Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 451: The Witch Riding a Broomstick

The water mist in the bathroom is steaming, and the water droplets sprayed from the shower head hit the white neck. The temperature is suitable, and it also wets the dazzling golden hair.

"My hair is too long and thick, so it's troublesome to wash it."

The only time Taylor dislikes blonde hair is when she's washing her hair.

Her hair is very thick and naturally curly blond. From the back, it looks like a small blanket, and the length is just right enough to hang down to her plump flesh.

She is tall and slender, straight forward and straight back, putting even the models on the catwalk to shame. Her stunning golden proportions can only be described as flawless.

Especially those pair of sapphire green eyes, when they look at each other, there is a sense of soul-stirring and enchantment, accompanied by a arrogant and cold temperament.

She wiped her hair with a dry towel, but just as she was about to wipe her neck, a hint of bad humor suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth, and her beautiful eyes shone.

He simply put on his underwear and walked to the living room with his straight and slender legs.

"Hey, help me wipe away the water drops. It's very troublesome."

Ye Lin, who was reading the newspaper and waiting, was startled for a moment. After looking at it for a moment, he praised it with a completely appreciative look, which was the ultimate beauty in the world, carved from pink and jade.

At certain times, he would become serious.

"Where are the towels? Didn't you bring them out?"

"no no……"

Shaking his white fingers as if in denial, Taylor gestured to the water droplets on the back of his right hand, tapped his lips with his index finger, and joked: "If I can get rid of the water droplets on my arm before they dry, then... "

The brand new lace-up underwear is tied with a beautiful bow and contains amazing fullness.

He looked solemn, then bent down and kissed the back of his hand gently. He behaved like a qualified servant and said respectfully: "I am happy to serve you, your beautiful princess."

The tickling sensation on her arms made Taylor giggle. Her wavy hair swayed as she shook her head from side to side. She raised her face slightly, intoxicated in an unusually wonderful emotion.

The conquering character of a royal sister hidden in her heart will gradually be revealed to the fullest.


"My beautiful princess, do you need any help?"

"Of course!"

Taylor nodded with great satisfaction and fulfilled his conditions as promised, but he felt a little regretful because the fabric was a physical obstacle to justice.

"There are still drops of water on my back and thighs. My servant, please work hard."

She was like an arrogant princess who took great pleasure in using her power and oppressed her poor servant to her heart's content. She had no intention of stopping, and her behavior became more and more excessive.

Until the end, Taylor simply sat on the chair with his legs crossed, flipping through the newspaper he had just put down in his hand. The newspaper was very large, and he held it in his hand, blocking the sight of each other.

He rolled his emerald green eyes and tugged with one hand, throwing the shield of justice on his back. However, because there were two newspapers blocking each other, Taylor became even more arrogant and complacent.

Ye Lin gestured with his hand not to cross his legs randomly, as this would prevent him from doing his job. Please respect every profession.

However, against all odds, Taylor never expected that when he was sitting neatly, his headband would be annihilated by the fifth element if he moved slightly!

"Hey, you...hiss~"

Wandering Gunners not only pay attention to the shooting skills of firearms, but also develop their body functions very well. They can even use powerful physical skills to knock down enemies when their weapons are out of ammunition.

Therefore, the flexibility and strength of their limbs and bodies are very high. Sometimes they can twist people's necks off with just their legs.

But the arrogant blonde princess fell into a state of extreme shock after her proud rights were broken, and she lost all the planned rules.

“In my hometown, there was a famous water conservancy engineer named Dayu who said that if you want to control the continuous floods, it is better to block them than to dredge them up, and to divert them than to divert them!”

The teeth shone sharply, and bright red blood beads rolled down the strong back, like a trickle of water, and the blood flowed like a gush.

A pinprick-like pain rushed from his left shoulder straight into his mind, loudly awakening every nerve in him. Every bit of pain made his head explode.

Taylor's face turned pale, and his condition was not necessarily that good. A piece of his flesh and blood seemed to have been peeled off.

Rose Knight!

After a long while, Ye Lin's throat rolled, and he said hoarsely due to the cold air: "You and Feiyan are the crimson roses of the future, the flower of death condensed with blood, walking on the edge of fate, mastering the power of the dark moonlight."

"Huh? What?"

