Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 560 Miss!

"Internal conflict?"

Ye Lin was a little stunned when he heard this. He thought that the mysteriously missing ninja was planning some shocking assassination, such as assassinating Aska, or the assistant minister, etc.

Unexpectedly, an inexplicable internal conflict broke out?

"Dark elves, the one that works for the royal family is okay, but for the others, I don't know the specifics. Their behavior is very mysterious, and it is very difficult to find out their identities."

Aska spread his hands. Although those dark elves relied on the noble class for a living, they basically had hidden tricks. Cursed by Venus, they naturally liked shadows.

"Compared with that, tell me quickly, after you go to heaven, what is interesting there? Is it strange?"

Feng Ling, who had been looking at the moon, was also curious. He moved a stool and sat there, one big and one small. They leaned together and ate while listening to his story.



In a mountain forest on the outskirts of Suran, the accumulation of fallen leaves became a natural obstacle that made her unhappy. There was inevitably some friction when walking, but if she used flexible movements, it didn't seem to be necessary.

Her legs are slender and straight, accompanied by hot pants, her upper body is in a tight tube top, her waist is slender and energetic, and she wears a chic blue windbreaker outside.

"I haven't been back for a long time. The trees nearby are much thicker."

She patted the rough bark. She had no luggage on her shoulders and walked briskly. She only held a sheathed dagger in her hand, indicating that she was not unarmed.

"The weather here is colder than Hedunmar, but warmer than Dark City."

Although there was no one around, except for a few insects chewing on the leaves, she seemed to be quite natural and didn't feel anything was wrong.

Picked up a rough piece of stone from the ground and threw it at a wild fruit tree. The branches broke with the sound, and a wild jujube tree became mature. The fruit was half-ripe and slightly sweet.

With the dagger clasped on her waist, she grabbed the branches and walked in a direction that only she knew. Although the trees changed a lot, fortunately the terrain did not change too much.

"I heard that guy has also come to Xu Zu. Do you want to turn around and ask him for help to calm down the situation?"

No one agreed with her, so she could only answer with a shrug, and threw a wild date, "Forget it, maybe it has been squeezed dry. No matter how good the waist is, it may not be able to withstand many people."

Although it was a night with a full moon, no matter how bright and bright the light was, it could only pass through the gaps between the leaves of the forest and scatter a few silver-like bright spots among the piled fallen leaves.

The cold breath of the mountains, the occasional mountain breeze, the rustling of leaves, and the chirping of unknown mosquitoes can make everyone who passes by shudder.

Even those who live in seclusion are not willing to choose such a ghost place.

She walked very slowly, and sometimes even turned around, just to admire a few unique-looking trees, as if she was just coming back for a casual visit.

After teasing a venomous snake that was looking for food at night, she reluctantly read something similar from the snake's eye-catching eyes, and then associated it with the purpose of her return.

"You're a guy with cold snake eyes, sinister, hiding in the dark and plotting sneak attacks. You're exactly like that old guy from Xia Plun."

He kicked the venomous snake away gently but not harshly. Fortunately, his exquisite boots were not stained with any disgusting venom, but the dust was still unavoidable.

"I almost forgot about the business. Alas, it's true for Medi. Can't you just leave this matter to his husband? Those who obey will be taken away, and those who are disobedient will be taken away with the same sword."

Although she didn't walk long, she still felt that her long legs were a little tired. She rubbed them and then started walking again, but she still walked very slowly.

Medi is the nickname of the current dark elf king, Meia.

Climbing a not-so-steep hillside, there is still a dense forest behind, which is dark and deserted. However, there is an open space between the forests, and there is an exquisite small manor. The windows have not turned off the lights, casting a little light like a lighthouse. .

An adult can rush up the slope in one breath, which is about tens of meters, but she was tired, holding on to her graceful waist like a willow, and rested on the spot for a while before going down.

"No, even if you move one footprint per minute and leave ink for two days, you'll still be there."

She was inking on purpose.

There are not a few wealthy people who build manors in the wild. They are tired of the bustling city and live in the quiet and elegant mountains and forests for a few days, which is called cultivating their sentiments.

However, judging from the facilities in this manor, as well as the clean lawn and surrounding environment, it is obvious that this is a place for long-term residence.

Dragging reluctant steps, when I walked to the gate of the manor, I happened to eat all the wild dates in my hand. The water content was not high, and I was a little thirsty.

Ignoring the sign telling no outsiders to enter the private property, he crossed the fence very skillfully and landed lightly on his feet, before he could even breathe a sigh of relief.


The sound of metal tools being triggered was not only the steel clamps closing, but also hidden arrows flying from both sides. If it was hit, blood would flow on the spot.

