Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 429: Pseudo·Elemental Holy Spirit, the coquettish princess

The mysterious woman, Alice, helped Kallet grow from a straggler to a behemoth, but she also allowed the strongest trial blade to destroy Kallet with her own hands. Why does it seem like she hates iron and simply destroys it?

At least that's what Randy Luce thinks...

"Surrender, I'll give you a good time."

Ye Lin used a seemingly clumsy way of persuading him to surrender, but it made Lantilus shudder.

He had heard that even though Babylon had pierced his chest with his own bullets, he could be forcibly rescued and prepared to be hanged in Ghent. It was like a miracle.


Lantilus suddenly raised his head and said ferociously: "I'm still not willing to give in!"

He stretched out his right arm and grasped it, and the armor on his body began to surge with electricity. The tail of the quantum bomb behind him suddenly began to slowly twist.

He has never been a good person, nor is he a prodigal son who has returned from his own way. "Evil" is his normal state, his nature!

The previous conversation with Ye Lin was just to answer some doubts in my heart.

Landilus knew very well that there was absolutely no way he could escape from the Ardennes today. The only fate awaiting him was to be killed on the spot or hanged in the city of Ghent!

I absolutely cannot tolerate myself ending up like this!

The Ardennes Highlands have gathered some famous figures in the heaven, including the legendary gunner Belit, the three members of the Ardennes Highlands Guards, the Princess of the Seventh Empire, the Princess' Courtyard, and this team from the lower realm.

Simply use a quantum bomb to launch the greatest celestial tragedy!

"Rice cake!"

Boom boom boom...

A bright firework suddenly exploded in the originally bright and clear sky, and the deafening sound of the explosion could be clearly heard in less than half of the lawless zone.

The rice cake sent it thousands of meters into the air in an instant, causing the diffuse energy to explode and turn into a top-down attack mode.

This firework represents the annihilation of the mastermind behind the Kallet organization, as well as the starting point and symbol of the organization's retreat in the long history of history.

Alijie, who had been silent and gloomy in the cage, saw the overwhelming flames in the sky. What appeared in her big eyes was not fear, but rather curiosity and expectation.

She had a deep intuition that as long as this person was around, she would be fine.

This wonderful "intuition" has been with her since she was very young, and some inexplicable pictures often flashed in her dreams.

She once dreamed that she was sitting alone in a big, big house.

Sure enough, after the First Imperial Capital War, the highest priest, Beilean, died of fatigue, and she was the only one left in the huge and gorgeous palace.

She also dreamed that a group of vicious people broke down walls, destroyed houses, and took her to a place filled with yellow sand.

Just in the past few days, she was sleeping again and dreamed of a man with a blurry face, using a particularly shining magic circle to block the sea of ​​​​fire.

So during the days when she was captured by Kallet, she was very calm, neither crying nor making trouble. Even Lantilus was a little surprised.

The Seal of Heaven floats in the sky, and a brilliant golden magic array spreads in a circle with Ye Lin as the center, thousands of meters away.

Despite the raging sea of ​​fire exploding in the sky, the Ardennes below were all safe and sound, without even a gust of wind.

Siatt stared at the bright light in the sky, turned around and asked doubtfully: "Do you have a sense of déjà vu with this kind of magic circle?"

"Such a terrifying blocking ability, like..." Mo Mei shook her head, then was stunned and stepped hard on her feet.

The sea in the sky, the magic circle of the great magician Mar!

"No way, the first step is to hold up the sea of ​​​​the sky. If it is more powerful, will he create an oasis?" Gu Yu whispered in disbelief.

Gran Forest was once a barren and dry land. It was Mal who used incredible magic to make the sky rain and the earth grow green.

"Yue Na, tell me the truth, can you beat him?" Siatt's eyes were hot and she was a little surprised.

His swordsmanship was on the verge of improvement, but the progress in his magic ability had been carelessly ignored by them.

So Yuena, who has crossed the legendary realm, can she sense a little bit of Yelin's true strength?

"It should, it seems, this...can't be beaten."


"Elemental Holy Spirit?"

The curator raised his eyebrows. He heard that the highest state known to an elementalist is to fuse the four major elements, eliminate the impurity-like fifth element, and collide to create the legendary "sixth element", which is also the creation element with explosive effects.


Everyone clapped their heads suddenly, neglecting or forgetting.

If element masters want to find the "sixth element", they must enter the "Holy Spirit State". In this wonderful state, they can have a deeper elemental collision, gather the four major attribute elements, exclude the fifth element, and trigger the sixth element. Elemental explosion.

But Ye Lin possesses the Seal of Heaven and can eliminate the fifth element and forcibly ignite the four attribute elements without entering the Holy Spirit state.

"However, there is no Holy Spirit Rune around him, so he should be in a state of pseudo-Elemental Holy Spirit. As long as someone can teach him how to practice the Holy Spirit Rune, he will be able to easily advance to the Elemental Holy Spirit with the help of the Seal of Heaven!"

