Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 543 The fourth boss vs the third boss...

"You are so treasonous..." The old and pedantic elder still wanted to make a final struggle.

"Shut up!"

Hailiu's forehead jumped suddenly, and he wished he could strangle this guy to death now. As he got older, not only did he not develop the indifferent state of mind like Jiulong, but he became more and more confused.

Judging from the current situation, does it make any difference whether Ye Lin comes or not?

"Don't be angry, Brother Hailiu, let me speak."

Ye Lin also let out a deep sigh. He thought that the relationship would end happily, but he never expected that the other party would be blinded by the muddy bricks.

Xiao Tuanliu was so frightened that she buried herself in Xiaoyu's arms, trembling.

A group of Qinglong warriors and several elders also had pale faces.

"Brands, come here."

"Fuck, why is it me..."

The flame demon who was named was extremely unhappy. He only came here after hearing that Qinglong was the master of water, but he never expected to meet such a plague god.

"Let me ask you, what is your goal?"

"Destroy this world. Boss, this place is quite strong. Gods have been born."

"Does it make any difference if I come or not?"

"You shouldn't have come! You didn't help me when you came, you were in the way."

Brands finally felt relieved and said that you are crazy. You are always there wherever I go. Ye Lin was so angry that he almost drew his knife and chopped this bastard into pieces.

Many people of the Qinglong tribe have changed their expressions. Now, no matter how stupid you are, you have used the ocean to raise the giant sky-curtain beast in your head. You should understand.

When the demons invaded for the first time, Ye Lin was not present.

The hidden hell ore will not disappear just because Ye Lin did not come to Xiangrui Valley.

In other words, the tragic war will still break out, and Ye Lin is just a variable.

Suddenly, Xinzang's heart trembled. He had always felt that there might be a slight gap in strength between himself and Ye Lin, but it wouldn't be too much.

But I never thought that the other party seemed to have reached an elusive realm, chatting and laughing with the cosmic demon, and even taking the position of leader. It was incredible.

"His position as leader was gained bit by bit. He walked among the gods and narrowly escaped death. Oh, in other words..."

Xiaoyu touched the turbulence in her arms and sighed: "He has had direct contact with gods, and there are more than one. This may be what Master Shenlong thinks. He is the only one who can solve the dilemma of Xiangrui Valley without any harm."

She still saved a little face for the Qinglongs and didn't reveal that Naiyali, the snack king in the family, was raising a god.

"God? Impossible!"

Elder Qinglong lost his voice. They had sacrificed to the divine dragon for hundreds of years, but it was difficult to see its true appearance. How could a weak human being be qualified to look at a god.

"Haha..." Xiaoyu suddenly didn't want to defend anything.

A good deck of cards was played to pieces, but if Fan could be more straightforward and kind to Ye Lin, it wouldn't be so embarrassing.

"I suddenly feel that the Azure Dragon Secret Technique is of little value."

Ye Lin had a weird look in his eyes. If he had this skill, why not just ask the cosmic demon for it.

They invaded and destroyed countless dimensions. The collected treasures were piled up like garbage, the gems were like bricks, and the books were like waste paper.

Collecting them is just for fun and leaving traces of the war.

"That's right!"

Brands nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice, and agreed: "Ask the other leaders. We have been to Trobot, and Tabols has also been there. Do you want any secret skills?"

"It's just you, shut up! Wait...Tabors?" Ye Lin was startled. Isn't that Brother Diao's hometown?

"I went there a long time ago, but the leader at that time, the Executioner, was kicked back by a bird..."

Brands, who was obviously unhappy, called Prey a bird to get some lip service.

Tabors, the golden planet, where the creatures are harmonious and peaceful, is indeed one of the favorite planets of the cosmic demons.

They are very happy to see the originally peaceful and peaceful world invaded by endless war, and they will feel a sense of refreshment in their hearts.

That's the guardian there, so powerful!

On the other side, the Qinglong tribe changed their expressions. Ye Lin seemed to be suddenly no longer interested in the secret technique that they regarded as a treasure...

The secret technique is dead, only the oracle and the power of the blue dragon are alive. The two are not one, and the power a person can exert by simply paying the secret technique is actually very limited.

"Secret skill? I have it. Do you want it?"

Suddenly a deep voice shook slowly in the ground.

The stones on the ground were bumping and the grass and trees were swaying, as if there was a huge thing hidden under the earth and about to break out of the ground.

