Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 708 What are you doing?

The bright moon hangs high, the sea breeze is cold and quiet, and the deep dark black water reflects the glimmer of fish scale-like waves. It is deep, quiet, and somewhat silently terrifying.

Feiyan held her chin with one hand, tilted her head slightly, and wiped the hazy glass in front of her eyes with a tissue, her eyes warm.

Normally, she would never want to see the dark ocean late at night. Especially after experiencing the ghost train, she always had the illusion that a vicious giant spirit would suddenly emerge from the sea water.

But now that she was in a warm and bright airship, and Ye Lin brought enough sense of security, she had the courage to look directly at him, with a gentle smile on her lips.

Close to Andern, the black volcano's mountain pass is sweltering with heat waves, and the most comfortable and natural floor heating environment allows you to sleep peacefully in just a cabin.

If Anton wasn't too big and couldn't shrink like a rice cake, he would have liked to keep him in Hutton Mar and use it as a mobile hot spring bathhouse.

In the folds of the black volcano, several hot spring pools were empty, and the underwear was neatly packed away. The misty heat steaming around them made Ye Lin a little disappointed.

There are many mountains and mountains, and the scene where justice gathers is still not seen.

Except for the gorgeous palace clothes on her body, Feiyan stepped on the volcanic rocks with her bare feet. She gently tested the temperature of the pool with her toes, then slowly lay down in the water and let out a pleasant moan.

The clear pool water brushed against her skin like cream, and her hair was hanging on the edge of the pool. The hot spring water just reached the position of the beautiful collarbone above Zhengyi.

The tedium is gone, everything is left behind, and you can take a dip in a hot spring in late autumn or early winter. As Dr. Gina said, your body will melt and your bones will become crispy.

After enjoying it for a few minutes, her eyes moved from the starry sky to a corner by the pool, where a snow-white fur sleeping unicorn lay quietly. Judging from the two wine bottles beside her, she was probably drunk.

Anyway, it can't be frozen in this area at night, so the milu just goes with it.

Ye Lin held two glasses of juice and handed one to Feiyan who was soaking in the hot spring. He sat aside and sighed, "I think you are very unfair."

"I'm unfair?" Feiyan blinked, not knowing what he meant.

"Look, your little feet, thighs, and waist can all enjoy the soothing care of the mineral-rich hot springs, but your fat and justice are ruthlessly hindered by your swimsuit. It's so unfair."

"Bah, you're the only one with a sharp tongue." He subconsciously covered his face with his arms and his eyes were like silk threads.

"Neat or not, didn't you try it a few hours ago?"

She jumped out of the hot spring with a push of her arms, stepped on the rough stairs in the pool, and lightly licked the cherry blossoms, trying to rob the taste of the orange juice she had just drank.

Just when he was about to help justice, his eyes suddenly froze, and he held his forehead helplessly. He picked up the rice cake smelling of alcohol and stuffed it through the window of the house.


It seemed that it fell directly to the ground before he jumped back into the hot spring.

The blue hairband is a very unique style of rope. It is neatly buckled into a bow on the left side of the waist, covering most of the fat. He has now taken it off and tied up his hair like fine silk.

The body leaned forward a little, and the two delicate wrists were grasped on both sides of the back, as if it were a swift flying high in the sky, and the heart and mind slowly floated to the sky.

"It's so hot." Ye Lin exhaled softly.

"What nonsense!..."

Feiyan's cheeks were flushed, and she reluctantly turned her head, her eyes watering.

"I mean the hot spring water is very hot."


The sound was crisp and clear, with a lingering aftertaste, the attack speed was steady, the water in the hot spring pool rippled with the same frequency, and the singing voice was soft and pleasant, gently making ripples in the starry sky.

When the song ended, the pool of hot spring water was deemed unusable.


The morning sun was rising, and a little light emerged from under the heavy sea in the east, rendering the vast golden sea area. For a time, the darkness of the night disappeared, and it was so beautiful.

After admiring the sunrise on the sea on Anton, the people wrapped in blankets and pajamas went back to sleep in their cages. Feiyan couldn't sleep at all, her little face was filled with happiness and exhaustion.

The purpose of soaking in hot springs is to relax, but the torment is more tiring than fighting, and it is probably an endless cycle.


Agnes led him, followed a gap in Anton's back, and jumped into the giant beast.

It was not the lava-colored blood flowing as expected, and the muscle tissue radiating heat, but a rather spacious space with tough leather to block the flowing blood.

For thousands of years, the Tartan tribe has clearly explored all available spaces, and flexibly used the skin folds or subcutaneous spaces of some apostles to hide some important items.

"Chief, this is a transistor, some stockpiles from thousands of years ago, give it to the heaven."

