Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 480 We, the demons of the universe, are trustworthy!

Another person who reacts to the whirlpool is Yuena.

In the dark vortex on the earth, there was an aura that made her feel familiar, but extremely disgusting, making her feel sick and vomiting.

""The breath of the pretender...""

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Yuena's hands, and the Holy Spear Brionak was held in her palms, her mind raised to the highest alert point.

It is recorded in the Order's oldest book that Ozma once used the power of demons from another world, but now suddenly there is a powerful pretender appearing in the realm of nothingness?

Dong dong dong...

There was a dull sound under the earth, and Bai Si, who jumped in, seemed to have a hand in hand with the mysterious pretender. A hundred meters ahead, the ground cracked, and a dark aura surged out.

Suddenly, Ye Lin's eyes narrowed, his back slightly curved, and a huge pressure came from the outside in, distributed in every corner and every cell of his body.

It was as if the cells suddenly turned from dust to the weight of grains of sand, the muscles were as heavy as iron, the blood flowed like mercury, and the whole body seemed to be bound by an inexplicable force.


The monster under the earth actually made Bai Si use his gravity ability!

Guyu's face turned red and he breathed out with difficulty: "I feel a little uncomfortable..."

She originally relied on her nimble body skills and attack speed to fight the enemy, but her body was suddenly restrained by gravity, and the negative impact was much heavier than that of Mo Mei and the others.


An extremely dull but eardrum-shaking sound suddenly erupted, and the ground shook violently, like a collapse earthquake. Fortunately, the people present were not ordinary people, and they quickly stabilized their bodies.

"Get out, you rat-headed and rat-tailed guy!"

A tall, majestic, dark-skinned man shot out of the black hole, but judging from the way he was hunched over and flying upside down, he should have been punched out by Bai Si.

The man's figure was almost the same as that of the gravity demon Bai Si. His right shoulder was covered with a shoulder armor, his face was as ferocious as a demon, and his whole body was filled with an aura that made Yuena almost go crazy.


Another one looked like a giant sword, but it looked more like a door-plate-like weapon that had been dismantled in a certain religion and fell to the ground. It was extremely thick and simple, with mysterious silver patterns engraved on its surface.


The earthquake calmed down instantly, and the yellow sand stopped flying. Bai Si used the absolute law of gravity to stabilize a space, and at the same time he stepped out and flew out.

However, Ye Lin had already keenly noticed that Bai Si's left hand without a weapon had some traces of burning and melting. He suffered a little loss because he had no weapon.

"Wait a minute, we worked together hundreds of years ago, so why should we be against each other?"

The mysterious man's voice was like thunder. He picked up the giant sword and stood up. He frowned unconsciously. He was really a troublesome demon. If he fought with all his strength, it would be too time-consuming to say who would win or lose.

Bai Si paused in the movement of pumping his fist, looked at it for a long time, and then responded to the other party with a powerful voice that shook the sky:

"Who are you?"


The person who answered his question was Yuena, who was surging with holy power.

"Belias of Destruction, one of the three dark knights of Ozma of Chaos, it seems that the seal of the black earth has indeed been leaked!"

Bishop Magello's concern was correct, and the arrival of the wingless angel chick was also correct. There seemed to be a flaw in the black earth.


Belias was shocked and secretly cursed the bad luck. He had just used the power of Lord Ozma to reconnect with the realm of nothingness, so why did he meet those annoying guys here.

If it weren't for these priests, the blood curse and the pretenders would have spread to all parts of Arad, and even to heaven and the devil!

"But there are not only 10,000 priests who died in my hands, but also 8,000, haha..."

Although he was a little wary of the aura on Yuena's holy spear, Belias didn't take it too seriously.

In fact, it cannot be said that the army of pretenders was defeated in the war that year, but because a certain woman who relied on the power of Apostle Held forcibly sealed the Lord into another dimension.

Everything is just a slight difference!

"Ozma's man? That unlucky loser?"

After getting the identity, Bai Si was obviously a little scornful. He recalled a little bit that Ozma had used the power of the otherworldly demon to open a crack to summon the otherworldly monster.

Later, due to the rift between the dark elves and the different dimensions, the realm of nothingness had a brief contact with the black earth.

