Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 711 Whose holy relics

Gray Desert, the most extensive desert floor in the Arad continent, is located in the west of the Delos Empire and in the east of the Canyon of the Dead.

There have always been mysterious rumors that the Delos Empire may have built a transfer device or a similar secret base in the large desert no-man's land, but no one knows about it.

Taking advantage of the moonlight to identify the direction, Hedunmar should be in the southwest, just go there.

"Bloody smell?"

The tip of my nose suddenly smelled a very clear fishy smell, which was different from the fishy smell on my body. The smell mixed with the night breeze made it even more disgusting.

And being in the boundless desert, there is still such a pungent smell. It is conceivable that the death toll is definitely not just a few people.

There was a sand dune piled up by wind and sand about fifty meters away from him, blocking the view like a hillside. The smell of blood came from there.

After cautiously walking around, he was shocked by what he saw behind the dunes. A group of Delos Empire soldiers, probably a small group of about thirty people, including the horses, all fell in the desert.

All of them died in extremely miserable conditions, as if they had suffered great torture and terror during their lives.

"Is this...done by the magic gunner, or...?"

Ye Lin frowned. Judging from the sophisticated standard armor, this team should be the elite of the Delos Empire. They are at the professional level. Judging from the fact that they can be easily eliminated and there are no other corpses on the scene, they should be strong.


A strong wind struck from behind, and the smell of blood was overwhelming. The smell of the blood of more than thirty corpses combined was far less pungent than the smell of the sneak attacker alone.

Ye Lin smiled silently, turned around calmly, and grabbed the opponent's weapon with his crystal-covered left hand, which was a long sword.


The sound was clear and crisp. The sword was blocked, but suddenly a raging flame burst out from the sword. A heat wave hit, and Ye Lin's face changed slightly.

What shocked him was not that the other party knew magic, but that this flame was actually the same as Xuzu's ninja secret technique.

The special flame produced by the combination of mind energy and magic can burn brightly even in water. Ordinary people simply do not have enough talent to practice it.

Could it be those ninjas who escaped to the Delos Empire, the people of Belisk?

With his mind racing, Ye Lin spotted the sneak attacker behind the flames and was slightly startled.

It was a pair of eyes with different colors. The right eye was red, but the left eye was a gorgeous lavender, a rare heterochromatic pupil.

"Sauron?" he called tentatively.

The only person with heterochromatic eyes he knows so far seems to be Sauron, who is influenced by Shilok. Her whereabouts are erratic, wandering around the Arad continent.

"It's you?"

The voice of the answer was very obscure and difficult. Only then did Ye Lin notice that the other party's clothes were torn, his breathing was short, and his expression was in unbearable pain.

"Don't move, look at me!"

In Sauron's disbelieving eyes, he casually turned away the flaming sword blade, looked into the pair of heterochromatic eyes, looked solemn, and shouted: "Go back!"

She could figure it out with just one thought. Sauron had abused her predatory power again. The conflicting power almost caused her sanity to collapse, and Shilok took the opportunity to influence her.

In an instant, carrying Mr. Luo's will, the tyrannical mental power entered the opponent's mind, crushing one-seventh of the rebellious souls with a crushing force.

"You...have become so strong now!"

Sauron covered her mouth and coughed several times. There were bloodshot eyes at the corners of her mouth. Her black leather pants were torn in many places, and there were sword wounds on her tights.

Sure enough, no matter how strong a temperament and character, a woman has delicate and warm skin.

Handing the other person a glass of water, he frowned and said, "Miraz is looking for you, haven't you met him?"

"I hid because I was afraid that I would eat her power if I couldn't help it."

Sauron didn't care about the rips in his clothes. He rinsed his mouth briefly, drank it, and then lay on his back on the sand, lying on his back in an awkward position. He stared at the bright moon and asked casually: "Why did you appear in Germany?" Los Empire?”

"From above, I fell into the sea from Anton's position."

"Oh, it's dead?"

She knew that there was an apostle Anton in heaven, and Esla specially sent Louis to observe Anton's final result.

