Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 538 Remedia Temple

"Master, he can really hide..."

Compared with the beautiful Yuelun Mountain, Qijin Mountain is relatively harsh in terms of terrain and environment, but it is also the best place for many fighters to hone their will and physical fitness.

Since Azera has relaxed the restrictions on the Tower of Despair, those strong people with normal personalities and thoughts also have the opportunity to return to the continent of Arad.

For example, a certain Feng Lian longs to have a grandson...

Although I really wanted to go to Feng Ling's house to take a look, Dongfang Yang had already revealed most of his face. It was almost time for the people in the airship to get up, and they were still waiting for his breakfast.

The dew on the leaves has not dissipated. Occasionally, it wets the legs of the trousers, and the slightest bit of coldness penetrates directly into the skin. But fortunately, there is no foggy weather this season.

We set up a few tables outside, set out breakfast in thermal insulation boxes, and then knocked on the door one by one.

Dong dong dong~

"Get up, you are a bunch of lazy pigs. If you stay in bed, you can only eat cold breakfast, or go to the kitchen to heat it yourself."

Gu Yu, who was sleeping soundly with the quilt between her thighs, had her eyes blurred. After hearing that she could heat her own food, she fell asleep comfortably again. Her energy for activities during the day had not been very high.

People with good routines, such as the curator and Mavis, had gotten up early and were chatting next to the bar after washing up.

After knocking on the door, Siatt, who was still a little trembling in her calves, and Gu Yu, who was lying in bed, both yawned and went to get dressed and wash themselves.

"Well, it tastes good. Mo Mei and the others have made an appointment to have a sneak peek in Sunan City at noon."

Hiatt was half leaning on the bedside, wearing a single coat, eating burritos and a plate of pickles, and then took a sip of soy milk. It was a very comfortable breakfast.

As long as they don't take the initiative to go to the palace to expose Mo Mei and Xiaoyu's identities, and then change their clothes, they probably won't be recognized.

"Yeah, but I want to try to find the location of Xiangrui Valley with Xiaoyu."

The Xiangrui Valley is a gathering place for the Canglong clan. There are many dragons, which means there are a lot of valuable materials and treasures. And in Shenlong's hometown, you might be able to find a few rare treasures or something.

I took a hundred million points back...

"This is the address of Feng Lian's house. I asked Aisha to come. If you go to play, there is also an acquaintance guide. The Yellow Dragon Conference where Feng Ying and Natalia want to go is not far away."

A piece of paper was handed over. Siatt took it and waved her hand in a "disgusting" manner, indicating that you should get out of bed quickly. I have to get dressed and get up.

With this beast's strong energy, if she didn't drive him away while she was wearing a skirt and coat, even though the sun was just showing its face now, by the time she could go out, it might be... three poles high.


EX Dornier was put away, leaving only a few ashes of the bonfire in place.

The curator also went to experience the customs and customs of Xu Zu. Sophie's Astra was too sensitive and could only be packed in a black breathable backpack.

He and Xiaoyu embarked on the road to Yuelun Mountain.

"You really don't know where the Auspicious Valley is? It's a shame that you are still a Shenlong believer."

There was only half of the route map on the scales, and they got the scales at Yuelun Mountain, so they speculated that the starting point of the route was Yuelun Mountain.

"I picked up a small dragon statue on the top of a mountain, and was inexplicably chosen by Master Shenlong. In fact, I was originally inspired to become a paladin who heals diseases and saves people."

Xiaoyu had a very regretful expression, seeming to feel sorry for the loss of a great Seraph in Remedia.

Since the occurrence of the Arad mutation, monsters have become manic and bloodthirsty, and family mishaps have often occurred. Therefore, Remedia's Great Church often adopts some young street children for basic training.

Those who can obtain divine enlightenment should stay as priests. Those who cannot obtain divine enlightenment should ask teachers to teach them in various directions and fields. They may also become outstanding talents in the future.

Such as alchemist, swordsmanship teacher, musician, veterinarian, blacksmith, etc.

