Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 435 Hello, Hailan! ! !

"Your Excellency Jurgen."

After the meeting at the palace ended, someone stopped the regent who was thinking about it and was slowly walking back to the palace while fanning his fan.

"Grand Duke Wayne."

Jurgen stopped, pretending to be surprised, slightly arching his hands, with an ever-elusive smile on his lips.

Andy Wayne is now the head of the Wayne family. His eldest son is Pella Wayne, the chief of the Elytra of the Seven Gods. The family is truly a giant among the nobles of the heaven!

Although she is nearly sixty years old, she is well-maintained in all aspects. She is wearing a tight-fitting red palace dress with gray stockings. She has a slim figure. If she had covered her slightly wrinkled face, she would have thought she was a young model. .

If Andy didn't really like to deal with political affairs and preferred to study technology, it would be hard to say who would take the position of regent between him and Andy.

"Jaket didn't come back. What came back was his adjutant, Unn." Andy said lightly.

"Understood. Although the apostle fell into a deep sleep, there is no guarantee when he will suddenly wake up. A strong person must be in charge of the Eaton Industrial Zone. He did not come just in time."

Jurgen's expression remained unchanged, as if he was not surprised at all and even felt lucky that Jack didn't come back. In this case, he would have a better chance of completing his long-planned plan.

"I understand. Let's find a time and opportunity to send away that group of adventurers. We still have to resolve matters in the heavens ourselves. All of this is for the sake of the heavens."

Andy lowered her voice and wrote her thoughts on her slightly wrinkled face. She was not a person who was good at hiding herself, but she always had a sense of justice in what she did.

"For heaven."

Jurgen nodded slightly and smiled, seemingly in agreement with the other party, but he was the only one who knew his inner thoughts.

Andy's "for the sake of heaven" means that heaven does not need an "emperor" like Bakar. Now the system of the House of Lords is perfect enough and can be passed down forever.

But Jurgen's "for the sake of heaven" is to attack the power of the House of Lords and establish a central emperor with absolute centralized power!

They look alike, but they are so different.


As the team that saved Heaven and rescued the princess, they were naturally treated like heroes.

Except for some arrogant nobles, all the people they met on the road smiled and bowed slightly to show respect. Heaven pays great attention to etiquette.

"You guys go back to the courtyard first, I have something else to do."

He signaled to Siatt and the others to go back and rest first, and he quickly left the palace. Based on his memory and the elemental marks he set, after circling around, he saw a few people walking out while talking.

"Your Excellency Hailan, please stay." Ye Lin shouted.

She has beautiful long silver hair tied into a single ponytail at the back of her head. With her baby-faced appearance, she is not only not girly, but more delicate.

Because he was welcoming the princess outside the palace before, Hailan did not carry heavy firearms. He wore a clean white shirt with dark blue trousers, and the whole person looked unique and unrestrained.

"Oh, isn't this a hero from heaven? It's a bit of an honor to know me, and you want to ask me for something?"

Hai Lan turned her head, with a gentle temperament and a clean smile. Anyone who saw her for the first time would naturally feel a warm feeling toward her.

He was a little surprised that Ye Lin stopped him, but there was no need to ask stupid questions like "how do you know me?"

"That's it. I heard that Your Excellency Hailan is fighting on the front line of the apostles. I would like to take a moment of your time to hear the most accurate information from Anton, because we also have apostles in the Arad continent."

For a very natural and understandable reason, Hailan's doubts were somewhat dispelled. He had also heard from Jurgen and Marin that the apostle disaster also occurred in the Arad continent.

Moreover, the person in front of me who came to the door seemed to have defeated the apostle. In terms of experience, he might be able to give some advice.

"I see, this is not a secret. Maybe I will need your help in the future. That's it. Anton is surrounded by special electric pulses, and there is a giant black volcano on his back that can erupt at any time..."

