Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 614 It seems like a coincidence, but it is also inevitable

If it weren't for the fact that the elders were dark elves and Aslan was relatively dazzling at the time, we would probably only be able to find traces of Aslan's existence from ancient history books.

A living person who participated in the Dark Holy War?

Everyone found it very incredible. Because the tyrant Barak responded to Ozma, the dark elves were quite favored in that era, even the dark elves of the Xu Ancestor.

They had never participated in the Dark Crusade, but they later learned from various rumors that Ozma had caused terrible wounds to the human race that have not yet been completely healed.


"Is he Aslan the Forgotten?"

Ye Lin murmured and began to look around. The "dead" Aslan could not have the power of space. So the only conclusion was that he followed him all the way from Hebron to the Demon Realm and was as loyal as Segha. Unique red clown.

Of course, depending on the loyalty and caution of the red clown, it is unlikely that it would bring Becky, who was of great use to the apostle Luke and known as the "smartest first-generation Hormonkuluz", to play with him.

"Oops~ I found my location by you."

On a seemingly deserted piece of grass, a living doll with a weird physique, funny appearance, and a clown hat suddenly jumped out.

The back of Ye Lin's right hand has the silver pattern of Gaunis, the ruler of space. He is particularly sensitive to the power of space, so the red clown cannot hide from his eyes.

The dark elves who hurriedly fled out of the forest stopped and gasped. They fought with this weird and funny-looking guy, who was even more difficult to deal with than the big man.

The bodies that appear to be plated with gold are actually indistinguishable phantoms that can confuse people's eyes.

"Aslan, why don't we leave quickly? These people are too strong."

The red clown was mumbling a little, and suddenly opened a space crack behind Aslan, trying to pull him away quickly.

Lord Luke's condenser has not collected enough light to restore the full glory of the monarch of Hebron, and cannot cause more trouble, even in the lower continent of Arad.

"Red clown." Ye Lin suddenly called out the other person's name.

"Yeah, who are you calling me? I'm the Golden Clown."

The red clown wiggles his finger and laughs funny, indicating that you called the wrong name. At the same time, he is very vigilant in his heart, hiding a knife behind his smile.

The surface of the skeleton that supports its body is plated with a layer of gold, making it look shiny and glowing with golden light, making it extremely luxurious and extraordinary.

Ye Lin didn't expose it, he spread his hands and said, "Do you know Seghart? He told me."

The gold on the surface of the opponent's body is actually a layer of seal that can seal the red clown's true power, namely red sunlight, blue moonlight, and silver starlight.

The clown who has not unlocked the seal is the golden clown, and the clown after the gold on the surface melts is the more powerful red clown.

The red clown suddenly fell silent. Seghart was a life form of light under the Dragon King. It once wanted to capture that guy to the Silent City and feed it to Lord Luke to restore his strength.

But the immortal magic of the Explosive Dragon King and the incomparable loyalty of Seghart made the Lord of the City of Light and the City of the Sky merge into one, making it impossible to take them away.

In the end, it could only leave the seeds of nightmare in the hanging city with good lighting, and transfer the energy of light to the silent city.

It can't figure out now whether these powerful humans in front of it are enemies or friends. If they know their identity, will they know Lord Luke?

The red clown has the ability to read the minds of people with low strength. However, this mysterious human being was one step ahead of him and said: "Red clown, what exists is existence. Unless it is destroyed, it will not disappear out of thin air. You should leave quickly. "

Becky was away, and he didn't have much thought to plan with the red clown for the great revival of Hebron.

Otherwise, he would be happy to make some plans for the old man and send five thousand dollars to the troubled Luke. After that, the monarch of Hebron will surely reward him with the chancellor of Hebron, a general, etc. It should be easy …

Luke used light refraction technology to hide the huge Silent City, which is the upside-down dimensional city. He even briefly hid it from Held, thinking that he was safe.

However, the mysterious disappearance of powerful men in the demon world slowly attracted Held's attention, such as Moonlight Walker Yasin, Demon Sword Beyaro, etc...

Until, the "Vlad" organization was accidentally but inevitably discovered by Held.

Vlad's leader is Schneider of Purification. After Alice, the first leader of "Tarrakuta" disappeared, the fight for the new leader started between Schneider and Ron of the Void.

In the end, Schneider's fire magic was defeated by Ron's dark magic.

Vlad is an organization of magicians who worship Luke, and the secret leader of Tarakuta, the largest magic organization in the demon world, is Held.

As long as there is any abnormal movement in this small organization, it is impossible for Held, who is willing to investigate, not to know about it!

Ye Lin could only tactfully remind him that being too straightforward would not be a good thing for him.

Because the red clown will probably not believe it, and then bring the Tarot card army over and ask him about the reasons and motives.

After all, as far as the red clown is concerned, Lord Luke's methods have been maintained for hundreds of years, and there is no way something could go wrong.

"Oh my, what are you talking about? It's so interesting."

The red clown moved his hands in funny postures, pushing Aslan to leave quickly. There was a big problem, and humans saw through their origins!

"I hate magic!"

In the end, Aslan noticed the unsealed surging magic power in Ye Lin. It seemed vast and infinite, and he had only seen it in a limited number of people in the demon world.

Especially the one he hates the most, the first element user Held!

The power of the seal was ineffective against him. Aslan picked up the giant soldier and waved it, bringing up fierce winds. The flame-shaped Suzaku pounced away, and hundreds of meters in radius were suddenly scorched and hot.

Siatt wanted to wave Rewardin to wipe out the flames along with Aslan. At the critical moment, Yelin held his wrist and smiled and shook his head, "It's better to leave it to Minette."

Minette, who was standing on one side, looked grateful, and a short sword appeared in his hand. It was as textured as jade, and the blade was dark red, containing extraordinary fire power.

The first of the three major weapons of the ninja lineage, the Fire Flame: Kusanagi Sword!


Minette's expression was calm, so the elders looked at her in astonishment, put aside the Kusanagi sword, quickly formed seals in their hands, and shouted softly: "Rasen shuriken!"

She activated the Kusanagi sword itself as a kunai, threw the weapon surrounded by flames, and shot out, hitting the flying Suzaku flames.

The power of Bi Fang and Suzaku collided, and a strong heat wave burst out in the air, and both of them were annihilated and dissipated.


Minette hooked her fingers, and the Kusanagi sword quickly flew upside down and was held in her palm. Her goal had been achieved.

Both the elders and the gathered members of the "Duramin" witnessed her maneuvering the Kusanagi sword with their own eyes.

Although the elders are very arrogant, if Karan Xi'er was still there, they would probably become followers and not dare to show off their pride.

The real "Bifang Zhiyan" is not only recognized in terms of strength, but also a revolutionary leader of the ninja lineage. If it is purely analogous in terms of meaning, he is the current new king of Xu Zu, Aska!

"Let's go!"

The red clown opened a space rift directly under Aslan's feet. The more people present showed their strength, the more uneasy it became. It shouldn't come looking for some illusory real dragon, and just wait obediently for Lord Luke to recover.

Aslan was still reluctant and roared angrily, but the red clown made up his mind and took him away directly. The two disappeared quickly, and Ye Lin did not stop him and just sighed silently.

"No matter what, we are the same race. Whether it is the ancestor of Caran Xier or the envoy of Vannes, my body is filled with cursed blood!"

In a rare move, Minette stopped her idle activities and said "cursed blood", completely arousing the sense of homology with the dark elves and greatly increasing their sense of closeness.

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