Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 492: The Goddess of Judgment!

Because the opponent's twisted and invisible power was too weird, even though Ye Lin cut off the tail of the giant snake with a swift wind hug, he still didn't dare to get close to the center point where the apostle's power surged.

The distance between him and Shilok was only about ten meters, and it seemed that Luxi's soul was being pulled within reach, about to be captured by the Seal of Heaven.

But it appeared again, as far away as the abyss!

Like his most beloved toy being suddenly snatched away, Sirocco, who was already on the verge of collapse, completely lost his mind and fell into rage.

She must drag this soul with inexplicable emotions towards others into the deepest part of her spirit, to torture and suffer forever.

Apostles are, after all, the top life forms in the universe!

The final glow, like a firefly, is far beyond what ordinary living beings can look up to.

An even more terrifying pulling force erupted from the giant snake's mouth, like a black hole whirlpool. Not only was the mental strength affected, but even the falling rocks and broken soil in the cave began to fly towards the snake's mouth.

Luxi's soul, like a candle in the wind, stopped and flew over at a faster speed, as if one party in the tug-of-war was exhausted, and the other party would win quickly accordingly.

She fell to the ground and was already dripping with blood, and her body, tortured and twisted by Kazan Syndrome, began to show signs of dissipating.

The power of the apostle is affecting her true self.

When this body on earth completely dissipates, her name, her deeds, and everything about her will gradually be forgotten by everyone.

The intertwined time and space will no longer have the breath of her presence.

"Damn it!"

Ye Lin's face suddenly turned gloomy and very ugly. He did not expect that the other party would have such a strong sense of rage and jealousy when he was about to die. It was as if he was dying and being buried with him!

Because he was afraid that Luxi's already fragile soul would be damaged again, he never dared to activate the Seal of Heaven with all his strength.

If something goes wrong, this trip from the heaven to the realm of nothingness and then back to the long river of time will be almost in vain.

From wielding the Moonlight Slash, gathering his soul, to Sirocco's final madness, everything happened in the blink of an eye.

Ye Lin hesitated, and he had to think carefully.

After all, it is safer to let Luxi be swallowed by the giant snake, return to reality and wait for Shilok to be resurrected.

Or is it time to infuse the Seal of Heaven with more powerful magic power and snatch back that weak soul.

But the latter may cause irreparable damage to the soul, or even dissipate.

In fact, his hesitation was also due to fear.

Afraid that I will fail, afraid that I will face the failure after being prepared for a long time, afraid of the guilt of facing Agan Zuo again.

Although Zeng calmly said with a smile that there was a second and third method, the scene of watching helplessly and being unable to do anything was particularly cruel.

His current mood is actually very similar to Aganzuo's.

"It would be nice if Alice was here..."

There was a sigh in my heart, because I was afraid that if Alice from ten years later and Alice from ten years ago met unfortunately, it would cause violent historical waves, which was not allowed by the Lord of Time and Space.

So he didn't call Alice, who was very knowledgeable about souls, over.


His mind was like lightning and he threw away his fear in an instant. He chose to swing his sword at the giant snake again, choosing to believe that the Seal of Heaven would definitely help him protect his fragile soul like a dandelion.

However, something suddenly happened in the field!


A huge dark purple arm suddenly stretched out from his back, instantly grabbing Luxi's soul that had touched the snake's mouth and even floated halfway in, and forced the snake's mouth to snatch the food!

The arm is huge but the overall proportion is very slender. It should be a woman's left hand. The whole body is a seductive purple color. It has no entity and is composed of pure energy, but it exudes a heart-stopping aura.

A kind of absolute repressive power derived from the soul!

The red soul that was on the verge of being swallowed was actually ripped out of the snake's mouth alive!

The giant snake was shocked, spitting out a ferocious snake message, and was as fast as lightning, galloping and biting.

How can the prey that is already in your mouth be snatched away!

On the right side of Ye Lin, another woman's right hand quickly stretched out, like a giant catching a demonic snake, she grabbed seven inches of the giant snake and squeezed it hard!

