Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 440 Is it legal or not...

Although Apostle Bakar is an absolute tyrant to the heaven who is cruel and ruthless, covering the sky with darkness.

But in the dragon's heart, whether it's Tana or Captain Root, Bakar is the charismatic ruler of Trobot, the great Dragon King!

"This little girl is actually the Dragon Lord prophesied in the heavens..."

Tana smiled as if she meant something. If it weren't for the fact that Bakar was a male and Alicia didn't have the characteristics of a dragon, she would have doubted whether Alijie was the reincarnation of the Dragon King or a direct descendant.

"Lord of Dragons? Just a human? Huh..."

Sophie, who had just finished the fight and wiped the sweat on her forehead with a towel, sounded a little disdainful. She should be the next Dragon King!

Alijie doesn't have a giant dragon dancing with her, and she doesn't have dragon blood. It can be said that she has nothing to do with dragons at all. The only thing she can associate with her is the location of the imperial capital of heaven, which used to be the city of Bakar.

The title of Dragon Lord is really confusing to people.

Looking back at myself, I have powerful dragon blood, a scarlet dragon blade that can cut through all defenses, and a pure-blooded fighting partner, Astra. By the way, I have also blasted four dragon guards.

Currently in the Dragon King realm, and the future Dragon God!

Seeing this, Ye Lin deliberately smiled jokingly and said contemptuously: "Can you beat me..."

"Me! It's okay for me to beat...beat you, come on!"

Sophie, who was getting angry, waved her hand provocatively, as if she wanted to roll up her sleeves and have a fight with him, a pure strength fight.

The evil dragon in the yard had eaten the corpse of the apostle, and its body was extremely poisonous. The last time it almost made Astra's indigo-black scales bald.

"Fight, come on, I'm interested today."

Ye Lin also went out of his way and walked straight to the white beach outside the villa and began to stretch his limbs and muscles, as if he was really dissatisfied with Sophie's brute strength.

One minute later...

"Ah...I'm going to die~I'm going to die~I'm strangled...I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

One after another, Ye Lin slapped his neck hard, tightened his elbows, and his face turned red as he couldn't breathe.

In the scorching summer, with the blazing sun above my head and the two cantaloupe melons on my back, the heat was as amazing as a hot water bottle. It was like walking in a lava cave.

Not only is Sophie's strength astonishing, but her fighting skills are mainly based on violent killing, rather than using superb skills to win like Elsa.


"What for? Still not convinced?"

He clenched his fist, almost ready to attack again.

Rubbing his sore throat, Ye Lin quickly waved his hand to refuse, then took out a glass of ice juice from the beach table nearby and handed it over.

When Sophie took a sip from a straw, Ye Lin quietly came over again and asked casually as if out of curiosity: "How old is Astra?"

"I don't know. It was the best partner given to me by Lord Nimer. It was originally a black dragon egg. When I touched it, the eggshell cracked."

The encounter between Sophie and Astra is almost the same as the encounter between Mailu and Rice Cake in the Forest of Elves. A golden and warm fairy tale is fate and the only one.

"Then if the birth of the shell is counted as zero years, how old is it?"

"'s still hard to say."


"A day in Trobot on the Dragon Planet is completely different from Arad. The nights there are longer... I'll do the math..."

Sophie, who frowned and calculated for a while but couldn't come up with an answer. After realizing that she was a math idiot, she simply twisted her face:

"Why are you asking this? You've peeled off Xiao Hei's dragon scales and you're still not satisfied?"

He immediately put on a vigilant look and went to find Astra at the same time to avoid being poisoned by this person.

Turning his head, he found Astra nuzzling next to Xiao Bing, nudging the small blue crystal block with the tip of his nose, as if to show kindness.

There are several dragons in the house, but Xiaobing seems to have turned into a fairy dragon. He only eats crystals and water, and occasionally changes his taste with fruits.

Lao Pi, on the other hand, can stuff anything into his stomach and accepts all comers, so there is basically no leftover food at home.


Ye Lin was still unwilling to accept Sophie's suspicion, so he mustered up great courage and asked directly: "Sophie, how old are you this year?"

"A girl's age is a secret, idiot."

"You're a little girl, is this a secret?"

"Yes, except for three-year-old children, if you ask Biana and the others, they will probably think there is something wrong with you, and I am indeed very big."

After finishing her juice cup and putting her hands on her hips, Sophie raised her face and puffed up her proud chest.

It's Schrödinger's age again. Sophie is of dragon blood and has a very well-developed figure, but it's really hard to judge her true age.

So from Sophie's age, and then infer the real age of her sister Mailu, this plan was ruined...

