Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 444: The

"Ye Lin is not in heaven, and even his team members are not in the imperial capital. The idea of ​​giving jewelry to win over is out of the question."

Rowan Harper looked helpless and spread his hands. He said he would give him the right medicine and then do what he wanted, but the other party was like a fog. He could see the appearance but couldn't read the inner needs.

Then he said:

"After the Heavenly Ceremony, with his unparalleled contribution to saving the country, he will definitely become a popular figure in the Seventh Empire. He will definitely surpass Edwin, Melvin, Hugh, and other noble young men."

Andy agreed with this conjecture. The other party's foundation was naturally far less profound than that of the aristocratic heirs, but his own strong strength was enough to make up for all background problems.

Young, handsome, and invincible, he might serve as one of the three commanders. She couldn't think of anyone who could hold his head among the young heroes in the world today.

"Mospice's, Commander..."

Marcel snorted secretly, but the last two words were obviously gritted.

He still couldn't understand how that person could be qualified for one of the highest military positions when he had only been in Heaven for a few days and had not managed his personal connections well.

Of course, a large part of the reason for this kind of thinking is crazy jealousy.

Rowan Harper was a little disdainful of Marcel's performance, but he still explained:

"Alizee and Jacket wish that they could use the position of commander to tie him down and become the patron saint of the empire. Moreover, his strength can bless a family to prosper for hundreds of years! If he doesn't die, the family will have no worries!"

Her eyes flashed with intense passion. The nobility was not without worries. The iron rice bowl could be passed down for eighteen generations, but the nobility would also decline!

The family of Kallet's frontline commander Babylon, Christine's Berta family, and even the Harper family are all families that have lost in political struggles and have declined.

Of course, if there are counterexamples, there will be positive examples. The ordinary Jurgen family became the chief of the House of Nobles precisely because of the emergence of the talented politician Navello.

Now, another opportunity to make the family prosperous and prosperous for hundreds of years, and the temptation to surpass Jurgen, is placed in front of all the nobles, and it is hot!

Just win over this person.

Marianne, who was not interested in what happened next, stood up and wanted to leave. When passing by the crazy jealous Marcel, she paused and said coldly:

"If you could defend the city with one man and one sword like him, capture the frontline commander alive, kill the three leaders of Kallet, rescue the princess intact, and wipe out a pirate group, you would also be like this Not only will your career be smooth sailing in terms of treatment, but if you are willing, those aristocratic ladies who are usually unattainable will be available to you just like ordering dishes in a restaurant."

Marianne left as if she was not interested. She had been married a long time ago, and they were in love with each other. They were in harmony with each other, and they were pregnant.

But because Jurgen broke his promise to her, she was too stressed and unfortunately had a miscarriage. She has become increasingly irritable recently.

These words were not only meant for Marcel, but also for Andy Wynn. They were a method of win-over, a method she had experienced personally.

A very common method of building relationships between nobles is called "well-matched" or "each gets what he needs" in most cases. Of course, there are also cases of "mutual love", but not too many.

For example, Nairn Hig, one of the current Elytra of the Seven Gods, her parents once regarded her as a kind of "goods", a kind of knowledgeable and valuable goods, to be "exchanged" to some heirs of great nobles in need. , in exchange for better family resources.

Fortunately, one of the descendants of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War, super noble Meili, took the initiative to intervene and rescued the girl who was extremely afraid of strangers and stuttered when she spoke.

Today, Nairn is already the elytra of the Seven Gods, which is beyond the reach of ordinary nobles.

"The Wayne family seems to have no women of suitable age for marriage."

Andy shook his head slightly. She only had two sons, and the eldest son, Pella Wayne, was almost forty years old.

Moreover, the eldest son is afraid of women. Although he is a man with extraordinary status and outstanding abilities, he has never been able to get married.

As for the younger son Lucas, he is devoted to the military camp and never looks back. He is a "good son" of the Wayne family.

"Neither does the Harper family."

Rowan rolled his eyes, feeling a little sad that he had given birth thirty years earlier, otherwise he would have had to try it with his youthful beauty.

