Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 387: Don’t marry her! Ending, ridiculous scene comparison

Kallet's senior leader, Commander "Babylon", who was responsible for commanding this night war, was the frontline commander in the first two days. After the mechanical arm Czech was kicked to pieces, he was keenly aware of the anomalies and irregularities.

This group of mysterious reinforcements suddenly appeared, suspected to come from the world below, and their strength was incredible.

If each team continues to carry out sporadic, sabotage and harassment activities, it will be like putting meat in the mouth of the opponent. Sooner or later, Ghent's Kallet will be eaten away bit by bit.

Landilus, Anzu and other final leaders, because they captured the princess Elizee and wanted to sacrifice her blood in the Ardennes, they temporarily left Ghent by sea train. Currently, Kalle in Ghent Especially, most things are decided by him.

The reason why he was so impatient and launched a large-scale all-out invasion was that besides the reinforcements from Ghent, there was another very important factor.

Supplies are running out!

Kallet has always grabbed whatever he went, and fished without regard for the consequences along the way. Although he could gain a lot in a short period of time, compared to Ghent, who had accumulated food deeply and had people's support, it was obviously still inferior. very many.

After all, they are a group of desperadoes who are greedy for temporary pleasure. They have to take care of every meal and drink, but without new food harvest, they can only regretfully fail like the first siege of Ghent.

"Feiyan, look, the south gate of Ghent and the large residential areas nearby have been razed to the ground."

Ye Lin casually blasted several heavenly cannons to pieces. As the hard south gate that was attacked first, the shadow of the city wall could no longer be seen. Ruins and smoke were everywhere.

Even if tonight's war is won, the post-disaster reconstruction work alone will be a huge undertaking.

It consumes huge amounts of manpower and financial resources.

Stepping on the magic sword and leaving near the south gate, on the top of a building surrounded by fireworks, I found a menacing Raphael, holding a heavy firearm, sniping at Kallet on the top of a tall building.

Raphael, who was shaking with excitement, took out an armor-piercing bullet the size of an adult's forearm from his backpack, aimed it at a GT-9600 that ignored the building, and pulled the trigger.

This big guy has extremely thick armor, strong power, and fierce firepower, causing many casualties to the Ghent garrison.


The GT-9600 exploded on the spot, and flames shot up into the sky. Raphael hummed with satisfaction. Only bombs and destruction could give her a kind of psychological pleasure.

However, her luck seemed to be a bit bad. Before the GT Machine exploded, she obviously noticed something strange in this high-rise building, and there were often flashes of fire.

More than a dozen missiles swayed with pale tail flames and roared towards her in different arcs. The building under her feet caused a loud explosion. The building screamed and collapsed seemingly in an instant.

"It's over...Captain Zedin just left..."

Raphael sighed, his heroic little face full of helplessness. Compared with male gunners, female gunners lacked the endurance to continue fighting, but they had greater flexibility.

But no matter how flexible she is, she can't jump directly to another building if this tens-meter-high building topples.

"It's a pity. The ancient particle cannon is powerful, has a thick barrel, and looks more handsome, but I have only seen it in my dreams."

Even when the disaster was approaching, he still kept thinking about the ancient particle cannon, seemingly not caring about his own life or death at all. This made Feiyan and Ye Lin, who were floating behind, both hold their foreheads and become speechless.

"Strap your heavy firearm."

Ye Lin gave a helpless reminder, then controlled the heavy firearm and flew up with Raphael like a fisherman, away from the building that was about to collapse.

After flying across two streets and landing steadily, before Raphael could pat his chest and say thank you, Ye Lin took out a ring from his pocket and motioned for her to take it.

"What are you doing? A scene in the flames of war? We've only known each other for less than three days, right? Isn't this too fast? You didn't even treat me to a meal." Raphael, who was holding the ring, looked suspicious.

Because female gunners have to carry heavy firearms, they will also deliberately choose those with good physiques and generous personalities.

After all, it requires long-term training of strong muscles and strength. It is the most physically demanding of the four major professions. It is really difficult to withstand it without some mental quality.