"Hmm~ Assuming that after the great will of the God of Wisdom was broken, Nimer used his own will to incarnate into Mailu and the others. In other words, the soul age of the Mailu sisters should be older than that of Sodros, who is two thousand years old. Even bigger.”

"However, Tana also said that Mailu's mental age is about sixteen years old, and her dress and appearance are more like a high school girl. She is in the middle of Siatt and Bayana."

"The apostles will be drifting in the universe, looking for a suitable planet. They seem to be about the same. So in fact, the soul is several thousand years old, the wisdom is sixteen years old, and the body is sixteen years old? Is this legal or not?"


Sophie didn't hear his muttering, rolled her eyes and went straight to the backyard swimming pool to swim and take a shower.

He was still shaking his head in distress, and the Penosio sisters happened to be passing by together.

Krach took the lead and turned around, came over and asked, "What's wrong? With a sad face, because he can't match Sophie in strength?"

"No, I was wondering whether Mailu is legal...cough, what does Mailu like to drink? Try not to let her touch alcohol. I want to go out now."

"Mailu? I like juice. Orange juice, grape juice, and strawberry juice. Maybe a little more orange juice. I occasionally drink some sweet fruit wine. I still have a lot of it at home."

"There is still stock, haha, I forgot."

After rubbing the back of his head and looking confused, Ye Lin quickly changed the subject and said with a smile: "You want to go shopping?"

Pinocchio's smooth black hair was paired with two fiery red hairpins, and she wore a light red dress that fell just below her knees.

Krach's skirt is of the same style, but the color is sky blue, which matches their respective attributes and styles, with two beautiful blooming flowers.

"Yeah, go to Luo Lian's place to see if there are any suitable swimsuits."

Krach took out a long list from his arms, glanced at it again, handed it to him and said helplessly: "Shopping on the way, there are many people, and the consumption is high, and everyone may need different things."

It looks like a shopping list, but it looks a bit like Santa Claus's wish list.

Naiyali wants a hairpin made by Rorian. Her hair is too thick and she needs more hairpins.

Alice has finished drinking her favorite coffee and wants another can, which is available in Celia's shop.

Shallan needs some alchemical ingredients.

Maruko wants a swimming ring. She can't swim and wants to learn.

Also, Tana and Celia said that they should always have some pineapples at home in the future...

"Pineapple, um, pineapple is good, I can eat it too, and I want to eat it too."

Ye Lin nodded vigorously, and Benoxiu shrugged at his sister. She didn't know the reason.

The three of them walked together to the city of Hutton Mar. On the way, Ye Lin told stories about the heaven. He said that after the heaven was settled, he could go to the hanging harbor with them and take a sea train to travel and see the sea.

"Sorry, I have to go to Queen Skadi to get a letter of appointment, so I have to turn around first."

Ye Lin waved goodbye, turned around and suddenly gave a thumbs up, and praised: "Today's dress matches your temperament very well, it looks very good."


"Tsk tsk~~"

Krach made a naughty face at him, and then was pulled by the calm Penosio, but the joy between his brows was still quietly revealed.


Hutton Mar, Town Hall

"Okay, that's the main content of this week's meeting. The focus is to let the adventurers help clear out the restless goblins and cat monsters, and rationally exploit Northmar's rich mineral resources."

With a light and simple palace dress and a luxurious and noble crown, Queen Skadi's elegant temperament and beautiful and refined appearance are dazzling.

She won the title of "the wisest monarch in the history of Hutton Mar" with her vigorous execution and combined strength and softness.

Nowadays, the queen is no longer the dress show whose power is emptied, but the real head of a country and the queen of a principality.

Santorini, who serves as a city council member and acting diplomat, put away the meeting materials on the table, raised his head and glanced at the beautiful figure who left with Lobach, and rubbed his brows tiredly.

"Speaker, are you going to have a drink today?"

An old man with white beard and hair, but energetic, smiled and waved to him.

Although Santorini has resigned as Speaker of the Parliament, because he has always been a staunch Queenist figure and now holds various important positions, he has unlimited phoenix and is deeply trusted by the parliamentarians.

In daily ridicule, he is still called the Speaker.

As for this old man, he worked together with Lorian's father, Count Cornalo. He was the mayor of Vala Island in the south and was unfortunately captured by the Delos Empire.

The reason why the empire went out of its way to arrest him and leave Santorini and other important figures alone was because it suspected that the mayor was connected to a dragon clan on the mainland, that is, people of the Root lineage.

Because there is a dangerous volcanic terrain between Vara Island and the Western Fortress, warships are difficult to reach and airships are also prohibitive.

"Mayor, I still want to..."

Santorini was suddenly startled, and saw the smiling queen outside the council hall, as well as someone who should be in heaven.

"Forget it, let's go and have a drink. I heard that the proprietress of Moonlight Tavern has made a new cocktail."

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