Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 648: The Principal’s Troubles

After saying a simple goodbye to the familiar people, he took Erica out of the Canyon of the Dead and prepared to return to Hutton Mar.

The leader still has a lot of troublesome matters to deal with, and it will take some time.

She said that she was indeed very interested in Anton, and if she could spare some time, she would also like to set off to visit the heaven.

When Ye Lin found out, he quickly asked Reina and Ou Li. The leader Wen Wen Jingjing looked easy to bully, and her identity was too sensitive. The moderates were going crazy again. She must not be allowed to go to Hedunma alone. You or heaven.

The airship moved quickly. When passing through the Loland Forest, EX Dornier dropped off Anasta and Roye, and they were going to Xuzu together.

Wave goodbye and continue driving towards Hetton Mar.

Erica in the cabin was as excited as a well-fed sparrow. She kept chattering and asking how big Huttonmar was, how prosperous and lively it was...

Among the desolate ghost places in the Devil's World, only Central Park, where Katie is, is better. Secondly, southern Brooklyn, where Held lives, is not bad. The rest are barren lands filled with yellow sand.

Although she had been to many cities in Arad after she was slapped by Demon Emperor Xia Le, this was her first time to go to a free city like Hutton Mar, which was famous throughout the continent.

In fact, not long ago she wanted to go to Ghent, the capital of heaven, with Roy, but Roy said she disliked it, saying, "You are just a light bulb, disturbing my pursuit of true love."

Erica pressed her forehead against the window, and the lush forest kept passing by below, and murmured: "Do you know, even Sister Katie's Central Park is not as rich as just finding a piece of land outside the Canyon of the Dead? .”

She simply suddenly left the canyon where she had lived for a long time, and felt a little homesick. She talked to herself and didn't need anyone to answer her, and she didn't care if anyone listened.

"But, everyone in the Spin Demon Society and the Defenders are very cute. The naughty Bibi and the shy Pai really... feel a little homesick."


After a smooth journey back to the manor, Erica happily jumped off the airship and raised her hands to cheer for her freedom.

However, there was no one in the manor, or in other words, the empty doors were locked, and Alice and Celia did not come back.

After Siatt and Xiaoyu discussed it, they were going to go shopping on the street. The three paladins wanted to go back to deal with Kirsch's follow-up. Taylor yawned and wanted to go back to the store.

Ye Lin simply waved, "Let's go, I'll take you to find Beyana and Principal Shalan."

The magic school was originally supported by Shallan through Queen Meia of the Dark Elf. After arriving in Belmare, it was specially approved by Queen Skadi to build a landmark building on the west coast.

Later, as the diplomatic relations between the two countries eased, more and more people wanted to learn magic.

Shalan's original plan was to expand the campus and find more magicians from the dark elves to teach.

But he happened to meet Ophelia, the leader of the GBL religion, who understood the true meaning of the blue truth and was fulfilling his wish to spread the knowledge to everyone.

So the two parties got together and hit it off immediately. With the permission of Queen Skadi, a new comprehensive school was built in Hetton Mar to develop education, which has now been widely praised.

Erica blinked, looked at the grand gate of the school, and said in surprise: "It's a school where anyone can come. It's really strange."

It is not that there are no schools in the Demon World, but they are far less free and less formal than those from Arad. Instead, they are more like an organization between common lovers.

For example, the Ancient Library is a special kind of magic, and Mine, one of the eight major divisions of the Demon World, is also a place with a strong academic atmosphere for World of Warcraft.

Because this was her first attempt at education, Ophelia, one of the vice-principals, was very cautious. She did not accept many students for the first time, and the selection was quite strict.

However, because many people failed to understand the importance of education and were reluctant to send their children to school, Ophelia launched some preferential policies after a series of discussions.

For example, tailor-made and exquisite school uniforms (with GBL teaching logo), free lunch, etc. (funded by the Principality), free first semester, rewards for outstanding students, etc.

After all, education is a step-by-step process, and there is no need to be impatient. But as long as the first batch of students graduate successfully, they will be able to continuously supply outstanding talents to the Principality of Belmare in the future.

When the time comes, Ophelia will successfully inherit the legacy of her master Aden Bader and achieve her pursuit of "Blue Truth".


A little girl wearing a big mage hat and riding a super-large white brush was flying around several teaching buildings, followed by several cheering Fameliers.

Although it was lunch break, it was absolutely impossible for a magician like Maruko to expect her to rest peacefully.

Ye Lin made a trumpet shape with his hands and shouted: "Wanzi, come down!"


Wanzi controlled the graffiti pen and stopped steadily, while the shadow night cat lying in front of the hat was still trembling with its four thin legs.

"Let me introduce, this is Erica from the former Defenders. She is Maruko, a member of the Ancient Library."

After introducing each other, they simply let Wanzi take Erica around the school. She was flying around and had nothing to do anyway, and it was easy to talk to everyone since they were from the demon world.

As soon as he was on his way to Shalan's office, he stopped by Wanzi's classroom.

There were several tables put together in the corner, and a few little girls gathered together to eat lunch and chat. All the familiar faces were there, but Biana was missing.

