Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 536: I work for the boss

"Maybe Shenlong is a beauty. See how handsome I am..."

Only halfway through his boastful words, he received a series of eye rolls and middle fingers, as well as ridicule when he left because he wanted to go to bed and rest because he was tired and tired.

"That's God. Are you brave enough to fly into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?"

"I'll slap you to death with my tail."

"What if it's a male~"

The cold wind blew gently, and countless mosquitoes noticed that there was delicious food in the black airship. They tried their best to get into it, but they were blocked by the gauze and magic circle of the vent, and they had no choice but to surround it.

"By the way, why don't you go to Sunan City? Based on today's results, you will definitely be respected."

Siatt wore a white-sleeved long sand shirt on her upper body, paired with a black hip-hugging short skirt. She had a smart and neat temperament. Her short, refreshing hair was still a little damp because she hadn't wiped it clean during the shower.

I poured myself a cup of tea, rinsed off the greasy dinner, and brushed my teeth, but I still felt that way.

"Wait for the wind to subside."

Sitting on a soft chair, Ye Lin looked at ease and explained: "We have gone, so we can only stay in the palace and not go out. Mo Mei and Xiao Yu are making a lot of noise, and the fanatics are very scary."

Emperor Nian is almost the oldest legend of the Xu Ancestor. This is like the missing great magician Mar. If he suddenly appeared in Belmare, the whole country would be in uproar.

The goddess has the ability to hold blessing ceremonies. If Xiaoyu reveals her identity to the public, she will definitely be eagerly requested to hold the ceremony.

Xuzu is a country. Once it cannot meet the needs of all those who come after hearing the news, I am afraid that it will be a situation where it is not suffering from scarcity but inequality.

"You're right."

Siatt also agrees with this. She is somewhat famous herself. She was once teased as Forrest Gump's younger sister. Sometimes when she goes shopping, she inevitably encounters irrational admirers.

"Then let's wait until the martial arts tournament is held and let the heat pass."

"Well, when I go to buy breakfast tomorrow, I will find out when the martial arts competition will be reopened. There is also this dragon scale that needs to be solved. Forget it, I'm thirsty. Can you give me a sip of water?"

"Don't you have legs or hands?" Siatt rolled her eyes at him, and the man started to be lazy.

"I mean, a sip of water~"


It was a shameless complaint that was both casual and habitual. After all, Siatt herself was from a well-educated noble family. If she had been replaced by Paris, she might have rushed over with a scalding hot water bottle.

There was still one-fifth of the water in the glass. Siatt held the glass and tilted her face, then leaned over and passed it over. However, the amount fed out was obviously a bit more.

The waist is very toned and flexible. After all, I practice sword swinging every day. Swordsmanship is very physically demanding, but the fat is as abundant as ever.

"Very sweet."


Siatt frowned and wiped the corners of her slightly sore mouth. She took a few steps back and leaned against the wall. A white hairband was tied around her ankle. The flexibility of her body looked like a square.

Next door to her is Mo Mei's bedroom. She was excited all afternoon and half the night after being promoted to Nian Emperor. Her enthusiasm finally cooled down, and she was contentedly hugging the pillow and getting ready to sleep.

Mo Mei, who was covered with a thin quilt and was about to rest, closed her eyes for a short time when she suddenly stood up and put her ear against the wall, frowning and listening carefully.

The internal structure of EX DORNIER is basically a wooden structure except for necessary devices to reduce weight.

Although silence magic has been applied a long time ago, there is no way to avoid the vibration of materials caused by the collision of objects, the sound of the vibration of the material itself.

The tremors sounded steady and powerful. Mo Mei blushed and secretly spat, then moved the pillow at the head of the bed to the end of the bed.

Just when she was about to cover her head and rest, a bad idea suddenly came to her mind...

Normally, she would never do this unless Yelin asked for it, but today, because she was so happy, she became more courageous.

Everything has thoughts, and any object can spread the power of thoughts.

With a wicked smile on her lips, Mo Mei pointed her index finger on the wooden wall, and a wisp of thought quietly penetrated through, then passed through the floor and slippers, and attached to Ye Lin.

In the past, she would never be able to achieve this level of exquisite control, but now she has it at her fingertips, effortlessly.

Breath of Wind, enhanced version of Emperor Nian!

Listening to the shaking of the wooden board as the attack speed increased significantly, Mo Mei chuckled and fell asleep peacefully.


next day

A ray of morning light had just appeared in the sky, and the leaves were covered with cool dew. Ye Lin was the first to leave the airship and walked towards the nearest Su'nan, to buy breakfast and inquire about the news.