Raphael is the kind of person who has a generous personality. He speaks out and speaks freely. Although her limbs do not seem to have bulging muscles, if this strong punch is thrown at an unprepared person, Raphael will be on the spot. Kneel down, and then pinch the other person to prevent him from dying.

"I forgot, you don't have magic."

Ye Lin patted his head. Without magic power, he couldn't use the space props. Naturally, he couldn't take out the ancient particle cannon hidden inside.

He got it from Kelly in the afternoon in order to wait for Kallet's possible night attack. Kelly was a roaming gunner after all, so if a particle cannon went wrong...

It’s better to leave it to the professionals.

A gorgeous, extraordinary, handsome super-large turret embodying the brainchild of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War suddenly appeared in the middle of the street like a magic trick, firmly catching Raphael's attention.

"That's it! I love it! I won't marry unless it's her!"

Raphael, who liked the new and disliked the old, showed his love fiercely. He threw away the heavy firearm and crawled to the driving position nimbly, touching left and right, his eyes burning.

She had seen it countless times in the books on the Imperial Princess's Garden. What made her stop thinking about food was the ancient particle cannon, which was big, thick, and poured out surging energy. It was exactly the same as the one in front of her!

"I can only lend it to you tonight. It will be fun to drive away Kallet. I have already seen it. This road leads directly to the south gate. There are no friendly troops on the road, only enemies. Use it to your heart's content and shoot through Kallet."

Although the ancient particle cannon was lost a long time ago, the method of control is not top secret. The Seven Mechanical Gods of War have kept Gai Boga's information very closely hidden, but other information has been more or less circulated.

The top of the ancient particle cannon slowly condensed with dazzling light like the sun. It was obviously just a start button, but it gave Raphael the illusion that he had pressed the switch to end the world.

"Feiyan, wait here."

With two pieces of metal on the soles of his feet, Ye Lin flew to the sky above another street, with a gentle breeze blowing. Under the bright moon shrouded in dark clouds, he stared coldly at the devastated Ghent, concentrating and surging with magic power.

Kallet is almost desperate, so if he can win perfectly tonight, it will be the first step of counterattack.

The palm of the hand stung, and the blood soaked the hilt of the magic sword. The sword suddenly erupted with gnawing black flames, burning violently. The sword light rose into the sky, and then fell with a brutal slash.

Sword of victory!

At almost the same moment, the ancient particle cannon, which had swallowed up countless small colorless crystal blocks, also emitted a death ray that was close to annihilation.

The ground melted and twisted, and the buildings on both sides of the street evaporated silently.

Two terrifying energy attacks perfectly cut an X-shaped cross mark in Kallet's troops, all the way to the south gate!

At the same time, because Ye Lin's sword cut a very deep and wide crack in the ground, Kallet's troops, which had entered the city too far, now had no room to retreat.

Commander Babylon, who was looking down from a high place, looked pale, and frantically used the walkie-talkie to notify the army to retreat immediately, and immediately retreated to the Antebulu Canyon.

The ancient particle cannon gave him the illusion that the power supply to the inner city of Ghent had been restored, and those weapons with amazing technology were activated again!

Using the ravine cut by Ye Lin as the boundary, the Kallet soldiers in the rear quickly retreated and fled the city of Ghent in a panic. The soldiers who were heading in faced this moat-like ravine, which was like a natural chasm that was difficult to cross.

Some people choose the final act of madness, while others throw down their weapons and surrender. The various habits of being helpless are vividly displayed at this moment.


Ye Lin wiped the ash on his face, his hair a little withered, and looked at Ghent, the city of God, with at least one-fifth of it in ruins, as well as the thick smoke that had not yet been extinguished, and the exhausted Ghent garrison that suffered heavy casualties. , and...a touch of fish belly white appeared on the horizon.

Although the battle only lasted a few hours in the second half of the night, the damage caused by each was even worse than in the first half of the year.

Ghent, the capital of gods, does not have half of the majesty of being a capital. It is traumatized, like a beast licking its wounds alone.

"The nobles who are hiding in Nospes, are you getting up at this time? Have the servants prepared a delicious breakfast, and the housekeeper arranged a handsome luxury car, and put on gorgeous clothes to go to the beach? Let's do it again in the evening A party for the upper class?"


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