Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 404: Demonic Stone, Fu Laosi

Why Machel abandoned his distinguished position and fled remains a mystery, or perhaps not a mystery at all...

Meili, who is also a descendant of the Seven Gods of War, said she could not understand it at all.

But Ye Lin grasped one possibility, which was that the heavens were overly dependent on him, almost like relying on electricity, which was terrible.

Think about it, when Michael opened his eyes, there were people everywhere who were eagerly looking forward to his technology and inventions. They were like paparazzi chasing celebrities. They were all-pervasive, and their private lives were completely interfered with and they had no freedom...

"Oh, it's so annoying. Regarding the Machinery Instructions, you have to ask Michel, or ask Lindsay. She was Michel's student for a while, but Lindsay is also supporting in the Eaton Industrial Zone."

Melvin yawned again, feeling tired and sleepy, even though he didn't do much work all day today...


A device on his workbench suddenly lit up and projected a virtual screen in mid-air. A girl in blue with a smile as cute as spring water and holding a mechanical turtle in her arms appeared in the center of the screen.

"Brother, your laboratory is so messy again..." the girl on the screen said, suddenly covering her mouth and exclaiming, then placing her hands on her waist, bending slightly in extremely standard court etiquette, and said sweetly:

"Hello, I'm Mia Richter, Melvin's sister. It's unbelievable that a stranger has come to my brother's precious laboratory."

Even Ma Lin, who has always been picky, was full of praise for Mia's etiquette.

"Hello, I'm Ye Lin. I'm here to ask your brother for some help."

"Ah, are you that...magic person? I heard my brother talk about you, and I heard that you are the great hero who fought against Kallet."

"Every soldier is a hero in Ghent."

"You are so humble..."

Seeing his sister and Ye Lin suddenly chatting with each other as if they were familiar with each other, Melvin was suddenly confused. Shouldn't he report the situation in the Eaton Industrial Zone to him first?

Because the Richter family's upbringing is extremely strict, and the rules and regulations are absolutely not allowed to be broken. Although it is not as cold and ruthless as Nairn Sigg's family, it is also famous in the heaven for its severity.

Melvin, who was born in the Richter family, didn't even have pets. It could be said that he was extremely lacking in love and cuteness. Just like the current princess Alijie, she had no playmates of her own age.

What to do if you don’t have a pet? What if I don’t have a sister? Make one yourself!

So there was Wolverine, and his super cute and caring sister Mia.

Mia is the perfect sister created after the artificial intelligence MV002. Her number is 003, and 001 is Wolverine under her butt.

However, as he grew older, Melvin himself became more and more lazy. Apart from science and technology, which he was interested in, he was mostly indifferent to other things.

Then the perfect sister Mia kept nagging him, why he hadn't eaten yet, why he hadn't tidied his room, and why he didn't sleep in... Day after day, his head was spinning.

Perfection is sometimes a "fault".

It wasn't until Meili tied him up and airdropped him to the imperial capital by plane that he finally left his sister's nagging with relief.

And Mia pouted, and under the careful guidance of her colleagues, she learned a sentence... Ha, man!

Melvin was very interested in the black superalloy Ye Lin gave him, so he simply put the two of them aside and started studying the black metal on his own.

Until half an hour later~

Mia was still unfinished, and suddenly clapped her head in annoyance: "Ah, I forgot to tell you the information about Eaton Industrial Zone."

As Mia lowered her head and operated, the virtual screen changed. Mia's pretty figure was replaced by several pictures, with only a small avatar frame in the upper left corner.

"Apostle Anton is asleep inexplicably, right on the edge of the industrial area, because our weapons are difficult to cause damage. General attacks include rockets, and laser weapons are just like... scraping! Moreover, Anton's flame energy is combined with electricity. A very strange red ore appeared in the industrial area."

Mia said as she zoomed in on a special red ore, which was shaped like a natural crystal, but its texture was extremely rough, and there seemed to be flames flowing crystal clear inside.

"This is..." Melvin raised his head and was slightly interested. This was the first time he had seen this kind of miraculous ore in the heaven.

"This, Dr. Wayne named it...the magic brake stone."

Magic stone?

Ye Lin, who originally had a gentle smile, suddenly turned stiff and had some extremely bad memories.

"This kind of stone, because although Anton is asleep, there are some terrifying monsters that have invaded several power stations at the core of the Siman Industrial Base. It seems that their energy has affected the buildings and caused mutations. "

A picture was enlarged on the virtual screen. The picture showed an aerial metal passage corridor inside a power station. The original cyan steel corridor could not reach the sky or the ground, but suddenly a kind of black-red ore grew on both sides!

