Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 661: Tell me the truth

"Oh, that's right, I forgot." Feiyan looked a little confused and quickly shook her head and smiled.

"I just saw that you seemed to be coming from that way?"

She tentatively pointed at Anton. Currently, the twenty kilometers within the apostle's range were basically restricted areas, and no one dared to approach.

The apostle has a special electric current that can cause nearby machines to malfunction.

"Well, I touched Anton."

Ye Lin admitted it frankly, which shocked Feiyan.

Touch the apostle?

Did he think it was his left hand touching his right hand? He said it so lightly.

"I originally wanted to try using the fifth element to directly collapse the black volcano, but it failed as expected."

After patting the dust on his clothes, Ye Lin was secretly stunned. He was worthy of being an apostle. The body that seemed to be made of rock actually contained mysterious and powerful energy.

He tried to use the fifth element to peel off a layer of skin on the big turtle and dig some ore, but the magic power was like a mud cow entering the sea, silently.


Feiyan almost bit her tongue, feeling even more surprised.

Dr. Melvin once speculated that the Garba volcano on Anton's back, also known as the black volcano, should be the place that supplies energy to this huge body.

If the black volcano could be destroyed, the apostle might "starve" to death!

However, when a quantum bomb dropped, the volcano became even more violent, and the destruction plan was thrown into the trash.

Ye Lin gestured to his black palms, which were covered with volcanic ash from the big turtle, and joked: "Do you want to touch it? I can take you there."

"No, no, don't."

Feiyan waved his hands repeatedly, but his eyes couldn't help but be attracted by the volcanic ash. Is he really capable and dare to touch the apostle?

"Ye Lin, tell me the truth..." She seemed hesitant, eager to expect, but also afraid of the answer.

"Uh, you asked."

Feiyan's hair was fluttering in the evening breeze, and her beautiful little face was full of doubts and some stubborn urgency.

Ye Lin, who didn't know what was going on on the rooftop of this lonely man and woman, could only secretly take a look at Feiyan, and at the same time, his brain was thinking rapidly. Could he be attacked by Shura?

He also had the budding idea of ​​inviting Queen Skadi and Queen Meia to meet and stay in the same room.

But after a certain incident, he accidentally let it slip after turning it over to the treasury. The smiling Skadi gave a fatal blow with brightly painted nails that were not completely cut, and he temporarily killed the idea on his own.

"Do you really have a way to deal with the powerful apostle?"


Feiyan's little face quickly became panicked, and he did not answer immediately. Could it be that the heroes of the heavens, the powerful beings who had once received quantum bombs, were unable to deal with the apostles.

Could it be that, as Dr. Melvin speculated, he would just wait for Anton to absorb enough energy and leave on his own?

Ye Lin, who understood that he might be mistaken, twitched the corner of his mouth. Seeing that Feiyan panicked and almost cried in this short period of time, he was at a loss and said hurriedly: "Yes, there is a way, he is just an apostle, he has seen many , we can attack it through its mouth, it’s empty inside.”

Fortunately, as a member of the Imperial Queen's Courtyard, she had a good psychological quality and did not collapse on the spot, so Feiyan heard what she said later, especially Ye Lin's rather hasty and funny look, which made her get rid of her bad mood in a flash.

Regardless of whether what he said was true or false, she was willing to write him a letter just to give herself a tiny bit of hope.

Ye Lin was relieved when he saw that she was fine. The apostle put too much pressure on the heaven, and the energy-absorbing shell made those who knew about it even more desperate.


A tall and delicate body gently fell into his arms, and two soft jade arms slowly reached across his back, and slowly hugged him tightly.

"Thank you. No matter whether the imperial capital is surrounded or the power of the apostles, you can always bring a glimmer of hope when I feel dark."

The warmth was only temporary. Just when he was about to wrap his arms around the graceful waist, Feiyan had already taken a step back and left the embrace. Her smile was as bright as a flower. For a moment, it seemed to light up the entire dark industrial base.