But because there is little value in the black earth, and there are two terrifying apostles, even if Gaunis can locate the black earth, he has always had an indifferent attitude.

"Hmph! Lord Ozma was just plotted by that woman when he was exhausted. If you cooperate, Lord Ozma will also help you invade the demon world in the future."

Dark Knight Belias' tone was fiery, full of eager enthusiasm. In fact, the seal of the black earth had always been perfect, but unexpectedly, not long ago, a small gap was broken due to an unexpected visitor.

"I'm sorry, Lord Gaunis once reached a deal with this person." Bai Si pointed at Ye Lin, somewhat uninterested.

To put it nicely, you will help us invade the demon world in the future. Another meaning is that you are useless now. Do you need our help?

"What deal?"

Belias was a little surprised. Didn't the cosmic demon have no brains? How could he still make a deal?

"He has gained a ray of friendship from your lord. As long as he survives, we will not attack the continent of Arad. Although we are glorious, glorious, and invincible destroyers, in fact, we are quite trustworthy."

"Hey, that is to say..." Belias waved his giant sword, and a blast of wind exploded in the air, the wind and sand roared, and the clouds rolled.

Belias, the Destroyer, can create sweeping winds when he swings his weapon, summoning lava from deep within the Earth's core!

"Just kill him? Is that enough?"


"Okay! I'll kill him."

The grinning Dark Knight did not expect that this journey would be so easy. As long as he uses the power of the cosmic demon to collapse the black earth seal, Lord Ozma's destructive power will return to Arad and set off another blood plague.

This time, if you come prepared, Arad will definitely be doomed.

"It seems like we've been looked down upon, and it's all of us."

Ye Lin shook his neck and arms, but he didn't expect that his first enemy after being promoted to the legendary realm would be one of Ozma's subordinates.

"Then kill?"

Siatt stared at her sword carefully. It was so beautiful. It was just a little bit closer. It would become even more beautiful and stronger!

"Don't kill him and keep it for the New Year? He's so ugly. He probably won't even eat it. He's so ambitious that we haven't even had a few days of peace." Gu Yu held the same opinion.

Yuena took action first and wanted to put the Holy Light Guard on Mailu as usual. However, she suddenly remembered that Mailu went to see her sister and did not come with her this time.

"Give me some face." Feng Ying flicked the blade of the bone blade with her slender fingers, and said "Yin Yang Wei Qi": "He is Ozma's subordinate. With such a powerful status, we are not even worthy of looking at him."

The transferred breath she absorbed while traveling through the space cracks brought her great benefits!

At this time, Belias was shocked to realize that this group of people not only seemed unafraid, but also looked fierce and wanted to eat him alive.

With a "zheng" sound, Ye Lin blew on the scarlet sword of the demon sword and smiled.

"On behalf of the clergy and ordinary people who died at your hands hundreds of years ago, I say hello again, Ozma's subordinates and Held's puppets."

The Three Dark Knights are mysterious demons who took refuge in the past after Ozma awakened the power of the apostle. Their true identities are actually Held's puppets.

The purpose, of course, is to provide reinforcements and monitor Ozma at the same time.

"Heh, it's just a group of humans. They seem to be teammates who support each other, so..."

Belias smiled strangely. In his thick left palm, he held up a scarlet blood ball. The aura emitted by the ball made Yuena, who had drank the blood of the pretender, immediately conclude that this was a blood curse, and It’s the mother body!

The blood curse is originally a plague-like curse spread, and the source matrix is ​​in the hands of Ozma and the Three Dark Knights.

Once infected, the only way to break it apart from a strong will is to control the blood curse using a blood-drinking cross.

"It must be very manageable for you to be infected with this filthy blood and then fall into a situation of killing each other. It's great, it's great, it's so..."

Extremely divine swordsmanship·instant slash!

An invisible but strange white light, like a white fish belly line in the east in the early morning!

Ye Lin had already appeared behind Belias, completed an attack, and slowly retracted the demon sword with a calm and calm expression.

Beliasto's left hand, which had cast the blood curse, broke silently and fell to the ground, bleeding profusely.

The source of the Blood Plague silently appeared with spiderweb-like cracks, a ray of light bloomed from the cracks, and exploded cleanly.

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