Daughters of nobles usually show two extremes. They are either traded as goods like Nairn, or they hold the power of the family like Andy.

"Don't look at me, the Berta family has declined."

Kirsten sneered at the two people's looks. She was not opposed to this method. If possible, she would be eager to use her body to do it.

Since she was able to leave the Royal Courtyard and become the leader of the private guard "Ink Flower Thorn" under the Andy family due to the development of her family, she could also devote herself to others for a better future.

Of course, all this assumes that the other person is worthy of her doing this.

When the Berta family was in decline, Andy had some intentions in recruiting her at that time.

Kerstin's strength in the Royal Courtyard is also one of the best. If the family hadn't been suddenly destroyed by Jurgen, she would have been the next Marin Kishika.

Although the Berta family has declined, it still has some heritage, not to mention Christine's own talents and abilities.

It's just that Kerstin still cares about her family after all. She can't wait for herself to sit in Ma Lin's position, so she can only submit to the Wien family.

Andy's two sons are not yet married, and Kirsten is also young and beautiful. If they can achieve a good match at will, it will be a good thing.

But I didn't expect that one of the two sons was extremely afraid of women, and the other violated the family's original order to evacuate Nospis and simply joined the army.

"Appropriate age, unmarried, qualified, and one of ours!"

The excitement in Luo Wen's eyes gradually dimmed, and he became a little less interested. Now everyone knows that being able to stay close to this powerful man can ensure that the family will be safe for a hundred years.

This is no longer a power struggle between the House of Lords and Jacket. Even if the two sides abandon their positions, the other party is still someone worth winning over and showing good will to.

"Forget it, let's stop this matter. Although his future is limitless, heaven is our empire after all. No matter what he says, he is still an outsider. We are not civilians, so don't lower your status."

Andy signaled to put things on hold for the time being, although they had figured out that Alizee might take Biliff's seat and give it to Ye Lin.

But after all, he is not from the heaven. Although he has amazing achievements, he has few connections and subordinates, and he is not necessarily familiar with all aspects of the heaven.

It is estimated that "General, Commander" should be an honorary award like Mo Mei and others.

Just like the "honorary president" of some organizations, they have a name and a salary. The purpose is just to keep the other party from standing on the opposite side.

And there is no way to lead that hellish place. Unless you are as greedy as Billif, there is really nothing to gain. This may be because Jurgen compromised his position.

After all, those who save the heavenly realm must be rewarded with some kind of reward that satisfies the common people.

It is said that the entire imperial capital of Ghent still owes him a life.

"Lindsey, the eldest daughter of the Rosen family, and Nairn, the daughter of the Higger family, seem to be unmarried."

Luo Wen's mind came together and he said everything he was thinking, and then he was stunned. He smiled awkwardly and waved his hands to himself, whimsical.

Although these two are extremely outstanding in terms of status, appearance, and talent, firstly, these two major families do not belong to Andy and Jurgen's faction. Secondly, as the two women of the Seven Gods' Elytra, their families should not be either. There is so much need to climb higher.

In particular, another aristocratic giant "Merry Faionil" takes great care of these two talents and is unlikely to let them become a "tool" for establishing a relationship.

Especially Nairn Hig, who has already "cut off" his relationship with the family. The name Hig can be changed at any time.

As for Meili’s family…

Although the name of the country in the heaven is "The Seventh Empire", the various internal power involvements have a subtle relationship with "3".

In terms of the national power structure, the supreme priest, the House of Lords, and the military form a three-part separation of powers headed by the supreme priest.

At the same time, in the noble house, the Jurgen family, the Venn family, and the Faionil family command almost all the nobles in the heaven, and are the pinnacle of the upper class!

Led by Jurgen, followed slightly by Wayne, the Faionil family has never participated in military affairs, but because its ancestor is one of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War, its status has always been aloof.

In the army, there are also three, commander-in-chief Jacket, commander of the helpless zone Biff, and commander of the Eaton Industrial Zone Pedra.

However, these three 3s may change and their numbers will be reduced during the liquidation ceremony in the near future.

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