Of course, there are also a small number of people who follow Paris and become street fighters...

Arriving at Yuelun Mountain, the place has entered a stage of orderly reconstruction. After the battle yesterday, there were many rocks blocking traffic and large tracts of forest destroyed, all of which needed to be cleared and repaired manually.

Bai Ming had a sad face, he probably wouldn't have any free time for a month and wouldn't be able to practice well.

He and Xiaoyu did not go into the mountain, but stood in the square at the entrance of Yuelun Mountain, holding the scales together and carefully analyzing the direction of the road map.

Because I was really not familiar with the terrain layout of Xuzu, I could only use the stupidest method and just take it one step at a time.

"If this starting point represents Yuelun Mountain, then this point in the east should be Yuexi Town."

"I think so too." Xiaoyu nodded and hit Ye Lin on the back of his head with her long hairpin.

Just when the two of them made the decision to go to Yuexi Town first based on their analysis, a very excited and trembling voice suddenly came from behind.

"Goddess, it's the Goddess!" A man in craftsmen's clothes pointed at Xiaoyu.

This sudden loud voice immediately attracted the attention of a large number of people in the square. Regardless of whether it was true or not, they leaned over to take a look first.

"Run away!"

He opened his arms and hugged the still dazed Xiaoyu's shoulders. He teleported in the Holy Spirit state and disappeared from the place in the blink of an eye, then appeared a thousand meters away.

"Wow, could it be that the beautiful appearance of this goddess has been deeply engraved in their hearts?"

Xiaoyu, who realized it later, had an excited face. After leaving the embrace, she stood on tiptoes and looked back.

"I think it's your red and white miko uniform and the half-meter-long hairpin on your head that make you so recognizable."

She sniffed her nose unconsciously, and after just a brief contact, there was a very light and pleasant fragrance on Xiaoyu's body. It might be the dragon-haired hairpin on her head, inlaid with a fragrant stone taken from the king's relics. .

"Next location, southeast of Yuexi Town..."

Immaculately admiring the simple and natural style of Yuexi Town, he followed the vague hints of the dragon scales and changed locations.

The road was bumpy and my feet were very tired. In the end, I could only step on the magic sword and swing in the air like a sword fairy.

"Next is the last destination."

Xiaoyu stood firmly in front of the magic sword, her waist supported.

The wind brought by the flight of the magic sword blew up the black hair, gently brushing Ye Lin's face, tickling him.

The waist under the miko uniform is very delicate. Although her relatively complicated clothes can even cover her ankles, judging from the position of the belt, Xiaoyu should have a pair of straight and long legs.

"Uh, isn't this the city of Suran?"

Ye Lin reached out and brushed away a few strands of hair that accidentally touched the corner of his mouth. He was a little speechless. He and Xiaoyu went round and round, and the last stop on the road map was Suran City!

If I had known earlier, I would have come directly with Siatt and the others.

"Any guesses? Is the dragon hiding in Su'nan? Is it hidden in the city? Whose well is it hiding in?" Xiaoyu was also very confused.

"No, no, I feel now that this key should take us to find a guide, a guide. So if it is related to Canglong, it can only be the place where the Xu Ancestor Anti-Magic Group is stationed, the second level, Lei Temple of Media? Do we have to find Xinzang?"

The first level of the structure of the clergy's architecture and organization is the Great Cathedral of Hutton Mar, which was the headquarters designed by Michael himself.

The chapel, church, and bell tower are the second level, among which the church is stationed in Vetalon, the capital of the Delos Empire.

The third level is where some professionals are stationed, such as heresy inquisitions or churches in major cities.

Strictly speaking, the Temple of the Exorcist located in the territory of Xu Zu is also a second-level building, but because the Exorcist's main belief is not Remedios, it seems a bit out of place.

Moreover, the appearance of exorcists on the continent of Arad was much earlier than that of priests.

The reason why exorcists are still classified as priests is probably because of the friendship between Xinye, one of the Five Saints, and the Dark Holy War, and because they have very similar ideals and morals.

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