Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 485 The cat outside the chessboard, the transcendent

"Did you hear that? You are in danger. If you go against the flow of time and space, a single mistake can be fatal."

He looked at Mavis with a little worry. She wanted to go with him because of Xiaoyu's oracle, which was a bit too risky.

"High risks come with high returns, right? Why, the majestic Sword God, do you think that a little girl like me will hold you back?"

After a little teasing, Mavis winked mischievously, which immediately made people gasp in surprise.

Unlike the cool Cyrus, who was born in a military family and developed a cold personality in a special environment, Mavis has a naturally cold temperament, but is still relatively easy to talk to.

"But Lord Sword God, it's you who didn't sleep well?"

He glanced around Ye Lin with slightly doubtful eyes. Although he looked normal and unhurt, he seemed a little sleepy mentally?

"Ha~ Well, I didn't go to bed until late at night because I had to prepare..."

He scratched his head and nodded with a smile. At the same time, he glanced at Doris, who was following Ogus and pretending to be fine. She had a plump body, four large pieces of fat and two pairs of pliers. The consequences of using them all were really terrible.

A collision of bending a bow and shooting an arrow, all four pieces were shaking.

"In that case~" Slowly calming down the uneasiness in his heart, he nodded respectfully to Gaunis and said, "Sir, I'm begging you."

It's impossible to say that I'm confident that I can catch everything, and it's also impossible to say that I'm not panicking at all.

His current state is exactly the same as when he met the mysterious warrior, nervous, uneasy, and a little scared.

However, as a human being, you have to be a little obsessed, right?

The right hand held Niyali's left hand, and Niyali's right hand was held in the palm of Mavis. They nodded to each other and walked slowly toward the black hole opened by Gaunis.

"They look like a family, with a daughter in tow."

Feng Ying crossed her arms and stretched upwards. Her tall figure was graceful and slender. She was the same as Mavis. Whether it was fat or righteous, long legs or waist, everything was in the perfect golden ratio.

"A family?" Yuena lowered her head and murmured in an inaudible voice: "If a family holds hands, they can go around the house and open a kindergarten by themselves in the future."

"By the way, Xiaoyu, is Mavis's disaster serious?" Siatt asked worriedly.

"A bloody disaster, but I can't say whether this prediction is big or small."


The deep black hole sunk in the earth has no light or sound echo. If it were not for the contrast of the surrounding environment, this piece of ground would seem to be missing from the field of vision.

Just like a flaw in the universe, whether it is rushing rivers, towering mountains, or surging energy, it will be completely swallowed up by the black hole, leaving nothing behind.

The figures of the three people suddenly disappeared in front of their eyes, as if they had evaporated out of thin air.

The long river of time is moving forward, and the stubborn rocks embedded in the bottom of the river once again encounter the river that flowed ten years ago.

Endless void, no sky, no earth, no time, no space, no gravity, as if everything has lost its meaning here.

A big lion head filled with golden light, it had no body, one hand turned into a golden holy sword, its blue eyes stared at Ye Lin below, who was trying to adjust his posture, cold and ruthless.

This is a sacred place outside time, not bound by time, but it is a place that Memet focuses on observing.

Because outside time and space, a kind of troublesome transcendent will be born!

Unlike Gaunis, if the space ruler who is good at invading dimensions is compared to an enemy, then Gaunis is like a domineering opponent on the chessboard, eager to eat up every one of your chess pieces!

But at least he still abides by the rules of playing chess. The transcendent is a naughty cat. It doesn't care about the rules and restrictions at all. It jumps on the chessboard and just wants to throw away all the chess pieces, even disrupting the chessboard. .

If possible, they would also like to scratch the chess player, or even scratch the being who created the chessboard.

"Master Memit..."

Ye Lin finally managed to stabilize his body through Niyali, and then grabbed Mavis, who was also weightless, and gave her a fixed point to rely on.

This was the first time he met Memet. Although the Master of Time and Space, Milil Beanzi, told him that the Lord of Time and Space had been here in Nosmar, he had never seen his true appearance with his own eyes.

"Those who go against the flow of time to modify history should be obliterated!"

The holy sword that replaced Memet's arm was plain and simple, with only a gem of the same color as his eye on the hilt.

But at the moment when the tip of the sword pointed up, Ye Lin suddenly had the intuition that he was completely locked and could not escape.

This sword will kill you!

"Big lion, don't think I'm air!"

Naiyali was so angry that she gritted her teeth and really didn't give him any chance, not even a word of defense.

A flash of purple light flashed in her eyes, and Naiyali stood in front of the two of them, and then suddenly exploded into a large ball of misty purple mist, filling the entire space.

Not only Yelin and Mavis were surrounded, but Meimit was also surrounded. In the chaotic purple mist, a childish but cold cry came out.

