Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 664: She is indeed a woman from heaven

Tune the tiger away from the mountain?

It seems so, but who is working with Fitz?

Ye Lin scanned the area around Clay Power Station carefully, and then stopped at a street corner, where many soldiers gathered and were heavily guarded.

The old woman in Eaton Industrial Park couldn't help but want to join in.

But the most urgent thing right now is to find out what happened to that blue light.

After landing from the sky, he walked straight to the basement. Large buildings would basically have similar structures. However, because of the lava brought by Anton, Gina initially speculated that the basement had been flooded.

But now it seems that is not the case.

"Have you seen the G0 War Lord? The energy transmitter was previously developed by Dr. Wayne. Its function is to remotely power weapons or replace high-voltage wires to transmit energy. However, many accidents occurred during the development process."

Gina ignored the smoke and the pungent smell and hurried towards the center of the Clay Power Station. Someone actually solved this difficult problem and used it to supply energy to Andersen.

The majestic energy just now was equivalent to the power of the Clay Power Station operating at full capacity for a week!

However, when the team arrived at the center, there was only a large charred black pit left. It seemed that the mysterious man had directly blown up the transmitter after the transportation was completed.

"Damn it!"

Gina, who has always been good-tempered, immediately became violent. As a top scientist, she has pride and self-esteem.

But now, whoever abandons heaven and takes refuge in the apostles deserves death.

"Don't worry, we found out and the other party retreated too hastily."

Ye Lin picked up a piece of hot metal shell from the corner. Although the surface was blurry, the "ZX-78" logo could be vaguely recognized.

"ZX-78? It seems to be a model of some kind of mechanical self-destructor. Is it a certain mechanic?" Gina wanted to check the information from the computer, but found that the tablet was burned when Fitz exploded just now.

The situation seemed to take a turn for the worse. The mysterious man transferred part of his energy to Andurn right under his nose and escaped unscathed, leaving half of the team's efforts in vain.

"Besides, I'm more worried about the people who made the teleportation device..."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, everyone immediately looked up. The mysterious energy pillar had already shattered a large part of the building, and they could just see the thick red clouds.

Sure enough, there were three other bright beams of energy shooting straight into the sky. Judging from the direction, they happened to be the other three power stations.

Gina was stunned for a moment, her expression extremely angry, her nails almost clenched into her flesh, her teeth clenched and her voice twisted, "If I catch that guy, I will throw him into the black volcano with an air combat machine and burn him alive."

Ye Lin on the side shuddered slightly. Sure enough, no woman in the world was easy to mess with. Unexpectedly, even Gina Theodore, who was influenced by knowledge and widely admired, sometimes had eyes that were almost ready to spit fire.

"Let's go out first and consider the long term." Siatt suggested.

There are only some trash fish left in Clay Power Station now, and it is enough to let the army deal with the aftermath. The mysterious man's push caused some unexpected twists and turns in the counterattack that should have gone smoothly.

Until she left Clay Power Station, Gina was still thinking about who did it. There were not many scientists in the world with such strength.

"Thank you for your hard work."

A female soldier walked slowly towards them, with a smile on her face, and she took the initiative to extend her hand to the team.

"Oh...hello, it's okay."

Because they were tricked by the mysterious person, the team members were not very interested. They didn't immediately notice Pedra, the commander of Eaton. Ye Lin noticed the medal on the opponent's chest and realized who she was.

Mainly because Pedra is really not suitable for wearing military uniform!

Pedra is quite tall due to her Celestial origin, but her figure is too thin to support her clothes, and she didn't even think of getting two shoulder pads on her shoulders to increase her aura.

Especially the hair that was bunched up in the back under the military cap and couldn't be hidden, made Ye Lin feel that it would be better to just cut her hair into fresh pieces like Siatt's.

She should feel more like a rigorous math teacher than a majestic commander in charge of an army.

"General, what happened to the flames and beams of light that shot out from inside the power station ten minutes ago?"

Since Ye Lin did not hold a position, she simply called her by her military rank. As the head of the Eaton Military Region, she had the responsibility and reason to understand the truth of the matter.

"We eliminated Fitz, the Karmic Fire, but the energy was delivered to Anton by a mysterious man."

Suddenly, the surrounding soldiers were horrified and gasped. They had been unable to attack the apostolic guardian who had lost their hands for a long time. In just half a day, one of them had already been eliminated?

Because they had personally experienced the terrifying power of the Guardians, their gaze on the team slowly changed from curiosity to awe.

"The energy was given to Anton?" Pedra looked suspicious. She was not a scientist, so she naturally didn't understand the reason.

"Commander Pedra."

Ye Lin straightened his expression and now did not care about fighting overtly or covertly with the other party. He solemnly said: "My personal suggestion is that you'd better withdraw all the soldiers, and then join Commander Wu En to the front line of Andern. "

After she finished speaking, she didn't give her time to think about it, and just led the team into the car. They needed to go back temporarily.

Pedra, who stayed where she was, had gloomy eyes. She came to contact Ye Lin personally, but the other party looked hasty and didn't even say a few polite words. He even "overstepped his authority" and wanted to command the soldiers to march on a large scale.

"Send an elite team to Clay Power Station and tell me the internal situation in half an hour." After thinking about it, Pedra ordered.


"Actually, the mysterious man has not completed the energy transmitter, because the design task of this project still has a receiving end. However, Anton's special situation eliminates the trouble of designing the receiving end."

After calming down, Gina breathed a sigh of relief, because compared to the receiving end, the design of the transmitter was not too complicated. The laser cannon used by Raphael was also a special transmitter in a sense.

But even so, similar equipment cannot be made casually by any mechanic.

"In the Bakar era, everyone in the Eternal Light worked hard to defeat the apostles. Why is it that now that the new apostles have arrived, there are scum appearing?"

After returning to her temporary residence, she quickly found a new computer to check which machinist would create the "ZX" series of robots.

But unfortunately and as expected, there are no "ZX" series works in the database.

"Actually, we can try the elimination method." Ye Lin suddenly had a flash of inspiration and suggested: "Since Doctor, you are sure that there are not many people who can be designed, then let's eliminate the possible people one by one."

Science also has its own circle. If it weren't for a certain mechanical genius who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, then based on her position as the head of the war core workshop, she would know almost everything about people of the same level.

"The Elytra of the Seven Gods is impossible. There are only Dr. Wayne, me, and that girl Nairn Hig in the Eaton Industrial Zone."

Gina reached out and tapped her head to reveal her thoughts. Perla Venn still cares about the sense of honor, especially after his mother Andy Venn was deprived of her noble title and fell. The glory of the entire Venn family depends on him alone. support.

As for the stammering and shy girl from Nairn, don't think too much. Talking to a stranger can make her face turn red, making people wonder if she will ever regret it.

The remaining Elytra of the Seven are either in Ghent, or in Nospis and the Lawless Zone.

"The next head of the war core workshop, as well as the station director of Terence Power Station, Vitus, the station director of Grandi, Anders, and the chief station director of the Energy Center, Rust..."

She named four people in one breath. They were all people with strong scientific and technological abilities, and there was a slight possibility that they were the manufacturers of energy transporters.

"The one at the War Core Workshop is making anti-matter bombs. The remaining three, could it be that..." Gina's eyes suddenly lit up.

"No, it's not."

Mia on the side shook her head and spoke in a low tone: "Terrance Power Station is the most powerful power station. Stationmasters Vitus and Rust once risked their lives to shut down the power station, but were seriously injured by the Apostle Guardian. , I haven’t woken up yet.”

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