Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 553 The Last Loyal Minister

The underworld is a spiritual realm after death. It does not mean that it is deep underground. It is more like an independent dimension, or the collapse point of the universe.

It is impossible for a living person to enter the underworld. Except for special life forms in the universe that can ignore the rules of the underworld, there is only one way, and that is the mysterious hell ore that can increase spiritual power.

That arm, a special armor made of black hell ore, had ghostly fire coming out of the gaps between its parts. The extremely rich dark energy swallowed up the afterglow of the setting sun. The whole space was dark and gloomy, as if it had fallen into some special realm.

Unlike the ghost and god projections summoned by Devil May Cry professionals, and unlike the solidified soul shadow of Moen after becoming a half-ghost, this arm looks extremely real. It seems to be a physical object, not energy!

A strange soul knife cut off the immature magic circle he used, and also stopped the momentum of Borasxiu's appearance.

The courtyard of Feng Ling's house has briefly become a link between the two worlds, and on the other side of the underworld, there are extremely terrifying strong men who have broken down the barrier.

The silt left by Brash turned into a pool of dark energy that was so rich that it was almost substantial. Even Ye Lin, who had reached the realm of the elemental holy spirit, was surprised by this powerful energy.

The hell stone arm was stretched out, and the body buried at the other end of the underworld was slowly pulled out. Every time the body appeared, the bone-chilling coldness around it became stronger.

It's not a coldness on the body surface, but a kind of mental trembling, fear of this figure.


When the body of the mysterious being was completely pulled out and suspended in the air, everyone's minds seemed to explode and they fell into a brief blank.

But fortunately, they are all very powerful, but they are temporarily uncomfortable with the overwhelming and strong aura of the underworld.

He is as tall as an ancient demon god. His armor of hell ore shines with black light and is bursting with cold flames. His breastplate is like a giant mouth of the abyss, capable of chewing the souls of his enemies.

The dense vertical and horizontal deep marks on the armor were the result of being baptized by swords against an army of 300,000 men during the Rebellion between Ghosts and Gods hundreds of years ago.

"Are you the last loyal minister of Perrus, Priest Giger?"

Ye Lin took a deep breath of cold air. If there was anyone else who could enter the underworld in his own body besides the cosmic macho man and the transcendent, it would be Giger who was wearing hell ore and was dragged underground after exhaustion.

The helmet made of hell ore made it difficult to see Jig's face clearly. The other party's attention seemed not to be on them, but on the semi-ghost-like Moen.

But Ye Lin knew that the body under this armor had been too long to escape the shackles of human life, and the hell ore could not keep it from decaying for more than four hundred years. It had long been annihilated in the underworld, and what was left was A tough and unyielding soul under the armor!

"New ghosts? How pitiful."

Giger's voice was low, solemn, and a little compassionate, but not too cold as hell. Instead, he sounded like a loyal paladin.

Behind the birth of every ghost and god, there is a story that makes people either sad or angry. Giger himself is no exception, and so is Moen.

The armor-covered hand gently pressed on Moen's head, and something surprising happened. The ghostly aura of the originally semi-ghostly monk dissipated quickly, as if a basin of boiling water had been poured into the snow.

After a moment, the crazy Moen's eyes regained clarity, and he stared blankly at his hands that had returned to normal, and the tall and burly living body in front of him.

The moment Jig stretched out his hand, Ye Lin keenly saw countless skull-like ghosts between the gaps in the armor, frantically gnawing at his soul under the armor!

Even though thousands of ghosts were devouring him and he was in great pain, Jig didn't care, as if they were just crawling ants and insignificant.

"How many years?" Jig suddenly asked.

Although he used Brash to devour 300,000 troops during the Battle of Cantwen, he was immediately dragged into hell, and he had no idea of ​​the subsequent battles and situations.

Although there is no clock in hell, he can tell through the slow decay of his body that time has passed for a long time, so long that he has slowly forgotten the concept of time.

