Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 620: Let’s blame Feng Zhen

"Yeah, I'll arrange for someone to do it later."

Aska nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and the girl's soft heart became more and more fragrant and joyful.

"No, I'll send someone to do it right away!"

She couldn't wait any longer, so she pulled out a few packets of seeds marked with red dots from a pile of seeds, then flipped through to find the corresponding booklet, trying to summon the maid.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself!"

The few packets of seeds in her hand add up to two and a half kilograms, but even if someone were to exchange them for the same weight of gold for her now, she would not exchange them for a penny.

"Come here, please announce all the corresponding officials to the main hall."


"Sir, you are very considerate, and I admire you very much, but how did you come up with this?"

Nuo Yu's beautiful eyes were full of joy. Taking advantage of the popularity of the Qinglong Conference, Xu Ancestor turned his focus to business and trade, which could indeed bring Xu Ancestor huge wealth in a short period of time.

On the contrary, the food necessary for human survival was actually ignored for a while. After all, it takes a long, long time for food to see results.

Some officials once proposed exchanging iron ore for food, but how could they have peace of mind if they had food in their own hands?

And as long as the planting is successful, the straw attached to the food products is also a good added value.

"Have a meal!"

Ye Lin smiled and wanted to reach out to serve tea, but found that Nina hadn't come back yet, so he had to give up.

"When we first came to Xuzu, Mailu once muttered that Xuzu's rice tasted ordinary. Fengling and Aisha also said that Hutton Mar's rice from the Milan Plain was delicious, so I paid attention to the issue of crop types. It happened that I I also accidentally learned from Siatt that Suran City once experienced a shortage of supplies when a large number of tourists came in, so..."

"So~" Nuo Yu was surprised, and then praised: "Sir, you are keenly aware that Xuzu's food products may only be enough for self-sufficiency, but not enough to cope with emergencies such as famine?"

Xu's motherland is remote and blessed by the divine dragon. It does not have smooth weather, but it rarely suffers from extreme disasters.

However, in recent years, there have been constant changes in the mainland, and no one dares to conclude that Xuzu can continue to live peacefully. If there is a larger-scale natural or man-made disaster, problems may arise from within.

Her senior brother is Sha Ying, and she has heard Sha Ying say in her spare time that the reason why the imperial garrison in the Milan Plain was defeated half a year ago was not only the joint efforts between him and Ye Lin, but also the imperial army's wanton trampling and low-priced food. It aroused the anger of all civilians and was unpopular!

"Sir, seeing the pure lotus in the glitz, I feel ashamed of myself."

Nuoyu became more and more respectful and admired. The room temperature was very warm, the black tea was slightly hot, and her beautiful cheeks were stained with a touch of rouge, which was fragrant and fragrant.


"Bah, bah!"

Satisfied, Nina closed the lid of the tea cup and hummed a few times. When she turned her head, she found Mei Xiu looking at her, and her hair stood on end.

"You hate that sword god? But how did I hear that you actually have some friendship with him?" Mei Xiu asked curiously.

"Well, it's not that annoying." Nina tweaked, and then said confidently: "But, he made me lose my dessert that day!"

Aska accidentally leaked the information about Ye Lin's invisibility ring to Nina, and then she understood that the cold water on the back of her neck when she blew air into her ears was all his fault!

Mei Xiu understood immediately, and then suggested furtively: "Then why don't you add some other ingredients, such as salt and vinegar?"

"No, it will be tasted."

Nina brought the hot tea and sent it over with satisfaction, leaving Mei Xiu with a weird look on her face, but she felt that it was not necessarily profitable.


He happily summoned the officials and asked them to immediately send people to plan the fields, plant crops and set up test plots. Aska, who had been busy for a while before going back, suddenly realized that more than two hours had passed.

When I returned to the living room, I found that Ye Lin had left and the tea on the table was empty. Only Nuo Yu was left sipping tea, waiting to tutor her in her homework.

On the corner of the table, there is a note pressed with a large golden crystal. The note says that this is the support point of the space door and needs to be placed in a concealed and suitable location.

Aska's face was full of pity, "Sister Yu, I'm tired, can I get some sleep?"

"Yes, wake up and continue with your homework. I will live in the palace recently."

next day

The sun is shining brightly, everything is pure and bright, sweeping away the haze of late night.

Celia collected the keys of each door into a bunch, handed it to the wind chime solemnly, and said: "I'm going to ask you to coordinate during this period of time. We have to prepare for the first official trade after we return."

"Well, don't worry, there will usually be no accidents."

Feng Ling nodded after taking the key. The reason why she and her brother Feng Zhen chose not to return to Hutton Mar Dojo for the time being was because they wanted to spend more time with their mother Feng Lian.