"Hiss~ so many?"

Ye Lin looked up at the hill-like blue transistors. Things that were extremely precious in the heavens were now piled up like garbage. It was roughly estimated that there were several hundred tons.

"These are only part of it. If you need to, you can move them all away. Due to the special characteristics of Mr. Anton's skin, these transistors are all empty."

Most of the people in the hot springs felt comfortable last night, and Ye Lin also remembered the serious business of his trip, and with the earnest expectations of the Seventh Empire, asked for compensation from the heaven.

The value and ability of this mountain of transistors in front of me is no less than that of five power stations.

The lifeblood of heaven is electricity, and the solution is new energy. Unfortunately, Nairn and Lindsay have made no progress for the time being.

The second is to bloom in multiple directions, so that the power does not care about interruptions in one or two places. Lindsay is busy with this.

The third type is to use transistors with extremely low loss rates and use them as large batteries!

Unless there is a catastrophe that destroys the world, it is not a problem for these transistors in front of us to sustain the imperial capital for half a year on a single charge.

Ye Lin nodded lightly, and then said to Gina, who was in charge of statistics next to him: "Let the contact person pick it up. After all, it is compensation. It must be transported back grandly and let every citizen know it, so that the empire can have face."

Gina was still wearing beige pajamas and yawning. The ribbon tied around her waist naturally made the neckline slightly open, and her amazing curves seemed to hide two delicious cantaloupes.

"Okay, wait a minute, Anton has electromagnetic waves on his body, so I have to use a special wave band."

After playing with the computer for a while, a clear figure slowly appeared on the snowflake-like screen, Lindsay, who was wearing a white dress and had short hair, and a background that looked like a power station construction site behind her.

"Hey, Lindsay, are you busy? Please bring people and ships to transport some transistors as compensation to the heaven. Lots and lots of them."

"I'm busy...not so busy, but that's why you're looking for me?"

Lindsay, who was supervising the construction of the Halter Mountain Power Station, glanced back. She did not need to be at the construction site all the time. She still had a day or two to spare.

"Transistors are very dangerous. They need to be supervised by professionals. Dr. Wayne was almost sucked and fucked. Melvin is lazy as a ball. Dr. Nairn, as you know, let her appear in public. It's equivalent to six bullets." The revolver was pressed against her head, and the remaining few..."

Gina shrugged helplessly. No one in the heaven dared to use Mrs. Mei Li. As for the bomb expert Xio, she was not familiar with him either.

"Okay, then I'll go there, but doctor, your dress..."

Lindsay stared straight at the bottom of the screen, so deep between justice that she might suffocate to death if she buried her face in it.

Then, she unconsciously lowered her head and glanced at the curvature of herself and the tablet, and her beautiful eyebrows frowned together unconsciously.

Although it is said that the Rosen family values ​​​​being with nature, it would be too much to stand alone for thousands of years!

"Ah? Well, I soaked in the hot springs last night and got up late in the morning. It's very hot here, so I'm too lazy to change into my work uniform."

"You mean hot springs?" Lindsay's face was startled and she asked suspiciously, "Doctor, why did you go?"

In her guess, the team asking for compensation led by General Ye Lin should be like the two sides in a debate, arrogant and aggressive, full of dangers and murderous intent.

Even if they disagree, the table will be turned over, and a shocking battle will break out.

After all, Anton is the apostle himself. Although Ye Lin defeated Matega, he didn't seem to have much fight with the apostle himself.

The apostle's power shook the world, and I heard that the Seventh Empire was even ready to fight the enemy, supporting Ye Lin at all times.

She was quite curious at first, how Ye Lin had a thrilling negotiation with the giant turtle Anton, whether he was standing in the air with a sword, but what about taking a bath in a hot spring.

"We've finished talking about compensation. Relax. Lindsay, you know that the position of Elytra of the Seven Gods is actually very boring."

As Gina spoke, she tightened the collar a little. She was a little embarrassed by Lindsay's envious eyes, but Ye Lin, who was watching silently from the side, felt a little regretful.

The position of the Seven Gods, which symbolizes the highest technology in the heaven, has a very inhumane aspect with the position of commander-in-chief of the heaven, that is, people have to stay in the imperial capital.

Gina complained more than once, thinking that from now on she could live a carefree life of eating and waiting to die, to make up for her youth surrounded by cold procedures.

However, as the center of the heaven, Ghent's consumption is naturally high, but she likes to go shopping when she has nothing to do, and spends money when shopping. What's more, the position of the Seven Gods is more honorable, but the salary is ordinary.

She comes from an ordinary background and doesn't care much about honor. The "Honor of the Seven Gods" that is so popular among nobles, for Gina is...

Not enough money to spend.

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