Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 417 The Final Fisherman’s Story

The evil spirit seawater in trouble disintegrated like snow under the warm sun. It evaporated on the spot like a glass of water poured into the desert, and the whole space became bright.

Agamemnon's dark side also turned into ashes and dissipated like smoke in a breeze.

Almost instantly, cracks appeared in the entire space in all directions, and the inner demon dilemma caused by the giant spirit Blue suddenly exploded.

On the ghost train, just when Ye Lin decided to summon the cosmic demon and forcibly shatter the space, Yuena woke up!


The six wings bloomed, the brilliance was dazzling, and the sacred "light" shone on her body. The strong air waves instantly evaporated the nearby evil spirits, avoiding the black water that spread to the feet, and there was no sign of recovery.

The ocean where evil spirits rejoiced suddenly evaporated by one-fifth, and the sea level plummeted.

It was as if scalding hot oil had been poured over Djinn Blue's body, which quickly smoked and burned. His wailing sound caused shock waves, and the roof of the ghost train exploded inch by inch.

The holy six wings expanded extremely quickly, extending to a range that could encompass everyone. Like a mother protecting her cubs, the six wings were like a steel barrier, unbreakable.

However, Yuena looked a little confused, and she was a little confused about her own situation. There were not many records of Seraph's abilities in the Great Cathedral of Remedia.


With a shocking loud noise, the moon, which had been "eaten" to its final stage, suddenly opened a large crack on one side, and a brighter light descended from the sky, forcibly stopping the last step of the lunar eclipse.

The endless light on it is like the replenishment of the sun, allowing the lunar eclipse to dissipate and restore its bright glory.

It fell, landing behind Yuena, her hands raised at her sides.

The holy spear "Brianak" that had been carried by Yuena suddenly broke through the limitations of space props and appeared between the opponent's hands.

Angel of Light, Agamemnon!

"I will give you the blessing of the Archangel! Give you courage and confidence, and give you the trials of God. No matter how deep the darkness in the world is, my light will always guide you who yearn for justice."

The holy spear in his hands changed the color of the body surface, and the golden light was bright and dazzling. Brionac's spear tip slowly pointed at the giant spirit Blue.

Yuena seemed to have a telepathic connection, and her hands were spread out like Agamemnon. The holy and fine golden light illuminated a large area of ​​​​the nearby sea, and the evil spirits dispersed.


Yuena whispered softly, her long hair flying like a holy angel.

"Please accuse them..."

"Forgive me!"

The golden holy spear suddenly expanded countless times and fell to the ground like a meteorite, destroying the heaven and earth and occupying the entire sky!

The enemy locked by the holy spear will be unable to struggle or escape, and the giant spirit Bulu will explode with a bang.

The whole place fell into silence.

No one could have imagined that Yuena, who was watched by countless evil spirits, was so weak that she could only be carried by Kelly not long ago, and now she had just opened her eyes and woke up, and destroyed the evil giant?

The obvious difference in status surprised Siatt and the others. It was obvious that Yuena had reached the "Seraph", the legendary messenger closest to "God".

The golden light was mottled and fragmented, and the angel of light Agamemnon slowly dissipated in the air. It was the guardian angel who gave Yuena the "archangel's blessing" and was regarded as half of the guardian in the future.

Originally, the Archangel Rafael or the Archangel Uriel should have given blessings to angels, but they were interrupted halfway.

To grant the protection of "Seraph", just one angel is enough, there is no difference.

And in terms of strength alone, except for Archangel Michelle, it may be stronger than those others.


Yuena scratched her head in embarrassment, her face flushed in front of everyone, and it took a long time to hold back a sentence: "I don't seem to feel any change."



"Tsk tsk~"

Various envious but not jealous responses, as well as Yuena's unexpected breakthrough, and the warm and relaxed atmosphere instantly dispelled the haze of the ghost train.

They really wanted to ask Yuena what she had gone through inside and how she had broken through, but there was another surprise on the side of Giant Blue.

It was blasted to pieces by the holy spear before, but it was not really dead. It was the evil spirit of the Dusk Sea, embodying the characteristics of the sea of ​​sky devouring magic power.

At this moment, black sea water moves backwards, forming a tornado-like water column, connecting the giant spirit Blue and the ocean of evil spirits.

Blue, whose body was originally in pieces, is rapidly recovering, and his aura is gradually rising.

Upon seeing this, Feiyan covered her forehead, closed her eyes and groaned: "This guy is not dead yet!"

She had suddenly glimpsed the tip of the iceberg of the Arad continent. Such an evil monster, relying on its own characteristics of blending with the ocean, is probably not inferior to the apostle Anton.

The sea in the sky has the property of swallowing magic power, and do the giant spirits in the ocean absorb these magic powers?

The most terrifying thing is that the opponent is a marine creature. If it wreaks havoc on the coasts of the four continents and summons tsunamis of evil spirits to devour towns at night, I am afraid that the entire heaven will be disturbed and there will be no peace.

"I kind of believe it. You saved Arad." Feiyan was unable to refute, and shrugged at Ye Lin with a bleak look on her face.

Even if the giant spirit Blue is eliminated today and the great threat in the heavens is eliminated, in the days to come, when she and Raphael tell the sisters that they have participated in an operation to save the world, there will probably be no one. Will believe it.