The forbidden feast!

Because time lost its meaning here and everything turned into nothingness, Ye Lin could only see the chaotic purple mist rolling and rioting, surging upwards, entangled in the great sword of the Lord of Time and Space.

Sparks continuously erupted from the surface of the sword due to the chaotic attack. Although it seemed to be close at hand, he felt that every spark was no less than a quantum bomb bombing.



It might have been a moment, but it might have been ten thousand years. The purple mist of Naiyali's incarnation suddenly dissipated, and the body seemed to have been severely injured and flew out upside down.

Naiyali's face turned pale, and her two big braids accidentally came apart. Her cute and pretty little face had an expression of extreme anger and unwillingness at this moment.

The Holy Sword only slowed down a little, and her strength was only restored to less than half.

On the other side, Ye Lin has fallen into a strange state. He feels that there is still some time before the holy sword stabs him, so he should be able to quickly explain the whole story.

However, he was in a daze, as if he had no time to defend himself. The Lord of Time and Space could attack him tens of millions of times in a billionth of a second.

His soul and body seemed to be stuck in two different time flow rates, unable to react at the same time.

It's like a "Schrödinger" state, dead but not dead.

Mavis was also trying to communicate with Usil, but due to the situation between her and Yelin, she felt that she had no time to pray to Usil.

Time has been completely messed up here...

"Lord Mermit!"

A pocket watch suddenly blocked Memet's holy sword, leaving Naiyali helpless. The holy sword was actually blocked by a pocket watch.

It was as if the pocket watch had been in the path of the stabbing.

A miniature lion head, many sizes too small, blocked a fatal blow with a pocket watch.


Ye Lin finally struggled to make a sound, which was a bit surprising. Douzi had an owner after all. It hadn't seen him again for a long time, and it seemed that he had followed his owner to do something big.


Memet was even less surprised. He seemed to have expected this scene.

Kabbalah is the original name of the bean. Because the founder Xiao Douding thought the name was unpleasant, he changed its name to the friendly bean.

"Sir, since you can choose two people to watch the end of time, why not try a third person?"

"Because the power of time and space is limited, the more people who control it, the more serious the damage to the dimensional boundary will be. I didn't give him the slightest power, and he could find a way to reverse the flow of time."

Memet snorted coldly, took back the holy sword pointed at Ye Lin, and then thought of a certain sword master who traveled through time and space all day long and talked coldly, and said coldly:

"If he had been given Xi Lan's power, the long river of time would have collapsed long ago."

The implication is that he is not unaware of Ye Lin's talents and abilities, but because of his ultimate dishonesty and uncontrollability, he may be able to infinitely amplify the power of time and space, causing the boundaries to collapse.

He can do whatever he wants by himself, but he can rival ten Xilan and a hundred surpassers!

"Let me ask you, what did you encounter in the Stru Mountains a few months ago? Why does your time not exist?"

There was a huge hourglass beside Memet, and a few grains of sand in the bottle at the bottom of the hourglass suddenly turned around to the hourglass above.

The surrounding environment suddenly changed, from the endless dark void to the lush green Stru Mountains.

A black airship slowly came from a distance. However, the next second, the land was devastated and the area within a thousand meters was reduced to ruins. The black airship continued to drive leisurely, heading towards the Tower of Despair.

The time when I met Sophie and the Great Will Form seemed to have been deleted, not even a single fragment was left.


Ye Lin suddenly frowned and said calmly: "I met the guardian, Dragon Knight Sophie, the incarnation of Nimer, and had a fight with her."

The form of the great will cannot be identified, and it is difficult for the gods to find its true appearance.

Only when you get close can you feel who "He" is through the supreme majesty in the darkness.

Probably to prevent some interested people from finding a trace, the passage of that small area was blurred by "Stru".

His blue eyes stared at Ye Lin, and after a long while he asked aloud: "Not a Transcendent?"

"No, I can guarantee that."

When the Lord of Time and Space asked such a question, Ye Lin breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this matter was over.

He squeezed Mavis's little hand to indicate that she was safe, but the latter rolled her eyes and waved her arm to let go. Ye Lin pretended to be dead and did not shake her away.

"Transcenders, because they do not belong to the category of time management, we cannot predict their future and actions." Memet suddenly said.

There is nothing else in the entire universe that can make several Lords of Time and Space fearful, except for the great will, which is the "worm"-like transcendent.

"If you have anything to say in the future, I'll be here at your call!"

Ye Lin felt happy in his heart, realizing that this matter was more than half done.

Memit allowed him to act recklessly this time, but on the condition that the Transcendent, who was neither in time nor in the dimension, would help him in the future.

Including doomsday messengers, judges, coordinators, saints and other transcendent beings.

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