Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 525 The copper heart is still intact

Aska has jet-black shiny hair that hangs down to her knees like the smoothest satin. It has never been decorated too much, but I especially like the two flaming red bird-like headdresses.

Although the civil and military officials didn't understand, it was just a headdress and it wasn't that the jade seal of the country was lost, so there was no need to go to war.

But now it is late at night, people are sleepy and tired, so just give the notice, just use a few more pieces of paper, and go back to bed early to be safe.

"Lord Auxiliary, please slow down for a moment."

Not far from the palace, a middle-aged man with smart clothes and a calm aura called out to the assistant minister left by Aska by the wise king Kege, one of the two most popular figures in the virtual motherland.

The status is equivalent to that of the prime minister of a country and the regent of heaven, Jurgen.

"Count Tris."

The lanky assistant minister, who had a long black beard on his chin, paused for a moment, waiting for the other party to follow his footsteps.

The Tris family is a traditional Nian Qi aristocrat of the Xu Ancestor. However, the genius eldest daughter of the family, the "unaffordable" Anasta, who is known as the absolute defense, heard that she went to the Canyon of the Dead and never returned, which is a pity.

"Master Auxiliary, our Xu Ancestor takes Shenlong and True Dragon as our honor, is it possible to say..."

Tris's eyes glowed with excitement in the dark night. The dragon roared. It might not be a giant dragon similar to Skatha. Maybe it was the shikigami Soryu, or the two dragon gods?

"It's hard to say. We'll have to wait until tomorrow for the results of the investigation before making a decision."

Although the assistant minister followed what the other party said, the meaning revealed from the side was that he didn't really believe that it was the totem of Xu Ancestor.

In the auspicious valley of the Canglong clan, Xu Ancestor almost searched the whole country during the hundreds of years of seclusion, but could not find any trace.

Yuelun Mountain is a sacred place for spiritual energy. There are many dojos on the mountainside and on the top of the mountain. No one has found any trace of the divine dragon or the real dragon.

Because the exorcist can control shikigami, and the current high priest of the Xuzu Exorcist, Xinzang, has also demonstrated the power of the blue dragon, as well as the effect of the "oracle ritual" a long time ago, these evidences barely show that the dragon does exist. of.

Since the two dragon gods are so hard to find, how could they take the initiative to reveal their traces and roar?

"Perhaps, my Xu Ancestor will come to this world with auspiciousness? Symbolizing His Majesty's glory?" Tris laughed.

"Haha, that is of course the best. Your Majesty is indeed a genius, but his cultivation has been delayed by political affairs recently, which is a pity."

"By the way, Lord Assistant, I received news that someone suspected to be the strongest adventurer has disappeared in Suran."

"Ye Lin? There is no trace of him. He might be approaching Yuelun Mountain. However, he has an old relationship with His Majesty, so he shouldn't pose much of a threat. It's just that the giant dragon..."

The assistant minister didn't say it clearly, but Tris had already understood the meaning contained in it. Just like Askar said, the dragon is a threat and also a shocking wealth!

Of course it would be the best to stay in Xuzu!


The next day, the peaks to the east just glowed

Holding on to her somewhat tired waist, Mo Mei slapped the righteous five-finger mountain away, then slowly reached out and buckled the black protective cover behind her back.

I smacked my lips, my throat was still a little dry and hoarse, and now I realized with hindsight that I seemed to have been tricked.

In the reversal competition last night, her unfamiliar eloquence actually won her, but now why does she feel as if he did it on purpose?


Angrily, he pinched Ye Lin's arm hard, got out of bed, put on a black cheongsam, let his hair loose, went to brush his teeth and wash up, and then tied up his hair in a bun after returning.

After tying up one side of her hair, Mo Mei weighed the heavy piece of justice with her hands and let out a long sigh.

"Boss, I feel so bad."

"What's the disadvantage? You're only half a minute behind me."

"No, no, I can eat one, but you can eat two."

Ye Lin twitched the corner of his mouth, and with a flash of inspiration, he suggested, "Can't it be done twice?"

"Bah! My throat feels uncomfortable."

"I'm going to wash up and get me a coat. It's very cold in the morning in the mountains."

Ye Lin was wearing slippers and Shi Shiran walked into the bathroom. He happened to see the curator wiping his mouth with a towel, seemingly just after washing.

Wearing purple pajamas, it can't hide the amazing ups and downs. After a good sleep, people in the morning are the most radiant.

"Director, what kind of toothpaste are you using?"

"Mint is the most common and refreshing."

"I don't believe it, I want to try it!"

The curator already had a lot of experience, so how could he not know what this little idea was. He sighed, took the initiative to share his mint, and opened up his white and neat defense line.

"Well, no, breakfast is ready outside."

