Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 385 New fan girl, who is the hero in heaven?

"Zedin, please bear with it, it might hurt a little."

"Well, this little pain is nothing to a brave soldier!"

"Then I start?"

"Okay, come on!"


In the center of the courtyard, there was a marble round table, and the bronze hand cannon Zedin used to replace his right hand was resting quietly on it.

It's retired.

He shook it lightly with his right hand, as if he had no strength. He couldn't even hold the apple that Ye Lin threw at him.

I have lost my right hand for too long, and now the severed limb is miraculously reborn, and there is still a hazy and unreal feeling, as if it is someone else's arm. It is incredible.

Zedin's eyes shone with excitement, as if he was looking at some rare treasure. He patted his face with his right hand, feeling the two touches, and then burst into a silly smile, with a glimmer of crystal in the corner of his eyes.

She was so excited and overwhelmed with joy that she even forgot to thank Ye Lin.

Only when it is lost and found does one realize how valuable it is.

Wearing a black round hat, Belit placed the revolver on his waist. This simple movement seemed extremely heavy.

"Zedin, the train to Mospis has been occupied by pirates. There should be another ship in Ghent leading there."

Belit changed his free and easy appearance as a prodigal, and gradually took on a dignified and cold aura, finally taking on the look that a "legendary gun god" should have.

"I'll try to find you a cargo ship."

She now also understood that after the old man's eyes were healed, he wanted to go but was heartbroken and could barely trust him for the time being.

Besides, breaking into Kallet is a good thing, and the Ghent garrison will naturally support it strongly.

"The sky is full of yellow sand and the Sunset Tavern. I really miss the life in the Lawless Zone. It's been a while since I went back." Belit smiled faintly, with a sharp look in his eyes and said, "I'll be waiting for you in the Lawless Zone."

Kelly nodded slightly, then curled her lips and said, "Master, please don't kill that bastard Pierre."

Taking off his round hat and placing it on his chest, Belit expressed some heartfelt thanks to the person who cured his eyes.

It wasn't until the two of them left the palace that Zedin suddenly clapped his head and said in annoyance: "I forgot, I actually forgot to thank him."


The peace in Ghent was suddenly broken in the second half of the night. The sound of violent explosions spread throughout Ghent, and the entire sleeping city was forcibly awakened from its sleep by explosives.

The southern part of Ghent was filled with flames, and the smell of gunpowder smoke filled half of the city of Gods. The light of the burning flames was even faintly visible in the far northern end of Ghent.

Zedin, who had just fallen asleep, also hurriedly got up and put her combat uniform on herself. On the hanger, there was also a set of individual propellers that were standard for female ammunition experts, allowing her to conduct short-term floating attacks.

"Report the situation on the front line!"

Zedin lives near the command post, so apart from the soldiers on duty, she is often the first person to arrive at the command post.

"Captain, Kallet gathered the Paradise Artillery troops as the vanguard, as well as several iron box machines as tall as the city wall, and countless modified humans invaded. They have destroyed everything, and have..."

The face of the soldier in front of him was full of fear, his young cheeks were still a little gray, and his eyes were blank. He was a recruit who had just joined the army and had never seen such a large-scale attack.

"I understand, don't worry, we have reinforcements from the lower world."

After a few words of comfort, the recruit slowly calmed down. She was waiting for people and information. To judge the overall situation, she could not blindly let the Imperial Army and the two squads attack.

five minutes later……

Sitting on the Wolverine, covering his mouth and yawning sleepily, Melvin said feebly: "It should be the GT-9600. That thing is a transportation tool that I designed casually because I thought that the Wolverine could not keep out the wind and rain. But I put the drawing aside because it was too troublesome, probably because Giselle took a peek."

What can't bring about faith are bullets, strong liquor, and faster and more accurate gun-drawing skills. Large machines are something that Kallet's group of barbaric and lawless people have not yet been able to use with their wisdom.

"I have issued an evacuation warning, and all residents are temporarily taking refuge in the inner city." Jurgen was also called out by the emergency, but he was in high spirits and full of energy, and did not look tired at all.

Nibel listened to what a soldier was saying, and then frowned: "Kalert is coming fiercely and has already advanced nearly two thousand meters. If this momentum continues, one-third of the outer city will be covered in two hours. It will be reduced to ruins and ashes, and within three hours, troops can arrive at the inner city and launch a bombardment. With the current defense facilities of the inner city, I am afraid..."

The city of Ghent is already very poor. If it is destroyed again by Kallet, the post-disaster reconstruction work alone will be a waste of people and money, and a loss that will last forever.

As soon as the folding fan closed, Jurgen's lenses shone brightly under the light and said: "Captain Zedin, no matter what, we must overcome tonight's offensive."

"I understand, all members of the Ghent garrison will be dispatched. Also, Ye Lin, please... eh? Where are the people?"

Ye Lin, who was looking at the map in the command post just now, was now gone, including Feiyan.

