Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 448: Being used as a positive teaching material (Mia’s two or three stories)

Under the bright sun, a turtle huffed and puffed with fire and could speak human language, attracting curious glances from many people.

However, they only glanced at it for a moment, and they no longer cared. They all left in a hurry, as if they had their own concerns.

Although the fire turtle is very novel, it is not even a candle compared to the stormy Ghent under the whirlpool.

"Podil, how did you get here?"

After saying hello first, Ye Lin was also a little curious. The Hanging Harbor is quite far from Ghent. It takes half a day by car. Did it roll here?

"The old man I was looking for, Belen, sent me here, but this is not important. Look at the things I found in the mud on the seabed."

Two large claws were clasped in front of him, and a black scale the size of a washbasin fell off from Podil's breastplate. The sound of falling to the marble floor was like an iron plate painted with black paint.

It's about half a square meter in size, with irregular edges and a centimeter in thickness. If you couldn't feel a special aura from the front, this thing would look like some kind of mechanical shell armor.

"Dragon scales? Bodil, did you look around where you found this thing?"

He knelt down and took a look. Although his aura was very light, because he spent time with several dragons day and night, he could still identify at a glance that this was definitely a dragon scale, and it was of extremely high rank.

It's not the inferior product with only a trace of blood in the Tower of the Dragon Man. At least, it's at the level of Captain Root.

"I found it. This is the only one nearby. That guy Mo Beni was scared to death, so I was the only one brave enough to bring it to you!"

The big paw patted his chest vigorously, and then Bodil moved his body, came over and said mysteriously: "Captain, this thing is a dragon scale, how much can it sell for? Is it enough to buy a car? I want to drive, I have a burning desire for a specially made car, so I have to come to you.”


After hearing this, Ye Lin's mouth twitched and he was speechless for a while. Bodil couldn't wait to sell it for money. Looking for him was not about treasure appraisal and satisfying curiosity at all.

"That's enough. Not to mention a car, I can also give you a pair of sunglasses. Come with me."

Podil's body would often be burned with flames, and ordinary cars couldn't withstand his ride, so after rushing to Melvin's place, he took out an off-road vehicle from the space props and modified it.

"Your magic to store things~"

Podil scratched his head and laughed, this is too convenient.

"There is a space prop that can achieve similar effects. Do you want it?"


"very expensive."

"I will rob when I get back, ahem, and salvage treasures."

It only took Melvin half an hour to modify a car and turn the seats into heat-resistant metal.

Melvin tapped the thick turtle shell with a wrench and marveled: "How can you, a turtle, talk?"

"Me? I don't know."

Bodil is honest, or rather stupid. He is a mutated turtle, and he can't explain why he can talk.

Podil, who was driving a modified car and put on a pair of sunglasses given by Ye Lin, was really handsome. He asked Belen to get in the car. It was going back to the hanging harbor to show off to the younger brothers.

"Wait a moment."

Belen now also knows that this bastard has an underwater salvage team and is an invisible tycoon in the world. His keen business sense makes him happy to help Podil. Anyway, the hanging harbor has recruited manpower.

"Sir, I have only been in the imperial capital for two hours. How come I heard that the parliament is going to arrest General Jacket?"

Everyone is curious, so Belen was naturally not surprised.

Jacket is a very important figure in the heaven. If such a figure were to be in trouble, the explosive news would be no less explosive than when the princess was captured, which shocked the entire heaven.

"Are you asking me for internal information?"

Ye Lin rolled his eyes, then pointed with his right hand:

"Turn right at the intersection ahead. There is a newsstand that has reopened. Just buy a newspaper and you will know."

The modified car ran away with one person and one turtle in it. Bodier could even drive a sea train. It was just a car, so he wasn't too surprised.

"Oh, my sister is going back to Ghent." Melvin shouted weakly.

"Mia? It's good to come back, but why are you making such a fishy face?"

"She is very annoying. She wants me to tidy up the room and get up on time. She keeps nagging me all day long."

Melvin's face was full of "disgust". When he was a child, he longed for his sister, but when he grew up, he was annoyed by her.

Raising his middle finger, Ye Lin said contemptuously: "I suspect you are showing off your girl, get out of here!"

On the way back, he and Raphael chatted for a while, and the center of the conversation was naturally Jackett. He heard that the House of Lords wanted to formulate a plan to arrest Jackett.

"Those newspapers basically used me as a positive example for accusing General Jackett. There is always one reason why I harmed the General."

The House of Lords continued to stir up the common people's anger, accusing Jacket of "inaction" during the Kallet invasion.

In order to increase the credibility, he was also used as a "hero" to make a sharp contrast, almost reducing Jackett to a stinking ditch.

"Why? Didn't they flee to Nospes in the first place? Deserters on the battlefield should be killed!"

Raphael's palm was like a knife, and he swung it down fiercely with an evil look in his eyes.

She had noticed in the newspapers these days that they were doing everything they could to disparage Jackett, even saying "soldiers are useless".

The newspaper said that every citizen in Heaven can take up a gun and fight against Kallet. They are also heroes, while soldiers are just "civilians" who have been organized and are required to pay various remunerations and pensions.

The general is useless, not even a bullet is worth waiting for.

It is said that when this article appeared, the Ghent garrison almost exploded. If Zedin and others had not been soothing, an unpredictable "mutiny" would have occurred.

"Spreading rumors only opens your mouth and refutes them. The nobles have Jurgen to deal with. Don't forget, he is still the regent."

Ye Lin shrugged again and said a little thankfully: "The general hasn't come yet. If there is a bloody accident between soldiers, the hat will have to be placed on Jacket. Fortunately, Zedin stabilized the situation."

The pace slowed down slightly, and Ye Lin's eyes were lost in thought. It wasn't until he saw the palace gate that he came back to his senses and murmured: "Raphael, guess what I'm most worried about?"

"I'm not the roundworm in your stomach, how do I know what you're eating for this meal?"

"Tch, there's really no atmosphere. What I'm most worried about is Jacket's origin and Her Royal Highness's soft character."

"You mean, the lawless zone?"

Raphael suddenly seemed to understand. The mastermind behind the scenes was determined to put Jackett to death. One newspaper had four pages, at least half of which was blaming Jackett for his crimes.

The most shocking thing is that someone deliberately connected Jacket's origin and the matter of "inaction", creating the illusion that Jackett was "collaborating with the enemy and treason".

Regardless of inaction or incompetence, the sum total cannot compare to the crime of "treason."

"The princess attaches great importance to family ties. After all, she is still young and very lonely. She treasures every warmth from others. I am afraid of her and cannot be cruel."

After saying that, he shook his head with regret. The heaven should be proud of a kind and loving monarch, but the man-made whirlpool under the sky obscured the eyes of the common people.

"You can find a way, right? You are so strong, you should be able to save the general, right?"

Raphael reached out and tugged on his sleeve, his eyes full of expectation and hope.

She and Feiyan were both civilians, and they entered the Imperial Courtyard because of their talents. Later, Feiyan worked as a mercenary for a period of time, while she herself was able to hold heavy firearms and received training day after day in order to increase her strength.

At that time, she had heard of the reputation of "Hawkeye" Jacket. No matter how vicious a person was, he would look at him and tremble in fear.

"You mean, you want me to rob the law field? Hahahaha~"

Ye Lin burst into laughter, shook his head and explained in Raphael's suspicious eyes: "The problem is not whether the general will be tried, because he will definitely be judged, but, during or after the trial, How to clear his name and regain the trust of civilians."

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