Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 508: A man stronger than a giant sword

"Just think of her as a ghost, just the most useless ghost."

It was hard to comfort the "angry" little Luxi. Apart from being able to serve as a portable ice pack when his whole body was cold, this guy had no real help at the moment.

Compared to the famous Princess of the Ancient Kingdom, Saya of Frost, her strength is not inferior at all.

The title of ghosts and gods is not exclusive to those familiar powerful life forms. All powerful souls that refuse to return to the underworld after death and wander around in the world can be called ghosts and gods.

Kazan, who was falsely accused, wrongfully accused, and exiled in the Stru Mountains with his hands and feet cut off, Kaija who was hunted down by the ignorant tribesmen, Princess Saya of the ancient kingdom, etc., including the priest Jige, are all powerful ghosts and gods familiar to the mainland.

In particular, Barasius, who swallowed up the 300,000 troops of the Delos Empire, was a scar that the empire could never erase.

Ye Lin lowered his head again and looked at little Luxi, who only had a glass of cold beer. This guy was probably one of the most embarrassing ghosts and gods in history...

"It's quite fierce. And since he is a ghost and god, he must have had a real body when he was alive. Then this guy's real body should be very good."

A Ganzuo, who was so stubborn, began to plant "domestic violence" bombs for his future again, which made Ye Lin cover his eyes, not wanting to look at Aganzuo, this straightforward young man.

Luxey has a bad temper to begin with, and when Alice recovers her body and you slowly think about her, a brutal hepatic stricture is probably inevitable.

"Haha, it's not bad. She used to be a dark elf warrior."

He tried to slowly awaken the traces of Aganzuo's memory.

"Same clan as the second ghost god Kaija?"

Forrest Gump stretched out a finger and carefully poked his cheek. It was soft and springy, and ice-cold. A touch of tenderness suddenly appeared in his weathered eyes.

However, Ye Lin was certain that this guy with a temper as steely as a giant sword was poking Luxi like a cat, and he was definitely not recalling any good memories!

But Aganzuo didn't notice that he had always been upright and neat in dealing with things, and he was rarely willing to tease little gadgets.

Now, inexplicably, I have a soft spot for a novice ghost.

"This little guy is actually quite cute."

He retracted his finger and poured half a glass of wine again, with a calm expression, just like a very ordinary comment made after teasing a well-behaved cat.

However, Luxi, who had been bulging his waist just now, actually smiled, his previous anger was gone, and he floated to the top of the opponent's head and jumped vigorously.

"A pair of confused fools."

Taking a sip of the slightly sweet cocktail, Ye Lin slowly revealed a heartfelt smile.

Maybe what I want to see by taking a huge risk and going against the long river of time is such silly purity.

Luxi didn't speak the whole time, nor did she take the initiative to introduce her name. She was afraid that she would not be able to hold back and cry.

"What a quirky little guy, he is so happy when he hears compliments."

Aganzuo, who was unaware that his eyes were getting softer and gentler, after paying the bill with the landlady, he patted the table and whispered:

"Sorry, I have to leave first."

Luxi, who was still jumping around, was stunned, and then immediately cast a suggestive look at Ye Lin. As the opponent's humanoid self-propelled vehicle, he immediately understood and asked: "Master, where are you going? Continue to look for traces of the pretender. ?”

"No, I don't want to get involved in the internal conflicts of the Great Holy Church anymore. I'm going to Xu Zu, and Xi Lan wrote to me, asking me to have a drink and have a good talk."

After little Luxi jumped down, Aganzuo asked in a doubtful and uncertain tone: "You... took that step?"

"Yes, I got lucky by fighting two very powerful swordsmen."

After being stunned for a moment, Aganzuo smiled and nodded. In an instant, there seemed to be endless sword intent flowing and thousands of swords resonating.

"Dare to swing your sword at any powerful being. This is what the legendary sword master told me."

I don’t know if Aganzuo needs this secret, but it doesn’t hurt to give him a lesson.

If we speculate based on his Sword God realm, Aganzuo should be just shy of a last-minute kick, and he has been stuck on this kick for many years.

Among the Four Sword Masters, the most talented in theory should be Baan and Aganzuo. However, Baan, who is obsessed with the power of the apostle, has gone astray in his swordsmanship.

G.S.D, an old man from the backstreet, once said in Sky City that there was a wisp of evil in Bahn's sword intent.

Aganzuo's talent and hard work are equally outstanding, and he is persistent in his cultivation. However, because of the sense of lack in his heart, he is unable to concentrate in the end.

