Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 437: Elemental Holy Spirit or Eye of Annihilation?


Tana squirted out the toothbrushing water, slapped her chest and coughed repeatedly, and raised her eyes in surprise: "Do you want the cultivation method of the Holy Spirit Rune?"

I thought that this person came back in the middle of the night because of homesickness after taking care of the affairs in the heaven, but it turned out that he asked for the Holy Spirit Rune early in the morning, hoping to understand the ultimate meaning of the elements and become the Elemental Holy Spirit.

"I feel like my magical understanding is almost there."

He stretched out his right hand, and four elemental runes of different colors and attributes were spinning calmly on the top of his palm.

Such exquisite magic control ability made Shalan, who was applying lip gloss on the side, take a look and be a little surprised.

"No, no, no, it's not enough. You're still far away, uh...actually, it's not far."

Rolling her eyes, Tana took a towel and wiped her mouth, and explained: "The Holy Spirit of Elements has extremely high requirements for mastering the mysteries of the elements. Although your talent is very strong and your strength is about the same, the Holy Spirit is a kind of It's an extremely special situation, and I'm not sure whether the Seal of Heaven can help you at that time."

"Tana and I can theoretically only maintain the Holy Spirit state for a very short time." A flash of worry flashed in Alice's eyes, and she said solemnly: "The elements are most likely to have existed from the beginning of the creation of the great will, and we have insight into the mysteries of the elements. , is equivalent to comprehending a ray of the true meaning of the world."

"The state of the Holy Spirit at that moment..."

Tana nodded her chin in distress, and after a long while she said helplessly: "I can't explain it, but I feel it's very dangerous anyway."

"That means."

Ye Lin was a little surprised and embarrassed, and spread his hands: "Am I not qualified?"

"That's not true." Alice slowly shook her head.


He was a little confused. The two men warned him that the state of the Holy Spirit was dangerous, but at the same time affirmed his magical strength. It was a bit weird no matter how you looked at it.

Alice thought about it seriously and explained:

"Let's put it this way, there is a demon king in the demon world who is so powerful that he occupies one side, the black-eyed Xia Lefuzi of the Kaxiu sect. He has obtained nearly infinite magic power through the eyes of darkness, and his mastery of the elements is not It’s too high, but it can reach the unprecedented realm of the Eye of Annihilation.”

The forbidden realm of elements seen by the Eye of Annihilation and the confused truth in the state of the Holy Spirit are essentially the same "existence", a brand new system realized after exhausting the power of the elements.

What Alice means is that Schaller relies on the Eye of Darkness, and you use the Seal of Heaven. In a sense, they have something in common.

"Becoming the Eye of Annihilation? That can't be done."

Ye Lin quickly waved his hand and shook his head. The eyes of the Annihilation Pupil will be covered by the endless power of nothingness. Although it does not affect the vision, due to the insight into the forbidden area, a pair of eyes will see some things that ordinary people cannot see. And he cannot actively restrain himself.

"Then we can only help you make some special materials to help you comprehend the elements, so that you can try to enter the Holy Spirit state."

Tana smiled and then put down her worries. After all, if she keeps timid and worried about this and that, she may not be able to enter the Holy Spirit state in her life, and a strong person with hundreds of refinements cannot be cultivated in the greenhouse.

"Celia!" she shouted hurriedly.

"Well, wait a minute...I'm brushing my teeth..."

After rinsing her mouth, Celia broke her fingers and counted them one by one: "Whisper of light, touch of ice, heart of fire, and breath of darkness are all natural substances that are very friendly to various elements."

Fortunately, the materials were not too precious. Ice and fire were obtained by Penosio and Krach, while light and darkness were obtained from Tana and Shallan.

Taking advantage of the time to process the materials, Ye Lin followed Alice in the living room to understand the prelude to the Holy Spirit state and the Holy Spirit runes that condensed the elements to the extreme.

"Successfully displaying the attributes of the Holy Spirit Rune means that you have completely mastered the elements of this series."

Alice waved her right hand, and a flame-colored rune was held in her palm. It was a red crystal-like solid, and there seemed to be a flame burning intelligently inside.

Although it was only a palm-sized crystal, Ye Lin had an intuition that the flame energy that this crystal could erupt was no weaker than a quantum bomb.

Staring at this rune quietly, the magic power surged in Ye Lin's body. He had an intuition that this rune was not too difficult for him.

However, Alice suddenly changed her gentle tone and said solemnly: "Tell me, Ye Lin, why does magic exist?"

