctimonious nobles are really nothing.

Suddenly, a Kallet mobile soldier didn't even utter a scream. He was accurately hit by a bullet between the eyebrows. The motorcycle hit a telephone pole on the side of the road, followed by a sudden crash and noise.

At the end of the wide passage, Feiyan stood silently with two guns in hand, a pair of clean eyes full of resentment at this moment.

"Oh, it's the girls from the Royal Courtyard again."

Su Leide spat, his eyes swept over Feiyan's exquisite figure, and suddenly his heart became angry, and he had the idea of ​​​​capturing her alive.

smoke bomb!

The reason why Kallet has today's combat power is that in addition to factors such as Anton and Cyborg, the leader Anzu Seifer's implementation of militarized management has also greatly enhanced Kalrett's combat power.

From a plate of loose sand, it solidified into tough steel.

A pile of smoke grenades spread rapidly to obscure their vision. They all had body armor on their bodies, and with the mobile team's long-term cooperation, it was extremely beneficial whether they were fighting or escaping.

"What a pretty girl, try to catch her alive!"

The order was given, and the response was an excited roar.

Lowering their bodies, the engine roared, and all the mobile team members grabbed a chain with a hammer in their left hand, howling crazily.

Several grenades were thrown out of the smoke and exploded on the streets and alleys. The deafening sound made the mobile team's adrenaline surge.

Feiyan fired a few shots inside at will. This was Ghent. Although Kallet was rampant, he was definitely not a brainless person.

The smoke bomb is just an act of confusion and a way for Kallet to test whether there are additional enemies.

Sured's current appearance is ferocious, but in fact he may have led his men to the end of the smoke and escaped at any time.

It was precisely because of this caution that the Imperial Army was unable to capture or eliminate him for half a month and was helpless.

If weapons of mass destruction were used in the city of Ghent, it would inevitably cause damage to larger buildings, including city walls. It would be as annoying as flies.

Almost all the troops have been huddled in the city. They want to send troops directly to Kalet's base in the Antebeilu Canyon, but they are willing but unable to do so.

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