Once everything returns to normal, it won’t be too late to make plans to go back.

"Then we have to leave first. Xuzu's vacation is over for now. We will come back to play when we have free time."

The sound of horse hooves clattered as they headed outside Suran City. The next time Celia pointed to might be the world's best blacksmith conference, and she would definitely want to join in the fun of sponsoring it.

It may also be that when it snows in Xuzu, the place here is relatively cold, and the snow season is earlier than that in Hedunmar.

The snow scene must be within a suitable range. The snowflakes are like knives in the Snowy Land of Ston, and the wind is biting. You can only sit in a woolen tent and shiver.

At this time, Suran Palace.

"Your Majesty, he has just left the city and you miss him?"

Nou smiled teasingly at Aska, who was sullenly holding his cheek with one hand, but sighed secretly, so he was not the same.

"No, I was thinking that I must become a king that everyone loves and live up to his expectations!" he defended with a blushing face.

"Aska, he left a gift for you." Nina came from outside the door holding a gift box. After getting to know Nina, who has a carefree personality, she rarely calls her by her honorific title, but after seeing Nuo Yu, she still vomited. Sticking out your tongue is a bit awkward.

"Really? Come and take a look!" Aska jumped up and stopped looking outside the city, and went to open the gift happily.

Aska's are two shiny new Suzaku headdresses. Different from the pair on her head, this pair is auspicious objects made from the feathers on the wings by the little Suzaku.

Nuo Yu held a piece of paper with a smile and said nothing, which said, "There are close friends in the sea, and we are like neighbors even as far as the end of the world."

And the delighted Nina got a big box of chocolates.

Yuexi Town

Mo Mei's father, Mo Yun, frowned and hesitated while holding a postcard.

When Ye Lin was presented as a special guest during the Qinglong Conference finals, he and his wife identified him as the son-in-law whom he had called around at their home last night.

Mei Yu was overjoyed and his face was bright, but later he went to Ye Lin privately and asked as his father-in-law, do you know Emperor Nian and can you get an autograph?

"I remember that the boy had a weird look on his face at that time, and I understood. Sure enough, he asked his daughter for her autograph..."

Mo Yun rolled his eyes. On the postcard in his hand, two words were written on the back... Mo Mei!

Emperor Nian is my daughter.

"Ye Lin didn't dare to disobey me and ask for an autograph. He also knew that I couldn't leak Emperor Nian's name. However, this is too much! How can I, the Mo family, be a daughter-in-law and a son-in-law?"

He stood up silently, walked to the back of the dojo to find Mei Yu, and explained the whole story clearly. Thinking about it carefully, there was no need to hide it from his wife.

Sure enough, Mei Yu held her forehead, overwhelmed by the huge surprise, and murmured: "Our little Yuexi Town, our daughter..."

"Mei Yu, let me remind you that the royal family deliberately hides Emperor Nian's identity to keep it mysterious. When you are walking in the streets, don't let it slip!"

"Nonsense, I understand. I'm just happy. Our talents are limited and we are stuck at the threshold of awakened people, but my daughter is trying her best. I can't say it, but I am proud of it in my heart."

"Then he must have inherited my talent!" Mo Yun was convinced.

"Go away, she originally studied Nian Qi, not martial arts. I taught her. Nian Qi talent is none of your business."

"Just you? You want Mo Mei to be proficient in the air shield, but you can't learn even a single attack skill?"

"Can you blame me? You can't blame Feng Zhen! He taught me later!"

Mei Yu's eyes flashed coldly as she rolled up her sleeves, thinking that if you keep nagging me, I'll be violent.

"That's right, blame Feng Zhen. His teaching was terrible. Thanks to his son-in-law's guidance, he didn't go astray." Mo Yun, with a resentful look on his face, quickly gave in. There's no shame in being cowardly.


"Very good, very good."

The elders of "Dulamin" stroked their beards and were extremely satisfied with the luxury of EX Dornier. They felt comfortable on the way back to the Dark City to pay homage to their ancestors.

"Sorry, the two boats over there are yours."

Ye Lin pointed to the ordinary Dornier. There were already GBL believers following the caravan waiting. Although the items inside were complete, the comfort level was obviously not as good as that of the finely decorated EX Dornier.

The faces of the elders trembled slightly, but they dared not speak out in anger. They had noticed that the people who had just entered the airship one after another were all powerful and no one was easy to mess with.

"We specially prepared two airships for you. They are spacious enough. Everyone else is crowded together."

Ye Lin shrugged. Celia brought a carriage caravan with her when she came, leaving most of them to the wind chimes.

Minette and Gu Yu had already taken the lead and rushed to the Dark City in the "Glasses" to quickly bring the news back and at least let Meia prepare a simple welcome ceremony.

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