As soon as the curator finished explaining, Siatt and the others slapped their foreheads again and fell silent.

Regarding the use of elements, the one who is most proficient in the use of elements should be Bikini Apostle Held, followed by Tarakuta's "Returner" Reitz!

Counting down the rows further back, there are the current nominal leader of Tarakuta, "Void Mage" Ron, and the one in the family who likes to bask in the sun, the former leader of Tarakuta, Alice, as well as the dragon Tana and the principal. Shallan.

It really just comes naturally, and you can advance to the next level when you return home.

"Do you remember the rumors about Mal?"

Xiaoyu's face shone, and her eyes glowed with a strange color: "The Principality of Belmare used to be a desert, and it was Mal who used magic to change the environment!"

"You mean..."

Mavis looked around the dry and barren land of the Lawless Zone and said in surprise: "If he becomes the Holy Spirit of Elements, maybe he will have a chance to change the harsh environment of the Lawless Zone for four hundred years? Rain from the sky?"


A few minutes later, the smell of gunpowder smoke was strong and choking, but the shock wave had completely dissipated, and the smoke cloud of the explosion hung in the air for a long time.

"Ahem~ Captain, captain... Hey, where is the captain?"

The guard captain Kurkip, who had just crawled out of the dirt pile and was covered in bruises, stared blankly at the princess who had huddled behind a man, but his captain Randy Luce was nowhere to be seen.

"Are you looking for your captain?"


Kurkip replied subconsciously.

"It's exploded into foam in the sky. Take a deep breath, maybe there will be the scent of your captain."

Ye Lin smiled, then snapped his fingers, and multiple pairs of handcuffs suddenly locked up the surviving Lantilus subordinates. These people will be brought to the imperial capital for trial.

"Your Highness, why aren't you afraid that I am a bad person?"

He touched the princess' little head. She was now like a coquettish girl, holding her waist, her delicate arms very tight.

The princess is now slightly younger than Mailu, and is only as tall as her own chest. She is still in the adolescent development stage of a girl, and her flaxen hair is falling down like a waterfall.

However, it was obviously dirty and without shampoo, so it was a little rough and had split ends.

"Because I... I have dreamed in my dream that there is a person who can use shining... this is magic, use magic to block the sea of ​​​​fire."

Elizee whispered, she had never had a peaceful time after the death of Belayan, who regarded her as her own granddaughter.

General Jackett was very kind to her, but the general did not allow her to go home.

Because she is a "prince's daughter" now, not that girl from an ordinary family.

"I forgot, Your Highness, you have a wonderful prophecy ability."

Gently stroking her flaxen hair, Alizee's identity is definitely not just "the daughter of an ordinary family", nor is she just a "prince's daughter" in name.

The top secret in the heaven, the prophesied "Dragon Emperor" appeared not just four hundred years ago, but most likely a thousand years ago, when Bakar ruled the heaven.

Prophecy: (The blood that closes the Mist Gate will open the Emperor's Gate. Wherever the Emperor's words and spirit reach, when the Sky Road is revealed, in the center of the fragmented land, if the majestic appearance of the dragon no longer exists, then the Emperor will appear by himself. World)

The majestic appearance of the dragon, Bakar had died nearly five hundred years ago, the Gate of Mist refers to Anton, and the Sky Road to Heaven is the Silent City hidden in the Sea of ​​Twilight, communicating with the Demon Realm.

So at present, it seems that Alijie, who was born at this delicate time and inherited the orthodoxy, is the chosen emperor!

Suddenly, Ye Lin made a move, looked solemn, and looked down at Alijie, who had a quiet face and big eyes.

He thought of a person who was like a son of destiny, born gloriously in troubled times.


Alijie's and Michelle's experiences were strangely similar.

"Forget it, Your Highness, let's go back. Ghent has been pacified and rebuilt. Ma Lin and the others are waiting for you. The Royal Princess Courtyard has also come to pick you up."


Alijie's face was slightly sad. She actually didn't like that cold, impersonal palace, but Beilean's last words made her understand that there were some responsibilities that she had to shoulder.

But before returning to the palace and turning into the princess who needs to hide all her thoughts, you can be a little willful.

"I...cough, I'm tired and can't walk."

"Okay, I'll carry you."

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Lin's mouth. Because Alijie had "predicted" in advance, she didn't see anything happening to him. It was considered a small accident.

I felt like I suddenly had a coquettish sister, and my heart was filled with a burst of tenderness.

Mailu rarely acted coquettishly, and even when she did, it was to Tana and Siatt.

Naiyali is lazy as hell, and Aska is a big girl. As for Beyana and Wanzi, these two bastards have perfect ability to get things done.


"I'm hungry."

"Here you go with the strawberry cake."

"Still a little thirsty..."

"What kind of juice do you want?"

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