But as long as his memory of Luxi is awakened, everything will fall into place, and both strength and love will be harvested.

After waving goodbye, Forrest Gump stood quietly outside the door of the Moonlight Tavern, looking a little surprised.

For some reason, the sense of lack that he had been suffering from all night seemed to be moisturized. A few drops of sweet dew fell on his dry heart, and he felt much better.

"Strange, this...I heard that cute animals can heal the soul. Do I have to get a cat to try?"


"You still have to cooperate with Alice, so I can't let you follow."

He gently pinched little Luxi with two fingers, then took a glass and stuffed her whole body into it.

The "worst ghost" was not very happy. He put his arm on the rim of the cup and supported his face with one hand, still depressed.

"Tell me about this guy's origins?"

Sothea lowered her head and looked at Luxi in the cup carefully, raising her brows slightly with a suspicious look in her eyes.

Aganzuo can be fooled by things about ghosts and gods, but he cannot hide them from her as the last elf.

A soul that is so weak theoretically does not have the ability to become a ghost or god and escape the world.

Moreover, Ye Lin had always been restless, and there were not many ordinary people in his large family. She didn't believe the nonsense he said about being picked up from a cave.

Since the guy who can be carried around and pampered by him is weak, pitiful and helpless, it can only be said that this little guy's status is extraordinary.

"She is indeed a boss lady who is both beautiful and intelligent. At first glance..."

"I know you have a sweet mouth, tell me quickly, where did she come from?"

"The Screaming Cave."

"Wail...wait a minute."

Sothea frowned, and while little Luxi was still feeling depressed and unaware, he suddenly touched the top of her head with his finger, and the area where the two touched was glowing with light fluorescence.


Little Luxi simply tilted her head and fell asleep with her pillow on the edge of the cup. Her nose was full of steamy snot, and she hugged her belly and fell asleep soundly.

"Hey, this guy seems to be incompatible with Arad. He's not from our dimension? No... Breath of Time!"

Her fingertips pinched out a little powder-like fluorescence, but it was this little thing that made Sothea's elegant and calm demeanor eclipse for the first time.

"She is not from our time? Is she from the past?"

"Her name is Luxey, got it."

"That piece of iron in Forrest Gump's left hand?"


Sothea was silent. It took her a very short time to sort out the clues. The only thing she could be sure of was that Ye Lin returned to the past through some method and brought back this "worst ghost".

Of course, she doesn't know Luxi yet.

"You are too bold."

He sighed deeply, his light blue eyes full of blame.

"Tana told me the same thing, but have you noticed the joy she felt when she first came into contact with A Ganzuo, and the tenderness the two of them unconsciously showed, I think it's worth it."

Because it was afternoon, there were not many guests in the Moonlight Tavern, so Chosaburo was waiting for them. Sothea didn't have much work on hand, and wanted to clean the glasses as usual.

Ye Lin held the bar with one hand, jumped in with a steady jump, pointed at his ear and said distressedly: "Help me take a look, it's a little itchy."

Nodding, Sothea motioned to the stool next to her and asked him to sit on it. Then she sat down as well and took out an ear pick and cotton swab from a corner.

"I didn't drink the sweet drink, could you please give me a knee pillow to make up for it?"

Before the landlady could reply, Ye Lin boldly tilted his head and tried to rest his head on the landlady's thigh under the red dress.

Soft, comfortable, warm... Sosia quickly took up the cushion under her butt with quick eyes and hands, but he didn't let him succeed.

"Tell me, how did you reverse the flow of time? Why didn't the Lord of Time and Space kill you?"

Hold the ear pick between two fingers to warm it for a moment, then carefully stroke his auricle and ear canal with a gentle and subtle technique.

Although there was nothing at all, Sothea, who was knowledgeable, understood that this was just an excuse to take advantage.

And using some small props to stimulate the ears physically and soundly is also a unique way to relax.

A long-lost smile appeared on the face of her old friend A Ganzuo. She was also curious, how did Ye Lin do it?

A numbing sensation slowly came from the auricle, because it was very close to the brain, and the numbing feeling seemed to directly penetrate the entire brain, and then spread to the spine and body.

"This, it has to start when I met the Space Dominator in Northmar..."


Sothiya continuously changed tools such as ear picks, cotton swabs, little fingers, etc. Ye Lin was also rubbed like a loach until his whole body was numb and turned several times.


Lowering his head and blowing lightly into his ear, his breath was like blue. Sothea patted his face with her palm and said dissatisfied: "Don't do this again, it's too dangerous."


"stand up."

"Sorry, please take the mat away."

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