Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 586: Ten years later, second robbery!

The dark clouds over Suran City have dissipated and drifted away. The sun shines on the streets and alleys, casting a warm glow. The residents also took advantage of the beautiful weather to quickly dry their clothes from the previous two days.

There are still small pools of water in some corners of the street. Pedestrians who accidentally step on them can only secretly say it is bad luck.

Ye Lin stretched hard. He didn't sleep last night until the sun was up. Now that he relaxed and felt relaxed, he felt a little sleepy.

He slowly walked back to Celia's restaurant, rubbed his waist, and went straight to the bedroom on the third floor. There was nothing going on today anyway, so it wouldn't matter if he took a nap.

Yawning tiredly, as he passed the stairs between the second and third floors, he happened to pass by a slim and graceful dark elf woman with broken hair and full of heroic spirit.

When the other party saw him, he suddenly stopped and greeted him with a smile: "Hello, Xiao Yelin."

"Ah, hello, hello, I have to be busy."

He didn't think much about it because he was tired. He thought he was an employee recruited by Celia in Vanes. It was not surprising that he knew him.

"Well, I'll go down to find some salt. Celia said that when making dumplings for lunch, the fillings should be a little less salty."

Ye Lin subconsciously nodded in response, not noticing the joy, gratitude and other strange emotions in the other person's eyes at all, and turned around and went upstairs.

Then his wish to ask the curator for a soft knee pillow fell through, as did his wish to ask Penosio for a cupping cup to relax.

Except for Xiaoyu and Mo Mei, who were still staying at Aska's side, everyone was making dumplings with great interest while filling two small pots of pork and cabbage, and exchanging tips and tricks.

The clumsy Natalia got some white flour on the tip of her nose, and the dumplings she made were strangely shaped, but fortunately she was able to pinch them tightly and they shouldn't fall apart when cooked.

"Hey, what day is it today? Let's eat dumplings."

He smiled jokingly, looked around and found that there was no place for him, so he simply moved a small bench and watched the live broadcast of the Qinglong Conference from the edge of the room.

After a round of elimination, the remaining people are all the elites among the elites, and the competition naturally becomes more exciting and fierce.

Siatt held a perfect half-moon dumpling in her hand and said with a smile, "Guess what?"

"Are you happy?"

"Shameless, get out!"

After giving him a fierce look, Siatt gave him a hint, "Look, who is missing in this room?"

"Uh... Naiyali?"

"No, she is playing at Principal Shalan's place."

"Rice cake?"

"No, it's under the table."

As he was talking, the dark elf who had gone downstairs opened the door and said, "Celia, I brought the salt back."

After the mysterious dark elf handed the salt to Celia, he slowly walked behind Ye Lin. When he was still looking suspiciously, he bent down and put his chin on top of his head.

A brief silence...

"You're Luxey!"

He was very familiar with this posture of lying on top of his head. Little Luxi liked to lie on top of his head and make mischief, pulling his hair and kicking his scalp. He was always dishonest.

It wasn't until she had rice cakes as a warmer and more comfortable cushion that she slowly gave up on the top of her head.

Ye Lin also looked surprised and surprised, and hurriedly asked Alice: "Didn't you say there will be some time left?"

"Well, I was originally worried about the compatibility between the soul and the body, and said it would take a while." Alice smiled gently and explained: "But after Celia and Tana reminded me, I used a soul crystal, and A few tears from the giant beast speed up the process of integration."

After careful inspection, Luxi's new body retains the dark elf's skin color and ear features, and the ghost hand cursed by Kazan is also missing. The overall coordination of the body looks very pleasing to the eye.

Of course, little Luxi's dream of having justice could not be realized. She and Alice argued endlessly and started a "cup promotion war", which was finally designated as C-level.

"Thank you."

Luxi held his head from behind, closed her eyes and whispered silently, pouring out her joy and gratitude.

"Yeah, okay, it doesn't matter. It's not in vain that I wandered among a group of gods, and was scolded by Celia afterwards. Let me tell you, I was so miserable that night that I even knelt on the washboard."

With a burst of uncontrollable chuckles, the atmosphere became warmer and more harmonious. Celia blushed, that night was not what he said at all.

In the kitchen, dumplings are popping out of the pot, and final preparations are being made for dipping sauces that everyone likes differently, or those who can eat garlic.

"The pot is ready! Someone bring the dumplings!" Krach shouted from the kitchen.

"How come this bowl of mine..."

Ye Lin stared at the strangely shaped dumplings in his bowl and glanced at Pinocchio, who seemed to have given them all to him.

"I made them all with my own hands. The fact that you can eat them is a blessing that you have cultivated for three lifetimes." Natalia has never been rational and angry!

