Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 644: As is the case with people, so is the sword

If it were just simple magic addiction, it would be easy to solve, but it also has drug resistance, which is the most difficult key problem to solve.

"Actually, her nature is not as bad as other members of the Ka Xiu sect. She is simply tortured by illness and mentally disturbed." Erica sighed with pity in her eyes.

Ye Lin used a little strength to break free from his hand. Dinas seemed very disappointed without the warmth. He slowly walked to the corner and hugged his knees on the bed in a daze, looking so lonely and helpless.

She knows her illness and is satisfied this time. What about next time?

After closing the cold door and separating the helpless Dinas, Ye Lin continued to walk to Soderos' floor, but he was a little distracted and seemed to be deep in thought.

"What, you want to save that little girl? The famous sword god is actually a good old man." Liang Yue teased.

"I once rescued a girl, Lily, who was controlled by the ice dragon Skatha in the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain. She was also very hungry at the time, her face was frostbitten, and she looked silly. But now she is as lively as a flea."

He shrugged helplessly. In fact, he was just curious and thirsty for magic power, but Dinas's act of biting himself accidentally touched something.

"It's useless. Sister Aizela can't help it. What can't be solved is drug resistance, not addiction." Erica couldn't help but persuade.

Ye Lin nodded as if he had listened, and then immediately said confidently: "How about making a bet and saying that I have a way to solve addiction?"

"No, the verification time is too long, and we still have to go to Hutton Mar!"

Erica shook her head vigorously. If she waited for the verification results in the Tower of Despair, wouldn't it mean that her time to go out to play would be delayed?

And she didn't believe from the bottom of her heart that Ye Lin had a solution. One of the most difficult and difficult diseases in the demon world could not be solved so easily.

What's more, this is obviously the first time Ye Lin has seen Magic Hunger.

Liang Yue was the only one on the side who was deep in thought. He would definitely not believe it if others were so confident, but for Ye Lin, a strong man who rose like the blazing sun, he had some expectations.

Of course, the most important thing is that if Dinas can be cured, he can be quieter on weekdays. That girl's crazy voice is quite annoying.

Standing at the door of Sodros, he touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed, but he still took a deep breath and reached out to open the door.

However, the layout of Suo Ye's room made him a little stunned. The last time he came, the other party's room was very simple, with nothing but daily necessities, and it was full of the sharpness of knives and swords.

But now there are quite a few changes in the room, with an extra wooden table, a tea set, and... a blacksmith's torch, and even some rare ores piled in the corner.

The strong contrast made Ye Lin stunned. He turned back to stare at Liang Yue blankly. What happened? Master Suo was also injured? Start learning Linus blacksmithing?

Sodros, who was sitting on the futon and playing chess, seemed to be accustomed to this kind of gaze. He said calmly: "As a swordsman, I want to try to make a sword myself and experience the process of sword formation. This will be very helpful for my practice." benefit."

He advocates using the most awkward weapon to face the situation when encountering difficulties, so as to force himself to constantly break his limits and perfect his sword skills.

But his ultimate goal is to kill the most powerful and mysterious apostle in the demon world. Of course, he can no longer be arrogant enough to use weapons that are not handy against his enemies.


In the corner, the magic sword Clarice was dangling, seemingly resentful.

She still didn't understand that she was so strong, so why bother to build those rubbish? With just one collision, she could cut off all the other weapons.

Is there a limit to love?

"Juniors have learned a lesson."

Ye Lin bowed his hands in greeting. The sword is the life of a swordsman. A sword takes shape through tempering, polishing and other difficult processes, which is very similar to the growth process of a swordsman.

Sodros himself also understood that it was almost impossible to perfect his swordsmanship in a short period of time, so he might as well try to find another way after practicing every day.

"Come and sit."

The expected scene of the other party teaching him a lesson did not appear. Instead, he calmly asked him to sit down.

If it weren't for the demon sword Clarisse who was standing by quietly complaining, at first glance, I would have thought that the other person was an ordinary old man playing chess in the park after dinner.

Chess was brought by him when he came last time, and it was very popular among the strong men in the Tower of Despair.