The temperature of the ore seemed to be extremely high, the air was slightly scorched and distorted, the steel closest to it was also slightly glowing red like molten iron, and the entire passage was about to collapse.

"This kind of magic brake stone has been found in Clay Power Station and Plutz Power Station, especially in the Grandi Power Station in the depths, which has the most magic brake stone."

After Mia finished speaking, she blinked and asked curiously: "Ye Lin, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Your face is a little green..."

"'s okay, it's okay, I didn't eat enough breakfast."

Hahaha, Ye Lin rolled his eyes secretly as he hurriedly recovered his senses. The four guardians of Anturn, including the famous first model worker "Furman of the Void, Fu Laosi", should have arrived at the Siman Industrial Base. .

They converted the electrical energy from the industrial base into the energy needed for Anton's survival, and replenished it into Anton's body to save up for his return to the demon world.

She is indeed the most considerate and perfect sister. If there is any abnormality, she will be able to detect it with her quick mind.

But my own Mailu is also a perfect little sister, she can eat, drink, is sweet, soft and cute, big, very edible, and very big.

"General Jackett said that if weapons with extraordinary lethality cannot be used, we can only wait for Apostle Anton to leave on his own, and then find a way to sniper him at sea. Also, Dr. Venn said that because the apostle is sleeping, they We will find ways to run some small power stations, try our best to supply the daily life of the imperial capital, and expel Kallet."

Mia sent all the pictures, and this information will be sent to Regent Jurgen at intervals, allowing him to make adaptive decisions based on the situation in Ghent and Eaton.

Because Anton fell into a slumber that absorbed energy, General Jack might have time to take the Sky Noble to support the imperial capital of Ghent.


Melvin waved his hand, looking weak again, as if he had been drunk and exhausted, and said: "Please tell General Jackett that Kallet in Ghent is dead, and Commander Babylon has also been killed. If you are caught, you can deal with Antuo En with peace of mind."

"Hey, hey, hey?"

Mia exclaimed three times in succession, her pretty little face full of doubts. The last time she communicated with her brother, he said that he was only temporarily repelling Kallet. Why was it that the commander was captured not long after? !

"Well, this is the man who caught him. I heard he was stepping on a sword..."

Melvin yawned again. He was actually very interested in the magic sword. It was a sword with supersonic speed and intelligence. It could be said that it was completely... a technology that he had never seen before!

However, the magic sword is too destructive, especially when Ye Lin is not around. Therefore, the idea of ​​studying the magic sword is a pity that it will never be realized.

"You are really amazing. Thank you for your contribution to the heaven. I will convey this news to General Jackett immediately."

Bowing again with court etiquette, Mia smiled sweetly and waved goodbye, then cut off the communication on the virtual screen.

"Oh, why did I forget!"

Holding Agui in her arms, Mia, who had just walked to the studio door, stamped her feet with a rather annoyed look on her face, and her little pout was particularly cute.

It can be said that except for the difference in the basic structure of the human body, Mia is no different from ordinary humans.

Moreover, when Melvin designed Mia, he did not prevent her ability to learn and evolve on her own. This resulted in Mia not only being a famous engineer at the Siman Base, but also because of her continuous learning, her intelligence and emotions have always been there. evolution.

Even Melvin still doesn't know what kind of situation Mia is in. Maybe if she continues, she can transform the materials that make up her body into real flesh and blood.

"I forgot to ask my brother, when did I get a sister?"


Melvin Laboratory is located at the corner of Gent Square Street. The entrance is very narrow and you have to bend down to enter. There are stacks of cardboard boxes piled at the door.

Some of them were soaked due to the continuous rain yesterday. They didn't look like the famous Melvin's residence, but more like a doghouse at a junkyard.

The boxes are made of precious metals, and the packaging of rare parts is unrecognizable to most people.

At first, Melvin deliberately pretended to be like this, hoping to deceive others and leave him alone. Ordinary people would not be able to understand the meaning of the symbols on the box.

However, after all, there are many talented people in the imperial capital. Zedin was originally tasked with protecting Melvin, but after searching for her, he sent someone to dig him out.

Ye Lin had just walked out of Gongfang Street when he saw many residents in the city, including the imperial army carrying weapons, rushing in one direction, all looking happy.

He grabbed a passerby and asked in surprise: "Friend, what's going on? Is there something happy?"

"Hey, I heard that Captain Zedin came back with a bunch of prisoners, including the frontline commander Babylon. They were captured by the heroic reinforcements Ye Lin and his team in the world below. Didn't we hurry up and get together? It’s lively, but it’s late, so you can’t see it inside the prison.”

After saying that, he hurried towards the south city gate with a happy face.

