Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 667 Grandi, the miner’s instinct

The shock his analysis brought to Gina was devastating and subversive.

For a long time, some insiders have noticed that the defection of the Mechanical Head of State may have a hidden agenda, but they never expected that when they were still climbing the pyramid of technology, Coolio not only climbed to the top, but also said that the top was boring and too deserted, and jumped again. Down!

"To be honest, I was a little bit blown away by him."

Holding her forehead and smiling bitterly, Gina drank all the juice in her cup and went to take a bath to relax her mood.


EX Dornier, library.

The curator slowly wrote down what she saw today with a pen. Probably because she had personally experienced the disaster of the Apostles, she could empathize more with the soldiers of the Eaton Military District and show sympathy to them.

"Have you finished recording?" Ye Lin's eyes were earnest and he gently supported justice.


She rolled her eyes at him angrily. This guy was either fat or thigh-high. He would rub the front of his headband from time to time, so he could record things quietly.

The curator rubbed his thighs tightly together, feeling his own state, then stood up angrily, pointed at the chair and shouted: "Sit down and pay!"

Her positioning technique is much better than Xiaoyu's. She hooked up the hairband with one finger and smoothly slid it in. She sat upright, her fat taut, and she was soaked in hot water.


next day

Ye Lin knocked on the door lightly, "Mia, are you ready? We are going to Grandi."

"Yeah! Of course."

Mia, who is holding a mechanical turtle, is wearing a simple palace dress and has a bright and innocent smile.

The recovery of the Siman Industrial Base is progressing very quickly. When we went to Camp Eaton yesterday afternoon, the soldiers were obviously in a much better mood, and they themselves were also happy.

Now the team is going to take action early in the morning, but my brother in Ghent must not have gotten up yet at this time.

Compared to the more mediocre Clay and Plutz power stations, as well as the Terrance power station with the largest power generation capacity, Grandi is the most technologically advanced one.

Other power stations only have one very large generator, but Grandi Power Station has two generators, one main and one set, occupied by Cyclops and Furman of the Void respectively.

By the way, after the first day of experience, Ye Lin decided not to deal with those Greni, slimes and other miscellaneous fish, but went directly to eliminate the real owner, and left the rest to the soldiers.

As long as the apostle guardian dies, the combat effectiveness of the followers will be greatly reduced, and the army will be defeated without the leader.

Mia also did not go inside. Instead, she stayed in the off-road vehicle and played small games on the computer. She waited until they came out before telling the emperor the good news.

Stepping into the Grundy Power Station, Ye Lin stood at the door and paused for a while, with complicated eyes, which turned into a sigh.

The internal temperature is normal or even a little cold. It is not like the Clay Power Station where magma is boiling and flames are erupting.

"If possible, try to turn off the generator first." Gina suggested.

Several Flying Glennis tried to attack from the darkness, but before they could get close, they were cut into two pieces by the yawning Guyu.

Dark elves are all night owls, and they got up very early today, so their spirits are inevitably a little sluggish.

The team advanced rapidly, and the journey went smoothly, one minute faster than yesterday, with almost no twists and turns.

Even the cyclops giant Portola, who used a secondary generator to amplify his body and was almost indestructible, was shattered into pieces by Siatt's sword.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

Mo Mei's eyes were strange. Ever since the boss entered the Grandi Power Station, he had been leaning against the magic stones involuntarily, breaking the rough stones and refining the essence. This set of movements was extremely skillful.

"Ahem, um, isn't the magic stone quite valuable? There are also many Grandi magic stones." He touched his nose and felt a little embarrassed. Maybe this was the miner's instinct?

"Boss, you are almost the richest person in Arad, and you still care about these three melons and two dates."

"The money belongs to Celia, I'm just holding the rich woman's fragrant thighs."

Just as he was talking, a pile of raw magic stones appeared next to him. Yelin couldn't help but wave his hand again and refined more than ten magic stones.

"Whatever, he is the only auxiliary pendant in the team." Siatt took back Leiwodin, who had a stronger sword.

"In front of you is the main generator!"

Gina looked excited. As long as Furman of the Void was eliminated, and after simple repairs, the Grandi Power Station could supply energy to the imperial capital again.