After spending a few minutes, Hai Lan briefly explained the information about An Tuen. The information and situation he gave were similar to what Mia had said. She could not and did not dare to touch An Tuen.

"That's it. He's really a troublesome guy. Thank you for the information. I'll try my best to find a solution."

Ye Lin looked very surprised, then smiled heartily and stretched out his hand to express his gratitude.

After a moment of confusion, Hai Lan shook hands equally generously, harmoniously with each other, and then said goodbye with a smile.


"Hi~ What did you do to that person?"

The magic sword stuck out its hilt in the corner. After Hai Lan disappeared, his complete figure was revealed floating to one side.

It was very surprised that Ye Lin would take the initiative to "curse" a stranger he had never met before. This seemed like the first time he met him.

Rubbing his middle finger and thumb lightly, Ye Lin then spread his hands and said innocently: "It's just a small trick. As long as I snap my fingers hard, it will probably be like, well, a mechanical detonation."


At night, the palace

Since during the day, I made an agreement with Alijie to tell her the story of Queen Arad, so I must fulfill this agreement tonight.

The curator, who was covered with a plain blanket, had a red glow on his face, his eyebrows were like rippling water, his breathing was a little quick, and his hair was casually scattered to one side.

The admission fee is not only the upper limit, but also excessive, and it overflows a little, and the plump thighs have been maintained.

After taking a hard sip of the large cup of pearl milk tea, Ye Lin exhaled and said with satisfaction:

"You open the space crack first. After that girl goes to sleep, we can return to Arad and come back with all the dragons before the blessing ceremony begins in a few days!"

A colorful crystal was placed on the table. It was the psychedelic crystal that Alice had prepared. It was used as a coordinate to communicate between the two worlds.

"Leave it there, I'll take a rest and do it after purification." The curator muttered lazily.


"You're finally here!"

Alijie poked her little head out to look left and right, and then hurriedly dragged Ye Lin into the boudoir. After closing the door tightly, she pulled him to sit next to a small table with some snacks and fruits on it.

Wearing a light blue and white summer palace dress, the children's style clothing makes Alijie look cuter. This is what a child of this age should look like.

But this huge room, except for some necessary furniture, is really deserted.

"Tell me the story of Dark Elf Queen Meia. I think her situation was similar to mine."

Alijie blinked her big eyes and held her chin in her little hands, looking forward to it~~

"Meia, well, a long time ago, the political system of the dark elves was based on the monarch. However, because of a necromancer, the power of the Senate expanded rapidly. This necromancer was..."

He slowly told Alijie the story of the Dark Elf Queen, but it was difficult for a girl of her age to stay up late, and she didn't sleep much during the day on the sea train. She was just interested in supporting herself.

Before eleven o'clock in the night, Alizee was lying on the table, breathing evenly, and her face was peaceful.

He gently touched the girl's beautiful long chestnut hair, carefully picked up the delicate body, put it on the bed and covered it with a thin quilt, and then slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he wrote a note on the table and pressed it with a tea cup. The main message was: "Because of my ability to advance, I have to go back to the Arad continent first, but I will definitely come back before you perform the blessing ceremony." .”

She closed the door gently and was about to go back when there was a sudden noise in the corner of the courtyard.

Ye Lin paused, then with a black line on his face, he shouted in a low voice: "You guys, come out!"

After a while of rustling, Yuena curled her lips and complained: "It was Gu Yu who insisted on coming. She said that if you dare to enrich the country and strengthen the army, I will arrest you and kill you."

"Since I have to come on my own, why are you coming with me?"

Gu Yu snorted, looked up and down again, and then said in surprise: "You actually told stories all night, without even a forehead kiss before going to bed!"

"I'll kiss you like a hammer. What if the girl wakes up? Forget it, let's go back to the Arad continent temporarily. By the way...are you two going?"

He waved his hands helplessly, and then looked at Feiyan and Raphael, who had sly expressions on their faces. They were also eavesdropping on the story, seemingly fascinated and enjoying it.

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