Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 556 He-Man Stella (Godzilla)

Ye Lin took out a bright coin from his pocket, weighed it in his hand, and motioned to the boss to tell him whether he could sell it for one dollar.

"Sir, you are so good at joking. A good-quality transparent stone costs more than a thousand gold coins. Even though it is a transparent stone with impurities, it is not unusable."

The boss looked embarrassed. The appraisal fee he paid for when he went to the store, even though he only had people smash a walnut and throw it out, it still cost several hundred.

However, I was secretly suspicious in my heart. These two people were brightly dressed and had extraordinary appearance and temperament. How could they be interested in a stone?

"Pinocio said that if you bargain, just buy it at the lowest price, or cut it in half. Isn't it just one dollar to buy the lowest price?"

Ye Lin muttered in a low voice, scratched his head and seemed a little confused, and then said to himself: "They also said that if they can't cut it, they will add a little more. So, two yuan? Can I sell it?"

Siatt was still smiling, but the boss's face suddenly turned green. They worked together for a long time. It was a noble man who usually had too much time to practice bargaining.

He didn't ask about the price of Nianqi ore just now. He probably knew it was too expensive and felt embarrassed to buy it at the bottom.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, it's not easy for my boss to do business, why are you bothering?"

Siatt began to smooth things over, pulling Ye Lin to get him up, and said with an apologetic smile: "I'm sorry, he is free, but it's just an impure crystal. I will pay one hundred gold coins as an apology. Can you think of it?"

The money bag was dragged in the white palm, and the sound of gold coins colliding made the boss's heart skip a beat, but he still hesitated on his face.

Recently, there have been frequent reports that foreign adventurers have successfully picked up the missing stone, and wonder if their own stone is also a treasure.

The stall owner with a good relationship next to him couldn't stand it any longer. He patted his arm to signal him not to be suspicious and said helplessly:

"You are stupid. That piece of shit of yours is neither a diamond nor a transparent stone, let alone a spinel or a halostone. Wouldn't it be delicious if you paid for two extra dishes and a bottle of wine tonight?"

The people around who had nothing to do nodded in various ways. The girl’s eyes were so bright that she pointed out that this was a rubbish crystal. The gold coins were for apology, not because of a piece of shit like you.

Ye Lin suddenly knocked the impurity crystal hard on the ground, and then broke some pieces. The boss's face froze, and he immediately burst into laughter and quickly took the money bag.

It's really a piece of cake. Let's add some dishes tonight.


"Don't tell me anything, what is that stone?" Siatt twisted his arm lightly, curiously.

"This is the Dragon Spirit Stone, a stone tainted with the aura of a divine dragon. It can ward off disasters when worn. Its value is immeasurable."

A crystal-clear gemstone the size of a little finger. It has no edges and corners, but it shines with colorful brilliance under the sunlight, making it mysteriously dense.

This is what he took out of the crystal.

"I saw it once in the Xiangrui Valley. The elders there were stingy. I hinted wildly that I wanted it, but they pretended not to notice."

Siatt's neck as white as snow originally had a gemstone necklace, so he slightly modified it with the Fifth Element, inlaying the Dragon Spirit Stone, which was perfectly symmetrical with another pre-existing Fragrance Stone.

"It looks good, and my fat guy is even better looking."

"I'm fat, you're a hammer!"

She pretended to glare at him angrily, but couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth a little, then walked slowly beside him, and said teasingly: "If it was Feng Ying's hamster personality, she might have offered this thing up now."


There were people coming and going around the Zhuque Gate, and it was bustling. Perhaps because of the martial arts competition, this was the busiest place in Suran City now.

Of course, if you want to watch the game, you have to buy a ticket first before you can enter the duel arena with a tall arena and enjoy the excellent martial arts competition.

Colorful flags were fluttering on the wall outside the duel venue, and the crowds were buzzing, creating a very strong festive atmosphere. The patterns of the flags included the medals symbolizing the Xu Ancestor, the cyan dragon and the yellow true dragon, and... a silver tree. .

Siatt was startled when she saw this, and said in surprise: "Silver Holy Tree? That's not..."

"Well, Celia Chamber of Commerce, she has already thought of using the popularity of the martial arts conference to promote her products by sponsoring the conference. As expected of you."

Both of them stood there and expressed their amazement. If there is no surprise, Celia may contract the consumption of medicines and other materials for the next Qinglong competition, in order to open up Xuzu's basic props trade route.

Moreover, they also saw a small shop selling telescopes nearby, which was probably Celia's trick.

Therefore, it is really possible that the carriage of the Chamber of Commerce that I saw two days ago was Celia herself. Otherwise, she was at least one of the two assistants, the Penosio sisters.

The two of them walked all the way to the entrance of the duel venue. The best-selling products around them were cold drinks and melon seeds, but stalls nearby had to pay stall fees.