The sound of the urn made an uncomfortable question. I don't know what he meant by this. The crimson rose after the realm of blood-stained roses?

"My shoulder is disabled. Eating my flesh won't turn you into a crimson rose."

It was a cozy and warm-colored bedroom, but a strong wind suddenly blew outside the courtyard. The branches and leaves swayed wildly and rustled, but the main body hardly wavered from side to side.

This is because the roots are very deep! Because of the tight lock! Stabilizing the solid trunk of the tree.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins!

Clean and tidy: It means that one person can do the cleaning work so that both people can be clean.


next day

Taylor's breathing was calm and his face looked as normal as if nothing had happened. He also got up early and made a hearty breakfast in the kitchen.

Including but not limited to four fried eggs, one stir-fried kidney, two cups of hot milk, still boiled with wolfberry.

At the same time, she brought a newspaper to the door, and while Ye Lin was eating silently, she crossed her legs and read the newspaper.

But surprisingly, today Taylor actually changed into a pair of gray trousers that fit her body curves and were engraved with dark patterns.

"Why don't you wear hot pants? It's a waste of your beautiful legs."

Ye Lin joked while eating breakfast.

"Oh, you still have the nerve to say, now I always feel like a witch flying on a broomstick, my thighs are weak."

After rolling his eyes, Taylor's eyes suddenly froze. He stared at a certain message and read it carefully. His expression was extremely solemn. Then he slowly raised his head and said:

"Something happened at the Hanging Seaport. A mysterious person blew up a sea train!"


Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, then reached for the newspaper and looked at the huge news headlines typed on the first page.

At 5 o'clock this morning, a sea train headed from Eton Industrial Zone to Ghent had a big explosion before entering the port. The entire train was horrifying, twisted and deformed, and black smoke was rising into the sky.

Because this train was too early, there were almost no passengers. The main ones were the military headquarters of the Eaton Industrial Zone. They transported a batch of military equipment from the industrial zone to supplement Ghent's defense equipment, but there were still unfortunate casualties.

However, the most important thing is that on this sea train, there is a suspected general, Jacket!

"If you don't want to eat, let's go and ask about the situation."

Putting down his chopsticks, Ye Lin hurriedly walked out, snapping his fingers on the way.

coast guard

Hai Lan, who had a smile on his lips and read the newspaper leisurely towards the morning sun, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, his heart almost stopped beating, his eyes went dark and he fainted.

"You came!"

An anxious-looking Ma Lin stood at the door of the courtyard, swarming like ants on a hot pot, reflecting the morning sun and breeze, already covered with sweat.

"I didn't dare to tell Her Royal Highness the news. The news from the Hanging Harbor said that the arms exploded accidentally."

General Jacket was hit by a train explosion on his way back, which is a bit weird no matter how you look at it.

It is true that problems will inevitably occur after hundreds of years of operation of sea trains. Some have broken down halfway, some have disappeared and become ghost trains, and some have almost derailed and entered the sea, but this seems to be the first time the explosion occurred!

Ye Lin could only comfort him: "I'm going to take a look. Don't panic. The general is a good person."

He also didn't expect anyone to take action against the sea train, because the general was returning from the Eaton Industrial Area, not going to the Eaton Industrial Area.

Logically speaking, we should take action after the general returns.

"Rice cake!"

Holding the rice cake in his arms and stepping on the magic sword under his feet, he rushed towards the suspended harbor at a speed close to a sonic boom.



On the beach at the coast, a man covered in wounds and with a stern face coughed up water and woke up.

Although his beard and hair are all white, but because of the soldier's stern temperament and hale and hearty spirit, he looks to be only about forty years old, but he is already over sixty years old.


Jacket smiled heartily and looked at the little mermaid jumping around: "My child, was it you who saved me?"

"It's Kong Kongyi, but you almost died. If you hadn't jumped into the sea in time, and I happened to pass by, but you are so miserable, why are you still laughing?"

Kong Kongyi, who clicked his tail, was puzzled. Could it be that he was lucky to survive the disaster?

But looking at him in such a miserable state, maybe even his bones are broken, it's not something to be thankful for.

"Someone wants me dead and can't wait any longer. This just proves that my trip back to the imperial capital was a safe one. The little girl also returned to the palace safely. Of course I'm happy."

Jack Teyi looked at the vast sea and murmured: "It's time to start."

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