Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 483 Yuena’s thirst for knowledge

"If that's the case, you can indeed try it, but the risk is still extremely high. Who is she to you? Is she worth taking such a big risk?"

Having followed Gaunis and Roche in invading other dimensions all year round, Bai Si is no longer surprised by the incredible thing of going against the long river of time.

But if Ye Lin wants to go back to the past, the first and most important hurdle he faces is that he must face the obliteration behavior of the Lord of Time and Space to ensure that he is safe and sound.

Otherwise, everything is just talk on paper and empty talk.

"Your life and death comrades? Relatives? Lovers?"

Bai Si vomited a lot of questions in a series. The rich emotions of human beings are a burden to the cosmic demons. Everyone is basically born to be raised, and they are only judged by their strength.

"A friend I've never met~"

He shrugged a little awkwardly. This answer obviously did not satisfy Bai Si, especially Siatt and the others.

At first they thought he was having sex outside, and then they had regrets or something, but they never thought that he was just an ordinary friend?

"Haha, it's interesting. You humans are so complicated. With a friend you haven't even met yet, you have to take a big risk and reverse time and space to save her. Hahahaha, it's so interesting. I will inform Gaunis of the news. grown ups."

The Gravity Demon was very satisfied today. Compared to blindly invading and conquering other dimensions, observing the habits of weak races was actually rare and somewhat interesting.

Like a cannonball, Bai Si left quickly, followed by Doris, who would bring news about Gaunis.

Using magic to create four hard walls, the EX Dornier's outer shell is actually very fragile.

Behind the bar in the living room, Hiatt was sitting on a rotating stool, with a glass of juice dangling in his hand and a facial mask on his face.

Because the environment in the realm of nothingness is too harsh, the red lips are now a little dry and flaky. The skin that was originally delicate and white due to frequent moisturization is now a little dry and lackluster.

In fact, except for Ye Lin himself, almost everyone wears a facial mask to moisturize their faces, except for Naiyali. She is a god, so this small influence is just a sprinkle of water.

"Tell me your plan."

Siatt took a sip of the orange juice and her eyes wandered. She felt as if her skin had been exposed to ultraviolet rays for a month on the plateau. It was numb and itchy, and she was very uncomfortable with it.

If he couldn't explain the extremely dangerous action of reversing the past, he would certainly not be able to let him go.

This is no joke, it's very serious, and it's not like going to fight the apostles or ice dragons, just roll up your sleeves and just do it.

Go back in time and save someone who doesn't exist?

Not only her, but Celia, Tana and the curator also absolutely disagreed, especially the members who came with him, who were basically waiting for an explanation from him.

"I'm sorry, this may be a very selfish or selfish obsession of mine."

Ye Lin immediately bowed his head and apologized. Such a sincere attitude made the team members' stern faces slightly thaw under their masks.

"This is what I want to do. To locate the past through Gaunis and the cracks in different dimensions, I will inevitably meet the ruler of time and space along the way. Then I will use Naiyali as my trump card to send a request for time travel to Memet."

"Of course I'm not stupid. If the Lord of Time and Space really doesn't want to, then I'll just come back."

Of the three ways to save Luxi, reversing time and space is the fastest but most dangerous. Waiting for Mavis to come to Usiel in her body and recalling Luxi's soul is the safest.

Assembling the seven prophets of the violent hunting team, resurrecting Shilok is the most accident-prone, and the green-faced Shura Rozbelen has not returned yet, and he wanders to who knows which world.

"You bastard, so you brought me here to exploit child labor? Are you still a human being? Do you have a conscience?"

Naiyali, who was enjoying the chocolate in a sip, became angry and flew behind him in an instant, grabbing his neck with both hands and rocking him back and forth.

Memit is the Lord of Time and Space, one of the top gods!

"Ahem~ I want to die. You are the great, glorious, and invincible Lord Naiyali, with a little lion head. And you don't need to use real swords or guns. Xilan can use the gate of time and space to do a lot of tricks. I just went back to save someone. If he doesn’t want to, I’ll come back.”

