Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 487 A pair of fools

The young swordsman was unaware of it. When he decided to take a look, the eyes of the dark elf next to him were filled with admiration.

There is also a ray of goodwill and tender feelings mixed in.

Good old man!

This is what she said about him.

It was obvious that he was an unreasonable robber who wanted to rob him of his money at first. After losing the fight, he actually left some gold coins and food for himself, the robber.

What an inexplicable human being~

The mutation in Arad began three years ago. Animals that were originally indifferent to the world began to go crazy, and animals that were originally highly aggressive became bloodthirsty and crazy.

Some small villages with a small population were even swept away by monsters like sieges, and the wild environment became extremely dangerous.

Almost no one dares to work in the field alone if they are not traveling together.

Although the newly appointed Queen Skadi of the Principality organized manpower to eliminate monsters, the efficiency was extremely slow because the Principality did not have many permanent troops.

This year, the speed of monster mutation has accelerated suddenly. Compared with the previous three years, there has been an exponential growth.

But because parts of the mutated monster's body can be sold at a good price in the mall, those with ability began to try to make a living by hunting monsters.

When these people reach a certain scale and are recognized and praised by mainland residents, the names of "adventurers" will be widely circulated in the mainland.

"Okay, just go. I heard that it is a very powerful life form, Sirok, and the empire has also sent people to encircle and suppress it." Luxi replied in a calm tone.

Obviously the other person's age is not even a fraction of her own age, but in front of him, she is like a little girl who has no experience in the world, relying on him for everything.

"No, no, Luxi, you are a dark elf, your life span is long, and your relationship with humans will have no consequences."

Shaking her head and sighing secretly, she patted her face, trying to force down the softness in her heart to remind herself to face the ruthless reality.

He is a "dirty" dark elf, and he also has ghost hands that often attack.

He is a very young and promising swordsman, and he is handsome. Maybe some noble daughter will take a fancy to him.

"We can ask the Imperial Army on the way, maybe they have a way to cure Ghost Hands?"

Aganzuo's eyes were as serious as ever. As the most powerful empire on the continent, he must have done some research on ghost hands.

"Ghost Hands... We dark elves and the empire are not very good at dealing with each other, and the current Queen Meia and the Senate don't get along either. That old guy Xia Pulun, forget it, let's go."


"Those two people are the people you are looking for?" Mavis retracted and asked.


"In that case, why didn't you call that dark elf?"

Because Mavis doesn't know the specific process of the Screaming Cave, in her opinion, wouldn't it be enough to stop the two people now and ask them to change their route?

"If she doesn't go, everyone will die, and the process of history will collapse. Memet won't allow it. I only have three seconds at most to snatch Luxi's soul with Shilok."

Ye Lin stood up from behind the boulder, stared at the two people walking together, slowly clenched his fists, and was determined.

When the Four Sword Saints were on the verge of death, it was Luxi who unlocked the ghost hand, released Kazan's power, and hit Sirok's core.

If Luxi is stopped now and her path is forcibly reversed, it would mean that Xilan, Baan, and Buwanga will all be wiped out.

The wings of butterflies can cause storms, and the involvement of the three sword masters affects the continent of Arad like a spider web.

"What if you fail?"

De Mavis couldn't help but ask, going against the long river of time is just the beginning.

"Then we can only wait for Sirocco to be resurrected. Let's leave quickly."

The three of them followed Aganzuo and Shilok furtively, hanging from a distance and not daring to get too close.

Mavis was a little distracted. As a woman, she could see that the look in Luxi's eyes towards Aganzuo had a warmth that surpassed that of a friend.

Tender, full of affection, and some unspeakable pain?

However, Aganzuo seemed to be a wooden person and didn't seem to notice anything.

Naiyali was forced not to fly, so she could only step on her small heels one step at a time with a look of displeasure on her face.

However, her strange big eyes turned to Mavis and Ye Lin in front. The eyes of these two people were similar to the eyes of the two people in front.


Outside the Screaming Cave, a small army was stationed. Judging from their clothing and armor, they looked like people from the Delos Empire.