"No, but I killed its spiritual symbiote. The current Anton is just a turtle who just wants to fill his stomach."

"Are you strong now?"


Ye Lin shrugged. There was nothing to hide. His name as the "Sword God" had been spread like a legend in Arad.

At present, his swordsmanship is still far behind Sodros and the Conqueror.

In terms of magic power, after acquiring Wuxuan, ecological magic is probably second only to Mal and is estimated to be on par with Katie. He has not tested other magic powers with people in corresponding realms, so he does not know the specific position.

Licking his lips, Sauron tilted his head, his two-colored eyes were extremely hot, as if they could melt him, and murmured: "I really want to eat you, and then gain your power!"

"Uh..." Ye Lin rolled his eyes, coughed dryly, and asked tentatively: "How do you use your prey? Devour the soul, or eat the body. If it's the latter, I might have a way to help. you."

"Soul! If you chew it and swallow it, I will get a little bit of the other person's memory."

"Forget it."

After refusing quickly because his legs were weak, Ye Lin also lay on his back on the sand. The desert was extremely cold at night, but fortunately he was wearing thick clothes.

But Sauron next to her felt a little shivering. Her leather jacket couldn't do much to keep her warm in the desert.

He handed over a thick warm jacket, waved it in front of her, and asked: "Have you preyed on the dark elf ninjas who defected from Xu Zu?"

"You said that kind of race with dark skin, has eaten some, and has pretty good fire abilities."

She didn't pretend to be tactful, she took the coat and put it on, warmth slowly filled her body, and she looked a little strange.

Except for Miraz and Rozbelen, who raised her as their daughter, few people cared about her because she was mentally abnormal.


This is the most common comment she has ever heard.

Then the two of them fell into a wordless silence. Ye Lin looked at the stars in the sky and sighed softly: "If you don't want that woman talking in your mind, I can remove it for you."


Surprisingly, she refused simply and sneered again and again: "Haha, if you gather the souls of seven people and put them in the eyes of gods, you can resurrect that woman, but I won't! I want to restrain one seventh and use her at will. The power of prey.”

"It's up to you, but if you can't bear the pain, come to me in Hutton Mar."

After patting the sand on his body, Ye Lin prepared to leave, ending this coincidental and brief encounter.

"Someone wants to kill you." Sauron said suddenly and coldly.

Ye Lin was startled for a moment, then laughed in surprise: "Who has so much resentment and confidence in me?"

"Rosenberg, Ethra's orders."

His expression suddenly became solemn, and his brows knitted together unconsciously. He did not leave, waiting for Sauron to tell more information.

If it were just Rosenberg, one of the seven prophets, he wouldn't even blink. He was too weak. They were definitely not on the same level as each other now.

But Ethra is different. Although Ethra's own strength is not outstanding, he has a hidden will cast by Held.

Could he now understand that the so-called order to kill him was Held's instigation?

That bikini apostle still can't help it, doesn't he want to wait for himself to go to the devil world?

Sauron also frowned in confusion and said: "Rosenberg's ability is to rely on. He can summon the souls of strong people and use his body to give them temporary power in the world. Of course, the prerequisite is a corresponding communication method. The medium is the sacred relic.”

She didn't understand the command meaning of Esla's move, because the side effect of letting Rosenberg use the possession was that as a carrier, he would die immediately.

Moreover, what kind of holy relic of a strong man in the Arad continent can surely kill Ye Lin, who is now in the realm of the Sword God, and maybe even higher?


The violent hunting team knew the location of Kazan's weapons and armor, but could the former general of the Peruvian Empire be as strong as the current Ye Lin?

Jigur, Hareth, Rommel, Balerian...these famous strong men either couldn't find the relics, or even if they pulled out their complete bodies, they might not be able to defeat Ye Lin.

Suddenly, she looked up and stared at the stars in the sky and the large magic circle invisible to the naked eye, thinking deeply.


"That's not right. Mal seems to be not dead yet. Where did the relic come from?"

Sauron patted his head. She couldn't figure out whose relics could be used to attack Ye Lin.

But her followers brought news that Rosenberg was already on the way to find the item.

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