Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 727 You are my God!

Cyrus never cared about what others thought of him, but if he said something too unpleasant or touched the Third Princess, her Snake Belly Sword would not be happy.

The one who killed the enemy was the cruel Snake Belly Sword. What did it have to do with her, Cyrus? Killing her was none of her business.

"She was born into a military family and received military education."

Siatt put her palm to her mouth and explained secretly, but she didn't say much. There is no need to force this kind of personal temperament issue, just let it go naturally.

Cyrus's character is more like a cold queen, but if one day she suddenly smiles like a flower, is kind and bright, and turns into a talkative person like Renee among acquaintances, that will make people feel that something is wrong and the world is upside down.

Cyrus was a little distraught. She stood in front of the window in a daze. A certain unscrupulous beast kept wandering in front of her through the glass, deliberately showing proof that he "came back alive", implying that it's time for you to fulfill your promise. .

If Tamos hadn't been sleeping and the villa was considered the property of Her Royal Highness, she would have wanted to slash through it with a sword and smash the face with glass shards.

However, she seemed unable to defeat him.

And after all, this face is not too annoying after looking at it for a long time.

After a hearty and steaming dinner, warmth filled her body and limbs after a full stomach. Yuena went to pray the holy scriptures as usual, the curator was writing notes and taking notes, and Mailu was still eating.

Others who had nothing to do were either chatting or playing chess and games. The third princess had already gone upstairs to take a hot bath.

Cyrus, who felt even more uncomfortable without Isabella in the living room to accompany him, simply gave Ye Lin a hard look, turned and went upstairs to his room.

Ye Lin took the ferocious look as a hint and followed him with concern: "Is your injury okay?"

"It's okay, your fortune will be good this afternoon."

He closed the door, and Cyrus, who spoke in a harsh and dry tone, felt as if his hands had nowhere to put them, not around them, nor in their pockets.

He simply pinched the hem of the dress, leaned his back against the cold wall, snorted and turned away, his eyes slightly narrowed as if he had some unwillingness to do so.

"What are you doing?" Ye Lin scratched his head suspiciously.

"Promise your faith and do it."

When he bit his teeth, he wanted to pierce this guy's neck with a sword, causing hot blood to flow and splash three meters away.

But after all, she is a person who keeps her promise, and no matter what, the original condition of exchanging divine blood for justice was her initiative.

Therefore, he was the passive recipient of the whole process.

"You said mastering justice, I almost forgot~"


Cyrus was suddenly furious, and the knee of his tight pants directly hit the fatal point. This beast was still swinging in front of him before dinner, and now he was pretending to be a pure child.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, he blocked the knee collision with his hand and measured the plumpness of his thighs. They were fleshy and warm.

"Faith is sacred." Ye Lin shook his finger and said seriously: "Look at Yuena's daily prayers. Her expression is full of holy brilliance and love, which makes people unable to bear to blaspheme. This is faith filled with a sacred heart. "

With a sneer, Cyrus said disdainfully: "Ha...she believes in the god who represents light, what about yours?"

"Representing warm justice!"

Since it was a new house and there was no heating equipment, the room temperature was still a bit cold. Ye Lin reached out and pushed her shoulders and pressed her in front of the dressing table, "Wait a moment."

The small red crystal block continued to emit a warm heat, and the room, which was not big to begin with, was quickly filled with warmth.

"Faith is sacred and sublime. It cannot be done haphazardly. It must have a strict sense of ritual."

What he said was very solemn, and people who didn't know about it might be in awe, but that was not the case in reality.

"The scarlet magic lines on your forehead are a bit unsightly."

Cyrus, who was sitting on the chair, trembled. The blood-colored lines on the right side of her forehead were gently brushed by a warm hand, which made her feel itchy. She closed her eyes temporarily.

But what makes Cyrus strange is that she doesn't think this hand is disgusting. Could it be because Tamos, who left the magic mark, is asleep.

"You look very good-looking, but your face has always been tight, with cold words written all over it, like a rose with thorns, like a rose with thorns."

Cyrus has long gray-white hair, which is usually simply tied up. He also deliberately leaves thick bangs on the right side to cover up the scarlet magic lines.

He used a headband and several colorful hairpins to style his slightly messy hair, but suddenly he was shocked to realize that the bright colors did not match Cyrus's temperament.

It seems that monotonous colors like black and white would be more suitable. I don't know what color her hairband is. She probably likes cool black, with or without lace.

"Don't wait too long, I'm not the kind of girl who likes sweet talk!"

