Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 413 An old man told me...

The mysterious weirdo reached out and unbuttoned his dark green leather coat, and like a perverted man who liked to show off on the street, he suddenly pulled open the water-stained fur coat.

However, what was underneath the coat was not a human body, but a pitch-black depth. One after another, densely packed scarlet eyes suddenly lit up, and then a swarm of black crows and bee pupae emerged.

They spread their wings high, bared their fangs ferociously, and made a pitiful, blood-curdling cry that seemed to merge with the black clouds in the sky.

"Hey, you guy, I don't believe it."

Raphael took out the laser transmitter from his back, the wall of evil spirits and the black sea water. Ordinary flame weapons had no effect, but this obvious fur coat was a living target.

Electric laser cannon!

The blazing laser tore through the faint white mist that had been floating on the sea. The electric current was like a pillar, surrounded by energy pulses. It hit the opponent's fur coat with absolute precision.

Stab ~

Sparks flew everywhere, the muzzle of the laser launcher turned slightly red, and the energy indicator at the end bottomed out.

But the ghostly ghost opposite, or the man called "Sas", although the leather coat is scorched and steaming, it seems to be nothing more than that.

Sass is an evil spirit and countless evil spirits. He is the memory of all the unfortunate people on this ghost train, merged into one existence, and is called "Leader Sass".

The giant spirit Blue, hidden in the deepest part, controls the unfortunate undead souls on this train, making them unable to break free and live in pain forever.

Although Sass had no face, he sneered lowly, as if he was taunting him, and dense black crows continued to fly out of his chest.

The crows cover the sky and the sun.

Boom boom...

An even more intense beam of light stung everyone's eyes for a moment. This laser pulse was more than a hundred times more powerful than the laser cannon.

"Ahhh, my husband is awesome!"

Raphael let out an excited howl and ran back quickly, his little face rubbing hard against the barrel of the ancient particle cannon, his eyes obsessed.

"Wow, why is my husband under your ass instead of in my arms?"

Raphael had an upright character, and his speech, which was too minotaur-like, made Kelly roll her eyes. This girl was possessed and could not be saved.

On the other side, Sass, who was integrated with the memories of the entire train passengers, was completely gone, not even the cool dark green leather coat was left.

Science is power!

Even a super powerful undead cannot withstand continuous energy pulse attacks.

The ancient particle cannon is a matching weapon prepared for Gebojia.


In the deepest part of the ghost train, a piercing scream suddenly came out. Visible to the naked eye, the water stains on the ground exploded into beads and spread in all directions.

At this moment, they saw the strongest and largest evil spirit in history!

The seawater on both sides of the train suddenly surged, and two twisted and winding pipes protruded from the seawater and fell on the deck. The pipes seemed to be carrying some kind of liquid. They soon piled up into a mountain in front of everyone's eyes, and then turned into a terrifying evil creature. spirit.

The body was as dark and brown as a mountain ridge, with demonic flames and human faces lingering on the surface, rolling and surging continuously. All the faces were hideous and terrifying, and seemed to be suffering from great pain.

A ferocious mouth with sharp teeth and fangs, black water dripping from the corners of the mouth, and the throat is as dark as a bottomless pit.

Just a scream can make people feel the pain of piercing their eardrums and make their heads dizzy.

The giant spirit Blue was originally an evil spirit that spread poisonous mist in the twilight sea, but for some unknown reason, he ended up on the sea train.

The distance between the two places is thousands of miles away.

"Hungry, I'm so hungry..."

Blue wailed in his throat, which was supposed to be a way to vent his emotions, but Ye Lin felt the screams and cries of thousands of souls, as if the noisy voices of ten thousand people exploded in his mind.


At some point, a black arm suddenly reached out from the deck and held his ankle.

Immediately his mind became dizzy and the world was spinning. Ye Lin felt as if he had lost consciousness, his soul separated from his body and was sucked into another space.

Everyone, including Yuena, who was carried by Kelly, also had a black arm on her ankle.

Time seems to have stopped...

Djinn Blue stopped in place, and all the members of the team also remained motionless. They closed their eyes and stood still like a painting.

The ghost train is still running, and the sea water is still turbulent and slowly rising, and it is already close to the roof of the ghost train.

Above Cyrus's head, a violent scarlet figure slowly emerged, staring at the magic sword.

Next to Mailu, the pure and holy unicorn stared at the two.

Tamos was on guard against this equally violent sword, in case it took advantage of someone's danger and did something harmful.