Two sharp metal hidden arrows pierced the intruder's head and remained intact, piercing the trees on both sides of the manor.

However, the expected blood flow did not appear on the spot. The body that was pierced was just an afterimage of the clone left in place.

Ninja Technique: Shadow Clone!

"Wow, am I not the eldest lady of the family? How could I end up in this embarrassing situation, like being kicked out and being slaughtered as soon as I step into the house?"


The old window shaft made a sharp, sharp sound. Before she could climb through the window, a neatly dressed, serious-faced, gray-haired dark elf opened the door, a smile on his wrinkled face.

"Miss, you finally go home and take a look."

"Oh, housekeeper, it's better for you!"

I kindly took the housekeeper's slightly cold hand, and finally got some soft spiritual comfort from the cold wind and door opening.

"Miss, I hope you are safe. There is hot tea and snacks prepared in the room."

The housekeeper closed the door. The room was brightly lit and uniquely decorated. There was a huge carpet on the floor. The pattern on the carpet was a magical firebird, but it was not the exorcist's shikigami Suzaku, but another. Plant a one-legged flame bird, Bifang!


Beside the living room, sitting by the fire, the stern man on the sofa glanced at her with his books and said mockingly: "Hey, you still know the way home, the trees outside are twice thicker. .”

He sat down quietly, picked up a piece of snack, took another sip of the mild tea, and exhaled a mouthful of air-conditioning in the mountains and forests: "You have only been away from home for about ten years, aren't you in better health now?"

"Are you hoping something will happen to me?"

"Well, you are in good health and I am happy to be your daughter. By the way, where are the servants? Has the age issue changed?"

"Everyone has been sent out. Xu Ancestor has been undercurrent recently, and there are all kinds of internal commotions. Minette, you came back at the right time."

After swallowing a mouthful of sweet pastry, Minette's blue eyes rolled wildly, as if she was accidentally choked, and she quickly picked up the tea and drank it hard.


Wiping the corner of her mouth casually, although she was the queen's childhood friend and best friend, and a spy placed in the Senate, she came from one of Xuzu's famous ninja families. She was a dark elf, but she was born in Xuzu.

"Let me tell you, dad, why don't we just pack up and go to Dark City? We are all of the same race. Meia will definitely welcome us back."

Xu Ancestor also has a dark elf tribe, which is no secret in Dark City. Especially during the Dark Holy War and the subsequent split of the Peruvian Empire and the hundreds of years when the Delos Empire invaded everywhere, several Bifangzhiyan served in Arad. It has gained quite a reputation.

"Meia? Ha, she has too much time to take care of herself."

Shaking his head, the strong man continued reading without comment.

"Let me tell you, Dad, Meia has achieved the unification of the Dark Elf Vanes. The Great Elder Xia Pulun has handed over his chief scepter. Our country is on the right track."

Minette nodded again and advised: "We dark elves are very weak. Not only is it a national problem, but our race is also unique to the Arad continent. The dwarves were driven away by Meia, so we should let go of the past and unite. right."

"Is this what you came back to talk about?"

He was vaguely impatient, how could the old antiques in the Senate allow the ninja lineage to return proudly, and the ninjas also had their own opinions.

The main reason is Askar's founding policy and the recent vigorous martial arts competition, which allowed the people to see their future expectations and how Xuzu will take the future.

Opening up is inevitable, and integrating with the Arad continent is an irreversible trend. Xu Zu can no longer sit in a corner and play with himself in silence.

New trends mean new opportunities!

"Ninja", a secret organization responsible for the struggle for power among nobles, can no longer be the same as before after the Xuzu is fully opened. They can be kind and amiable during the day, and turn into ruthless killers at night to spy on intelligence or assassinate targets.

Nobles who have been eliminated by the trend are likely to become hysterical and use ninjas to do things that are completely incomprehensible. They may even fight to the death and reveal the peaceful identity of the dark elves.

The new king Askar, the new regime, will not allow the nobles to control this terrible private force. Either they all surrender and gather together, otherwise, no one will be left alive who does not follow!

The best they can do is to end up like a sky eagle.

"Currently we have three opinions internally. One, return to Dark City, two, actively surrender to Askar, and three..."

"You don't want to assassinate Askar, do you?" Minette said contemptuously.

"Three, wait and see what happens."

Minette's father rubbed the temples on both sides of his head. The first two would cause huge changes in the ninja. The third one seemed safe, but in fact it was the least safe, which meant that the opportunity to look forward was lost.

But no matter what, the "ninja" lineage must be preserved!

"Dad, which kind of people are the most numerous, and which opinion do you hold?"

"The most important thing is to wait and see the changes. As for me, I am a little bit reluctant to let go of the Xu Ancestor who has lived for hundreds of years, but I also want to take a look at the Dark City."

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