After a nice meal, Ye Lin used his unruly style again, with an eloquence that amazed Celia and Tana, and praised Naiyali as the beauty of the world, the virtue of the universe, and the essence of the world, the sun and the moon. The best, the treasure of Loli and so on.

"Ahem~ That's it~"

Naiyali cleared her throat. Although she pretended not to care, her little face was already rosy. Her little feet on the exquisite high heels swayed unconsciously, and her wings were trembling slightly.

"Since you have sincerely requested me, then I, well, it's not impossible... to help you once... just once!"

Ye Lin took out a flower tube from his arms, opened it and exploded into a large piece of colorful shredded paper.

"Long live Lady Naiyali!"

"Hmm~ Long live long live, I am not only long live." Naiyali finally couldn't help it, put her hands on her hips, raised the corners of her mouth sharply, and looked ecstatic.

Although his body is a god, his mind is still that of a child. He likes to eat sweets, like beautiful clothes, and also likes to be praised and praised.

"This guy is good at coaxing people."

Yuena curled her lips slightly when she saw this. Since they had a fairly thorough plan, they would no longer stop them from saying anything.

Focus on taking advantage of the hard-won training opportunities to improve your strength.

"You can clean up later." Siatt rolled her eyes.

On the other side, Mo Mei was leaning against the bar, holding juice and discussing something with Gu Yu.

Her figure is actually relatively close to Celia's. After deep development and moisturizing, her face has become more charming. She seems to be a little less green, but she still basically has a cheongsam bun with a youthful temperament.

The low-end version of the eaux-de-vie does not only maintain the same body shape forever, but it also has a very strong stabilizing effect.

"Mo Mei, come on~"

With a sneaky look, Yuena poked her thigh at the slit of her cheongsam and waved her hand to come over and ask for help.


Although she didn’t know what was wrong with Yuena today, she had to go aside and whisper if something happened, but she didn’t think much for a moment and followed the nervous Yuena out of the leisure area, and then was dragged to the room. inside.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

He tried to reach out and touch Yuena's forehead. Sure enough, it was a little hot, and a blush appeared on her face.

Could it be that I have a cold?

"No, no... I'm not sick, Mo Mei, are we on good terms?"

"You are indeed sick. Give yourself a cure, and I'll ask Ye Lin to feed you a resurrection coin."

The team has a relatively complete configuration. Because of the pure C boss Siatt, her output task when encountering enemies is not heavy. She is more responsible for protecting the nanny Yuena and the curator.

Besides, we have fought against the apostles together, climbed snowy mountains, crawled underground and climbed into the heavens. If there were still conflicts between the team members, it would be very dangerous, and the entire team would have ceased to exist long ago.

"No, no, I'm really not sick..."

Yuena grabbed the other person's wrist with an anxious look on her face. It only required one or two people to know about it. If they all knew about it, they would be worried. If there were more people, the secret would definitely be exposed.

Then I would be completely humiliated and would have no way to live.

"Then you should tell me quickly, why are you pulling me? I haven't finished the drink yet."

After a brief period of confusion, Mo Mei blinked and asked tentatively in a low voice: "Because Belias ran away?"

"No, no, Mo Mei, you must keep it a secret."

"You can rest assured, we keep our mouths shut."

"You should...have taken advantage of that beast, right?"

Yuena's left palm wrapped her right hand in a praying posture, her big eyes were full of strong curiosity and sparkling.

"Huh?" Mo Mei was stunned when she heard this and didn't react for a moment.

"How about...? Does it hurt? Standing or..."

"I'm going to kill you."

Mo Mei, who finally came back to her senses, was immediately embarrassed, her cheeks flushed, and she pinched Yuena's arm in an angry manner.

"Okay, luckily you are still a nun who believes in gods. Your thoughts have slipped and you have gone astray."

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