Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 627 The Sealed Temple!

The ancestor worship ceremony was held very grandly and ended smoothly without any disturbance, and we moved on to the next target point.

Alicia, who was following Youyu as a guard, had increasingly complicated eyes. She had a very ambivalent attitude toward the dark elf clan to which she belonged.

There was grudge and hatred, but I was also proud and passionate about the heroes of my race.

After thinking for a long time, it finally turned into a long sigh, silently lowering his head and following the sacrificial team towards another dark elf temple.

There are many temples used by the dark elves to pray for the peace and prosperity of the race. However, it later consumed too much financial and material resources. Now most of them only remain in shell form, and only a handful of them are still in operation every year. The role of sacrifice.

For example, the temple near the Tomb of Heroes, as well as the temple closest to the Dark City, the most majestic, and the first to be built. According to legend, the soul of Aragorn, the Lord of the Holy Spirit, sleeps in the temple.

Alicia slowed down and walked side by side with Ye Lin, and then whispered: "Boss, that temple has been sealed for nearly two hundred years, and it is older than me."

"Seal?" Ye Lin was slightly surprised.

"Yes." Alicia nodded nervously and said quickly: "Master Buhai accidentally mentioned that this temple is not only the place where Lord Aragon is buried, but also a hidden door, a forbidden door. Behind the door, there is an extremely terrifying monster hidden!"

It turns out that after the kingdom was stabilized, the previous Dark Elf King Elred sent people to explore the world behind the door. However, they inadvertently attracted a huge mountain-like skeleton dragon and countless crazy and bloodthirsty monsters to rush out.

At that time, all the priests and guards who were responsible for guarding the temple were killed in the battle. The army sent to suppress it later also suffered heavy damage and spent a huge price before barely eliminating the monsters.

Only the skeleton dragon with half of its body stretched out was really too powerful. If the kingdom wanted to destroy it, it would have to pay a heavy price. In desperation, it had no choice but to blow up the internal temple and kill the skeleton dragon. Rush back.

Since then, the temple has only remained an empty shell on the outside, used only for worship, and the interior has been completely sealed.

In order to beautify the process of suppression, it is natural to use beautiful words such as the Holy Spirit coming to the world to protect the people.

"Have you ever thought about going to investigate more carefully?" Ye Lin asked with a frown.

Alicia folded her arms and pouted, and said disdainfully: "Boss, how can we check? At that time, the Queen's faction and the Senate were fighting fiercely. The mobilization of the army was too sensitive, and there was a disaster ahead, that is, Xia Plun, so let I'm afraid his legs will tremble when he goes in."

He and Alicia continued chatting, and before they knew it, they had arrived at the Dark Elf Temple, and the teams were in place to prepare for the sacrificial ceremony.

Aragorn, Lord of the Holy Spirit, even though he has passed away for thousands of years, is still the immortal king in the hearts of all dark elves, and his descendant Meia still enjoys some reputational blessings.

"May the Lord of the Holy Spirit bless you~", to the dark elves, this is the most sincere blessing.

Because the interior of the temple was destroyed, the sacrifices could only be left outside the door, but the elders of Dulamin were still in tears and could not afford to kneel.

Although they have been living in Xuzu for hundreds of years, and they have each bought a house, started a family, and raised children, the "roots" deep in their souls, the heroes in their hearts, still belong to Dark City.

Only by going round and round all the way back to the starting point can we savor the glory of our ancestors and that wasted time.

After the sacrifice, although the elders' eyes were red and their faces were in tears, their hundreds of years of regrets were satisfied and their spirits improved significantly.

Meia will still host banquets in Dark City and let them stay for a while to exchange some experiences and news. If anyone is willing to settle in Dark City, she will also warmly welcome them.

The dark elves left the temple one after another, leaving only a few patrolling guards.

Ye Lin touched his chin and stared at the temple, which was bright on the surface but collapsed inside, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Boss, what did you find?" Alicia signaled the guards to patrol elsewhere, so there is no need to worry here.

She knew that Ye Lin's strength was unfathomable, but in the history books, Karloff, the bone dragon surrounded by thunder and lightning, was probably not dead yet.

Ye Lin pointed to the door blocked by magic and said calmly: "Someone has entered the innermost part of the temple."

"It's impossible, boss. That seal was set by the Dark Elf elders two hundred years ago. They were the elders of the same generation as Shaplen before the Balerian incident. They were very powerful."