There were bruises on his arms because Siatt was dizzy and rolled his eyes, thinking he had taken a speed capsule.

Until now, she still felt her calves shaking.

Su Nan was still in a state of excitement, and everyone was in high spirits. People who got up early talked about the most gossip, including Emperor Nian, goddesses, giant dragons, etc.

On the contrary, "Ye Lin" was a topic rarely mentioned, which made him a little disappointed.

When I walked into a shop selling breakfast, there were not many customers inside. It wasn't the busiest time yet, so the boss had some free time.

"Boss, pack something for me."

He took out a list he had made last night. It was not that there was no food in the airship, but that he was tired during the day yesterday and would definitely be in bed and unable to cook well the next day.


The boss hesitated while holding the list. If he bought all these things, it would be enough to feed twenty big men. Did he hire someone to build a house?

But he didn't say much, he just smiled and asked if there was any way to take it away, and started to prepare.

Buying so much is really because Sophie and Mailu, as little experts at eating, just don't have enough and can't eat enough.


Nina was slurping a piece of spicy noodles in the corner. She was sweating on her forehead in the early morning, but her face felt very comfortable.


Knocking on the table with his knuckles, while Nina was biting noodles in her mouth and blinking in confusion, Ye Lin sat directly on the stool opposite her.

"What a coincidence."


Nina was stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened suddenly, her head lowered, she finished eating the remaining noodles in a few mouthfuls and wanted to run away, pretending not to recognize him.

"If you try to run away, I'll tell you that you stole something from the dojo."

"Hey, threatening me is so unmanly."

After sitting down safely, he picked up the bowl and took a sip of noodle soup. He was stunned for a moment when he looked at the paper towel handed to him, and subconsciously stepped back cautiously.

"Wipe your mouth, add so much chili oil in the morning."

After realizing it, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, then quickly took a tissue and wiped my hands and lips again.

"I like spicy food. What's the difference between rice without spicy food and dishes without salt?"

Nina looked at the remaining noodle soup in the bowl, but she wiped her mouth clean and felt it was a waste.

"Didn't you attend the Huanglong Conference?"

Instead of looking for a stranger to inquire or wandering around the city, it is better to inquire with this girl who has met her once before your eyes.

"If you sign up today, the competition will start tomorrow. This process will last for a period of time, and then the champion will be eligible to participate in the Blue Dragon Conference. As for the time of the Blue Dragon Conference, it will probably..."

Nina was counting on her fingers when a gorgeous freight carriage suddenly passed by outside the early door.

The carriages were loaded with mysterious and unknown cargo, and the accompanying guards were all serious and neat, and their armors were neat. Moreover, each carriage had a flag with a silver holy tree painted on it.

"Wow, that's really impressive, Celia Chamber of Commerce."

Nina rested her arms on the table and supported her small face with one hand, with an expression full of envy. She had completely forgotten about the Blue Dragon Conference.

"Huh? Celia Chamber of Commerce?" Ye Lin was stunned when he heard this.

"Yes, I didn't see that flag. It is said to be called the Silver Holy Tree, the logo of the Celia Chamber of Commerce, one of the richest chambers of commerce in the mainland."

"The richest... I know that."

The Chamber of Commerce is managed by Celia and Tana, with the Penosio sisters acting as deputies. He, the boss behind the scenes, really doesn’t know the specific details.

"That chamber of commerce is very strict in recruiting people, and all qualities must be passed. Not only humans, but also dark elves. I heard in the past that airship Dornier is used to transport goods quickly. It may be the first time for us to come to Xu Ancestor, but there is no Get permission.”

What Nina said, Ye Lin actually also knew that Celia provided jobs for many dark elves, and there were also dark elves in the store. Of course, it was because of their outstanding abilities.

"Hey, believe it or not, I am also from the Celia Chamber of Commerce."

"just you?"

Nina frowned and dismissed it at first, but then suddenly remembered that this man could strike down a flying dragon with lightning, and he seemed to have some strength.

"What are you doing here? Guard? Or captain."

"I work for the boss."

"That's nonsense. The boss of the Chamber of Commerce is Celia. I've been living with the strongest adventurer for a long time. What kind of big onion are you, trying to take root in someone's corner?"

There was a pause in her tone, and Nina suddenly gave a startled expression. She blinked and frowned in memory, and murmured: "By the way, what's your name... I remember you said, Lin..."

Ye Lin coughed and sat up straight, with a faint smile on his lips and a calm demeanor of an expert, waiting for a piercing scream, and maybe he would get a new fan girl.

"What Lin...oh, by the way, your name is Zhulin."

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