Yuena shook the shrunken Holy Spear, looking left and right, looking at it with a dazed look, and muttered: "How can this thing be used? How did it become so big just now? Can you just throw it out?"

The djinn Blue has revived again, so of course she will summon Brionak again to blast this guy.

"No need for the Holy Spear, just come with me."

Shaking his head slightly, Yelin motioned for her to follow him, then walked straight across the broken deck and approached the giant spirit Blue.

"Boss, danger!"

Mo Mei just reminded anxiously, and then she was stunned and saw an incredible scene.

The ferocious-looking giant spirit Blue actually made a sound that sounded very much like a whimper, with a strong tone of crying and sadness.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy looked really scary, if she closed her eyes, she would have thought it was Miraz's dog that was beaten and cried.

"Don't cry, too much time has passed. The gods are hidden. Even if you want to bring the evil spirits of the sky and sea to take revenge on the sea god who cursed you, you can't find a trace."

In an instant, Yuena's beautiful eyes widened, and the corners of her mouth twitched in disbelief. Is this person actually chatting with the evil giant?

And from what he meant, he seemed to have some sympathy for this guy?

What is even more surprising is that the giant spirit Blue, although his body was restored by the evil spirit sea water, why did he restrain his murderous intent and did not attack him?

After Siatt and the others saw the unexpected situation, they also boldly came over and looked at each other, all confused.

"What's going on with this giant spirit? Don't be pretentious, don't pretend to be cool, just tell me."

Siatt poked his arm and signaled to explain quickly what the hell was going on, which confused everyone present.

"Do you still remember the story of the fisherman?" Ye Lin hooked his fingers, and he took off the mysterious brass bell around the neck of the giant Blue and threw it casually at his feet. It was a cursed object.

"Remember, the third son jumped into the sea inexplicably because of greed." Gu Yu whispered.

"This guy is also greedy. It longs to devour everyone's souls, but it is the fusion of evil spirits. If it devours the evil spirits in the ocean, it will be like eating itself, with no effect, just like the fisherman's third son. Ultimately nothing was achieved.”

The sealing bell of the giant spirit Blue is not only a seal that restricts Blue's actions, but also a curse that allows him to change.

"You mean, this guy was once the third son of a fisherman? He was cursed by the bell?"

The most shocked ones were Feiyan and Raphael. They had heard the story of the fisherman as a fairy tale and a fable of virtue, but now it suddenly appeared in front of them, which was a bit unbelievable.

"It's him, and it's not him. The evil spirits in the ocean gathered together, and the name of the giant spirit formed was Blue. However, the formation process requires a core, which is the greedy thought of the third son. He was cursed by the mysterious bell in the Dusk Sea. ”

"Yue Na, purify these evil spirits from him."

"Yeah, let me try."

The holy light that originally had no effect on the mist of evil spirits is now like a piece of snow melting rapidly after seeing hot water, turning into wisps of black smoke.

The giant spirit Bulu is an evil and greedy creature that uses a human as its body and fuses the evil spirits of the sky and sea.

The mysterious bell rusted rapidly soon after it landed, and within a few minutes, it turned into a pile of rust powder.

The ghost train has stopped.

The mist of evil spirits disappears like the white snow in spring.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Yuena seemed to see those purified evil spirits, as if they were smiling and bowing to her?

She felt something in her heart and threw the holy spear into the sea. Suddenly, a bright holy light bloomed on the sea, reaching straight into the sky.

Ocean, blue.

The whole sky suddenly cleared up.

"Are you okay... eh?"

Yuena was stunned. She purified the evil spirits from Blue according to Ye Lin's instructions. How come she was distracted and the giant spirit Blue disappeared out of thin air in the blink of an eye?

"He's gone, taking a boatload of fish and going home."

Ye Lin sighed and picked up a purple stone, a fishhook and a gem from the deck.

The soul-gathering core, and the very ordinary fishhook, the one that Blue had in his mouth.

The Ice Soul Stone is a very beautiful and precious gemstone. The thing hanging on the fishhook was also the thing that the third son jumped into the sea to grab, but he never came back.

He threw the fishhook and the ice soul stone into the sea. He was born in the sea and should be returned to the sea.


"Wow, I scared the little lantern to death. I dreamed that sea water rose to the roof of the car, countless evil spirits rushed towards the little lantern, and there were many corpses of mermaids."

"Yes, yes, Kong Kongyi also dreamed about it."

The two little mermaids jumped up and down, telling Ye Lin about the nightmare they had just had, saying that they dreamed of a ghost train, which made them break into a cold sweat.

Ye Lin secretly pouted at them. The moment the ghost space was shattered, they were transferred to the original sea train, and they were about to reach the lawless zone.

As for the memories of the two mermaids, there is probably something wrong with them, and they must be treating it as a dream.

"I stepped on the horse and scared me to death. What the hell was that? A ghost train. There were so many corpses. If the cab hadn't been sealed well, my turtle shell would have been chewed to pieces."

Podil took trembling steps, shaking three times with each step, and his voice changed its tone.

"What ghost train? Are you dreaming?" Little Lantern asked confused.

"What a dream, it's true..."

Podil wanted to explain, but Ye Lin kicked him back to the cab. Don't scare the two children.

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