Mintai, who was smiling while holding his chopsticks, suddenly noticed Ye Lin at the door. He quickly put down his chopsticks and said, as obedient and sensible as ever, "Brother, you are here."

Taking advantage of the moment when she left, Lily quickly gave Mintai the green peppers in her lunch box and hinted to Natya to keep it secret.

As for Bailey, who was wrapped in a mouse costume, he ate quickly and fell asleep on his stomach.

"Mintai, where is Bayana?"

"Outside the city, she skipped class."

Ye Lin:......

Mintai said that there was a very nice circus outside Hutton Mar. The last class in the morning was the theoretical knowledge of elements. Bayana was not interested, so she skipped class and went to watch the circus with Luo Lian.

Moreover, Mintai is a good boy and will not lie for others. He blushes when he lies, so he simply lowers his head and answers truthfully.

Principal Shalan has been very busy these days and has no time to pay attention to Biana, but let her complain.

"Biana, this naughty girl, she's itchy again after I haven't been here for a while, right?"

"Brother, Beyana is very smart, she can learn everything..." Mintai's face was slightly anxious, as if he was afraid that he would punish Beyana, and he immediately began to plead for her.

Looking at Mintai with cute and sensible eyes, Ye Lin twitched his lips and began to envy that guy Rabina again for having such a lovely sister.

"Well, you guys go eat. I'll go to the office. Also, Lily, put your green pepper back in and eat it!"


Dong Dong~

Knocking on the door of the principal's office, he pushed the door open after receiving lazy permission, and was immediately shocked by the sight in front of him.

The graceful and beautiful Principal Shalan, the flower of the high mountains on the west coast, is now full of exhaustion and lack of energy, and the blue enchantress on her head is a bit wilted.

There was a trace of glistening saliva at the corner of his mouth, and there were marks on his right arm. It seemed that he had just fallen asleep with his arm on his head, but was woken up.

"A busy man came to see me?"

There was a sense of exhaustion and weakness in her smile. Shalan seemed to be aware of her indecent posture and hurriedly wiped her arms and corners of her mouth with a piece of paper towel.

Ye Lin frowned, skillfully made a cup of tea and handed it over, "Principal, are you... staying up late playing mahjong?"

Principal Shalan is knowledgeable, beautiful and charming. For entertainment during her breaks from get off work, she will occasionally go to the landlady's place for a drink, and she is willing to have a drink if she has time.

"Where? I'm not free."

Taking the tea cup and thanking her, Shalan took a sip of tea, moistened her throat, and lamented: "You also know that it is autumn now, not long after school started after summer vacation, Ophelia has recruited new students, and I am the principal. I’m very busy. I don’t have time to play mahjong. There are not many pubs left.”

After drinking warm tea, my spirits were lifted a bit.

There is a small upright mirror on the desk, which is one of the essential items for women to carry with them, and Shallan is no exception.

Staring at her haggard self in the mirror, Shalan reached out and fiddled with her messy hair, sighing: "I'm so busy every day that I want to shave my hair short."

"That's not okay!"

Ye Lin firmly advised her to reject this bad idea, "Principal, your silver hair is the envy of many people."

"What do others care about if they envy me? Forget it. My shoulders are a little sore. Rub them for me."

What she said just now was purely out of anger and she was too busy complaining.

The strength of the palm was just right, neither light nor heavy, and it also contained a little warm fire element, which relaxed the muscles and stimulated blood circulation. It made Shalan feel very comfortable and she slowly closed her eyes.

"Ye Lin, you have to find a way to help me. If this continues, sister, my blue enchantress will wither."

"Well, what have you been busy with lately? Is it just a lack of manpower, or something like that?"

"I'm busy with too many things..."

Following Shalan's somewhat complaining narration, Yelin understood the key.

In the past, Shallan was in a magic school on the west coast. Due to the problem of magic talent, there were never many students, so it was easy to manage.

But this year, Ophelia has opened other subjects. Although the teaching areas for magic students and ordinary students are separate, they are basically all managed by Principal Shalan.

The number of teachers is actually sufficient, including dark elf magicians and senior followers of the GBL religion, but the teachers are only responsible for teaching and basically ignore other matters.

Generally speaking, it is the bloatedness of the entire school education institution and the lack of management resources.

"Principal, let me give you a suggestion. Find a class teacher who will be responsible for each class division. While standardizing the management of students, we will also make full use of teachers' resources."

He also thought about other positions. Shalan couldn't help but open her eyes and wondered: "Is it possible? The selected teachers will have a lot more work. Are they happy?"

"Those who have more work will of course need to increase their remuneration appropriately. As for you, principal, you only need to sit in the office and coordinate the final affairs."

Shalan thought for a while, then took a piece of white paper and simply wrote on it to outline a framework.

She is now more like a nanny than a principal.

Not only will students ask her about academic issues, but teachers will also send her questions about canteens, logistics, report cards, etc.

Putting down the paper, Shalan said in surprise: "In other words, treat the school as an institution?"

"This is true at the management level, but students still need to have a peaceful environment."

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