Saran, who was drinking tea at the side, was stunned for a moment, her eyes filled with concern. The question that Alice suddenly asked was a common problem in the magic world, and it was the ultimate problem that never had a standard answer.

It is also the key to being promoted to a Grand Mage. Only by clarifying your own magic path can you set foot on a higher realm.

Ye Lin's control of magic relies partly on superhuman talent and partly on the seal of heaven left by the great magician. His understanding of the elements is not like becoming a sword master step by step, with a solid foundation.

This is why Alice said that he does not look like an orthodox elementalist, but rather looks like Black-Eyed Schaller.

How to become a Grand Magister?

It is through this question that we can set a clear path for our future magic.

What is the meaning of magic?

Destruction of endless destruction? The resurgence of all things? Make the impossible possible? Want to protect living beings for the sake of protection?

There is never a standard answer to this question. Even Held, the original discoverer of magic, only had his own answer.

"Does it make sense?"

His eyes suddenly fell into confusion and contemplation. Ye Lin could clearly feel the attribute elements surrounding him, and he was driven by his heart, but why did they exist?

He was like a soldier who had been fighting bloody battles on the front line. Seeing that he had made remarkable achievements in battle, he was about to achieve success and fame, and be promoted to a noble rank. However, he was suddenly told that your cultural class was not up to standard and you had to memorize those long and boring formulas. Only if you memorize the theorem can you be promoted.

"The meaning of magic..."

The problem that made countless elemental users lament, Ye Lin struggled with it for only half a minute before he got an answer that was enough to prove it.

He stretched out his right hand, and a piece of green grass quickly grew from the palm of his hand. When it was green, a white flower poked out from the stem and leaves.


Suddenly, a palm-sized thundercloud shone above the white flowers. Raindrops fell and the flowers swayed, as if there was a strong wind howling.

After a while, the sky cleared after the rain, and a rainbow appeared.

Biana and the others, who were eating melons, popsicles, and potato chips, were all stunned. What was this? It was just a magic trick.

Biana complained: "It's pretty good-looking, it's the lighting engineer."

"This is……"

Alice's eyes widened, and she unconsciously stretched out her hand to pull Shalan aside, indicating to her to see what the answer was.

Although the great magisters do not have a unified answer, they basically all use words such as protection and destruction.

Shalan herself is unique. She likes the human world, so she believes that the meaning of magic is to serve as a bridge between humans and dark elves, and as a leader of peace.

But Alice has never seen such a scene in Yelin.


Celia came back with four materials, a flash of light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and explained: "The Seal of Heaven is Lord Mar's item, and Ye Lin is the most affected, so one answer is that he is cheating on Mar road."

"Make the impossible possible?"

Everyone unconsciously murmured in surprise, the sea water flowed upstream, forests grew in the desert, and all kinds of things that ordinary people could not imagine were all the actions of the great magician Mar.

"Well, the upper limit and the lower limit are both extreme answers."

Celia traced a trace of orange flames on her fingertips and continued: "Master Mar's miracle and my magic just now both make the impossible possible, but the performance of their abilities is completely different."

Celia breathed a small sigh of relief. She didn't expect the great mage's predicament, and Ye Lin quickly made a breakthrough. He was worthy of being a magic prodigy selected by the Seal of Heaven. It was a pity to use a sword.

"Whispers of Light..."

Celia threw something that looked like a gauze in the direction of Ye Lin. The material disappeared in an instant, and turned into a holy golden rune beside him.

"Touch of ice...heart of fire...breath of darkness..."

After falling one after another, four Holy Spirit runes with different attributes suddenly condensed on Ye Lin's side, exuding the purest color light, which was intoxicating.

At the moment when the four attribute runes were condensed, Ye Lin suddenly opened his eyes that had been closed, and an extremely bright light bloomed in his pupils. In an instant, he entered the state of the Holy Spirit!

But in just half a second, the four runes immediately shattered, and the light dimmed. Ye Lin fell back as if he had been hit hard. He seemed unable to withstand the pressure and even had some nosebleeds.

"Have you seen the true meaning of the universe and can't bear it anymore?"

Tana bent down and wiped his nosebleed with a tissue. Seeing that he didn't show much sign of injury and that he still had a resurrection coin as a base, she joked casually.

"Yes, the true meaning of the universe is justice."

Wiping his nosebleed, Ye Lin glared at the dizzying depth of justice that was so close at hand, and said strangely: "I didn't see anything, but I felt like I saw everything. It's really unimaginable, that Reitz , how do you maintain the realm of the Holy Spirit?"

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