Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 659 The Sleeping Apostle

"A bunch of idiots."

Pedra still couldn't help but cursed in his office. Probably because of middle age and menopause, it is very easy to get angry.

Her fierce face looked even more terrifying now.

Ye Lin and his team did not go through any official channels at all. They probably entered the country through the spaceship, and did not even bother to inform her. They really took Alijie's "freedom of action" to the extreme.

For her, this is the worst case scenario.

"I don't believe you can do it without contacting the Eaton military."

Her face was slightly green, and she was now at a crossroads of fate.

What she wants is not just the political status of Grand Duke Wayne, but a higher level. She wants to become the governor of the entire Eaton Industrial Zone!

He was in charge of all matters in Eton and was only nominally loyal to the Seventh Empire. He was an unprecedented governor who controlled both military and political affairs.

The two biggest reasons why she can have such crazy thoughts are that Eaton controls the power of heaven, and the Eaton military department does not recognize Alijie highly.

In terms of electricity, although Jurgen used to cut off food to treat her once, this method cannot be used frequently as it can easily arouse the resentment and anger of the soldiers.

Moreover, over the years, Eaton has also secretly accumulated a batch of grain.

Secondly, after the previous supreme priest Beilean died of illness, Kallet's attacks became more and more violent, and there was even a horrifying situation in which the princess was captured.

However, until Alijie ascended the throne, the Siman Industrial Base has been experiencing disasters, soldiers have been seriously injured, and the imperial capital has not taken any effective measures to deal with it.

On the contrary, because Alijie took the lead in appeasing the lawless zones, many soldiers felt a faint sense of dissatisfaction.

Isn’t it hard enough for us to fight monsters to the death?

But now, Lindsay, one of the Seven Gods, is supervising the new power station, and Elizee has sent heroes from the former heaven to support.

The two chips in her hands were rapidly losing value.

But she is really not too worried. The new power station cannot be completed overnight, and the adventurers in the lower world are not from the heaven after all.

Moreover, Alijie declared in the main hall that "rewards will be based on merit", which was also a bargaining chip for her.

As long as the Siman Industrial Base is recovered, what reward will she get as the dedicated commander of the Eaton Military Department?

Even if the governor is somewhat reluctant, Elize, who owns the dragon, will never allow it, but the position of commander-in-chief of the heaven seems to be still vacant.


When she was still some distance away from the industrial base, Kelly stopped the spacecraft and put down the team and Gina.

"I'm going to the lawless zone. I'm afraid that the old man will die in the yellow sand and no one will bury him. He will feed the vultures and wild wolves to fulfill his romance."

Kelly is a talkative person and often talks about Belit's death in a carefree manner, but she still often worries about his health and whether he is lacking anything.

The "glasses" turned into a golden arc and shot straight into the sky. Gina gently patted the door of the off-road vehicle and said: "If you don't want to deal with the Eaton Military Department, then we have to find two local acquaintances to take us there. internal."

She herself is the person in charge of the War Core Workshop, and more of her scientific research energy is in the design of weapons. For the research on electrical energy and power stations, she has to find professionals.

Ye Lin sat in the driver's seat of a car, waved them into the car, and said with a smile: "Mia, Melvin's sister, she is a senior engineer at Eaton."

The two off-road vehicles kicked up sand and dust on the road and headed straight to the end of the road, where the sky was covered by thick red smoke, boundless and vast, covering an area of ​​more than a hundred miles, as if the sun had lost its core here.

Siman Industrial Base is both a power station and a collective name for a city, where technicians and their families live all year round, and there are also family buildings in residential areas around it.

However, due to the overwhelming number of terrifying monsters brought by Anton, the building has long since been emptied of people. Now there are only troops, maintenance technicians, and some adventurers who have ascended to the heavens in the base.

In order to reduce the losses of the army, Alijie specially allowed some adventurers to enter the power station, hunt monsters to obtain materials, and dig out the more valuable magic brake stones along the way.

It's just that the five remaining apostle guardians are really not monsters that ordinary adventurers can deal with.

Since the team did not take the direction of the sea train, but came from the War Core Workshop, the closest power stations were the Grundy Power Station and the Terrance Power Station.

"We are the technical staff who came to support us."

Gina showed her ID to a few tired soldiers and was quickly released.

The huge Eaton Industrial Zone, including the soldiers, was exhausted and didn't have the inclination to look carefully, as long as they had documents.