The struggling and twisted giant snake was extremely unwilling to give in, but after she completely exhausted her strength, spiderweb-like lines appeared on the surface and exploded...

But the fragments in the sky did not dissipate, but turned into a figure with extremely resentful eyes, but it was so illusory that it was almost transparent, staring at the two people with their faces covered below.

"who are you?"

It’s unbelievable that someone could hide under his nose for so long!

Without waiting for Ye Lin to answer, Shilok seemed to suddenly realize something and said angrily:

"Such sword intent and strength should be impossible to achieve on this continent! I guessed it, you are..."

Ye Lin's heart suddenly rose to his throat. He did not expect that Sirocco's vitality was so tenacious. He was worthy of being an apostle who could survive even if his soul was divided into seven parts.

If she recognizes her identity as a "future person", then the long river of history will start from Shilok, and there will be waves. Maybe, Baston will immediately pull her out of this point in time, and all the previous efforts will be in vain!

"You are! The legendary swordsman who has been immortal for two thousand years, Sodros!"

Ye Lin:......

When Shilok was transferred to the Wailing Cave and suppressed without being able to escape, she didn't just sit back and wait for death, but she kept plotting revenge against the masked woman!

She tried to devour the heat energy of this continent, but was blocked by a mysterious force. In desperation, she quietly spread her spiritual power, murdered, and absorbed human souls and memories.

The previously dead Imperial Army and Purple Mist Regiment also allowed her to provide a lot of secret information that only the top officials of the Empire knew.

The mysterious Canyon of the Dead, Dark Crusade, Ice Dragon and other important news.

However, Mavis is in a special state. His eyes were filled with purple light, and he had no intention of talking nonsense with Sirocco.

"You dare to take away the soul that belongs to Lord Usiel even though you are in a broken body. It's extremely ridiculous!"

The voice was cold, with unabashed contempt and ridicule, just like Shilok's treatment of the dying Luxi, every word was bone-piercing.

"Ushir? What is Ushir!"

Shilok was struggling, feeling that her consciousness was about to dissipate. Even though she had a back-up plan, the sudden violent bloody figure, the sword master "Soderos", and the unknown Usiel consumed her. There are too many origins.

The king of the underworld and the lord of the dead, Usiel rules the world after death. His control over the soul is unparalleled. Anyone who dares to oppose the will of Hades, the "Goddess of Judgment", will be regarded as a provocation to the god.

Even the invisible Sirocco cannot snatch food from Pluto's hand.

Now the ownership of this soul, like a candle in the wind, belongs to Pluto!

Luxi's soul quickly condensed in the huge palm, but the originally dim form became brighter and brighter. After a moment, it actually turned into a ball of light the size of a football and as bright as a night pearl.

But Ye Lin could clearly feel that the condition of his soul, which was originally in danger, had begun to improve and was stabilizing. This substantial shell was a protective layer.

Mavis did not completely descend to Usiel, and her body could not bear it yet. She only descended on the two arms of Hades to judge those who dared to provoke!

Two huge palms filled with purple light suddenly clapped in front of him, and a strong soul wind burst out, hitting Sirocco's body in an instant.


The sharp wailing almost pierced the eardrums, accompanied by extreme unwillingness and resentment, leaving only a few words that revealed the prophecy:

"I obviously have such powerful power, but my eyes are covered by ignorance. After my death, someone with thousands of weapons will come, and he will tell..."


"Go quickly, her resentment will collapse this place and resurrect the Insect King, the Purple Mist Group, and the Birth Demon Sword."

Ye Lin put away his sword and tried to escape while holding the ball of light. However, Mavis, who had been descended by the gods, had weak legs and almost fell to the ground. She had no strength to run and could not escape in shadow.

"You hug me, hug me."

He put the ball of light into her arms, then hugged her knees directly, picked her up like a princess, and teleported outside the Wailing Cave, completely away from this place.

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