Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 475 The witty three princesses

Crabs, fish, shrimps and octopus are grilled carefully on a smokeless charcoal fire with wire mesh and steel plates. Although the taste is definitely not as good as the careful cooking by Chef Siatt, in terms of the artistic conception of eating, it can still be said that, It has a unique flavor.

Reni, who was eagerly waiting for the roasted conch, held a toothpick in his hand and wiped his saliva as if he didn't live up to expectations. The oil, water and seasonings in the conch's mouth sizzled, which made the gluttons in his belly seduce.


Yuena, carrying a small plastic bucket, walked over from the direction of the reef in despair, and dropped it at her feet with her fingers loosened.

Regardless of whether there was anything covering the sand under my butt, or whether there would be any shells, I just sat down on the beach, bent my knees, and then hugged my knees, staring blankly in my eyes.

Luo Lian, who was also waiting for food, glanced at the table next to her. Alice, the curator, the proprietress Sosia, and the principal Shalan had put together a noble afternoon tea that brought together "class, elegance, knowledge, and mature women."

So I learned to behave gracefully. When I ate grilled squid tentacles, I had to make orchid fingers and wrap the iron skewers with small paper towels. At the same time, I looked at the small plastic bucket Yuena brought. There were only one Pipi shrimp and a coin crawling in it. sized crabs, and a few small clams.

"Yue Na, aren't you going to dig for small seafood? I don't remember anyone going there on the rocks. You should be able to find a lot of good things if you go to sea in the afternoon."

Use a small brush to apply a little hot sauce. The rich and elastic texture of the squid, combined with the secret sauce, is so delicious that you can't stop eating it.

The ingredients and condiments are actually very simple, but on this beach island with clear blue sky and clear blue sky, I always feel that the taste of everything has been upgraded several levels.

"Oh God! My eyes are no longer clean. I hear dull sounds in my ears. What should I do? I'm so scared."

Yuena couldn't help hugging her knees tightly, and her absent-minded murmurs made Luo Lian frown for a while. What were she talking nonsense about, because the harvest was too small and she was hit?

So out of comfort, he turned around and took a bunch of thick squid tentacles from the grill, cut it into pieces, and handed it to Yuena.

"Try it? This big octopus was caught by Krahe while diving, and its feet were chopped off. The meat is very fresh."

Yuena was still in a trance, unconsciously taking the grilled octopus with her little hands, but her eyes were still unfocused, and she murmured in despair: "It's so scary, it will be seriously injured, how can it be okay?"

Luo Lian, who was biting the octopus tentacles, was stunned for a moment, then relaxed suspiciously, and complained: "What? Although this octopus is big, it is not as good as the one you raised, and it is already dead, so it is not seriously injured."

"Ah~ It's nothing, nothing."

Only then did she suddenly realize that Luo Lian was beside her, and Beno Xiu was still behind her. We were flipping through various small seafood in our tongs. Her heart skipped a beat, her cheeks turned red, and she quickly took a bite as if in panic.




Glass is installed on the windows to block the cold and humid sea breeze in the evening. The three-story pure wooden attic is reinforced with magic. There is a spacious living room on the first floor, and the second and third floors are basically planned bedrooms.

Celia, who was wearing a gauze skirt and pajamas, held her cheek with one hand and chewed a small piece of melon in her mouth: "Mai Lu has gone back, and so has my sister."

Mailu carried the rice cakes and went to Remedia to meet her sister. The proprietress Sothea had to open the shop in the evening.

She no longer opened the Moonlight Tavern to make money, but simply to enjoy the fun of the guests getting drunk or dueling in the tavern.

"Actually, I'm a little worried about what Xiao Hina said during the day, about the demons escaping from the cracks in the black earth."

Like throwing stones from a basketball, Ye Lin pinched a grape and threw it accurately into Xiao Bing's open mouth.

"Ozma?" Siatt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, if it was Ozma, Michelle should have arrived by now. They are bound."