"Actually, a long time ago, Kallet was able to easily assassinate Hailan's master, which had something to do with these loose guards."

The engines of the two off-road vehicles roared one behind the other. They did not stay in place, but were preparing to go straight through the entire industrial area and reach the northernmost point.

Mia and Dr. Pera are currently at the north end. The reason is that the Clay Power Station in the north is far away from the other four power stations. There are fewer monsters and it is easy to break through.

While Anton is asleep, there will be almost no reinforcements from the enemy.

The buildings on both sides of the road are covered with traces and mottled marks of war. It is said that on the day Anton arrived, locust-like monsters were densely packed and covered the entire industrial area, making the world dark.

Even now that half of the power station has been recovered, the streets are still deserted and there are no pedestrians. Occasionally, some soldiers look in a hurry, in twos and threes.

Siatt and Momei were both deep in thought. The scene in front of them was so similar to the one in the Village of Pain, Lesefin.

A few fluctuations caused by the apostle inadvertently can cause great harm to the indigenous people, leaving them desolate.

Whether they are good or bad, many things are beyond your control.

Now another terrifying apostle appears in front of the team.

The road was full of devastation, and Gina had no intention of introducing it. These painful wounds were an intuitive expression of information.

Since the Siman Industrial Base was basically recaptured with difficulty except for the core area guarded by the guardians, no monsters were encountered along the way.

The off-road vehicle traveled to the northernmost end, at the intersection of a street. Gina used the communicator to contact Mia and found the little girl in blue and black skirt.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm looking forward to the stars and the moon, you're here." Mia quickly saluted. Even Pella Wayne, who was always picky about her manners, couldn't find anything wrong with her etiquette.

The cute Mia, who is full of enthusiasm and thoughtful in etiquette, holding the little turtle, adds a touch of beauty to the dark and desperate industrial base.

"Come with me quickly."

Mia didn't ask why they came from that direction, or why they weren't greeted by the military, so she just welcomed them herself.

After crossing a few streets, we stopped at the door of a large-scale building, about five stories high. Judging from the sign at the door, it seemed that this place used to be an office building.

Opposite the small building is a small house similar in shape to rx-78, but the door is closed at this time, as if it is locked from the inside.

"Because I have to report information to my brother and play with communication devices every day, I temporarily live across from Dr. Wayne. It turns out that the science building where I work was destroyed."

Mia enthusiastically welcomed the team to go in and rest. It was basically empty and they could find a place to live wherever they wanted.

With the arrival of Anton and the occupation by monsters, the industrial base with a small number of people was greatly reduced, leaving empty buildings everywhere.

Dr. Wayne doesn't like to be disturbed by others, so he lives in a remote area with not many people around.

But if you go west, you will encounter a military camp stationed at the Siman Industrial Base. Mia often takes her pet and bodyguard Agui to go there to collect intelligence and send it to Ghent.

She can also sing some nice songs, and people look forward to her going to the military camp every day to bring some heart-warming smiles.

Ye Lin and Gina stayed on the first floor, listening to Mia describe the current situation of the industrial base in order to formulate plans.

The request from the Imperial Capital was to eliminate the apostle guardians, but try not to destroy the generator, so professionals were needed to follow in, shut down the generator, and cut off the energy supplied to Anton.

Siatt and the others found a large empty room, put down their greetings, and asked Ye Lin to make some random metal beds later.

After climbing to the top of the building and kicking open the door to the rooftop, they had time to carefully look at the industrial base beneath the "thick cloud of flames".

The curator clapped his hands gently, and everyone was wrapped in a bubble, rising slowly and stopping at a height overlooking the entire industrial base.

In such a large area, less than 1% of the area still has lights on. It is either a military camp or some small power stations that have been put back into use.

Mo Mei looked at the north, and after looking at it for a long time, she said in surprise: "Hey, Feiyan, your Siman Industrial Base was built on the mountains. Is it because it can block the water vapor from the sea from entering?"

The sight then moved to the north, and a majestic and majestic mountain suddenly broke into the field of vision.

The huge black and gloomy mountain reaches straight into the sky, like a black curtain hanging from the sky. The peaks are so high that it is difficult to measure its mammoth appearance.

However, Siatt's expression changed slightly because she remembered that on the topographic map, there was no trace of mountains near the Siman Industrial Base.

"Mo Mei~" Feiyan's voice was astringent and she said with a bitter smile: "That is Apostle Anton, the sleeping apostle."

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