Suddenly, Ye Lin, who was moving bricks aside, changed his expression and appeared behind Gina in an instant. He reached out to cover her eyes and stared coldly at a seemingly empty place.

"Fuman, Fu Laosi, come out, you can't hide from my eyes."

Gina's body squirmed as she was embraced from behind, but she quickly realized that it was Furman of the Void who appeared.

She blinked hard and her long eyelashes swept his palm, meaning that just close your eyes and you can let go of your palm.

However, Ye Lin didn't seem to notice...

Gina's heart skipped a beat, and she secretly complained that it was just as they said, shameless and shameless.

She is actually older than the curator. To put it bluntly, compared to young girls like Lindsay and Siatt, whose skin can ooze with a pinch, she is no longer in her prime.

She had also been in a relationship before, but it eventually broke up because the other person wanted too much.

The other party is a young master from a small aristocratic family, hoping to continue to climb the ranks and gain greater fame and status.

Gina just wants to be plain, and she herself hates the hypocritical guys in the House of Lords, secretly copying her own biological machinery, and brazenly claiming that her origins are unknown.

So the two people, who couldn't agree on the future, separated.

Just when she was thinking wildly, Ye Lin finally let go of her hand and strode forward, her eyes even wider, for fear that Furman wouldn't see her.

Having contracted with Mr. Luo and Naiyali, and being in the state of the Holy Spirit, it doesn't matter if they stare at a mere ray of the apostle's will for a day.

"You want me to ask you to come out?"

Ye Lin smiled, a wisp of fire appeared on his fingertips, and flicked towards a magic stone.

Sure enough, before the flames touched it, the seemingly ordinary magic stone slowly transformed into a translucent monster, like a human with a stooped waist.

"Trial Blade?"

Furman's voice was low. As a monster born from Anton's heart, it seemed to have some memories that other guardians did not have.

"Yes and no."

He spread his hands indifferently. The "blade" that sounded sacred was actually just a chess piece played in the hands of a woman, so he was and was not.

"It's really ironic that Lord Anton, the hope of a planet and the person who unites the will of the world, has ended up like this."

Furman shook his head as if he had no neck, mockingly. He could see further away than Fitz.

"Yes, things are just unpredictable." Ye Lin nodded in recognition, not sarcastically, but with a sense of sympathy.

In fact, not all apostles were bewitched by Held and came to the demon world, some were forced to do so or chose freely.

The fourth apostle Casillas wanted to challenge the stronger one, while the seventh apostle Anton had to go to the devil world because the energy of the flame planet "Cloncula" was exhausted.

Compared to Mr. Luo, who was dragged over by Held while he was sleeping in Solaris, Anton not only didn't hate Held's attitude, but was a little grateful.

If it hadn't been for Herder's help at that time, Anton would have been wiped out when the planet exploded, and the apostle's power would be looking for attachments in the universe again.

Anton is the last member of the Odin family. Cloncula's will persisted until Anton ascended to the Demon Realm and was temporarily safe before it exploded.

It was as if the will of that planet poured everything into the last child, Anton.

"We will return to the Demon Realm, leave this place, and continue to guard the center of the Earth's orbit." Furman said.

"Impossible, Heaven requires you to pay a price, and..."

Of course Ye Lin knew what the other party was planning, so he returned to the center of the orbit and waited for the "water of life" that Held said to come.

The magical thing that can make Sirocco fully bloom in one bite can naturally also greatly satisfy Anton's energy needs.

"Furthermore, the electricity you are devouring in the Demon Realm needs its maker, Luke, to run it, but Luke himself is no longer able to protect himself, so how can he have any spare power to generate electricity for you?"

Suddenly, Ye Lin touched his chin and frowned, having a rather bizarre idea.

The planet Cloncula has disappeared, but the planet Hebron has been sealed by Gurt and Kabali, and has fallen into deathly silence.

If Anton and the old man are sent to Hebron together, can the problem of the two apostles be solved at the same time?

Of course, this must also consider the reproduction method of the Odin family. If it is possible to reproduce by itself, then it must be considered in the long term.

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