"Hey, hey...I...flyed?"

Feiyan didn't dare to move, her whole body seemed to be stiff. Her long, beautiful light brown hair was blown by the evening breeze and floated on Ye Lin's face. It was soft, itchy, and lightly fragrant.

There was a terrifying magic sword under her feet, and it was actually flying in the sky!

After only hearing half of the battle plan, Ye Lin pulled her out, then stepped on the magic sword, held the graceful waist of the palace clothes, and went straight to the south gate of Ghent.

"Don't move. What if you fall?"


Biting her lip gently, the hands on her waist made her feel a little uncomfortable, not because she was disgusted, but because she was very ticklish.

But the magic sword was traveling at such a high speed that he couldn't stand firmly.

"Are we just going there? I know you are very strong, but Kallet has heavenly cannons, large machines, and a lot of transformed people..."

As he counted, Feiyan felt his teeth sore in his mouth. Such a violent and large-scale attack was something he had seen before when Kallet besieged the imperial capital for the first time. However, although there were injuries that time, in Bailey Under the leadership of An, he reluctantly came over.

"It will take a while for them to come here. Time waits for no one. I am not familiar with the city of Ghent. Please give me directions. Which place is more important? We will go there first."

Although it sounds unbelievable that two people plus a sword would face a huge Kallet formation, Feiyan recalled the magical fireball that day, and suddenly felt a little hope and expectation in her panicked heart.

"Go north! That place is close to Ghent's lifeblood river, the Liliu River. There are water pumping towers built near the coast. If the water tower area is destroyed by Kallet, the water supply of the entire city will be affected."

The magic sword rushed to the water tower area like a meteor. Sure enough, on the way, it encountered a formation of heavenly artillery, about a dozen tanks, firing wantonly and bombarding everything in the city of Ghent.

There was no specific target, no detailed mission, and bombs hit wherever they went. The shells destroyed everything, and the violent explosions could not cover up the arrogant laughter of the Kallet soldiers.

The tough steel armor shield and ordinary firearms and weapons are useless. Only the gunnery division and specific ammunition weapons can be effective. However, the most elite gunnery division unit, the Coast Guard, was taken away by Jack to deal with Anton. .

The corresponding manpower is seriously insufficient.

"What a bunch of gangsters."

Ye Lin smiled coldly, stepped on the magic sword and stood high in the air. He slowly aimed his left hand at a dozen heaven cannons, and then suddenly tightened his grip.

A series of dazzling thunders fell from the sky, blooming in the night sky with colors that shone brighter than artillery fire.

"Next place."

Seeing that Feiyan was still staring blankly at the exploding tank below without any reaction, she gently pinched her soft waist and asked, "Where else is more important?"

"Ah! Go north, close to the Hart Mountain, which is the highest point in Ghent. It is a very important terrain. If the Kallet troops drive up..."

The magic sword turned and drove towards Mount Halt at high speed, leaving an annihilation black hole among a GT-9600 and a group of Kallet-modified soldiers.

Feiyan pointed at the important facilities in the city, and the magic sword flew across the sky with the two of them. Wherever it went, all Kallet's troops were wiped out.


Raphael shot an anti-tank sniper and blew up a motorcycle. He looked up at the magic sword that happened to be passing by and said with envy: "I want to go to heaven too!"

"You mean the individual propeller?" Zedin slowly fell from the sky and shook his head: "The weight that this thing can carry is limited. The pile of more than 100 kilograms of firearms on your body cannot be loaded."

"What, I mean that sword, it's so cool, isn't it? It's big, sharp, and it flies fast!"

A GT-9600 was turned into a pile of scrap metal by Ye Lin with a finger, and accompanied Siatt and the others to join the battlefield. Although the battle was difficult due to the darkness, it was able to block Kallet in the inner city. outside.

Half of the city of Ghent was reduced to a sea of ​​flames, and fierce battles broke out in many places at the same time. The problem of support speed alone, with only the teleportation of a rice cake and a unicorn, was obviously not enough.

Being able to barely stop the offensive was an unexpected achievement.

Feiyan's heart was racing, the sound of mechanical explosions stimulated her eardrums, and the sight of Kallet being annihilated in the sea of ​​fire deeply stimulated the limits of her vision.

She felt more relaxed than ever before, her heart was beating very fast and pounding loudly, her mouth was slightly open, and her eyes were glowing.

"Ye Lin, are you the future hero of heaven, the savior like the Seven Mechanical Gods of War?"

His tone unconsciously began to murmur with a little reverence, and he asked questions from the heart. Although the war at the south gate of Ghent was still burning, Feiyan intuitively knew that the balance of victory was destined, and no accidents would happen.

When war breaks out and people are in dire straits, there will always be those who emerge from the sky, like the dawn of dawn in the dark night, condensing all the light.

"Me? More than that, look at the soldiers who are fighting bravely below. Each of them is a hero and savior in the heaven. The glory is not just for one person, it is mine, theirs, and yours too."

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