Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 462 Racial Talent!

"But to be honest, if I want to go to the Realm of Nothingness, what preparations should I make?" Ye Lin asked hurriedly.

He is still thinking about having a fight with Demon King Tamos to test his sword skills and become a sword god!

The destructive power caused by the duel between the two will inevitably cause the earth to collapse, and a piece of land suitable for display and uninhabited is particularly necessary.

"Well, cosmic radiation, space turbulence, dark matter invasion..."

Doris counted on her fingers and found that ordinary people really couldn't descend into the realm of nothingness. The extremely harsh environment could kill professionals in a very short time and greatly weaken the strength of awakened people.

"No wonder the universe demon clan, except for you, is basically a tough guy with a shell."

The light rain has been falling over the Ardennes. After the Kallet Command was destroyed, the place also lost its condescending military value, and now there is almost no human habitation.

Wherever the light rain falls, a touch of green will grow, and the desertified soil will gradually become possible to cultivate.

But because his strength is far inferior to Mal's, the place covered by the new magic is only a small area in the Ardennes Highlands, and there is only so much greenery.

The potential to develop the planting industry is still small.

His eyes glanced upward at Doris's two horns. They were different from Tana's dragon horns and Luo Fei's devil horns. Her horns were in line with the characteristics of cosmic demons born for fighting. They were long, narrow and sharp, as if they could Pierce people's hearts.

"Otherwise, I'll find you a job in Hedunmar, and don't go back to that shabby place in the Realm of Nothingness, right?"

After first using the resurrection coin to restore himself to a completely weak state, he made a very tempting and earnest suggestion to Doris.

Like Mailu, she likes to eat all kinds of delicacies, but in a realm of nothingness in the dimensional rift, a group of macho men swallow the essence of the sun and moon, cosmic pulses, and feed on it all day long.

Her eating style, which favors ordinary people, is indeed a bit out of place.

"Not for the time being. Our race is born to destroy and invade. If we settle down and enjoy lazily, it goes against the beliefs of our race. Maybe I will be destroyed."

Doris stretched out her hand and rubbed his head, messing up a piece of broken hair. There was a touch of emotion in her eyes but also a little regret.

Although her body shape is not like that of the cosmic macho, whose muscles bulge and condense into lumps, as a member of the cosmic demon family, her body frame is still relatively large, and her figure is correspondingly plumper and richer.

"Is there a solution?"

Taking a step closer, I hugged her fleshy waist tightly, and I was a little curious about her two pairs of wings. From above the plump fat body, two pairs of wings, one large and one small, poked out from the waist, like a pterosaur. Has sharp thorns.

These wings can fly and fight enemies.

"Let me live in peace, are you serious?"

Doris was startled when she heard this, and suddenly giggled, her smile trembling with charm.

Holding the back of his head, pushing most of his head in, then placing his chin on top of his head and murmuring:

"My immediate boss is Ogli, and our race respects the strong. If you, brother, can show the strength that makes them respect you and take me under your command, maybe I can taste delicious food like ordinary people on this continent. , change into beautiful clothes."

She suddenly had some expectations...

"When I go to the Realm of Nothingness, I will bring you back. Then you must change into a swimsuit and show me a bikini. The black one may suit you."

I smelled a very strange aroma at the tip of my nose, which seemed to speed up blood circulation and make my thoughts and emotions feel high but also a little hazy.

It is the innate ability of the succubus. This fragrance can not only make people's blood high, but also can unknowingly drag the soul of the invaded into the dream, sinking into the trap of desire and unable to extricate themselves, and then being succumbed to the arrogant Doris. Devour the soul completely.

However, Ye Lin was basically immune to the invasion of illusions, so the only function of this scent was to add a bit of warm ambiguity.


With a slightly intoxicated look on her face, Doris carefully hid the watermelon with cotton cloth, but when he discovered the scent, he couldn't help but feel it all come to his mind.


With a snap of his fingers, dense plants quickly grew and knotted from all sides, forming a small hut to block the rain from the sky.

Gently rub it over the left hemisphere of Justice, and then diligently lay a thick layer on the ground.

The hut made of plants is like an igloo built in heavy snow. It has an arched roof and a bright and spacious door. It just happens to be able to see the green grass and flowers that have just grown in the Ardennes, as well as the cliffs not far away. Cliffs and beautiful scenery.

Doris leaned back a little, finding a warm support. Her red eyes seemed to be filled with love, her pointed ears were red, and the strange fragrance was getting stronger.

"Your wings and horns are unique to your race. Can you retract them?"

His fingers slid along the edge of the black wings, and then he tugged on the tights. Because there was no shield, he could directly release the arrogant justice.

"No, the succubus clan is not a dragon clan, so there is no invisibility, the possibility of transforming into a human being...wait a minute..."

Justice is served!

Eyes rolling around, Doris quickly used magic power to raise an earthen wall to cover up the cool breeze that occasionally blew from the top of the mountain. The love in her eyes became redder and redder, and she said angrily:

"Do you dislike my sister because my wings and horns don't look good?"

"No, it's just that it might be a little inconvenient when you turn around occasionally."

While Ye Lin was delivering justice, his eyes were filled with memories.

Because there are many people in the family, a lot of ingredients must be prepared when preparing meals, whether they are dishes or staple food.

Sometimes when eating pancakes and dumplings, Siatt would leave the laborious task of kneading dough to him. He would fill a large basin with dough and use the most powerful techniques to make the dough give full play to the ingredients. elasticity.

As time and frequency passed, the curator, Alice, and Celia all praised their skill in making noodles, but Isabella was the only one with a resentful face.

After all, it’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. There is no dough in a basin, no matter how superb the chef is, he cannot make delicious pastries.

Two pairs of black wings locked a "Devil Sword Master" who was lying down trying his best to devour justice. Doris touched the back of his head, looking up and staring at a blue flower bone on the roof, in the realm of nothingness. There is no such beautiful but fragile plant.

When the cosmic demons invaded the continent of Arad, an ivy tree mutated into a special demon.

"The original body is obviously a cosmic demon that invades and destroys, but it has such terrible justice. Doris, I have a more profound magic secret. Do you want to read it?"

Ye Lin raised his face, his eyes were detached, as if he had understood the mystery of the state of the Holy Spirit in an instant, with two sharp horns floating up and down, embracing justice.

Because the size of an adult succubus is larger than that of an average human.

At this moment, there is a sense of déjà vu, using the steering wheel of justice to drive a big car.

The wind on the top of the mountain is rustling, and there is no way to lose sight of the soul. They part ways, and people are thinner than yellow flowers.

"Don't forget, you promised to let me eat delicious food from all over the world."

The talent of her race allowed her to skip the purification process. She touched her belly, turned around and gave a warning, then took his right hand and bit down on the back of it.

Then magic surged, opening a new space door in the Ardennes. Doris rubbed her sore fat with expectant eyes, but left in an instant.

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