Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 609: The first child’s surname is Su Nan

"Get under the bed quickly!"

Aska's crimson face was anxious, and she couldn't tell whether it was joy or panic. She had expected that the princess, her mother, would no longer be locked in the palace, but she didn't expect it to come so soon, so early in the morning. .

"No, you can't lie under the bed, or you can go to the closet, even there!"

He twisted his body left and right and glanced quickly. Askar was completely confused and at a loss.

It would be ridiculous to let a powerful swordsman and the benefactor of Xu Zu lie under the bed, but the closet was full of gifts that he had not had time to open yesterday, and there was no room for him to hide.

Open the window and let him jump out?

The palace is majestic, and someone may be watching it at all times, so what does this look like?

"What should I do, Ye Lin, how about I tuck you into the quilt?" Aska's beautiful eyes were filled with tears, and he was talking nonsense like a fool.

The bedding is very warm, light, and soft. It's fine for hiding a cat or something, but it definitely can't hide an adult. The traces are too obvious.

"Don't worry, I have a way." Ye Lin also smiled bitterly and hurriedly put on his clothes and shoes.

"Are you leaving?"

Aska's eyes were gloomy, and his reluctance was extremely clear, written on his face. His chest was strong and warm.

"Today is the day when your mother and daughter meet..."

"Mother, in order to avoid suspicion, she may not appear too much during this period to avoid being talked about."

She actually knew very well that her mother's appearance on the first day after the coming-of-age ceremony was definitely not a wise choice, because the auxiliary seal had not been returned yet.

The princess couldn't wait to show up early in the morning because she couldn't contain the excitement in her heart. She and Aska had only met once at the funeral of the wise king half a year ago.

"Shh~ Then I won't leave."

Ye Lin made a silent gesture, then raised a ring in his hand. After the magic power poured in, he suddenly disappeared from Aska's sight.

The magic ring of the ancient Borodin Kingdom, the Vortexer's Soul, has the ability to make people invisible.

The moment he disappeared, the door to the room was gently pushed open, and a group of maids lined up on both sides of the door respectfully. Each of them had their hands crossed at their waists, their heads lowered, and their bodies bent slightly.

The door that cannot be locked is one of the reasons why Aska doesn't like his bedroom.

Although the maid team is all very amiable and they are girls of about the same age as me, they still feel uncomfortable with privacy when they push in the door to help me get up every morning.

She is not the kind of canary who has always lived in the palace. She has been an adventurer for five years. She has a character that yearns for freedom and advocates maintaining subtle privacy between people.


With tears in her eyes, a woman in palace attire walked quickly to Aska's bed regardless of her manners and elegance, and hugged her daughter tightly, whom she had not seen for a long time.

The princess's real age should be around forty, but her figure is plump and her skin is like snow. If the complicated and gorgeous palace clothes were lighter, she and Aska would look like sisters who are several years older.

"elder sister!"

A little girl wearing a small white dress with pink and jade sculptures ran over, followed by Nuo Yu who looked worried.

The little girl climbed onto the bed with difficulty, and then used a tissue to wipe the sparkling eyes of Aska and her mother. She didn't know so many things, she just thought not to cry, because crying means she is unhappy.

"Child version, youth version, mature and noble version, they are indeed a family."

Ye Lin, who was sitting invisibly at the tea table, looked away and subconsciously reached out to make a cup of tea, but suddenly woke up and stopped, secretly thinking that he was lucky not to make any noise.

He had no intention of listening to the princess's words, but suddenly found an interesting girl in the maid team who was looking around wildly.

All the maids were polite and elegant, looking intently, as if something strange and precious had grown on the ground, locking their gazes.

Only the orange-haired Nina had wet eyes and secretly tilted her head to watch Aska and her daughter hugging each other and crying.

She has a restless temper and is very courageous. Joining the palace maid team is like having an extra sled dog in the rabbit den.

After the half-month training was over and she became familiar with Aska, who was once an adventurer, it was conceivable that there would definitely be some escaping incidents.

Ye Lin smiled slightly, suddenly having some bad thoughts in his heart. He looked left and right, then leaned his head over and blew gently into Nina's ear.


Her ears felt itchy due to the warm wind, and Nina's body trembled a few times subconsciously. Her unusual movements immediately made Mei Xiu next to her glare.