The altar that originally sealed the hell ore was smashed into spider web-like gaps, and a thick black liquid slowly seeped out, as crystal clear as black agate, from every gap, in all directions.

Like when a heavy rain pours, time is suspended and the scene is strange.

Then, the black liquid gathered in the air, forming a black ball no less than the volume of hell ore.


Elder Qinglong suddenly lost his voice. The guy they had exhausted the power of the blue dragon to drive away had actually been hiding under the altar, and it had never left.


The black balls exploded out of thin air, and then gathered together in the next moment, forming an extremely burly figure. The whole body was as black as ink. The head had double horns, the abdomen was a huge mouth that could swallow energy, and there was a strange pupil in the center of the chest, staring at it. The first glance seems to take away one's soul.

Just suspended in the air, it seems to be deprived of all the light between heaven and earth.

"Beat me, let's leave, and I'll give you the secret technique."

Aisen's arm was covered with dark matter scales, thick and powerful, and his index finger pointed gently at Ye Lin, his voice fiery.

Bai Si, Ogli and Ye Lin have fought against each other, but he, Aisen, has not yet. How can a human being be the leader of the demons in the universe?

"Tsk, tsk, the fourth boss and the third boss are going to fight?"

Brands became interested. Rather than invading this secret realm, it was more interesting to watch his own leaders fight.

"Can't the two of them join forces to dismantle this secret realm first, and then string Qinglong's body together!"

Incyte was still interested in these blue dragons. He was surrounded by viruses and made the soles of the blue dragons' feet feel weak, as if they had stepped on yellow mud.

"Then what if I don't fight?"

Ye Lin shrugged, fighting against a strong man for no reason, and Aisen would probably show no mercy, and they might both be sure to kill each other.

"You and your friends leave, and we will destroy this world." Aisen was full of energy and fierce.

"Oh, then you are busy, I'm leaving..."

He nodded very cheerfully, making the Qinglong tribe behind him stunned and dumbfounded.

"Hey, are you serious?"

Xiaoyu wanted to break the deadlock and quickly tugged on his sleeve. In this situation, as soon as you leave, the Xiangrui Valley will explode immediately.

"Of course."

The voice was gentle and full of yin and yang. Ye Lin put his hands behind his head and said with a look of helplessness: "I am an undercover agent of the cosmic demon. I am a demon in human skin. I am lucky not to be beaten to death by the dragon. Run away quickly."

"Oh, by the way, Nianhuang Jiulong is in the Holy Land of Yuelun Mountain. If you go faster, you can reach each other in about half an hour. I've told you the news. I think it's interesting."

With a stroke of his palm, a space crack appeared, but it lasted for a few seconds and then quietly disappeared. Because of Niyali's contract, he could barely use some crude space magic.

"Have to try again..."

Here, Ye Lin kept playing with the cracks in space. Xinzang and others next to him looked at the cosmic demon staring covetously not far away, gasping and feeling variously.

He really wants to leave, instead of just going through the motions to raise his stakes!

"Then take me with you!"

Xiaoyu was also neat and tidy, holding Tuanliu and standing behind him. In any case, this child is quite cute.


"The one who gave me the oracle was Shenlong, not Qinglong. These old fools don't even recognize dragon scales, so they only know how to bully seemingly weak humans, that is, you are easy to talk to. If people like Barn are here, Qinglong It is estimated that all of the clan will become experimental subjects.”

The two of them were about to leave, but the heavy rosary in Xinzang's hand glowed with blue light, and his resolute face was now covered with clouds.

Little Suzaku also looked displeased.

Even if Ye Lin does not have such strength and is just an ordinary professional, since he comes with the intention of helping Xiangrui Valley, he should be respected.

"Elder, today's Arad continent is no longer the pitiful and helpless human beings during the Dark Holy War. Times have changed. Ancestor Xinye can defeat the Dark Knight with the power of the blue dragon. Today's power of the blue dragon has weakened again. More than half of it.”

Xinzang sighed. It is no wonder that in the extremely ancient legend of the exorcist, the real dragon in the Sishen Temple is the destination of the exorcist.

Canglong is a race, and the power of Canglong is not the power of a certain Canglong, but the power of this ethnic group in the dark!

Just like Mavis once was in the king's ruins and was almost exploded by Usiel's will. Believers must have extremely strong qualities to bear greater power.

The opposite is also true, the object of belief is also very important. Belief in gods and belief in a goblin, the results are self-evident.

"Elder, maybe you should try to apologize, or if you last half an hour, you will be exterminated!"

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