I finally found a good carrier, but I can't die.

"There is a book scarier than mine sleeping in that guy's body. He also gave a name to some great existence..."

The magic sword swayed in the air a few times. If it had been there before, it would have been a bit rebellious and wiped Ye Lin's neck.

But after meeting the "Mysterious Warrior", this idea was completely abandoned.

"What state are they in now?" Demon Sword asked, not knowing clearly.

The scarlet Tamos couldn't see his expression clearly, and said calmly: "Inner demons, each of them will see what they fear most in their hearts. If they can't break free before the seawater spreads, they will sink completely with this train. seabed."


"What's wrong with me? Isn't it a ghost train?"

Siatt slowly got up, her eyes confused. How could the black tights and hip-covering skirt on her body turn into a close-fitting and exquisite armor?

Could it be that beast's new uniform preference?

Haven't you already played the role of a nurse, a teacher, or a bunny girl before? Today, this beast is interested in a knight covered in sophisticated armor?

Suddenly, her pupils tightened. Not far in front of her, a special ring-shaped device made of Terra Stone was suspended in the air, exuding an extremely strange and ominous aura.

Transfer device!



"Run away~"

There were piercing screams and a breath of despair. The sky above was bright blue and vast, but it was like a 10,000-meter-high mountain falling down, making people unable to breathe.

Isabella touched her purple uniform and stared blankly in front of her eyes. An extremely huge red octopus was wreaking havoc on the back of the beast, crushing and exploding believers wherever it passed.

Some even twisted their bodies on the spot and turned into octopuses.


Yuena looked blank, looking down at her chest, her eyes were lifeless and colorless.

There was no pain, no feeling at all, but there was bright red blood trickling out, soaking the plain white clothes.

Agamemnon, the angel of light, had cold and ruthless eyes, and the holy spear Brionac in his hand was slowly withdrawing.

Around the extreme altar, black sea water was churning, and countless ferocious evil spirits were roaring, crowding, and crawling towards the extreme altar, carrying a fishy smell, trying to drag her down into the abyss.


A corner of the Stru Mountains, with a radius of one kilometer, was reduced to ashes. The land seemed to have been plowed by mysterious tools, and then fell to the ground with meteorites, leaving it in dilapidated condition.

"I really didn't expect that he had such a trick, but he also didn't expect that there was a big boss like you."

Ye Lin put his hands behind his head and swayed, looking helplessly at the mysterious man in front of him with a vicissitudes of life, a beard, and a blue ball on his abdomen.

The mysterious warrior!

The main source of Arad's destruction, one of the forms of Caruso.

In fact, it has always been the thing that scares him the most.

If he hadn't decided to go to the Canyon of the Dead to learn from Master Suo, and happened to meet the Mysterious Warrior and Sophie, the continent of Arad would have exploded.

"Hahahaha, I have already felt that the ocean above your head is not simple."

The mysterious warrior named Stru smiled freely. He never thought that he would meet Ye Lin again in such a way.

However, his body has been attributed to the great will, and what exists now is a prosthetic body similar to the projection of materialized magic.

"I've seen this method before. The only way to break the situation is to defeat the thing you fear most in your heart. Your inner demon seems to be me."

Struw smiled gently. If the Giant Spirit Bulu's original concept was used, he should have decided to win or lose with Ye Lin here.

As one of the forms of the great will, the opponent has no chance of winning.

However, how could the first primordial light in the universe, the great will, be controlled by a resentful spirit?

Even if it is just a false prosthesis, the most "fearful" thing projected from Ye Lin's heart, the name and form of the great will will not be distorted by a giant spirit demon.

Stru held a hand with one hand and was about to collapse this thinking space. He paused suddenly and said curiously:

"Do you dare to swing your sword at me?"

"Why don't you dare!"

Ye Lin suddenly burst into laughter, rolled the wound in his hand around, his momentum was like a rainbow, his murderous intent rose, and he said loudly:

"A legendary sword master told me that as a swordsman, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he must dare to swing the first sword. Otherwise, no matter how good his sword is, it is just a piece of scrap metal."

Extremely divine swordsmanship·instant slash!

A white line appeared between heaven and earth, and everything was silent for a moment.

Stru's eyes shone with deep appreciation.

His arm was cut open by this shocking sword...

"See you soon."

Stru nodded slightly, with a smile on his lips, and disappeared.

And the land of green and steep mountains suddenly turned into a ghost train.

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