Look at what the occasion is now, why you can't even stand still, and do you still want to eat the dessert after lunch?

The slumped-faced Nina couldn't make a sound even if she wanted to cry. She really didn't do it on purpose this time. Why is there hot air in His Majesty's palace?

That feeling was very similar to when she was whispering to Wen Xiu last night, a little hot air blew out into her ears, causing it to feel itchy.

"Please Lord Shenlong, please let the princess go back quickly, my lunch dessert will be confiscated..."

Nina murmured in her heart, as expected, the royal family has to pay attention to pomp and ceremony everywhere, and they have to serve a bunch of maids every time they meet, which is really annoying.

However, the royal family’s desserts are really delicious…


A drop of cold water suddenly fell on the back of Nina's neck, and even slid down the smooth skin to her back. The cold and uncomfortable touch immediately caused Nina's body to react quickly and shiver.

Damn it, no more dessert~


"Sister, I wish you a happy birthday!"

The girl who was about three years old spoke with a childish tone, and took out a crooked paper crane from her pocket, "Ling~ I folded it myself and gave it to you."

"Thank you Xiaoling, thank you."

Aska's nose felt sore, and she suddenly had the idea of ​​giving the whole world to her sister.

An unattractive paper crane made her feel a transformation and sublimation of her soul in an instant. She was really a sister and an adult, and she had to take good care of her sister.

The daughter who acts like a spoiled child in her father's arms must eventually stand up independently and take charge of her own role.

Aska hurriedly took out the diary from under the pillow, pulled out the photo and handed it over quickly, "Mother, this is the photo Ye Lin took for me. The ceremony last night was very beautiful and very happy."

She is now extremely grateful for the technology from heaven, which allows her mother who lives in the deep palace to see the lost glory.

"It's so beautiful. Can I take it back to see you?" Although the princess kept her manners elegant, her voice still had a slight tremor and reluctance. She couldn't wait long before Aska took back the seal of auxiliary government.

"Yeah, of course. Ye Lin said that there is something called a video, but due to a problem with the playback equipment, it cannot be delivered for the time being. If you want to see it, I will ask Ye Lin to get it over as soon as possible."

Aska's smile grew brighter as she talked, and she vividly described how she had a very happy coming-of-age ceremony with photos.

The princess listened silently with a smile. If there was a chance in the future, she would also like to hear her daughter's adventure stories, but it was still time to say goodbye. The corners of her mouth slowly raised: "Who is this Ye Lin? The name appears quite frequently. "


Askar paused in his words, his face turned red, and he hurriedly explained: "He is a good friend I met during my time in trouble. Hedunmar has a princess Paris, and I had a fight with her..."

Aska, who was in a state of agitation, said something that didn't match his words, and in the end he could only bow his head.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about. We are all grown up girls. It's time to think about life-long matters."

The princess smiled as if she understood, gently touched Aska's smooth and shiny hair, and murmured: "Your father and I were also engaged at the age of eighteen. At that time, he was still just a prince."

She suddenly realized that it seemed inappropriate to say this now, and quickly changed the subject of the wise king. She worried but carefully warned: "Aska, you are different from other princesses. You have now mastered yourself." However, the face of the royal family must be taken into consideration. The other party must be a noble, and the personality cannot be too strong, and must not interfere with the political power. The first child in the future will be named Su Nan..."

Aska, who had listened well at first, was suddenly ashamed and said coquettishly: "Oh mother, what are you talking about? I am just now at the age where I can get engaged."

The princess had only been here for less than half an hour before she had to leave with the photos. If she stayed longer, there would be unnecessary gossip.

The royal family is ruthless and has always been so.

Askar's eyes were reluctant to leave, but his breath was calm and his eyes were firm: "I want to become a king that everyone loves, I will definitely!"

"Nuo Yu, how much information do you know about Ye Lin? Tell me briefly." Outside the palace, on the way back, the princess asked Xiao Ling in her arms.

"He is a nobleman of Vanes, a strong man in the same realm as the Nine Dragon Sage, and an adventurer."

"Nine Dragon Sage level..." The princess's face changed slightly, she stood there thinking for a while, her eyebrows were slightly furrowed but she didn't say anything.

Women are always attentive. Although Aska covered up the two quilts well, the tea sets left behind by the three cups of black tea prepared by Nuoyu last night were not put away early in the morning.

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