After the meal, Ye Lin took all the dishes to the kitchen, and Kelly loaded the dishwasher.


"The craftsmanship of Su Nan Workshop is truly exquisite."

Agan Zuo weighed the weapon in his hand. The giant sword that seemed extremely heavy to ordinary people could be easily swung in his hand, like a light feather.

His weapon accidentally got a gap during the test with Xi Lan yesterday, so he took it to Su Nan's workshop for repair.

"That guy has become stronger, but also a little lazier..."

On the way to the dojo, Agan Zuo shook his head slightly and sighed silently.

Due to the appearance of the mysterious sword god in the Blue Dragon Tournament, the number of people who wanted to learn swordsmanship suddenly increased sharply.

This would have been an excellent opportunity for the dojo to turn its losses into profits, but that guy Xilan spends two days fishing and three days drying the nets, and he also needs to take a weekend off. Alas...

He shook his head silently for a while, guessing that Miss Nuo Yu was going to nag again tonight. To be able to make Nuo Yu, who was knowledgeable and courteous, so angry, Xi Lan was considered powerful in a certain sense.

"How about taking Shaying out for a drink tonight? To avoid trouble?"

His footsteps suddenly stopped, and Aganzuo frowned secretly. After staying with that guy Xilan for a long time, he couldn't help but become addicted to alcohol.

He drinks to drown his sorrows, while Xi Lan drinks just to drink.

Just when he was walking through the streets of Suran Workshop with all kinds of worries, he suddenly heard a very rapid footsteps behind him, very fast and fierce!

There are very few pedestrians around here. Could it be that they are here for me?

"People in front of you, stop, rob, bring the money!"

The sudden shout was loud, but surprisingly it didn't have any ferocious aura, let alone murderous intent.

Moreover, this is Suran City, and someone is robbing the city in broad daylight. Is this person mentally retarded?

A-Gump shook his head and smiled, too lazy to pay attention to this troubled person, not even interested in turning around to take a look.

However, even as he turned around several streets until he was about to reach Xilan Dojo, the line of sight behind him never disappeared.

"Friend, do you think I look like a rich man? This weapon is worth as much as I have, but I can't give it to you."

He smiled bitterly and turned around, but the next moment he encountered a strong wind blowing in his face, and a cold light struck down!


The giant sword blocked, and the two sides exchanged swords. The opponent's unusually strong power made A-Gump Zuo's expression change slightly, but he still concentrated and said solemnly: "Sneak attack from behind? Do you think it can work? And, my friend, this is Su Nan, I don’t want to cause unnecessary conflicts with you, please respect the king of Xuzu.”

However, the opponent's face was completely hidden behind his broad sword. His face could not be seen clearly, but his power became weaker and weaker, and he seemed to be slowly compromising.

Just when A Ganzuo breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, a happy and excited face appeared from behind the giant sword, and the pair of light red eyes were filled with incomparable tenderness.


Aganzuo was suddenly frightened, and took a few steps back while holding the giant sword, as if his mind had been hit hard. In the end, he could only hold the giant sword, holding his chest and gasping for air.

A female dark elf?

But it's so strange, why, why do I feel an indescribable sense of familiarity with this girl even though I clearly don't know her, and my heart beats so fast?

Not being able to control your emotions and keep a calm mind is a taboo in swordsmanship. Why would I make such a stupid mistake!

He felt an inexplicable panic. This person who suddenly appeared brought back the sense of loss that was slowly getting better in his mind!

"Ah~! Who are you!"

Letting go of the giant sword and letting it fall over, Aganzuo couldn't help but squat down with his head in his hands and let out a scream. If he wanted to repair the lack in the depths of his memory, he had to first bring this lack to the forefront of his memory.

Suddenly, the metal piece that Ye Lin gave him, which was the business card that formed the three characters "Luxi", accidentally fell out of the pocket that he had kept at his heart.

Because it was still raining in Sunan last night, and Xilan's dojo was at the end of the street, the road paved with large pieces of bluestone and loess would inevitably have some muddy puddles.

The business card that he had been caressing until it shone fell into the turbid muddy water. Aganzuo hurriedly reached out to pick it up. This name was more important than his giant sword!

However, a slender, clean hand reached into the muddy water faster than him and took out the business card.

"give me back!"

Rarely, an evil spirit appeared on A-Gump's left face, and the sword flew to his right hand, pointing directly at the opponent's face.

"Why should I give it to you?" the mysterious dark elf said with a "weird" look.

"Because it's my thing!"

"Huh? You mentioned the name of this piece of iron and this combination. However, this is obviously my name, how come it becomes yours?"

Luxi smiled successfully, bent down and rubbed the business card on the corner of her skirt, "I haven't asked you yet, why are you holding my name?"

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