The answer seems to be self-evident. It is very likely that one or all of the three famous dark knights under Ozma, powerful beings who can challenge the Five Saints head-on, have already set foot on the continent of Arad.

"The Dark Holy War lasted for ninety-four years and was fought by several generations. Some people never saw the end of the war from birth to old age and death."

Yuena's voice was a little low and irritable. Whether it was a violent search group of unknown nature or an ambitious empire, Remedia's Great Temple had never paid much attention to these two aspects.

Ozma, the Chaos sealed in another dimension, is the eternal fear within the Order, and has been disturbed by it for hundreds of years.

However, few people noticed that tonight Yuena often lowered her head and smoothed the hair of the shadow night cat.

"But the funny thing is..." Ye Lin twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling helpless: "Ozma and Kazan were once great heroes who saved the world. They defeated the mad dragon that was raging on the continent. This achievement, It has always been spread on the mainland.”

From a hero to a criminal, and then from a criminal to the culprit who almost defeated Arad, the change is really embarrassing.

Moreover, Ozma is a very talented magician. He can even comprehend the terrifying offensive magic from the magic that elves apply to daily life, and in one fell swoop he became the most powerful magician at that time.

Because there is also a hidden great magician named Mal...

"Can you find this hidden demon?" he asked Alice and Xiaoyu.

A single demon is actually not scary. What is scary is his ability to spread the blood curse!

Because it has been so long ago, ordinary people's understanding of the Dark Holy War is too vague. If there were demons on the west coast, spreading curses in the Snowy Land of Stone, the harm caused would be simply devastating.

Although the Holy Order has a relatively complete internal plan, and its efforts to crack down on pretenders have never stopped, they are still in the open after all.

For example, if there are no holy churches in the remote villages, once pretenders appear, they will almost always end up being wiped out.

"I can't find it. The oracle didn't give me any inspiration."

Xiaoyu shook her head, and the hairpin as long as a dagger was dangling on her head. Her hair was too long, and the hairpin couldn't be fastened at all.

It would be fine if there was no oracle revelation, but the wingless angel Paladin has arrived again. It is also a warning in another sense, which is very disturbing.

"I have reminded Skadi and Meia to send people to be careful about any abnormal situations that occur in their own territory. The Stone Snow Region has also sent people there. As for Delos..."

Pretenders naturally do not distinguish between friend and foe.

Ye Lin cast a questioning look on the Third Princess, who nodded and said solemnly: "It concerns Ozma. I have sent someone to deliver the letter back."


"I remember the black earth, the place where the decisive battle was, seems to be near the mine in the realm of our Delos Empire."

The third princess took a breath and lowered her noble head.

However, although she is the imperial princess, the diplomat of the Delos Empire has always been served by the eldest princess Celia, so her speech skills are much worse than Kelly's, and she is clumsy and tongue-tied.

"Well, I've heard about it." He grabbed the extremely powerful and elastic fat that the princess brought with both hands, and returned the favor in the same way: "I heard that there are not many people living in that place now, and there is a monument. "

After each worked hard for a long time, Isabella suddenly raised her head and issued a warning. Then she frowned and her body began to stiffen like a mummy.

"You lose, Your Royal Highness. According to the agreement, I will not be inferior to others."

Ye Lin waved his hand in triumph, and then grabbed the God of War, which was so powerful that he could shatter the tank's legs with one kick and shorten the physical distance between his knees and shoulders.

"It seems to be really growing." Ye Lin felt it carefully and felt a little relieved. His hard work was not in vain. Every time he worked, he gained something.

The dizzy third princess was in the sweet mood after finishing her homework. She raised her mouth slightly, but when she heard these words, she immediately dropped her face and complained softly: "Hey, how will I raise my children in the future, feed them milk powder or something? But? I feel so insecure."

"Looking for a Naima?"

"That makes sense, who should we look for? Cyrus, she's big, she might be able to raise two."

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