The siege of Ghent has been lifted, and the civilians who have returned to their homes safely have a sense of leisure after the disaster, and they are looking for fun to watch.

He shrugged secretly and spread his hands. He didn't have the intention to go and see some down-and-out nobleman, the frontline commander Babylon.

Because a silver spaceship passed over the imperial capital, and the golden emblem of the Seventh Empire at the bottom was dazzling.

Kelly, who sold out her gold, is back!

"If you ask me, those nobles are really nothing."

Kelly drank a large glass of juice, let out a comfortable burp, and said disdainfully: "I thought my boat was nice and beautiful, so I wanted to buy my boat. Then I heard that I couldn't take anyone with me, so I immediately felt superior." Sense, why do you want to force me to buy my boat? It seems that you still gave me face."

"Made, don't wipe your eyes. Can they afford this ship? They can't afford it even if they demolish the palace and sell every brick."

It can be seen that Kelly is very angry. As a reinforcement from the heaven, she arrived in Ghent only after spending a lot of time and energy building the spaceship "glasses" and provided timely support.

Nowadays, everyone in the imperial capital treats her with respect. How come when she arrives in Nospes, those nobles who have done nothing but act like the boss of the world, the second child and me, the third child, how can they have the ability.

Especially the rude nobles who dared to walk up to the spaceship, touch and knock here and there, and even wanted to get in and take a look.

Kelly, who was so angry that she had a bad temper, held the handle of the gun on the spot and issued a warning, which almost caused a conflict with the noble private soldiers.

It wasn't until Sergeant Mayne, who was accompanying him, smoothed things over and named Kelly's identity that the nobles became wary and frowned.

Kelly, the person with the fastest skill in drawing a gun, the only disciple of the legendary gunner, and one of the survivors of the Ardennes Guard, is not a person who is easy to talk to, has a good temper, and knows the rules.

In particular, she still has two teammates who are missing, Niels, who can accurately snipe from a thousand meters away, and Audrey, who has no emotion, cold and cruel methods.

If Kelly is allowed to see sparks in her eyes again, and then gathers this legendary defense team, and then pulls in the team that is currently supporting Ghent, then the entire Nospes will never be able to live in peace.

Raphael chewed the lollipop that Milu gave her, and raised his head slightly to ask: "Why is this ship so expensive? Is it made of pure gold?"

Can’t afford to buy the palace if it is demolished?

This sounds a bit excessive.


Ye Lin, who was serving rice cakes with cold beer, said without raising his head: "Actually, it's pretty much the same. This spaceship can withstand anti-tank sniper rifles and laser cannons. The outer shell is doped with metal from space demons. The engine is the only A source energy engine is of inestimable value.”

The right arm hugs the rice cake's neck, and the left hand holds a can of beer. In a parallel position, he pokes the sharp corner hard, and the beer opens.

Ma Lin had also sent several boxes of carbonated drinks named Coke before, which was a drink that Nibel drank like water and made him feel uncomfortable without a meal.

I burped after drinking half a bottle of rice cake. The taste is not exciting, but the wine is still delicious.

Siatt drank it as an ordinary drink, but Yuena was the first to discover that potato chips paired with cola are the best!

Soon afterwards, Gu Yu shouted that chicken wings are also very good, Feizhai Happy Water, Happy Pie, Happy Chicken...

"My husband's value is also immeasurable." Raphael said confidently.

"Yes, yes, no matter how valuable your husband is, he still belongs to Kelly. You are so excited."

"That's right, Kelly!"

Raphael exclaimed, jumped like a cat, and ran up to Kelly. His eyes were helpless and he said pitifully: "Sister Kelly, good sister, give me a copy. It's the one that's very powerful. One shot can make people... Something from heaven.”

"Huh? One shot to the sky?"

Kelly frowned slightly and turned slightly red. She glanced at Yelin suspiciously. According to the conversation just now, she wanted to clone you? What have you been doing to this girl these days?

"Well, it's not me, it's the ancient particle cannon. I asked Melvin about that thing, and he said he didn't dare to copy it. For this matter, I have to ask the mechanical spirit Gina."

The reason why women in the heavenly world have a relatively high status is because of the "mechanical unification" caused by the coldness and rules of machinery. Only women's delicate thoughts and emotions can create "beautiful" weapons and escape the shackles of the seven mechanical gods of war.

Even Melvin, who is famous for innovative technology and artificial intelligence, has not escaped the influence of mechanical fixed thinking.

He tried to innovate weapons, such as GT-9600, Walker A5-5T, etc. However, the actual results were machine gun barrels, flamethrowers, and rockets, which were the same as the currently popular weapons.

From then on, Melvin never thought about designing weapons.

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