Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 499 Two days alone, ten years alone!

"Gina, beautiful lady, can you do me a favor?"

Ye Lin, who seemed to be sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed, suddenly spoke again, causing black lines to appear on Gina's forehead. If you really don't want to sleep, don't waste my legs.

"What's the deal?"

"Build me a nuclear bomb."


Not only was she stunned for a moment, but Lindsay, who was curling up her legs elegantly and writing and drawing on the computer, couldn't help but stop writing and widen her eyes.

I heard before that in the Ardennes Highlands, he could withstand quantum bombs without being hurt. Considering his terrifying strength, why would he need such a useless thing?

"I want a weapon that can easily level the Xiling Islands. I can provide you with source energy, crystals, dark matter, and even antimatter particles!"

Perhaps because he felt that the sand beneath him was not comfortable to sleep on, Ye Lin reluctantly pushed himself up, and his head happened to brush against the plump fruit. Then he looked at the sea with melancholy eyes as if nothing had happened.

If the curator who was taking a bath at this time was here, he would definitely say that I know this scene well and he did it on purpose.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? Although the Xiling Islands are the residence of nobles, they won't be all over the place. There are still good people."

Gina didn't care about the subtle touch but was a little panicked. Although she was very greedy for all the materials he gave her, the other party's seemingly suggestive words could not help but make people think too much.

"Haha, you are overthinking. I am planning to light a nuclear bomb on some turtle."

After being slightly stunned, the two women suddenly realized that the direction Ye Lin was looking at was the sleeping apostle Anton in the Eaton Industrial Zone.


She rubbed her brows in distress. Some time ago, Regent Jurgen came to her and said that he wanted to equip the navy headed by the Sky Noble with ancient particle cannons.

Coupled with the mechanic's hidden instructions, if the two work together, they might be able to try a long-range sniper attack when Anton leaves.

"You think too highly of me. No one can accurately control the burst of energy."

It is easy to make weapons, but it is difficult to accurately control the power of weapons. If you are not careful, you may even be able to annihilate the largest area of ​​​​the lawless zone.

Dark matter, antimatter particles, terrifying cosmic energy.

"It doesn't matter, you can't control it, it can."

Ye Lin smiled faintly. The Odin behemoth that could eat up his own planet. Normally, a nuclear bomb would just drink a cup of warm water. Only the violent energy in the universe could satisfy the devouring behemoth.

"This, this..."

Gina found it more and more difficult. This was not because she was afraid of the power of the dark matter nuclear bomb, but because after this thing was made, it somewhat violated her concept of pursuing aesthetics.

Explosion, explosion, that was the shadow left over from the era of the Mechanical Seven Gods of War, and she didn't want to make the same mistake again.

"It doesn't matter, you think about it."

He smiled slightly, indicating that he would not force others to do anything.

"Let me think about it carefully, Melvin can also do this job... Oh, by the way, he basically stopped making weapons after the Walkers."

Gina rubbed her head in pain and wanted to say something before she saw Ye Lin walking away on the beach.


"Can you help me lift my breasts..."

Little Luxi made a gesture of spreading her hands, indicating that she needed to use more force, her legs were longer, and her waist was thinner.

"You think it's a machine filled with silicone, and it can be as big or as small as you want."

Alice, who was sketching in a notebook with a pencil, picked up a strawberry from the plate and threw it to Luxi, signaling to go eat it and shut up!

"Because you are a drop of water fished out of the long river of time. There are indeed traces of you in the past history, but they have been erased, so your body will not change much. The only change is..."

Alice patted her left arm, Kazan syndrome, this thing will disappear.

Only now did Tana and the others know that it turned out that Messer's telekinesis was mysteriously cut off because this guy went against the flow of time.

"How long will it take?"

The strawberry in Mini Luxi's hand is like a normal person holding a big watermelon, and after taking a big bite, only a little bit is missing.

"Not sure. It's also my first time to be a living person, not those puppets."

Alice was too lazy to look at this guy with many bad conditions. Ten years ago, she was the one who chose Luxi, who had more ups and downs of emotions, between Luxi and Barn.

Unexpectedly, like a fateful reincarnation, she released Kazan Syndrome and caused a tragedy for a pair of lovers, and now she has to personally bring the tragedy to a happy ending.

At this time, Ye Lin reached out and pinched Luxi's collar, placed it on top of his head, and said, "Hold her, let's go."