"It's over..." He sighed, as if he couldn't bear to look at it.

"What's wrong?"

Feiyan's heart skipped a beat and she quickly looked towards the stairs. It was late at night and she didn't see Siatt and the others.

He patted his clothes, a little embarrassed, "My body is covered with volcanic ash from the shell of a big turtle."


Feiyan exclaimed and quickly lowered her head. Sure enough, there was a pungent smell of sulfur on her clean pajamas.


next day

After the team finished resting, Mia hugged her pet Turtle and glanced at the opposite side where the door had not yet been opened. Dr. Wayne hadn't come out for two days.

If it weren't for the constant clanging sound, I would have thought something unfortunate had happened.

"No need to wait for Doctor, I have contacted Unn and he will come to help."

Ye Lin clicked on a computer and said that he could go directly to Clay Power Station. Among the guardians of the five power stations, this one has the lowest difficulty level.

Not only does the guardian have obvious weaknesses, but it is also located in a remote location and will basically not be reinforced by other monsters.

The two off-road vehicles drove away from the temporary residence and headed straight for the first target. About half a minute after leaving, behind the office building where they lived, on the top floor of a badly damaged and uninhabitable building, a man wrapped in a strange military uniform stood out. figure.

The mysterious man was very tall and slender. The wrinkled and blood-stained military uniform on his body looked a little out of place, and his code number seemed a bit too big.

Staring at the place where the off-road vehicle disappeared, the mysterious man lowered his head and murmured in a subtle way: "Mia..."

"The Clay Power Station has five floors, including the underground space and the top floor without stairs. Fitz of the Fire, oh, that's what it calls itself, should be guarding the deepest part of the third floor, which is the hub of the power station. "

Gina is analyzing the specific situation. According to the intelligence of the frontline soldiers, the stairs in many places have been burned, the steel has been twisted by strange forces, debris and garbage are accumulated and blocked, and some hard magic minerals have grown, which has caused great difficulties for traveling. .

"It's not necessarily on the third floor." Ye Lin shook his head and explained: "Our goal is to annihilate them all. If there is a big movement, the strongest guardian will definitely take the initiative to look for it."

"Mo Mei, your mission is to protect Dr. Gina. Go to the third floor until she shuts down the power station. Team up with the curator Xiaoyu and you can handle most situations."

"Me, Mailu, Feiyan Raphael, and we will sweep to the right. Siatt, Yuena, and Gu Yu will clear the area to the left. Mia will be in contact outside."

After all, it is a monster born in a black volcano, and it is very likely that it contains a trace of apostle power. For safety reasons, it is better not to separate them individually.

And if you reach the stage where you need to explode with all your strength, without seeing your teammates, your attacks will inevitably be at a loss.

Clay Power Station has been closed by the army, and no one is allowed to enter except for maintenance technicians and adventurers with permission to support (mining).

Two vehicles were stopped outside the military defense line. The guards nearby were obviously much stricter. Dr. Gina's ID alone could not bring everyone in.

But Ye Lin didn't intend to do that. He got out of the car and hung the gold medal on his chest and asked, "Where is the person in charge here?"

"Who are you? Technician or adventurer? Where are your documents?"

The soldier didn't react to the medal at once. The anger accumulated in the industrial base for a long time made him a little irritable.

"I am Ye Lin, an adventurer with support from the Imperial Capital. Let everyone in Clay Power Station evacuate!"

His imposing manner and strong and resolute voice made the soldier suddenly remember something, and his face changed slightly, "Everyone evacuates, I have to report to my superiors."

"Go ahead."

Not long after, a man who looked like an officer hurried over, his eyes fixed on the medal on his chest, and then he said with a smile: "Clay Power Station is one of the five important facilities. There are many monsters inside, and we cannot evacuate them all. go out."

Ye Lin glanced at it and saw that the other party was from the Eaton Military Region, not a soldier under Wu En. He said calmly: "Quickly withdraw them all. If anything happens, I will be responsible. If you are late, you will be responsible."

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