Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 548: Hell Monk

Nina didn't believe the nonsense he said. One moment she wanted to slay a dragon, the next she said she was the boss of the Celia Chamber of Commerce, and then she said she was a noble earl. It sounded so outrageous.

"I'm full. I'll sign up. If I win the championship, I'll pay you back. If you're eliminated again..."

"You won't pay it back?"

"No, you can still sign up tomorrow and lend me money again."

As straightforward as ever, he wanted to run away when he was full, but Ye Lin didn't stop him.

Just now, Xiaoyu secretly used the oracle to divine the future. The girl who escaped will have a very auspicious future. She may not make any huge fortune, but there will be no disaster.

His fortune is similar to that of Reni now, and he will be safe and sound.

"Four buns, two wrapped in oil paper."

This voice suddenly sounded in front of me, and the entire breakfast shop seemed to be nine minutes colder. From the morning of early autumn to the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, goosebumps spread all over my body.

A table of guests who were eating hot soup suddenly felt a shiver on their backs and their lips turned white.

What a strong evil intention!

Ye Lin looked solemn, staring at the figure that made the boss tremble. He was wearing a heavy Zen staff, a big bamboo hat, black clothes and black robes, and his face could not be seen clearly.

But the ferocious evil that just stood there was definitely the only one he had ever seen in his life, even comparable to Belias, who had destroyed countless people during the Dark Holy War.

There are not many people who possess this kind of evil spirit, such as the berserker who suffers from Kazan Syndrome and occasionally loses control of his mind. His blood is steaming like an ancient blood-soaked god.

But judging from his robes, this man is definitely not a berserker, but... looks like a monk!

But Xuzu has always been about being one with nature and purifying his Zen mind, so how could there be such a fierce and strange person.

"Here... are your buns."

The slightly fat body of the breakfast shop owner looked like he had been put into a steamer. He was sweating profusely, his legs were shaking uncontrollably, and he didn't even dare to reach out for money.

The mysterious monk put down his money and found a table in the corner to slowly eat two steamed buns without oil paper. During this period, no one dared to leave the shop, and no customer dared to come in.

For a moment, it seemed that he was the only one eating in the entire store, and it was eerily quiet.

He ate very quickly, asked for a glass of warm water, and drank it in one gulp. At that moment, no one dared to look directly at his face.

Just when the mysterious monk put down the water bowl and turned around to leave, Ye Lin happened to open a book given by Aisen.

Although it is said to be prepared for curators, if you read it yourself, you may gain something unexpected. It is of great reference for civilizations between different dimensions.

Even as a leisure read, it is an excellent choice.

However, the moment Ye Lin took out the book, the monk who had just walked to the door suddenly stopped.

Ye Lin also noticed the extremely fierce murderous intention of the other party in an instant. He raised his head and frowned slightly, feeling a little confused.

"You eat first and replenish the nutrients you lost last night. I'll go take a look... sss..."

Xiaoyu took back her two fingernails as if there was no one around, and continued to eat her own steamed dumplings and preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

The ability to pinch the soft flesh of someone's arm or waist seems to be a talent of women.

Ye Lin seemed to be unable to feel the suppressed aura that would make ordinary people silent, and he walked out the door with ease and ease.

When passing by the mysterious monk in black robe, he lowered his voice and said, "Come on, don't disturb other people's business."

He could be sure that he had never seen this mysterious man, but the overwhelming murderous intent of the other person was real. So combined with the hostility he had just opened the book, Ye Lin probably guessed the identity of the other person.

Half conscious, half crazy, hating evil as much as possible, the hell monk: Moen!

He was once a member of the Xu Ancestor's anti-demon group, and he was tall and powerful, with unfathomable strength. However, due to the unfortunate death of his most beloved disciple, Moen began to change from his calm normal state, becoming delirious and killing evil whenever he encountered.