"Shall we go in and take a look?" Ye Lin suggested, taking a look for a while, there is nothing to do anyway.

Ye Lin went to buy a ticket, and when Siatt stood at the door of the duel venue corridor, his eyes were slightly strange, and he was lost in memories for a moment.

The Delos Empire also has an arena with such a structure. The place is full of filth, cruel blood, and ruthless indifference. The rich people watch a group of slaves fight to the death for a "civilian" status until only one can be left. The place.

Only the only winner can step on the bones and accept the cheers mixed with contempt from the nobles because of their excitement.

"What are you thinking about? Let's go."

Holding two tickets, he grabbed Siatt's wrist to tell him to hurry up. It was morning now and it was still early. If it had been a little while longer, the place might have been so crowded that there was no room to sit on the steps.

About half of the seats were filled inside, so I chose a seat with a wide view. At this time, on the ring, two swordsmen were fighting fiercely. One wielded a giant sword with great power, while the other wielded a short sword. Although powerful, It's not enough but it's flexible.

Although in the eyes of him and Siatt, their skills were rough, but they could not withstand the enthusiastic emotions of the people around them, and it seemed interesting.

Not long after, one of them unfortunately lost and was injured on the shoulder. The winner quickly put down his weapon and helped him. At the same time, the doctor waiting under the stage also quickly stopped the bleeding and gave him a tube of medicine.

He also recognized the potion, it was Remy's aid.

After confirming that the injured person was fine, the victorious swordsman walked in the center of the ring, raised his arms high, and accepted the cheers belonging to the winner.

Siatt took a sip of ice coke, sighed deeply, and sincerely praised: "This is a real martial arts fight. It is not only a competition of skills, but also demonstrates the spirit of martial arts."

Now Xuzu's martial arts tournament is completely different from that sinful arena!

If her strength hadn't been too bullying, Siatt would have wanted to rush forward with the Sword of Oath. This is where warriors receive cheers and gain reputation.

"Oh~ So handsome! Colin, what a passionate and chivalrous spirit. I want to write everything here into a song, and then compose music and sing it throughout the entire Arad continent!"

In front of Ye Lin and Siatt, on the next step, sat a girl who was happily cheering for the winner. There was also a strange creature sitting on her shoulders, with an owl-like body, but a pair of similar ones. Bat's big ears.

"Look, she has such beautiful hair." Siatt praised in a low voice.

Her black hair was like the finest silk, shining in the sun. She tied a loose ponytail on the back of her head, and tied a beautiful heterochromatic rabbit ear knot with a ribbon, one side was red and the other was white.

Wearing a red close-fitting vest, slender arms, and delicate white skin, she is a young girl who looks young from the back.

Unexpectedly, the little girl sitting in front still heard her deliberately lowered voice, turned around and smiled sweetly: "Hey, thank you for the compliment, big sister, you are also very beautiful, wow, you have such a good figure."

The little girl in red looked down unconsciously. It was okay, okay, there were ups and downs, but the future was promising.

The winner has already walked down the ring, and there will be two other prepared contestants to dedicate a wonderful match.

Taking advantage of this short free time, Siatt asked curiously: "I just heard you talk about writing songs. Are you a bard? Your... pet is so cute."

I don’t know what the strange creature on her shoulder is called, so I can only use pet instead of name.

"Yeah, this is my partner, Colin, here to say hello."

The owl-like pet made a few "coo" sounds from its throat, which was its way of greeting.

"By the way, I am the bard, Seaman Stella, and I am also a member of the Adventurers' Alliance!"

Although He-Man is enthusiastic and generous, he is still wary of strangers, and declares that he is a member of the Adventurers Alliance, and he also knows the grown-up adventurer Carakas.

As for why a pseudonym is not used, you can guess from Siatt's shocked expression that the name Seaman is quite famous in Arad.

"Are you the He-Man who writes love poems? I have also read your poetry collection."

Siatt was surprised and pleasantly surprised. She had long heard that Seaman was a talented poet who was good at writing poems praising love. Especially, she was a little beauty with beautiful appearance and white skin.

She is innocent and popular wherever she goes.

Moreover, Siatt knew that it was not just her. Basically, everyone in the family had read Heman's poetry collection. Yuena once had a copy of it tucked in the holy book and peeked at it in her spare time.


Seaman was also very happy to suddenly meet his fans. The topic suddenly opened up, his little face was shining, and he said eagerly: "Which song I wrote is your favorite? I personally like that one the best, praising the nobility of the empire. Cruise and the civilian girl Lohia! That is also the most famous one!"

"Hey, Cruise?"

Siatt was stunned for a moment. The name seemed familiar, but she just couldn't remember it.

Ye Lin, who was eating melon seeds at the side, reminded him loudly: "Ston Snow Region, Bantu tribe, the person who was buried in the snow mountain by us and the Snow Queen when we were in the Ice and Snow Palace, Thunder Sword Cruz."

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