Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 654 The Mask of the King

The white uniform on his body is still the King of Tactics uniform used to bluff people when he went out to face the Silver Spoon Circus last time. Only the general level is eligible to obtain it.

Although he had been neatly groomed with Feiyan's help just now, now he calmly walked to the hall, his expression slightly cold but not too stiff, and he had a tough military demeanor.

But in the eyes of some jealous nobles, he was just a powerful and lucky guy. He didn't have the elegant temperament of a real nobleman, which was influenced by history.

They all secretly despised the fact that they were nothing more than local dogs wearing Chinese clothes and grass carp wearing dragon scales. However, what was even more ironic was that they did not dare to show any disdain on their faces.

When a noble is in decline, the only pride he can show off is his self-righteous noble temperament and cultivation.

The glances around him contained various emotions, envy, jealousy, disgust, hatred... Ye Lin was unmoved by all of them. He even straightened out his chest and shook the gold medal on his chest slightly.

It’s okay to see me unhappy, but what can you do to me?

If you can't do anything to me, then I'll feel better.

The nobles' deep sense of arrogance and looking down on civilians was also an important factor in the birth of Kallet in the lawless zone.

Even if Jacket later became outstandingly capable and ascended to the position of Commander-in-Chief of Heaven, he would still be secretly ridiculed as a "pariah who relies on Beilean."

The civil and military officials of the political hall were arranged on both sides. The civilian faction was headed by Jurgen, but Ye Lin held a military rank, so naturally they couldn't stand together.

As for the military officials, Ye Lin took a glance and suddenly felt ashamed again.

Although he holds the rank of general, he really doesn't know many people, and the personnel are all confused.

Zedin, who was the captain of the Ghent garrison, would not normally come to this place. Temi, who had been promoted to a school officer, was not qualified to come.

Standing in front of everyone so abruptly?

Heaven attaches great importance to etiquette and coerces the ministers. Such behavior is too arrogant.

Just find a place to hide?

That's not worth the gold medal on his chest.

Fortunately, Alijie appeared in time and looked hasty, breaking the confusion of thoughts and atmosphere in the political hall.

The gorgeous emperor's dress has a long back hem, and the flaxen hair is pulled up on the head, and the length can still fall to the waist.

Although Alijie was still young and her body shape could not support a sense of supreme majesty, the moment she appeared, the entire hall fell into absolute silence, and you could hear a pin drop.

Since she ascended the throne and became the prophesied "Dragon Emperor", she has become more and more comfortable in using her natural "superpowers".

Alijie is able to predict the future through dreams, and she is extremely sensitive to the slight changes in everyone's emotions. It is almost a weakened version of "mind reading"!

No one can hide their hidden thoughts in front of her. Everyone is like a book, forced to open it in front of Alijie, and then let her read it carefully.

"There is no need to salute. I have ordered frontline officer Wu En to temporarily withdraw the troops from the five major power stations and set up defenses in an encirclement shape."

Alijie speaks clearly and acts neatly.

At present, the Eaton Industrial Zone is encountering a bottleneck problem. Everyone in the Seventh Empire is focusing on the Siman Industrial Base. It is a sheer waste of time to be polite in this hall.

Her eyes were calm. She stood on the high platform in front of the throne and briefly glanced at the ministers below. No emotion could be read on her small face.

Although Ye Lin wanted to make the little girl happy, as the king of the Seventh Empire, she still inevitably wore something.


A mask that hides your thoughts, emotions, and any thoughts that can be read by others.

Aska, who is far away in Xuzu, is also slowly putting on a mask for himself. This is the only way to become an excellent king and a necessary thing.

Even if he can defeat the powerful apostle, there is no way to stop the two young monarchs from wearing a "mask".

"You must have read the frontline report. We paid a heavy price in dealing with the apostle guardians."

One of Elizee's "special abilities" is that she can infect the emotions of others unknowingly. Before Beilean passed away, the people knew that the next highest priest would be a person with a great gift of speech.

The same words were said without changing a single word, and it was a completely different feeling when it came out of her mouth and when it was said in someone else's mouth.