If the attitude of the Blue Fist Holy Envoy and the Inquisition towards evil is that they cannot tolerate a grain of sand in their eyes, then Moen must angrily clear away even a little dust.

The note he just opened was tainted with the aura of the cosmic demon, which was sensed by Moen.

He walked past Moen calmly, without worrying that the other party would suddenly make a violent move. This calm and unhurried determination alone made everyone secretly admire him.

Pedestrians retreated from the entrance to the morning shop, but their unstoppable curiosity made them bold enough to stay nearby, eat melons and watch the excitement.

"I got this book from a demon. It's not my property."

Ye Lin gestured to the black-covered book. He himself was not willing to start a dispute on the street. It would be best if he could explain and communicate.

"Then destroy him!"

His voice was low and cold, just like the cold wind in the deep winter blowing across his ankles like ice knives. He had not put on socks yet, and his trousers were three inches too short.

"This won't work, I'm still useful."

When Moen heard this, he fell into a brief silence. Then he raised his Zen staff to his side, and with just its weight, the end smashed the blue stone slab.

The tall and burly figure bowed slightly towards him, and made a one-handed Zen salute with one hand in front of him.

However, Ye Lin's eyes narrowed, and he knew that Moen's gesture was definitely not a farewell gift, but a sign that he was about to take action.

"Those who kill living creatures will fall into hell forever!"

The voice was faint, like the turbulence of hell. Some of the weak-minded people among the onlookers actually fell into a panic for no reason, as if the devil's sickle was lying across the main artery of their neck.

Panic and flight only last for a moment.

"Of course, if I don't go to hell, who will?"

Ye Lin's calm face changed slightly. This voice actually seemed to come from the bottom of his heart and hit from all directions. The demonic sound rolled like it was falling into the netherworld and being tortured in hell.

From a highly respected and powerful man to a semi-crazy monk, Moen's strength was completely beyond expectations.


The magic sword with its wide blade accurately blocked the heavy Zen staff, but the physical pressure it brought still made Ye Lin sink. It was so incredibly powerful that it felt like a huge boulder weighing heavily on the giant sword.

"Master, this is just the trophy I got after defeating the demon, isn't it okay?"

Compared to the extreme Moen, those Blue Fist and Inquisition are considered merciful. At least they are willing to listen to others occasionally, can be held back by the Paladins, and the Avengers can barely survive.

"Why do you need to keep something of the devil in your body?"

"There are thousands of abilities in the world. Only by learning from them can you become stronger!"

"Donor, since you have so many abilities, why are you learning demonic things? This aura is so strong that your mind will inevitably be affected. Eliminating it as soon as possible is the right way."

With a helpless smile, Ye Lin finally understood that when Moen fell into paranoia, not even a hundred bull-headed beasts could pull him back.

Half conscious, half crazy, Moen's current state is obviously the latter.

"Master, some people hold the power of light, but act in extreme ways, even hurting innocent people. Some people are infected with darkness, but their hearts are drawn to the light, and they endure hardships. How can this be explained?"


Moen was startled. How could he, in a semi-crazy state, solve the professional problem of Remedia Cathedral? He was stunned for a moment.

"excuse me!"

At the moment when the opponent lost consciousness, Ye Lin sideways pulled away the giant sword and kicked Moen in the abdomen, making the latter bow like a shrimp.

A mysterious powder rose up in his hand, light and fluttering, and sprinkled all over the other person's cheeks.

There is still some remaining Dream-Eating Tree powder collected in the desert outside Nosmar.

The sturdy steel-like body was caught off guard and crashed to the ground, followed by a thunderous snore.


"so amazing!"

"This seems to be the legendary hell monk Moen. Young man, you actually knocked him down."

The people around him cheered. The murderous intention of the big man just now really frightened them, and they started fighting.

Nina, who had just returned from signing up, still had a lollipop in her mouth, staring blankly at the big man lying on the ground. She also heard the name "Moen".

That was a monk who could stop a child from crying in the middle of the night, so he lost like that?

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