The chess game in front of him was an endgame, and it had reached the end. The situation was tragic, but the red square held by Soderos had a clear advantage.

"I didn't accompany him, he played two roles himself." Liang Yue shook her head slowly, but showed an expression of admiration.

Erica, who followed to watch the excitement, was stunned and said in surprise: "A person holds both black and red chess pieces? How does this work?"

Liang Yue spread her hands without making any expression, and then looked at Ye Lin with interest. Could he guess something?

Soderos moved the red chess piece one step, forming a certain-kill checkmate situation, but he frowned, showing a very dissatisfied expression.

After staring at the chessboard and thinking for a while, Ye Lin slowly said: "The biggest enemy is yourself?"

"Ha, not bad." Soderos smiled faintly, rearranged the chess pieces, and said, "This chessboard is mysterious. If I win one side, it means that there are things that I couldn't consider when I was the other side."

Ye Lin was so embarrassed after saying these few words. It was not that he had never tried playing chess with him, but he often ended up in a draw because he knew exactly what the "opposite" was going to do and what game he wanted to set up.

And Soderos seems to have really achieved the goal of playing two roles. If he is not schizophrenic, he can only be...

"He plays chess with himself, and it takes a week to play a game." Liang Yue was quite helpless.


"You have reached the realm of the Sword God, so do your best."

Sodros grabbed a sword embryo at random. It was a failure in his learning of sword-making. It didn't have an edge, but it was still handy.


Nodding heavily, Ye Lin was unequivocal and tried his best to release his sword intent and murderous intent. The other party had absolute pride and confidence, so there was no need for him to hide it.

In an instant, the space on the 90th floor of the Tower of Despair was filled with the aftermath of the battle between the two. If the material of the Genesis had not been ancient Terra technology, it would have been in pieces by now.

His offensive was violent and fierce, and he swung his sword with great enthusiasm, but Sodros held the sword in his hand, as if he was strolling in a garden, and dealt with each one steadily without any confusion.

Yelin is like a surging tsunami that will destroy everything in its path, while the other side is like a stable mountain. No matter how turbulent the tsunami is, I will remain unmoved.

Suddenly, with a flash of lightning-like brilliance, a rough sword embryo was placed between his neck. Although it had no edge or edge, it exuded a biting chill, causing cold sweat to break out on Ye Lin's forehead.

After a moment, Sodros moved the sword away and said calmly: "After the glitz, it is time to return to nature. This is true for people, and so is the sword."


After all, it was just a rough sword embryo. After a fierce battle, it was still subject to material problems and exploded into pieces.

The other Tower of Despair powerhouses who were watching through the projection monitor were all concentrating and holding their breath, daring not to come out. Although they had joined the Tower of Despair, one of their ideals was to defeat Soderos.

But now he knows very well that the gap between them is more than just a tiny bit.

A battle above the legendary realm, even if they are from different professions, will benefit a lot from this.

Although Soderos' eyes were indifferent, he was still quite satisfied with his progress.

However, although he can now be called the strongest in the world, it is still far from enough to face the group of perverts who have grown up in harsh environments since childhood in the demon world, as well as the ultimate life forms in the universe.

Ye Lin was still thinking about what he had gained after the battle. After a moment, he slapped his forehead and remembered something. He quickly took out a few booklets, quickly caught up with Sodros, who had already left, and handed them over.


Soderos stopped and glanced at him. The book had no cover and no idea of ​​its contents.

"Master, this is some experience from the top blacksmith masters in the Arad continent, Gu Gulian and Xinda. I am also interested in blacksmiths. I once exchanged dragon blood for this."

Although Sodros has never admitted that he is his disciple, he has always called himself a junior and disciple, not for the sake of gaining any glory, but purely out of respect for his status.

"Master, those two are top blacksmiths. These two books are about sword-making skills. As you just said, swords are also like people, maybe they will be helpful to you?"

Soderos was stunned for a while. He was a master of swordsmanship, but after all, sword-making was only a secondary profession. The experience of the top masters was indeed of great help to him.

After a moment of silence, he sighed deeply. A man should be like a sword, clean and bright, so why hesitate.

"I'll accept it, thank you."

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