Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 427: If you can’t get down, move them all up!

The Ardennes Highlands are a barren and backward village. The terrain is high and easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is also the highest point in the entire lawless zone. However, this place does not have much commendable strategic significance.

Because of the terrain of the Ardennes, it is not easy to obtain the resources needed for survival, especially water.

It wasn't until the addition of Dr. Giselle in 987 that the Kallet's equipment level was greatly improved, allowing their invasion to pass through the entire lawless zone like a strong wind.

In 988, a legendary six-man team was able to fend off two Kallet invasions within a year, and persisted for a long time in the third battle. Only because of the traitor Pierre You were helplessly defeated.

Since then, like the original children's organization "Wings of Peace", the Ardennes has become an indelible stain on Kallet, and has been spread throughout the heavens.

Relying on the unique terrain that was easy to defend but difficult to attack, Kallet simply established a military base in this large mountain range and gathered all the best soldiers and equipment.

There are still Kallet organizations left everywhere in the lawless zone. If he wants to remove them all one by one, even Ye Lin thinks that he will have a headache.

"It's really disappointing. The last time I was in the Ardennes, I was on the defensive side. This time I returned to my old place and I actually became the attacking side."

Kelly, who had a rosy complexion and glossy lips, stretched the tired muscles and bones in her body and filled six rounds of bullets into her Nian Qi revolver.

"So, is this a fateful reincarnation?"

Ye Lin shrugged, and then started to search for the location of Siatt, the others, and Sand Shadow Belit at the foot of the mountain. There was still a white lie that needed to be weaved.

Not long after, I found the team members who were resting and waiting under a few crooked-neck trees. They were enjoying ice-cream sticks, ice-cold desserts and cakes, which felt really uncomfortable.

Feiyan, who is particularly well-behaved and sensible, and also admires the legend of the gun god very much, is beating Belit's shoulders, showing her filial piety like a granddaughter.


Belit raised his eyes slightly and stared at Kelly, with a somewhat desolate look in his eyes.

He and Kelly were a pair of masters and apprentices with the same fate. Now they were both in the same encounter and situation. The betrayal and misguided paths of old friends were all coming to an end today.


After a low response, Kelly's mood obviously started to feel depressed again, but fortunately she adjusted quickly and smiled.

"In that case, let's go quickly. Someone has already taken action before us."

After thanking Feiyan for the massage, Belit stood up, put on the black round hat on himself, looked directly at the Ardennes not far away, took a deep breath, and suddenly became a powerful man from a dying old man. Fierce, like an eagle soaring in the sky!

"Are they Audrey and Nils?" Ye Lin asked curiously.

Since Belit said that someone took the first step, it seems that the only two people who are not here are snipers. Maybe they are hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to kill Kallet.

"No, old man, I still have a number of fans. They are a group of uninhibited and free-spirited roaming gunmen who have suffered from the oppression of Kallet for a long time."

With a hearty smile, Belit strode towards the Ardennes and said: "As you said, if Anzu was born in Nospis, he must be a good politician. He has inspired the lawless zone for hundreds of years. His hatred is outstanding, but he has failed to manage his subordinates' actions well. Over the years, there have been quite a few residents who have complained about Kallet."

Led by Belit, the team was as fierce as a sharp blade, cutting vertically through the Ardennes Highlands!

As the team moved forward, Kelly also whispered:

"My parents were once well-known gunmen, but they refused Kallet's solicitation and were unfortunately killed."

"But later, after I left the army, I found those people and started shooting them from the limbs, inch by inch, shattering their whole bodies!"

The news of the capture of frontline commander Babylon, as well as the explosion in the foggy city of Heis in the early morning and the disappearance of Van Vladin, all indicate that Kallet, who has dominated the lawless zone for more than thirty years, has become like the sunset in the wind. candlelight.

Fierce gunfire exchanges could be heard endlessly. The like-minded roaming gunmen brought by Belit had already fought against Kallet in other places.

Even now, Kallet still resists to the death and will never surrender. In addition to fighting the trapped beast, this is also Anzu Saifu's absolute order!

"The Ardennes are easy to defend but difficult to attack. Are those people in danger?"

Mo Mei held up the Nianqi shield to block the metal storm pouring from above. A Nianqi Rasengan detonated a small Kallet stronghold on the mountainside. She looked to one side with worried eyes.