Alicia shook her head quickly, her silky hair dancing gently. The seal on the door showed no signs of collapse, and the temple building looked intact from the outside. How could anyone sneak in.

Not to mention sneaking in, even if the awakened people tried their best to attack for a day, they might not be able to destroy the temple that was sealed by the elders.

The gates and walls of the temple have extremely complicated and detailed patterns, which can make people dizzy at a glance, which is enough to show that the dark elf elders have worked hard on the seal.

"Alicia, do you know Rice Cake? Mailu's little friend, that unicorn."

"I know him. He likes to drink. I even fed him."

"Then did you know that Rommel's mount is also an adult unicorn?"

"Euniosis, I know. Lord Rommel completed the seven tasks of the bitch goddess Venus with it, and then died of coughing blood from exhaustion."

Alicia's tone was full of resentment and disdain. As a goddess, she failed to fulfill her agreement with Rommel. After his death, she built a Hero's Tomb to praise his bravery. This was clearly shameless and hypocritical.

"Well, let's not talk about that for now." Ye Lin waved to her, pointed to the door and whispered, "Do you want to go in and see what's going on?"

"Hey, how do you get in here? Force your way in?" Alicia was slightly surprised and hesitant.

"No, no, it's the power of space. Rice cakes can cross space constraints within a certain distance. There's no reason why the adult Euniosis can't."

"Could it be that you said it was Mr. Rommel who came in?"

In Rommel's era, some elves had just been cursed by the goddess. Their skin color turned dark, their hair turned gray, and their eyes could not adapt to the strong light.

Some unicorns are also affected by the curse.

"Are you going? You only have one chance." The silver marks on Ye Lin's right hand were shining, and he was about to go directly through the door and enter the interior.


Alicia nodded heavily, stretched out her soft, boneless hands, and placed them in his palm.

In the blink of an eye, the two disappeared.

After a while, You Yu, who was hiding in the dark, slowly walked out and said helplessly: "Can he handle it? The door inside has always been a worry for us dark elves."

"No problem, it's just a bone dragon. How much stronger can it be than Spitz? Just tear it apart." Minette, who was leaning on the side, looked lazy and seemed to have no interest.

"Instead of that, You Yu, let's go take a bath together? Can you call Meiya? I'll go find Viola? Let's take a sauna together, or you can wait for Ye Lin to come out and ask him to join us. It's okay to sweat. It will be faster.”

You Yu, who was worrying about the forbidden door, stiffened her expression, glared at her fiercely, and said coldly: "No, I don't have time, you can go to the bar by yourself."

Minette, who was rejected, curled her lips secretly and sighed silently. These cute girls with beautiful figures and proud figures are so difficult to get hold of.

Obviously I am also a woman, so I should be born with advantages.


Inside the temple

The surrounding light suddenly dimmed, as if suddenly falling into a deep cave, which restricted Ye Lin's vision to a large extent, but Alicia thought it was okay. Dark elves have strong night vision capabilities.

The floor of the temple beneath my feet was almost cracked, and few were intact. The walls were old and mottled, and there were many deep marks, like those made by a knife or claws.

The beautifully carved palace pillars were broken from the middle, as if broken by a huge force. The fallen rocks fell in piles above their heads, and the air was filled with a smell of decay and ruin.

"Rommel did come!"

Ye Lin focused his eyes on the corner, twisted his fingers, and a nearly completely transparent crystal flew into his palm. The texture was smooth and shiny, without the sharpness or sharpness of crystals or diamonds.

Soul crystal!

Special materials that can only be condensed by destroying the resentful souls are very precious and rare materials even in the Senate.

When the Dark Elf Temple had to be sealed off, there was no extra time to deal with the soldiers and temple personnel who died in the battle. They never thought that two hundred years later, the soul crystal would actually be formed.


Alicia's voice was trembling, and she pointed tremblingly in one direction. Not far away, there was a pile of twisted bones of different shapes.

"The remains of a skeletal monster? He killed these things."

Ye Lin stared at the wreckage and fell into deep thought. He was seriously considering whether to continue walking.


Just standing at the entrance of the temple, he noticed an aura that made his hair stand on end.

He had already guessed the general outline of the matter. Rommel, who had broken into this place, bravely moved forward with his dead body, straight into the forbidden door deep in the temple.

That door leads to a realm that mortals cannot touch...

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