"Where to go?"

"Moonlight Tavern, looking for your husband."


The Moonlight Tavern usually closes in the afternoon, but the proprietress is more keen to open it in the first half of the night. People who have worked hard for a long day come here to relax briefly, and it is easier to pay for drinks.

However, if you are familiar with someone, you can sneak in through the back door of the pub even in the afternoon, and there will be waiters nodding to entertain you, all of whom are reliable disciples recruited from Paris.

Ye Lin wore a round hat on his head, with Luxi hidden inside the hat, and walked into the tavern at the greeting of Chang Saburo.

Chosaburo, the boss of the Huttonis Gang and Paris' younger brother, came to work in the Moonlight Tavern because the weather was too hot outside. He wore two long braids and a small white flower on his forehead.

"The boss lady is still taking a nap, do you want me to wake her up?"

He took a casual glance at the top of his head. It was strange to wear short sleeves but also a hat on such a hot day.

Maybe, this is the quirk of the strong.

"No, no, I'm going to get a beating for disturbing the boss lady's beauty sleep. I want to ask, has Forrest Gump been here these days?"

"Lord Aganzuo?"

Chosaburo pointed to the small box at the far end of the tavern corridor and said, "It just so happens that he has been here for an hour and he hasn't gone back yet."

"I'll go take a look myself. You go ahead and do your work."

Standing at the door of the box, Ye Lin patted his hat, took a deep breath, and whispered in a low voice: "Your traces in this world have been erased. He doesn't remember you. Don't be surprised. Don't come out yet."

After being patted twice on the head, Luxi seemed to know.

When I opened the door, a strong smell of alcohol hit my face. There were two empty wine bottles on the wine table, two plates of half-eaten side dishes, cucumbers mixed with pork head, and edamame boiled in salt water.

The broad and tough giant sword lay directly across the ground, and his coat was nestled beside him. The tall man with a weathered face was leaning on a chair and sleeping quietly.

The stubble is not clean, but like his hair, it is already showing signs of graying, and the years have left traces on his face.

At the corner of the table, there is an iron piece that has been rubbed until it shines. The iron piece is a person's name, Luxi.

"He still has the character of a good old man. He always wants to take a hand when encountering transfer disasters. He has never stopped looking for a cure for the Kazan plague. If it weren't for the lack of feeling for you in his heart, his strength would definitely be stronger than it is now. .”

He reached over and took off his hat so that Luxey could come out and see that he was asleep.

Without the expected ecstatic cheers, Mini Luxi circled Aganzuo's head in circles, then pulled out a tissue from the table and slowly wiped the wet tears from the corners of his eyes.

She was brought here by Ye Lin after a long journey of time. Physically, less than two days had passed.

But suddenly, ten years have passed, and that young and honest man has become a middle-aged man with white hair.

She slept for two days, and ten years passed slowly.

After wiping away her tears, Luxi stared at this unfamiliar but familiar face, with infinite tenderness and reluctance in her eyes.

Gently floated over, kissed his forehead, and then floated to the top of Ye Lin's head, messing up his broken hair.

"Come on, let's go back. I'm so embarrassed to see him."

I shook my hand with Chosaburo to say goodbye, and I will come back to play again when I have time, so don’t wake up the proprietress Sosia.

Lying on top of him, Luxi rubbed the hair in his hand like a bird making a nest, and sighed: "Two days ago, I went on an adventure with him, but in the blink of an eye, he became an uncle. , I’m dead too.”

"Things have changed and people have changed?" Ye Lin smiled with emotion.

"A little bit. After ten years, that old guy Xia Plun gave way, the evil dragon is gone, and Her Majesty the Queen is married, alas."

"Looking at your tone, why do you seem to look down on me? You are the ninth hero after all."

"Nonsense, Her Majesty the Queen is the supreme and the embodiment of holiness in our hearts. How can you, a little human being, be so virtuous and capable..."

One person and one "ghost", one person and one person bragging about each other, left the Moonlight Tavern.

And Aganzuo also woke up soon after. Unexpectedly, this time he was drunk and felt an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

There is no headache and a sense of estrangement like before after being drunk. Instead, it feels like having a good sleep.

A paper towel on the table still had traces of moisture. A-Gump reached out and wiped his eyes and forehead. Have he ever used this thing?

I always feel like something is wrong?

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