Six people were able to block Kallet's two attacks back then, not only because of their superior abilities, but also because of the topography, which was also a very important factor.

Will those roaming gunmen suffer severely because of this? It would be unworthy to die in the hands of Kallet.

"Haha, don't worry about that."

Belit's eyes were like a hawk, and he knocked down three people in an instant. He laughed and said: "Those guys have such a character, they even dare to jump into the enemy's surroundings, use superb shooting skills to shoot indiscriminately, and search for people in the tense and exciting battle." The thrill of victory is exactly the way to wander through the lawless zone.”

Mo Mei's nearly insurmountable cover, as well as Ye Lin and the curator's terrifying long-range magic abilities, destroyed all obstacles on the road, and the team advanced extremely quickly.

The Ardennes, which had been unable to be conquered by Kallet in two battles, had successfully climbed to the highest point in just two hours.

The Ardennes is not a raised isolated mountain, but more like a mountain range with its peak cut off. Instead, there is a large area of ​​flatness at the top where many fortresses are built.

There are many vertical abyss cliffs between the highlands, connected by iron cable suspension bridges, but most of the iron cables are now broken.

"Don't worry about me, old man. Go rescue that girl. I have already found out that the princess is at the Kallet headquarters. It is a cliff with no roads."

Belit pretended to be cool and calm, but the arm holding the gun suddenly shook. This was the first time he lost his composure.

From the fortress on the opposite side, an old man with white beard and hair walked out. He wore a kraft paper-colored jacket with slight mildew spots. He had two guns on both sides of his waist. His eyes were bright but sad.

"Belit, you're finally here. I really don't want to run into you."

"Has, it's almost thirty years. I'm tired, and so are you. It's time to add the final bullet to Kallet."


Just when Belit met his "old friend", Ye Lin was suspended in the air and soon found a place that seemed to be Kallet's headquarters.

Surrounded by steep cliffs, with no exit or entrance, this extremely high and special terrain in the Ardennes is like a huge, deep mountain well embedded in the earth.

The Kallet Command Headquarters is at the bottom of this "mountain shaft". If you want to go down, you need the corresponding flying device.

"The princess is down there, but in order to protect her safety, all the heavy weapons are useless, forcing us to go down like birds in the sky, and then be used as living targets by the soldiers below!"

Feiyan and Raphael, who were affiliated with the Royal Princess's courtyard, had already begun to get excited and anxious. Only by rescuing the Royal Princess could they give peace of mind to the world that was now riddled with holes.

However, because we did not expect that the Princess Road would be "underneath" rather than in the Ardennes, we did not prepare a flying device.

Not even a set of "individual soldier propulsion device"!

Even if Ye Lin uses metal or other elements to carry the team down, there will not only be a cold rocket turret below, but there may also be some surprises.

For example, blow up the surrounding cliffs and bury everyone alive!

Even if they could save their lives with the help of Mo Mei, it would still take a lot of effort to escape from the pile of rocks hundreds of meters deep.

"You guys stand back, no, stand back."

Ye Lin looked solemn. Even with his strength, if he forced his way through, some accident would inevitably happen.

Landilus most likely has super-scale destructive weapons, which may be able to level the entire Ardennes!

Siatt and others retreated ten meters as promised, but after seeing Ye Lin still shaking his head, they simply pulled Feiyan and Raphael, who were eager, back more than fifty meters.

"I can't go down there without being plotted, so..."

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and in his raised right hand, a bright golden book suddenly appeared.

This guy never speaks, but he is extremely intelligent and often pretends to be dead. He is vaguely a level above Demon Sword and Mariette.

"So you guys, just come up here!"

He squatted half-crouched, his left hand touched the ground, and the magic power in his body poured out crazily. A huge gap suddenly opened around Kallet's headquarters at the bottom of the canyon, turning it into a suspended island, and began to slowly rise into the air!

The entire Ardennes was shaken instantly, cracks opened in the ground, and the fortress built by Kallet according to the terrain collapsed and cracked in an instant.

Kallet and the Wandering Gunners, who were originally fighting each other, forced a ceasefire and looked for solid bunkers to cover their bodies. They looked horrified to avoid the power of this disaster.


The headquarters that was originally hidden in the deepest part was suddenly taken out by Ye Lin using magic!

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