At this time, the empire had not invaded the Principality of Belmare. As the strongest country in the Arad continent, sending people to deal with the evil monsters caused a wave of welcome.

However, the people of the principality are completely unaware that the ambition of the empire has begun to sprout. The power of the apostle will make the emperor's desire to explore taboos skyrocket!

In Ye Lin's sight, Aganzuo and Luxi, a pair of people who secretly love each other but have not expressed their feelings, have reached the end of their destiny and are facing a destined tragedy.

The Imperial Army stationed at the entrance of the cave soon discovered the man and woman. Because of Aganzo's overweight weapon and Luxxi's ghostly hand, the Imperial Army quickly took notice.

At this time in Arad, although professionals have not yet blossomed, they basically have some vague concepts of realm.

If that metal heavy sword were carried on the back of an ordinary man, even movement would be a serious problem.

Not to mention the Ghost Hand, one of the most famous users of the Ghost Hand, the priest Jig, is an indelible pain to the Delos Empire.

"What happened?"

Agan Zuo asked a young man who looked uneasy, maybe he hadn't even held a coming-of-age ceremony.

At the same time, he shook his head secretly, young people just love to mess around, and their hair must be dyed red.


Uneasiness and panic were written on the young man's face. He gritted his teeth and continued: "I am the second investigation team sent by the empire to come to the Screaming Cave, Barn Bachut."

"Oh, hello, I am A Ganzuo, a traveling vagabond."

At this time, Barn had not yet achieved success. The reason why he signed up to join the investigation team was to temper himself and gain greater strength.

At the same time, it is also because of his little girlfriend Emily Kruger.

The Kruger family is an imperial noble, and the daughter of the family must not marry a commoner with no reputation!

Although he and his sister were both extremely talented and highly anticipated, the "aristocratic" class was not something that anyone could just join if they were a genius.

He must have outstanding military exploits, otherwise, even if he trains in the army for several years, he will be nothing more than a knight or a small officer.

According to the fortune teller of the empire, the source of the changes in the Arad continent was the apostle Sirok in the Wailing Cave.

The young emperor Leon Heinrich III, who was struggling to find the top combat power similar to that of Priest Giger, naturally couldn't wait to send people to explore the Wailing Cave.

If you can kill Sirocco, it will be a distinguished military achievement!

"It's like this. This cave was originally called the Wailing Cave because there was an ancient insect killing Gu. The sound of their activities was similar to the screams of humans. However, according to the empire's investigation, these bugs included an insect king. It stopped its activities three years ago..."

Baan recounted the information he had learned. He had already begun to win over these two people and wanted to invite them to participate in the extermination operation.

The first investigation team sent by the empire was Kane, the leader of the Purple Mist Group and the main force in the investigation.

He and his sister Lynn were the second batch of investigation reinforcements, but due to a minor conflict on the road, Lynn accidentally got separated.

According to the members who stayed behind, Lynn had already run to the Wailing Cave.

However, for a long time, no news came out.


Aganzuo looked serious when he heard this. The other party was a notorious killer in the Arad continent. Even he had heard about it.

"Shirok is the source of the mutation. If we continue to let it go, more civilians will suffer."

Baan touched the sweat on his forehead, his heart rising to his throat unconsciously.

Although I am a little annoyed that my sister is nagging her, she is still my sister after all. If something happens, I may have a bad conscience for the rest of my life.

Before seeing the terrifying power of the apostles, Barn was still a young man with a strong sense of justice.

"By the way, these two are Xilan and Buwanga. They are both very powerful swordsmen. They decided to explore the Wailing Cave together."


"The source of everything is in this small place, in a cave."

Looking at the "old friends" who were talking outside the cave, Ye Lin sat on the ground and sighed.

The causes of more than half of the major events in the Arad continent will be found here if traced back to their source.

The transfer test, the magic gun test, the blackening of Baan, the reappearance of Sky City sealed by Bakar, the birth of the violent hunting team, the invasion of the empire, and so on...

In a sense, this is the source of Arad's future!

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