His body and time, which were completely transformed into ghosts, had completely lost their meaning to him.

"Lord Giger, more than four hundred years have passed since the battle at Cantwen Gate..."

Ye Lin paid him the highest respect, not only because Ji Ge was the last loyal minister, but also because of his unyielding will. Even if all ghosts bite me, I will remain calm.

It was Jig who took the lead in controlling the power of ghosts and gods, and allowed the ghost swordsmen who were discriminated against, boycotted, and feared to see a ray of light and hope for the future.

The milestone significance is not only for Devil May Cry professionals, but also for other people who use Ghost Hands. If they go back to history to seek the origin, they must respectfully call Ji Ge "Master".

"More than four hundred years..."

The blue flames in the hell stone armor swelled. It was so far away from that war that the human race had been replaced several times.

"The empire I protect...?"

"After you died in the battle, you were replaced by the Delos Empire."

Ye Lin did not use the straightforward term "annihilation". The Delos Empire was born out of Perrus. There is actually nothing wrong with saying this. It sounds more euphemistic.

It's just that the original royal family of the Peruvian Empire has long since ceased to exist. The then Emperor of Delos, Heron Baden, was a decisive and decisive man. After the 300,000-strong army was annihilated, he still had the courage to continue sending troops to take over. It is basically impossible for the royal family to retain the population of the original royal family.

Ye Lin still doesn't know the reason why Jig suddenly appeared along the "connection point" between the two worlds. Whether it was the last glimmer of hope that he had wanted for more than four hundred years.

Perhaps, Jig still had a glimmer of luck in his heart. Fortunately, after he devoured an army of 300,000 men, Delos would retreat in fear, and Perrus would regain his glory.

But now that he has returned from the hell filled with evil spirits, the powerful empire that once unified the continent has become a few strokes in the history that can only be written by those who come after him.

However, the sigh was only temporary. During the more than four hundred years of suffering in hell, his thoughts of protecting his family and country and being loyal to the king were slowly worn away.

Getting rid of ghosts and gods, his soul never sinking, and breaking the shackles of the underworld are the ultimate goals he should stick to.

Jig glanced at Mavis one by one with his cold eyes, pausing for a moment on Mavis, and then stared down at the dark field at his feet with a sarcastic look on his face.

Sure enough, those ghosts and gods refused to let him go. They had only briefly escaped the shackles of the underworld, and when they returned to Arad, they wanted to pull him back immediately.

After all, in that chaos of ghosts and gods, he was the one who allowed those free ghosts and gods to be dragged to the underworld by Bilaxiu.

"Haha, if it wasn't bound by the rules of the underworld, would it be up to you?" Jig sneered, full of disdain for the ghosts and gods who were about to rush out.

But he also understood that he didn't have much time to waste. The resentment of those ghosts and gods towards him would never allow him to escape from the underworld.

"I once owed Jon, the prince of the Kingdom of Calamity, a promise to return Saya to him after the war, but I'm sorry..."

A scarlet and ferocious arm suddenly grabbed Giger's ankle, bringing the magic sound of hell, exuding endless anger and fighting spirit, trying to drag Giger into hell.


"Kazan..." Ye Lin whispered.

Jig didn't care about the first ghost and god that attacked, and didn't even look at it.

He has been entangled with ghosts and gods in the underworld for more than four hundred years, and they already know each other intimately and are extremely familiar with each other.

"Go to the ruins of Calamity Shore, summon Saya, or drag Jon into hell..."


An arm covered with bandages and exuding purple plague grabbed Jig's other leg, the Rakshasa of the Plague!

"Complete my request, I expect someone to become the Dark Lord, to become the darkness...itself!"

One after another, the hands of ghosts and gods tightly locked Jig's body, and that dark area had become a forbidden place of death.

Now anyone who dares to touch Jig and the ghosts and gods will be dragged into the underworld together.

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