After enduring his playing with her hair for about ten minutes, with her eyes closed, Cyrus still couldn't help but yell angrily. She hated people with dark personalities, who spoke and acted unfavorably, and wasting time was equivalent to wasting life.

Ye Lin put his hands on his shoulders and looked down, wearing a black ceremonial coat that held up his figure. If Cyrus had lowered her head while standing, she probably wouldn't be able to see the tips of her toes.

"It should be quite troublesome to practice swordsmanship on weekdays. Siatt also said it's a bit heavy. Of course Fengying doesn't have this burden. Mavis doesn't learn swordsmanship."

While saying things to adjust the atmosphere, I gently believed in justice that could make people warm, despite the heat that even winter clothes could not cover.

Cyrus' eyelids twitched and he gritted his teeth, holding his breath and trying not to make any noise. A trace of blush inevitably appeared on his stiff cheeks.

It was lighter than the magic lines on her forehead, like wisps of smoke.


She frowned but still said nothing. There were several decorative badges on the chest of her formal clothes. It seemed that the beast was disgusted by the manipulation and pulled them off.

"Cyrus, what do you think about your future?"

Perhaps because of Feiyan's influence, he suddenly wanted to use the topic of the future to distract Cyrus from his nervous attention. His shoulders under the formal dress were as stretched as an iron rod.

"I am loyal to Her Royal Highness, is that enough?"

Ye Lin pretended not to hear the last question, leaned down and blew into his red earlobe, and said slowly: "The third princess is going to marry, does that mean you also want to..."

"Wishful thinking, how can I like a guy like you?"


The simple rhetorical question made Cyrus frown. She was the hound of the empire, and it was her duty to clear obstacles for Her Royal Highness. As for life-long matters, she really hadn't given much thought to them.

Is there anyone she likes? Since entering the realm of legends, her eyes have become higher involuntarily.

There seem to be very few people in the younger generation who can stabilize her.

Suddenly, a ray of magic overflowed from his palm, and the thick and warm fabric collapsed slightly, and then the fierce look was revealed, and the warmth and softness were revealed.

Then he seemed to want to use force to dissolve the fat accumulated under the skin.

Cyrus roared with anger in his heart, and he stood up three feet high. Regardless of the damage to his clothes, he stood up abruptly, grabbed his shoulders and twisted them against the bed, almost causing them to dislocate.

"Haha, you are very brave. Do you really think that I am weak?"

Her cheeks were still inevitably stained by the sunset, and she wanted to find something to cover it, but she couldn't let go of the beast in her hands, so she could only bloom a huge red heart of glutinous rice in front of his eyes.

"Ahem, no, you are too beautiful and charming. You know that I believe in justice, so you are my god and my queen..."

Her head was forced on the quilt, and her arms were locked and it hurt. Cyrus was not a shy girl like Yuena. She believed in strength to solve everything, and neatness was the best.

"Am I too beautiful and charming?"

Cyrus' tone was a little weird. She had been praised for her strength, loyalty to the empire, high mission completion rate, etc., but this was the first time she had been praised like this.

"Yes, yes, with cherry lips and a beautiful nose, and eyebrows as curved as willows..."

"Shut up, if I die and hear your nagging nonsense, I will definitely jump out of the grave and kill you."

Cyrus slowly let go of his arm, stepped on his cheek with one foot, leaned over and smiled jokingly: "Your frivolous thoughts and unsightly thoughts are easier to understand than that idiot Puno."

"Then I'm really, really embarrassed." Ye Lin was ashamed. He had reason to believe that if Cyrus hadn't fully recovered his strength and restrained his trembling thoughts, he would definitely step on his face.

While she was venting her emotions, she barely kept a bottom line.

"It's quite embarrassing, but you are right. The younger generation...even in ten or a hundred years, there may not be a genius better than you. I honestly believe this."

She grabbed his collar and pulled him up like he was dragging garbage, and supported his neck with the other hand. He kissed him so painfully that the skin of his lips was bitten and bleeding.

Cyrus' eyes seemed to be burning with fire. What was hidden under her cold little face was not gentleness like water or shyness and arrogance, but a raging volcano.

"With you, I seem to have a chance to complete the real killing of gods, which is not bad."


His back fell on the bed, Ye Lin silently tilted his head to one side, his eyes widened in disbelief. The weight of one hundred kilograms seemed to rise and fall lightly, but in fact it was a terrifying vise, squeezing his nutrients severely.

A year has passed since Tana became strong. The majestic swordsman was actually perfectly entangled and restrained by the Snake Belly Sword again. He was unable to extricate himself and was at a disadvantage.

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