Now, even those agitated nobles slowly raised their heads to pay attention and did not dare to make any noise.

"Among them, according to Dr. Payne's estimate on the front line, 90% of the Plutz Power Station has been destroyed, and the rest is about 40 to 50%. If it can be rescued in time, it will be very beneficial to the economic recovery of our heaven."

Alijie has already analyzed all aspects thoroughly. The Seventh Empire is just in the stage of economic recovery. If it can salvage the five major power stations, it can provide relief through work!

Rebuilding the Siman Industrial Base by recruiting a large number of workers is also a way to alleviate social conflicts in the Eaton Industrial Zone.

There is a new power station in Mount Hart in the Imperial Capital, and the same applies to the lawless zone. Therefore, we must find a reasonable way to restore the economy of the Eaton Industrial Zone.

After all, the new power station presided over by Lindsay is only in its initial stage. The current civil power supply in Tianjie is still not sustainable 24 hours a day, and the commitment problem needs to be solved urgently.

Just like building a house, the world now has a good foundation, but how to grow into a luxurious palace is far from being accomplished overnight.

Next, Alijie did not ask for the opinions of the ministers throughout the whole process, but just narrated the current emergency situation and future development plans.

Now that she has invited powerful adventurers from the lower realm, she has expressed her thoughts and actions directly and clearly, and will not allow others to veto them.

Although the king must always listen to the words of wise ministers, the king must also have his own courage and decision-making!

"I decided..."

With the obvious delay in Alice's tone, everyone's spirits were lifted. It was finally coming. The emperor's order brought an end to the recovery of Eaton Industrial Zone!

"The front line of the Siman Industrial Base is still commanded by Brigadier General Wu En. The team led by our Heavenly General Ye Lin has the goal of destroying the five guardians and can move freely."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was inevitably some noise in the discussion hall.

This result was within their expectations. Instead of giving Ye Lin military power, it would be better to let him move freely. Moreover, he himself was not familiar with the military structure and might cause trouble.

As for Uen, he was promoted to military rank about a month ago. Otherwise, he was only a colonel, which was not enough to suppress Pedra Neumann, the commander of the Eaton Industrial Zone.

The middle-aged woman who was once the high priest wanted to use what she still had in her hands to seek interests that would never decline, like the Jurgen family.

In other words, she wanted to achieve the status of "Andy Wynn", maybe a little less than the level of "Merry Faionil".

Although Alizee is now secure in her position as emperor, part of the reason for this is still based on the prophecy of the "Dragon Emperor" and the shocking scene of four prostrate dragons that day.

Moreover, since the problem of Siman Industrial Base has not been solved, the attitude of the people of Eaton Industrial Zone towards Alijie has always been a bit subtle.

After all, she is not an iron-blooded tyrant like Lyon. Some people will inevitably question her at any time, especially when she is still very young.

These will all take time to test...

"in addition……"

Alijie seemed to have remembered something. She changed her words and said with a smile: "I will wait for the good news in this palace and reward you according to your merits. With the unity of our hearts in heaven, we will surely restore the glory of the Seventh Empire!"

As soon as these words came out, some people suddenly changed their expressions. It turned out that they were all waiting here.

The so-called unity of the people refers to everyone, including them of course, and rewards based on merit. To be clear, it means that I will give you a chance to perform.

Killing the enemy on the front line is a merit, and replenishing the logistics is also a merit. Now it is absolutely impossible for nobles like them to go into battle to kill the enemy, but material donations or human support all depend on their performance.

At that time, rewards will be given based on merit, and Alijie will have a legitimate reason to promote her cronies or suppress the nobles, and no one will be able to escape.

An'an had been stable for two months, and just when they felt that the limelight was slowing down a bit, they received a wake-up call!

And there is another very difficult figure. Nowadays, the voices of the people calling for the return of former Commander-in-Chief Jacket are getting louder and louder.

That man seemed to be born to oppose the House of Lords, as annoying as a squeaking mouse in the middle of the night.

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