She rolled her eyes at him fiercely, closed the pajamas that accidentally fell apart, and tied a satin belt.

When Ye Lin came back with a toothbrush, he saw Mo Mei resting her chin with her index finger, frowning slightly, staring at the bottom of the wardrobe, where there was a cute sky blue style shield of justice.

"Boss, in terms of such a large size, it should belong to the curator, Doris, or Sister Mailu, but in terms of style, it seems to belong to Mailu?"


Because Mi Gao used his money to drink, once he got drunk, he would hold Mai Lu's underwear here and use it as payment for debts.

He returned most of the things in the manor, but he accidentally forgot to deal with the ones in the airship, and they basically didn't know about the "tacit understanding" between Mi Gao and him.

"Ahem, I said, this is rice cake delivered, do you believe it?"

"Xin, he will get drunk and be deceived by you, but I think you may also have a copper heart."

Rice cakes happily jumped back and forth by the stream. In the clear water, there were several unknown small fry that were one finger long, spinning in place, seeming to be playing with rice cakes.

A colorful butterfly fluttered and landed on the corner of the rice cake, making the rice cake unable to move.

Siatt captured this rare and wonderful scene. The content of the photo is very natural and harmonious, and the beauty of harmony is suitable for being posted on the wall for careful viewing.

Breakfast was porridge, fried dough sticks, pickled mustard eggs, and a pot was set up by the stream.

"I found out the news in Sunan City."

Holding a fried dough stick, Gu Yu swallowed the protein derived from eggs in his mouth, and the corners of his mouth were still shiny.

"Askar postponed the Yellow Dragon Trials, the Blue Dragon Finals, and even the coming-of-age ceremony. He said he would wait until the threat from Yuelun Mountain is eliminated before discussing."

"Huh? Postponed? My one hundred thousand gold, my top quality jade!"

Feng Ying and Natalia lamented at the same time. They both came with the goal of participating in the conference and making money.

"It's just postponed, not not held."

Ye Lin rolled his eyes. Feng Ying was a miser who could only get in and out, while Natalia was a rich man who couldn't save money for a few days and bought this and that.

At the same time, in Suran City, the roar last night caused an uproar and made the whole city lively!

There is a mysterious dragon entrenched inside Yuelun Mountain!

The Nian Qi Dojo in Yuelun Mountain has been quickly evacuated with its assets behind closed doors, martial arts conferences have been postponed, and Su Nan is under martial law!

The king of the Xu motherland, Suran Askar, also issued a statement to all adventurers. Anyone who finds clues in Yuelun Mountain will be rewarded heavily.

If the source is a giant dragon, whoever destroys the dragon will not only get the "dragon corpse" as a trophy that belongs to him, but will also be treated as a guest and honored by the virtual motherland.

After receiving the information from the royal family, not only the adventurers were excited, but also the various cultivators hiding in the temples and mountains also walked out of the mountain gates one after another.

After all, who doesn’t have the heart of a dragon-slaying warrior?

The terrible wealth represented by a giant dragon cannot be measured by numbers at all.

Hundreds of years ago, when the Delos Empire army massacred the Bantu tribe in Chateline, they attacked the snow capital of Amroth in one go. Then they became jealous of Kannak Mountain and tried to kill the ice dragon and gain an additional bonus. Big pen.

However, they never expected that with the extremely cold weather in the Snowy Land of Stone, the ice dragons would destroy most of the imperial army and severely damage the empire.

Moreover, there are still imperial spies near Vara Island in the southern part of Belmare, searching for the giant dragon hiding near the volcano.

The armor made of the dragon's scales and skin is invulnerable and naturally resistant to magic, blood and dragon flesh. It is the best alchemical material and is worth tens of thousands of gold!

Even ambergris, also known as dragon water, is touted as a way for women to nourish yin and blood, and for men to nourish the kidneys and strengthen yang, so they just stay up all night.

Of course, Ye Lin knew whether the latter was true or not, because Tana had fed him many times and it was very sweet, but the effect was pure nonsense.

"By the way, I also saw the notice saying that Aska lost a Suzaku headdress and the reward was high." Gu Yu recalled saying.


Ye Lin was stunned, and then took out a fiery red hairpin in the shape of a red bird. This was a debt-paying item left by Aska when he took away novel items for Aska a long time ago.

"Hey, where did you come from? You went to the palace in the middle of the night and stole it from Aska's boudoir?"

Xiaoyu's eyes changed a bit. She joined the team relatively late and didn't know about the fight between Aska and Paris.

"What are you thinking about?" Ye Lin frowned and said disdainfully: "What if I sneaked to the palace halfway, sneaked to the boudoir, and only took a hairpin? At least it is a piece of underwear..."


Siatt blocked his mouth with half a fried dough stick because she couldn't eat any more.

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